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Jami Samson May 2014
Brood of the journey,
Offspring of adventure;
Cradled in a crib
Of boat rides and bus drives,
Rocked in time with teenage nursery rhymes,
A million miles per hundred hour,
Marking dashed lines
Across the Philippine map
From Region IV-A
To Region V,
For four summer daysprings
And five summer nightfalls.
My umbilical cord recoiled in loops,
Through the roller coaster road,
Under the waterfall expressways,
Bumper-to-bumper with the hills,
Baby on board;
Pulled in my diesel pushcart,
Back to the womb of my motherland
And into the water that once broke
To give me my own air.
But I haven't breathed better until
Now that I swim again in her salty seasac.
How I have long starved my feet
Of her creamy sand
Which the skin between my toes
Suckle like breastmilk.
How short it has taken
For her colors to change
From seagreen in the dawn,
To aquamarine by ripe daylight,
To turquoise in the afternoon,
And to teal blue by dusk,
Upon having me in her arms.
I was as happy as a clam
When a welcome party was thrown
By the fish residence
And I was reunited
With my crustacean playmates
And their echinoderm pals.
During my stay,
I had the whistles of the sea breeze
As my morning wake-up call,
And by night
The sky is my ceiling,
Decorated with star glitters
And one would fall everytime
To turn off my night light
While the waves would splash
A cool blanket on me.
I would go on treasure hunts
To find the lost seashells;
Raiding coast-to-coast of the boundary,
Declaring tug-of-war,
Jumping in with both feet
And holding my breath,
Fighting the careless Captain Current
And his crew of buccaneers
Attacking in foams and spumes,
And I was unwavering,
Yanking the *****
To victory.
With Merleau-Ponty,
To be free is to be situated;
But with these marlins,
It is dancing on the ocean floor.
Take it from the jellyfishes
Who just go with the flow
And follow the tide
Whether if it meant
Being washed ashore
Or sinking in the deep,
As long as their tentacles
Are free.
One day I visited
The underwater kingdoms;
Parts of Atlantis
Dispersed into an archipelago.
The Coral Cave,
Land of the soft and stony;
There lives the family
Of jelly-prickled corals
Who are all slimes and tickles,
Among their relatives,
The rose reefs,
Who are red as petals
But rough as thorns.
The Boulder Territory,
A colossal chamber castle
Filled with all the bathroom stones
To scrub your feet with,
But which upon being rushed in
By the cavalry of billows,
One would bruise themself
On the cliff floors
For fear of the enemy,
The barracuda;
Patroling the dark areas
Of the vicinity,
Lying in wait
For its next victim.
In the neighboring island
Just beyond the shoreline,
Is the Seaweed Seabed;
The base plantation
Of the seagrapes,
Natively Philippine Caviar,
Which are saltwater explosives
In the mouth
That come in bunches
Of crunchy, jelly green beads.
Last but not the least,
The Pebble Desert;
A torrid terrain
Of dunes and dunes of pebbles
Pink, peach, and pearl,
Cool in the eyes
As pastel *****
But hot in the feet
As burning coals.
Sometimes we create
The most beautiful things
To be mirrors of ourselves
Modeled from our brokenness
To cast back
A better image of us
In one piece
And be looked at
As something worth loving
If not something perfect,
And God must have been
Truly in smithereens
As to put together
A whole world of a looking glass
Reflecting His divine entirety
For us, His fallible caretakers
To see Him as someone
Worthy of our love,
Aside from perfect.
And I know that
He knows me too well
To know that
What I really mean to say
Is 'I love you'
When I would rather
Simplicity speak for beauty
And let majesty be mystic,
Than bother forcing
Some not-quite words
To fit His creation.
Even the starfish,
The child of the ocean
And the sky,
A blending of two worlds,
Yet still goes out on a limb
To be a part of a third one,
Can't stay too long
Where it doesn't belong,
And we all have to
Go back at some point
To the place
We just couldn't call home
Because we're always looking
For somewhere else.
But I have come to find
That home is not really where,
But who you're with.
So I shall never have to worry
For the Earth is three-fourths water
And the body is fifty percent of it;
The ocean and I
Will always share
The same whole.
#52. May.23.14
RixusPrime Oct 2018
I've been burnt so many times,
and hurt with so many lies.
The path that I walk tells a tale of so many crimes.
And the scars in my heart hold memories of darker times.

