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stone the bear Oct 2016
kiss me like the wind,

because i know you won’t dwell.

but i will wait for the leaves to spin again

and fall under your spell.

**For we are Twinned.
MsAmendable Sep 2015
Leather and whisky smoke
Whisping around yesterday's memories
Curling around your face in a haze
And you
Setting the world ablaze
Leather and whisky, smoke
And ashes shifting
That's you
Wow this wasn't supposed to turn out so bitter
WendyStarry Eyes Nov 2018
dareujoe Dec 2014
Red gravel, Dark skies
black, pitch black
where art thou?
where is grace?
As the blindness ensues
a harsh wind starts to bellow.
the cold quickly turns violent
whisping into a tremendous tornado
taking down with a taunting rage
Agony, sweet, Agony
thou shalt not leave me
I wish sometimes I was a man of music.
I see the right side of a tune sometimes and my body seems to feel rythm. My hands and fingers slide over imaginary guitar strings and invisible ivory keys.

My ears vacuum up the sounds of beautiful music, from instruments to midnight breezes.
From simple words to metaphors and phrases.

It seems sometimes my inspiration comes from places that ears perceive as open spaces.
My heart beats to stake it's claim, to find its rythm in a vast world of sounds. A world intricately detailed and expressive. That not only whispers but shouts, that bursts out of the spheres and penetrates the cosmos with sound.

A world as grand and explosive as this, that overflows and spills onto us. Into us, even.

A world like this and my heart beats. To find a heart beating like it's own.
They seem to sound the same, but ears that know the difference can always hear it. whether loud or subtle.

I wish sometimes I was a man of music. Because poems can't seem to write the way my heart beats...
but it does help one to realize the difference, between "beats for" and "beats with."

My heart used to believe it was beating to find some tempo smooth as itself.
But it was beating in tune with someone else's tempo. it was beating with someone who hadn't been heard yet.

I wished I was a man of music, but to be honest, I feel poetry is the only way to properly say that sounds can become trapped. Like an image can be captured, sound is trapped in the wind, and whispered on to the world.

If my heart beats, it is flown on the wind.

If your heart beats, it is flown to the moon and back.

I heard your heart beating some long time ago. When we could hear those things. So my heart started beating in tune.
To find your heart, and let it fly me to the moon.

If I was a man of music, I'd have made a poem to sing to the wind. And it would have drawn you towards me.
But I'm a man of poetry, and all I recall of finding you and trying, was imagining a sound I heard in a dream.

Singing in a spotlight to a single beating heart in an empty auditorium. She stood there strumming upon rays of light, and humming vibrations to the tempo of her heart beat. Mine couldn't help but keep the momentum, but feel the rythm and accept her composure.

Now I hear the same, every time your hands touch me, and your lips whistle melodies into my mind. Things you say get stuck on replay like songs or broken records.

Things we do become sewn into vinyl, as the needle undoes our threads and leaves us naked.
Leaves us whisping through the air, and when the record turns off. You're stuck to me, stuck in my head like strands of smoke from a candle, tangled and gliding into each other.

In other words,
I was never looking for just anybody.
In other words,
I was looking for someone to fly me away, to a place where we already existed together.
In other words,

Not a day goes by that you haven't flown me to the moon.
"Poets often use many words to say a simple thing.
It takes thought and time and rhyme
to make a poem sing."
- Fly Me To The Moon by Nat King Cole
Keloquial Sep 2012
my aunt,
my beautiful aunt,
my hippie aunt.

the one who gave me a jar of sand and shells and whispered, "don't ever open it, or else the whole sea will spill out".

my aunt who smokes joints and offers it to the birds.
the one who sings on mountain tops, and tells me about her trips.
"i could hear my skin cells whisping past one another",
'parmel gantry they said, parmel gantry i echoed'.

the one who told me her whole existence is based on the fact that a furniture truck delivered a sofa to the wrong house.

my aunt who said when her daughter was young,
14 maybe, she would sneak off and see maryjane.

she said she was on her way to Woodstock,
but her brother, her brother was a cop in new york,
and he 'kidnapped' her,
told her "no, the closest you'll get to those ***** hippies is through this television in the attic."