Stupid, I was! I lived like a cat with nine lives.
Ignorant I stayed! A fool who accepted numerous lies.
Bedazzled by their smiles, who knew they were but deceitful wiles.
And for long I remained, a captive of worthless slimes.

For all the tears I shed and all the feelings I spared, I couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever cared.

As a tool for their filthy cause,
I wondered if this was a result of an unknown curse.
For neither was I pure of heart
or saintly in character.
This could be the reason for my life's disaster.
Sean Fitzpatrick Dec 2013
Dimes times, dimes times
A little better off than Lennie's pennies
Grimes threw thymes, fines
For thin lines
Into the giving ***,

Crime slimes, crime slimes
Poorer than peeling off ***** pauper
Wines and dines, limes
For fat kinds,
Into the waiting rot

Mines mine, mines mine
Sames the games we've all been playing
Shines sharp pines, rhein
Same all the time,
Unto the wading well
The going gets tough in my mind.
Dedicated to those who love to laugh and rhyme.
Love you. ~:o)
To-night I tread the unsubstantial way
That looms before me, as the thundering night
Falls on the ocean: I must stop, and pray
One little prayer, and then - what bitter fight
Flames at the end beyond the darkling goal?
These are my passions that my feet must read;
This is my sword, the fervour of my soul;
This is my Will, the crown upon my head.
For see! the darkness beckons: I have gone,
Before this terrible hour, towards the gloom,
Braved the wild dragon, called the tiger on
With whirling cries of pride, sought out the tomb
Where lurking vampires battened, and my steel
Has wrought its splendour through the gates of death
My courage did not falter: now I feel
My heart beat wave-wise, and my throat catch breath
As if I choked; some horror creeps between
The spirit of my will and its desire,
Some just reluctance to the Great Unseen
That coils its nameless terrors, and its dire
Fear round my heart; a devil cold as ice
Breathes somewhere, for I feel his shudder take
My veins: some deadlier asp or cockatrice
Slimes in my senses: I am half awake,
Half automatic, as I move along
Wrapped in a cloud of blackness deep as hell,
Hearing afar some half-forgotten song
As of disruption; yet strange glories dwell
Above my head, as if a sword of light,
Rayed of the very Dawn, would strike within
The limitations of this deadly night
That folds me for the sign of death and sin -
O Light! descend! My feet move vaguely on
In this amazing darkness, in the gloom
That I can touch with trembling sense. There shone
Once, in my misty memory, in the womb
Of some unformulated thought, the flame
And smoke of mighty pillars; yet my mind
Is clouded with the horror of this same
Path of the wise men: for my soul is blind
Yet: and the foemen I have never feared
I could not see (if such should cross the way),
And therefore I am strange: my soul is seared
With desolation of the blinding day
I have come out from: yes, that fearful light
Was not the Sun: my life has been the death,
This death may be the life: my spirit sight
Knows that at last, at least. My doubtful breath
Is breathing in a nobler air; I know,
I know it in my soul, despite of this,
The clinging darkness of the Long Ago,
Cruel as death, and closer than a kiss,
This horror of great darkness. I am come
Into this darkness to attain the light:
To gain my voice I make myself as dumb:
That I may see I close my outer sight:
So, I am here. My brows are bent in prayer:
I kneel already in the Gates of Dawn;
And I am come, albeit unaware,
To the deep sanctuary: my hope is drawn
From wells profounder than the very sea.
Yea, I am come, where least I guessed it so,
Into the very Presence of the Three
That Are beyond all Gods. And now I know
What spiritual Light is drawing me
Up to its stooping splendour. In my soul
I feel the Spring, the all-devouring Dawn,
Rush with my Rising. There, beyond the goal,
The Veil is rent!

Yes: let the veil be drawn.
nivek Jan 2017
the BIG BANG was the template
for all subsequent ******* life.
Ramona Argo Aug 2014
My belly, a pimpled basketball, 
puffed with pasta, 
and my chest, just a hoop and a net, swishing wine through.
Spent my last ***
on cookies and cakes
stuffing my cheeks in backwards
with gushing gobs and slushy slimes.
I go mad like a fat queen.
my hot mouth, 
now a thick, cocoa-creamy swirl, 
as it turns into a custard-filled pastry of its own. 

I do what I can to feel bliss among ****.
Try to ignore the flies fizzing like seltzer.
The candy wrappers scattered wherever 
like broken-into envelopes.
I feel a large thumb press, press, press
my skull to my ankles. 

Tossing chocolate chunks square into
my throat like bozo buckets.
After a while
It stops being "eating"  
and turns into a factory of into me and out of me.
In the end, the delicious part always gets too salty and 
salt over salt is trash
and nothing stays
an ****** for more than a couple 
pinches of this or that.

my body yells at me, because it wants nothing more but to 
**** devil-face with those teeny-tiny, delicious
throbbing minutes. 
I can't feel my life
and so I have to eat dinner on the floor.
Curtis Lindsay Jun 2013
the beach is for losing yourself*
i ask you what manner of man or beast could ignore its siren song
it dragged our silly smiles across the sand
feet trailing giddily behind us
we slipped wearied into the warm unceasing avalanche
and a year was washed away
in the thunderous salt rinse

the beach is for best friends and for beer
it is for games beneath the stars
while a plankton metropolis fluoresced underfoot
and a meteor grazed the spine of leo
we slumbered through brooding rains
that slunk away when we awoke to stare them down
white shapes cast slender shadows on the reeds at noon
sea breezes crooned tunes every child has always known
in languages no man will ever understand

the beach is for all of us
last night we dreamt of ancestral slimes marching out of it
today let us plunge in
it is for even creeping snakes and gnawing fleas

but most of all
it is for your glistening face
for two sleepy seagreen eyes accustoming themselves to the bright shores of morning
while your coffee cooled on the camp stove
it is for the sheen of your wild brown arms
the surf of your laughter
words with which you filled a quiet moment
circling in my mind like gulls over the harbor

yes most of all
most of all
it is for you
speeding down the narrow cape
i was beside you
tapping in tandem with your electronic music
realizing more with every pastel cottage flickering by
that you had found me
and i had never felt
so *safe
abcdefg Mar 2012
I wonder if "writer's block" refers to a block like
a kindergarten alphabet piece,

or a


that slimes up the street
like an unsavory garden creature.

(you only have to walk one block...)

Sometimes it feels like writer's monolith,
a monument puncturing the sky,
collecting clouds like cotton candy


like watching a black hole devour a star.

Have you seen
how that happens?

First, the star inches closer

(not a smile from the abyss,
not even the flash of teeth),

and stretches its arms out,
strings of light pour from it's body,
reminiscent of silver spilling
from a fairy-tale character when
their soul is stolen.

It smokes and stretches
into the hands of the beast.