"but he made me dinner every night, it was wonderful" she said,
"i hadn't seen him in years, we really bonded."

"i had a scholarship to upenn, he didn't want me to lose it"
but she dropped out one week in and moved to oregon.

she married on a commune, and her housemates threw rose petals on the only bed there.

and when that was over, she married another by the same name.

and i've never seen someone laugh so much.
i've never seen someone so happy, so genuinely happy.
Clouds of thought
Gripping tight the skin of my throat
Thick clouds of whisping anxiety and panic;
Upon which I choke!

Smoke of insanity
Of eyes shifting in a sandstorm around the room, always. Forever.

I choke.

I stumble. I choke.

The taste of blood from obsessive consistency becomes momentarily, forever.

The hatred I feel for my experience is forever, momentarily.

Clouds of panic grip my mind.
Clouds of anxiety gag my throat.
Clouds of obsession rob my time.
Clouds of sorrow **** me slowly.

Upon clouds, I choke.
Gary Suarez Jul 2011
Over the ridge, round the bend.
Through the weeds and palm trees,
lies the trail that never seems to end.

There you’ll see the stones,
for hobbling and hopping over the creek.
But be careful, many tend to turnover
On those who wish to seek.

Now comes the scent.
Exotic and enthralling.
Whisping through the air aimlessly.
Like the dandelion seeds that have gone and went.

Then there’s the waterfall.
Mystic, wonderful and serene.
My oasis, my sanctum, my serenity
Meg B Jul 2014
I love the sound
of fresh papers
as they come
crinkling and
crackling out of
the package,

the aroma
of citrus and earth,
sweet smelling grass,

the sensation
of stickiness,
dulled spikes
of fresh stems,

the sight
of red orange flames
lapping up
crisp white paper,
of translucent
gray smoke
out of the small
opening of a pipe's mouthpiece,

the taste
of wisdom, sage, and ash,
vaporizing my insides,
filling my lungs
and brain
full of poetic fumes;

I love to break
roll you up,
set you ablaze,
vaporizing my insides,
filling my heart
and brain
full of poetic fumes.

I love to
off you;

I don't want

Meg B Nov 2014
Melodies come whisping out
of my speaker,
engulfing my mind with a haze
almost as thick
as the one I just
inhaled, clouding my brain
with all the thoughts I push away
in my attempts to live my
unlonely life
when the depth of my soul hankers
for the carnation blooming
at the deepest depths
of your confused persona,
and the moment I find my heart
scrambling free,
reaching for its life in the midst
of gathering strength to likely break
another, you come around
one more moment,
and the springs I loaded beneath
my quivering ankles,
they unlock and unload,
melting me right back into your
rhythm and blues,
and I inhale that curiosity,
snorting and convulsing,
shivering hard against my uncontrollable
goose-bumped arms
as I fall back into your chorus
and verse three
repeats the reprise
of the
first verse
I ever heard.
Tina ford Jun 2015
When the sun sets on the Mersey bank,
And the clouds have gone to sleep,
When the promenade falls quiet and still,
The Mersey fairies peep,

When the tide has left for fairer shores,
And the boats are at their berth,
When the moon shimmers on the silvery bed,
They appear from the ancient earth,

Like fireflies beneath the dock,
They search through fields of mud,
Finding objects to take back home,
Like bottle tops and wood,

They flutter on the river breeze,
They're carried to the wreck,
They stay and play here for a while,
Throwing pebbles from the deck,

Whisping in and out of trees,
And flying up the street,
They stop outside a cottage door,
And wipe their muddy feet,

They creep in through the broken frame,
Into the cottage mill,
The smell of burning coal is strong,
They settle on the sill,

They warm their fragile bodies,
And shake about their wings,
Their comforts interrupted,
By an angelic voice that sings,

Upstairs there is a little girl,
Who combs her locks so long,
They watch with eyes of gold and green,
As she continues with her song,

The sprites see their reflection,
In the looking glass afoot,
They see their muddy faces,
Their clothing full of soot,

They scarper pretty quickly,
And cause a noisy thud,
They whisp and fly there way back home,
There home beneath the mud.
Heike Borgard Jun 2014
***** the wil-'o-the-wisp sadly sat at home
for he was young and much too small
to roam the swamp alone

He wanted to be an elusive light
mysterious, misguiding and haunting the night.
„Oh swamp“ he whined „it all goes so slow
I don't want to stay home – please help me to grow!“

„Shut up, little ones, enough of that weeping“
bubbled the swamp and then started sleeping
„Oh not again“ the old tree moaned  as ***** burst out in tears
and raised his branches left and right
to cover up his ears.

Meanwhile a burglar with Police had a battle
with a big bag of loot he had to skedaddle
into the swamp  and lost the way.

He watched out for a guiding light
but all he found was crying *****
(wil-o'-the whisping really not bright)

„What's that?“ the burglar snidely asked
„a lousy glooming firefly?
can't even light my cigarette
get out of my way  little bug“
and  proceeded to pass by.

This now was too much for *****'s pride
(teenagers often  freak out)
He drew himself to his fullest height
and he shouted loud:
„listen you mean and human thing – I am no dim-lit light!
Beware of the rage of an wil-o'-the wisp!“
and then he run completely wild

„Hear what I will bring to you
first death then pain and sorrow
I'll **** you first then chase you down
for you there's no more tomorrow
I'll lead you into deepest swamp to a puddle of mud
and when you start to drown in it – I'll watch you in cold blood“

(if we were picky in logic and order we surely now have to complain
but let's close an eye for he is still very young – back to the story again)

Inspite all efforts and *****'s threats
the burglar did not catch a word
(wil-o'-the-wisping as language is not very common
and therefore not often heard)

Let's say (to help our ***** a bit)
the burglar was slightly confused
so nothing much happend
until the swamp woke up
and swamp was not amused

„Who dared to disturbe my holy sleep?“
he blubbered with utmost grim
*****'s finger pointed out to the burglar then
and he sheepishly squeaked „that was him!“

Swamp did not hesitate too long
burglar sank into swamp to a place deep and stealthy
(for medical reasons we have to admit  
this can't be considered as healthy)

In the next days ***** did not no more complain
to spend some more time at home
as he learned one thing this very day:
there are many ways that lead to Rome.

(©Heike Borgard 2014)
humor smile  Wil-o'-the-wisp swamp burglar
Paul Rousseau Jun 2012
The passenger window was coaxed down
Creating a vacuum
From the outer orb of the car
    Whisping violently to the back seat.
I imagined this accumulated mass of air giving me directions
Just as my mother would.
          “Next left”
Turning my head back to the road
The stoplights were my own private assortment of fireworks, it being so late in the night
I was their sole admirer.  The sound that the wind now made reminded me of the
Shutter of an old camera, looped, repeated, into one single strand of noise.
I was being documented. Perhaps nature is just as fascinated with us as
Pulling up to the driveway, the car and I were eaten and digested.
Every living and inanimate thing around me was taking photos.
With their hands over their mouths, politely, like a secret crush.
Fame doesn’t bother blades of grass.
Meg B May 2014
Puffy white clouds
whisping by,
above my hometown,
I gaze
out the
viewing screen
choking back tears,
revisiting the
on the beacon of
riding the aircraft
away from
what was,
only to return
fully in bloom.
Redshift May 2013
it's a beautiful day outside
the sun is lilting over the trees
those weird fuzzy seeds
that get up your nose
whisping through the air
the manicured grass
i'd go out
and enjoy it all
if i weren't so
ugly inside
Gary W Weasel Jr Feb 2012
He dances with dames and dresses all
Donning the tuxedo to shame the penguin
Whisping in mystery in coattails around.
He's the talk of tycoons, bumble of business
His scalp itches with flakes of gold.

Above his pristine he is true genuine
Motives pure with a smile of pearls
His benign benevolence abounding in love
A voice of warmth, soothing and true
Many a hand will lie upon his chest.