You blink, and a mere
millions of years later,
the star is gone.
Camilla Peeters Nov 2018
how have there been nights creating space
a vault of valued silver neck---lace play button play to me
toy tutorial: how to choke me and it is hours after midnight
i am alone in my room uncloaked my pictures upon tiny tiny windows i like to lick the blood out of the slits
grow slimes after midnight like a snail click click the right things and sadden

can i sink my fangs and hydrated as it is
a wet house all of the wallpaper ruined of bottles and of men
i hate that feeling when i put my head down and that is the last thing there is nothing nothing no struggle no bodies and legs
all anger aside i must admit
me all nails and fury me all small fit below the waist die gaily then

has anyone read anything on free will or has anyone stayed or left or has anyone survived can i lend out my own copy of free will two pages high look up the line across my back have you tried to follow me before foresting in motion
**** me in my feelings i have been begging the new moon for a new moon but IT HAS NEVER APPEARED BEFORE ME


AND I FEEL BETRAYED should i always be banned
me me in shadows i am aware i have gotten dark i have not given permission for deep-rope-denied-roulette-gratuit-whir-phantasma


my name is ssssss-sweetness all of a sudden
i stand before you and i am so mad i want to break your face-jaw neck-jaw your everything-jaw my name is pinky pinky and mutilation is satiric and narcissistic GO BECOME SICK OF IT AND I WILL SICK AND **** YOU AND THE HINT IS IT WILL CHANGE NOW THE SMELL IS AWAITED and the blood will be beautiful

and will be replenishing i give me another three months do you like my invention please jealous you until you open again
the demon does not possess me and does not wish to thus i received
in a letter from hell thank you thank you it was miserably ethereal
Onward then does Time ascend the eons it does build
Within the endless void of space which never shall be filled

Deep within the eons past, a Potency there compels
Horrors be extended from Evils which are Hells’

And herein do I dwell within Hell’s castle keep
With keys I do open doors and let the evils creep

Avarice and malfeasance let loose to run amuck
Despair and sorrow following, causing their havoc

Slimes that ooze and glisten with names that you know well
Cultivate and incubate the tribulations that are Hells’

I unleash the Hounds of Hell, in silence do I watch
Devoutly do they search - for souls they will debauch

Hounds of Hell cause someone to bid their soul adieu …
And now, my festered eyes await the soul they’ll bring from YOU!
Marshal Gebbie Jun 2011
Time for chewing sanction chasers
Time for calling out,
All those dogs who run for cover
All the slimes who flout!
Time to spin the wheels of change
To cull the slack who bludge,
Time to look behind the mirror
Spotlight those who fudge.
Time for nailing shirkers
Who employ the wriggle out
Time to hit the finger pointers
And the **** who pout!
Mostly time for settling
This old, outstanding score,
Drop your fool pretence
In standing bare arsed on the floor.
Bare arsed in the spotlight
With your sharpened fangs well drawn,
With talons sprung like drawknives
And your slitted eyes of scorn.
It's time to test your metal
In this avenue of pain,
Time to face your nemesis
Or you’ll NEVER stand again!

On the Razors Edge
Winter Solstice, 2011
Sirenes May 2016
The flowers are in bloom
In this majestic tree
That must have stood here
For decades
It still produces
After all these years

The dandelions gather strength
From the sun and the summer rain
The grass is greener on this side
The bushes that are to bear fruit
Pull their energy from the soil
Tirelessly filling our lungs
With clean air

The sunset is beyond compare
Painting the sky
In all variations of orange and pink
The silence of the approaching dawn
Is only suggested
By the grace of the setting sun

On the bench in this garden
Sat Death casually
Smoking a ***
With a distracted frown on his face
Waving away the passing butterfly
Coughing from the depth
Of his lungs
And spitting out the slimes.
Sister: you look filled with the Spirit and Divinity as you sit there, about to meditate, next to your coffee and cigerettes.

Me: the good thing about spirituality is that there's no one around to judge you.

Sister: judging you right here.
Yenson Dec 2020
The lilies will dance all night
the thimbles not quite so much
for thimble do get tired and the strength
moreover they have errands to run
they've got to go pick on a niga
its the cancel culture in acute action
on the contract to cancel and check
check this, check that, check it all around
check that crow, check that Raven
no oats for mating is not allowed
and how they talk of love and write of love
the cold blooded kind of love
in and out thank you ma'am
exploded in ninety seconds that's the limit
got things to do, got things to distract us
get a crow and clip its wings
that better fun than dancing around
its the Leninist manifesto for us
we've got the gifts that keeps on giving
we are the tops in Europe, we are super
come join the party and our revolution
come love and have fun but not that one
we have cancel him out without reprieve
but you know what mates
I do not miss being disallowed at your party
I ain't crying hurting or pining
hurray to the great unwashed
hurray to the slimes with gifts
but no thank you
SUPER gonorrhoea is on the rise as the highly infectious and drug-resistant bug may become untreatable. Untreated, super gonorrhoea can lead to a five-fold increase of *** transmission and eye infections that may lead to blindness.
The CDC reports infections have increased by 63% since 2014, and up to five million people in the US could be infected with gonorrhoea in 10 years.

The UK has the highest gonorrhoea rate in Europe, and there could be more than 420,000 new cases every year by 2030.“Such a situation can fuel emergence of resistance in gonorrhea including gonorrhea superbug (super gonorrhoea) or gonorrhoea with high level resistance to current antibiotics recommended to treat it.”

They added: “Resistant strains in gonorrhoea continue to be a critical challenge to STI prevention and control efforts.”
kelvin mungai May 2016
I lay there dying
With my mind wrapped in agonizing knots
Endeavouring to unravel the ardous mysteries of life
Resounding bangs wrecked my temple
With soul confined in fabric mesh of guilt wallowing in a limbo painted with slimes of  failures
   my third eye could glimpse spewed papers spilled ink and broken pens all baying for a piece of my inner being
   The mission i had forsaken was baring it fangs ready to devour me
   As i lay there dying it dawned to me the  the race was over i was hanging in a ravine with judgement at the finish line awaiting my selfish soul
rivulet of ink soaked my **** skin sizzling and corroding my flesh the pain was unwritable  misty wraith  shrouded my eyes snatching away my last moment sight of the beautiful sun
   I lay there with no sense of time laboured breath managed to escape my nasal cavity heartbeat drummed skimply giving me a last chance to make peace with my fate
Inside my restless heart my soul was dying
A cold heat was drying my old *****
My final dying wish tried to escape through my clenched
I lay there trying to push the smell of death through my cracked throat
As i chocked with foul air of all the wrongs i had commited
My mask and guise that had obscured my face peeled away seething away my melalin baring my true identity to world masses
Numbed thoughts clogged my mind soaking the reality and waterlogging my six sense
I lay there with needles of truth jabbing every inch of my flesh
In hell demons remixed a dirge with my name reminding me i belonged in abyss
As i lay there dying a wraith of mist shrouded my whole being reminding me of all the darkness inside me weighing me down remindind me i had to die n e ever rise again
I lay there dying
Wondering how many will be left crying
Farida Ezzat Dec 2012
I need to leave this place.

They call it hell sometimes

Or life.

Infinite. But I need more space

For creativity; some deadly crimes.

One knife.

Impossible. Our vomiting human race.

Bloodsucking; it slimes.

Our wife.

I need to rip my face.

Your poem never rhymes.

My strife.
Clinton Arneson Jun 2015
A scratching jeer from oblivion below;
it slithers, slimes an ascent to sow ~

from chasm's brim, a hateful throw
the seeds of lies, stupidity, woe ~

they scatter, skitter, to and fro;
sink subtle roots to sickly grow ~

upon her heart and mind this foe
seeks to beat her; tear her low

~ ~ ~

Leaden soul, stung by sin;
she leans toward this chasm's brim;
her eyes, through blur, on black within
she feels the pull...
...of plunging in

To join the dark and scorning din;
to seek her balm in demon kin
to let them know, with evil grin
she let them win...
she let them win...
...and upon her heart
with vicious pin
she'll seal
in steel,
impervious skin

~ ~ ~

A conflict stirs.
She stays behind.

A sense occurs.
She has her mind.