And even upon conclusion of clamber,
This mask remain affixed upon him.
Jealousy overwhelmed the raccoon at sight,
For the drive of desire for his mask
Runs parallel to seeking honor of a medal.

Yet when the moon is nigh at repose
This masked man, the valiant benefactor,
Dares to die and dance with the devil
And be consumed with torment in dreams
Waking to don the mask, hiding again.
February 13, 2012 @ 2:11pm CST
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2010
Whirling, whisping, talking, hissing
It whispers to me with harsh, cold lips
It hints with smooth, sharp statements
Long, drawn out tales of romance

It speaks to me, telling me where it has been
Stories of travel, love, and despair
It speaks to me, the wind, but I do not understand
I know to care, so I listen further

Through this cluttered conversation
She tells me where she is and what she wants
Where she has been weathers me
Whipped, waned, and windspent
I know the door you're
Speaking of,

And you're right.
It is
Shut -


Love seeps through,
Overtaking my view,
Breathing promises
No looks back.


Red emotion
Slips through,
Obscuring my view,
With such ease,
Right through the

I feel gusts of
Whisping bits of me to

The spaces you wish
We'd go -

Though it's the
Heavier parts
That can't quite start

Flying -

Of the

Ways to go.


It's Me

That gets
Left behind.
Emma Johnson Nov 2012
dust swimming in the afternoon sun

from the thump of a leg against sheets

a woken body adjusting itself

among the nest of cotton

and tangles of a lover’s legs

dust freeing itself

from the covers of a long day’s sleep

whisping through the air

blowing from the curtains

ebbing with the rise and fall

of steady breathing

in the afternoon sun

sleeping bodies awakening

the dust all around them
brandon nagley May 2015
Lung's whisping, one dying last breathe,
To lay this burdened chest on a cold plattered pillow.

Curruption enters man's last wishes, for the stains bypass your notches,  yet you can be made white as snow! Not as trolls..

Digest of edgy commentary, the world's getting scary, and you pay attention to thy media?

Strength hammered, models glamour,
As if their degrees are higher than yours...

I roll on shore, a midlife crisis ship, sir Lancelot? For how did you loose thine grip?
What's wrong? Lusting got the best of you,
Following the demons, clay scultped, you shrew...

A sword of enlightening to foretell coming days,
You animal in a cage, you can be free as the hybrid you've obtained..
Carson Elliott Oct 2016
One man standing in a world left to ruin, darkness is as abundant as the wind whisping and blowing trying to clear the sent of deceit...

Barely standing, still fighting the pull of the earth and the weight of the pain, he slides the sword out of his heart, each inch just as painful as the latter ****** in.

Images of love being torn apart deep rooted, but cut in half by the blade in his heart.

Knees start to shake under the weight of the pain, the earth opens wide in birth of more black, ready, awaiting this new brother, the darkness is winning the weight forever increasing...

The body cannot go on, it wields nor strength for the struggle and starts to submit the darkness....

But the soul cannot give, it is a stone rooted in freedom that is unbreakable,
it swells,
fights pushing back as the earth crumbles beneath.

Alas the soul, so rooted in freedom unwilling to accept the dark pushes out, and up and around overwhelming the dark, the hurt, the pain and the earth until there is nothing, only freedom, pure and blinding.

The soul,
unwilling to give in, unwilling to hurt, unwilling to die, was reborn......
Julia Sep 2014
I wish I were a cloud
Whisping freely away
With no intent to stay
Leaving as I please
Pacing with the breeze
Paleblueyes Jun 2014
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe you're just toying with the invisible girl
She doesn't quite exist until you touch her
Until you face down her demons eye to eye and tell her you love her then
When she's alone and broken and disappearing from this world
Will you grab at her ghost like it was your last breath
To keep her from whisping away
Hello Daisies Feb 2019
Green peace and trees
Orange leaves and sun
Following the blonde strands
Whisping along

Deep reds and purples
Blue mystic lakes
Diving into brunette silk
Marching forward