Her heart is hers.
Her soul, unsigned.

~ ~ ~

She slowly stands, her pain and all;
her voice commands her not to fall

it cracks as whisper, keening, small;
and kills the ******* one and all

For they who feed on fear and hate;
they who seek our souls to bait;
do so that they might conflate
by other's pain
in vain
themselves upon a higher state...

...but when they find an ounce of weight
of courage, dear
they dissipate

~ ~ ~

And as the silence thereby grows
she feels their absence, and she knows
their secret hers to now expose:

the pain they sought
for to impose
belonged to them
and they propose
to use her soul
I now disclose
as means by which
their pain dispose

She whirls about upon her toes
upon a better path she goes
Rowan S Jan 2019
Why do I slide?
Slide down a rabbit hole, Alice's hole, Layne's hole
A burial of open air, dirt imagined, smothering the thought
that slipping into any other pool besides this self-administered poison
is directed squarely at others, not me, oh god not me.
A brain's bitterness more toxic than vinegar on the tongue
Misery that slimes, oozes, creeps, and constricts every thought
My thoughts, not my own, converting my hands to someone else's
And I watch. Trapped. Sliding down the now speeding *****.
That which stalked and surprised, but I cannot blame.
Cannot predict. Cannot battle. I'm slanted.
Slated to slip down slides of sloth, slowly.
Shredding into sharpening shouts, shifting into panic.
Pleas. Please. Pleasing Pleas.
Can't cope, can't cut, can't control.
Wait. At the bottom is a light.
But whether to heaven or hell
This purgatorial slide carries me all the way
A poem I wrote on the verge of a panic attack. The formatting when I wrote it is quite literally "slanted", and angled diagonally down the page, and the lines were not spaced out. It was stream of consciousness and I had no time to consider poetic merit. I've had to incorporate phrasing based on afterthought. The vast majority of these poems have non-coherent thoughts included in them, and I'm only posting ones that could be seen as still somewhat cogent.

**Layne in this poem is of course a reference to Layne Staley. I had a roommate at this time who played a beautiful cover of the Alice in Chains song "Nutshell, that I was obsessed with.**
kelvin mungai Jun 2016
Let cheat the night
And Strip under the moonlight
Make the glowing stars jealous
As my palm spanks your ***
Plant your luscious lips upon mine
And taste the product of my gold mine
Let the universe sing at our awe
While you ****** my breath away
Let me labor as i beg for more
As your sensation takes me to ecstasy  door
Trace my mophology
With concentration like you are studying biology
Read My contours,
As my hands take a tour on yours
Let lust burst our love glands
And Wait for momento to land

Lets cross the line
With our whines
As we spice up the night with moans
Gasps and frozen groans
Let our bodies mould
As my pecker roves in your mold
One we become
As the armosphere calm
Deeper let me explore
Motivate me let me not slow
With lust lets as glow
As the night bow
Iet us paint the midnight with slimes of sin
Before the sun rises and naked be seen
Let us sing
As our ****** start raining
Ashley Martin Apr 2018
I feel sick.
Tumults of nerves
Upon my conscious shores.
Of endless misery
Make my insides sore.

I feel weak.
Drafts of fear
Within my shaking bones.
Of quiet anxiety
Colder than the age old stones.

My stomach is too full of stones,
My face too full of blood,
My heart too full of mud,
My soul too full of dark.

Where did I even start?
What beginning is mine?
Why do I pretend I’m fine?
Where do I begin?
When will it finally win?
Why can’t I let go?
Why can’t I ever hope to show what is trapped inside my heart
This desire to be a part
Of something better than me?
What is better?
What can I be?

Why can’t I separate these two Golden masks,
One side is nothing but a cast of false brass,
One side is nothing but a shell of empty gold,
An image of beauty hiding a lesser self,
The other is pure but only a little.

Reality is fickle,
Falsity is a mistress to all.

The night reveals temptation,
The day reveals the fall.