Friendship and tears
Trust built into love
Bonding a legend
No man could ****

Dragons and ancient tongues
Wars and proud kings
Deep into crimson red
Flowing royal death

Secrets and mysteries
The future and the past
Destiny and youth
Tied around your heart

The love of a man
The tears of a loss
Broken soul holding on
To a gold warrior
Ever so strong

Bittersweet as a broken heart
Like friends who grew a part
Keep it inside your soul forever more
Just don't let the sadness keep you
On the floor
Hi yes i love the show merlin and the legends of king arthur
Emily Jones Feb 2015
You say Im crazy
But Ive known what you've done
Thrown out your arms into the blaze
Eatting up desire
Like the forbidden eden I feel the lash of betrayal
That falls from your lips
And like an addict I cannot reject you
For the burn is to good
Without it I'm nothing
Your sickness is my awakening
I fly high on your love
Eyes rolling in the sharp bliss
Fluttering like humming wings
Washing that stinging warmth
Flooding like the whisping smoke
To.      B UR ST
    That ache
That both kills me and takesme beyond words
Shaking thoughts from my head like a nest full of angry bees
S c a t t e r i n g
Leaving it bare that secret flesh
Inspired by sam smith
Industrial Death Mar 2018
Along the path of blood and bone
The wrath of war had there been shown.
Thick the jungles perilous sway
Where moans of perishing souls guide the way.
The corpses of a 1,000 sing their final breath
Before descending unto death.
Darkened woods amid the silent wind
The vultures sing to every thumping chest.
As friend and foe lye beneath trees shaky bend
A ray of light now lingers from the west.
Brighter than a raging fire
Casting hope in eyes of despair.
Beneath the whisping leaves illumined the ****** mire An oceanic melody begets among the midnight air.
“Afar this light from a goddess a beauty gleam?”
Speaks a man in bitter glee against a rotten bow.
Though wonted silence dispute his sight and sound as a dead mans dream.
The thickened air grips his lungs and hope returns to woe.
Broken legs and a shattered wrist
Writhing away with a punctured chest.
Death... his fate he kissed.
The silver veil of the moon he did attest.
A bright blue aura thickened and grew, charming to the sight.
“Child, do not crown thy head with thorns of death.”
A voice void of body spoke soft from the radian light.
Quick he welled to draw a final breath: “Yemanya?”
“Hither to me, so I may kiss the suns wedded twin
And caress me with thy luminal skin.”
Silence sounded yet again.
As every moan subsided slowly
The blue haze descended from the light.
“How may a being arrive to a sight so unholy.”
Then a manifest angelic force spoke in her precious might.
“Do not fret, it is thy goddess, Yemanya.”
With a hand from the silken misted skin
Caressing his wounds so from death he may be free.
Full in form manifest, beauty of body and sight, that hath not yet been.
With her warm embrace
She kissed his face.
Free now from his deadly ill
Guided to the ocean by the aura, through his newfound will.
Saved from the ravaged land
He closed his eyes and clutched the wetted sand.
The angelic sight did now leave
But in remembrance
The moon held bright, in light of Yemanya.
Jessica Burgess Oct 2016
It's now the fall
The snow will soon fall
The sun hardly matters at all
When it's fall the leaves change
They see to arrange into
Different patterns on the ground
And you hardly hear a sound except
For the sound of the whisping wind
It faintly sounds as it blows
Though it doesn't show
It makes us cold
For this is
winter Jun 2022
my childish nightmares
have started to come to life
creeping around the corner,
down the stairway
dark endless rooms with no doors
to exit or enter
launched into nothing
by an impossible swing

the dark

as death waits outside the window i
can't help but feel it coming back to me
shadows beginning to dance
exactly like they used to
whisping and waltzing
but most of all
watching, waiting
reassuring me that the end is
quite familiar
the end is
a dream
of a long ago girl
so new to life
so close to death
having only spent as much time
as she ever could or will

death is a lot like how it was before you were born

i'm fortunate, in that
i have a good memory
i'm unfortunate, in that
i can remember the pain
the longing
being late to the party
being a whisperer of stars

being so



the dark

— The End —