Drip, drip, drip,
It creeps and drips and climbs,
Up my throat this vile creature slimes.
Its tingling fingers grip

I feel sick
Big Virge Feb 2020
So I Was Told The Other Day ...
That ... CERTAIN Things I Had To Say ...

REALLY Were NOT ... " NECESSARY " ... !!!!!

Did I Say Something SCARY Is Now ALL I Can Think ... !?!
But TRUTH Be Told ... The Answer's NO ... !!!

Because Here's The Thing ... !!!
I Merely EXPLAINED With ... MUCH RESTRAINT ... !!!
That Promises Made Had NOT Been Kept ... !!!
So My Wordplay ... Is Because I'm VEX ... !!!

If They'd Come CORRECT ...
There'd Be NO STRESS ...

What Do People Expect ... ?!?
That You Will Stay Cool Be CALM And COLLECT ... !!!
Your Thoughts When You Have PAID These FOOLS ... ?!?

These Days I DO ... !!!
But It's NECESSARY For Me To SPEAK My PIECE ... !!!!!

Which Is Where This Story Takes A TURN ...
And Where Allegory ... Now FILLS These Words ...

See It's NEVER Necessary When Things Get HEAVY ... !?!
Because Movements ... AREN'T STeaDy ... !!!!!

From Mister ... " EVER READYS " ...
Who CLEARLY LACK The Belly ...
To STOP Shaking Like JELLIES ... !!!!

"Oh, can you pay me some money now ?"

"But you've always said, I shouldn't talk about ?"

"That was before I saw the flaws
of being, ******, by those on boards !"

"Okay man cool, you've done for me, so i'll do for you !"

See There's MUCH Allegory Within THIS Story ... !!!

Hidden Truths That Give You PROOF ...
That What IS Necessary ... Is Being ASTUTE ... !!!
And Doing What You're ... SUPPOSED To DO ... !!!!!!!

WITHOUT ..................................... " Excuses " ......
Because The TRUTH Is ...
Nowadays .... That EXHIBITS Looseness .... !!!!!

Is THAT ... " NECESSARY " ... ?!!!?
Being Away With The Fairies ... !?!

I Find THAT To BE ... SCARY ... !!!
So NOW I'm ... ALWAYS WARY ... !!!

When People SWITCH And SHOW A GLITCH ... !!!!!
That REPEATEDLY ... They DO NOT FIX ... ?!!!?

But YET ...
STILL They're QUICK ...
To Say Your Commentary ...

Just ... " IS NOT NECESSARY ! " ...

When You EXPOSE THEIR PISH' ... !!!

Where Do People NOW Get OFF ... ?!?
With Wrong and STRONG As Their Theme Song ... ?!?!?!?

To Try To Make Them ... " Get Along " ... ?!?
It's Such A SHAME When Peeps' REFRAIN ...
From Being STRAIGHT UP ....
And Doing The Stuff That's CLEARLY DUMB ... !!!!!

Like TRYING To RUN Their STUPID GUMS ... !!!
To COVER Flaws WITHIN Their Jaws ...
That SLOWLY GNAW RIGHT To Their CORE ... !!!!!

CONFRONTATION's Part of LIFE ... !!!
When Things YOU DO Bring Others ... STRIFE ... !!!!!

DON'T EVEN TRY ... !!!

When You Start MESSING WITH Mans' Mind .....
Get To CONFESSING Before You FIND ...
Yourself In A BIND That You DON'T LIKE ... !!!!!!

But .....

DON'T Think THESE Types CANNOT Be ... " Nice " ... !!!
SOME Are Cool And DON'T BREAK The Rules ...
For QUITE Some Time ...........................................................

BELIEVE ... It's True ... !!!

But When You FIND Their CRIMES REWIND ...
It's Time To Make Moves And Say ............. GOODBYE ......... !!!

And KEEP It Moving With ... NO BRUISING ... !!!!
EXCEPT Of Course ... INSIDE The Minds ...
of Those I Now Call ... " Mr. SLIMES' " ... !!!!!

We ALL EXPOSE From Time to Time ...
That Part of Our Bones Where SLIME Resides ... !!!

But TRUTH Be TOLD ... It NEEDS To DIE ..... !!!!!!
As Does The Talk of Types That REALLY Should NOT FLY ... !!!!!!

These SUCKERS Should Be ... WARY ...
Cos' They KNOW In Truth That It's Their Moves ...

That Just ... AREN'T ...

..... " NECESSARY " .....
Personal events sometimes, drive me to write, and such an event inspired these rhymes.
Yenson Mar 2021
Hello Clone
my dear old friend
you've pleaded again for my help
you've said 'speak up for me, speak up for you'
but Cloney this is about you and very little about me
yes, we look alike and sound alike
maybe walk alike and smile alike
but in all honesty
that's about it

You know right from the start
there were three of us
there's me
there's you Cloney
and there's them East End Gangsters and their flying monkeys
or the duped Useful Idiots, as some would call them
them gangsters and extortionist made you up Cloney
I just sat and watched, you Clone is who they dipped in the ****

Don't get me wrong, I am empathic and do see and know
how wrong, unjust, unfair and evil all these narcissistic psychos
are doing
but I have always given criminals and sad sick evil finks
a very wide berth so I do not their ways, style or even their language
scums, slimes, spivs, chancers, thieves, bullies, and gangsters don't impress me much, neither do ignorant weak useful idiots
we all live in different worlds

Clone I know they made you up
or 'fitted you up' as they put it in their street parlance
they've been throwing mud at you, character assassination
slander, defamation, misinformation and misrepresentation
discrediting you, degradation and trying to humiliate you
all because of their guilt and shame

They were criminals who stole from me and I stood up to them
they know they were caught bang to rights and they are guilty
they live in shame, disgrace and fear
they just have never been able to rest easy
so they need to bluff, intimidate, discredit and spread their miseries
they say 'attack is the best form of defence
its the criminals' way of life, its how they live, its what they do

So Clone, I'm sorry at what they're doing to you
I have watched all this wishing I could help in some way
despite it all being very close to me I have managed to keep at arms length
these're  pathetic contemptible people with nothing going for them
there's really no comparisons between me and pond dwellers

I've never been the lowlife that steals from my neighbour
never been an alcoholic druggie needing to steal to buy drugs
or thieving frustrated ******* trying to sell their bodies to the black man next door
like I stated, its a life or world I know little about
and that drives them into volcanic rages  
you Clone have been selected as sacrificial lamb at the altar
of Pond life, Crooks, Guttersnipes, the Displaced and Vulgarism
all I can do is pray for you
and fight my boredom
Yenson Dec 2018
The day a putrid gang of thieving bleachers
unwashed illiterate dunces
with crooked teeths and pallow skins
who won't seek gainful employment
but go around stealing from lawful people
intimidate and terrify me
is the day I turn into a goose

Thieving scums, idle boneheads
yadda yadda writes worthless bleachers
not a single one fit enough to lace my boots
these slimes think they can't knock my confidence
Cowards and prime imbeciles
only strong when ganging up and hidden
Never able to stand on their own two hinds

What can bleachers reprobates say
Dumbos and pathetic weaklings unsurpassed
Disgraceful thieves want to gag  and cower me
Spread your bile, discredit hate and spread your lies
You are crooks, racists and haters, that's your job
Scums and stupefied deluded cowards can't terrorize me
Low-scale bleachers beneath contempt
Rewind back to the days of hip hop real **** to crop
If I should drop before I awake I pray my verses take
Ya higher than rakim follow the leader believer
Of the old tradition hip hop can't be revived jived
By enough phonies can we blame ourselves
Or can we blame the record companies
Big pimpin' most folks still simping I'm rippin'
All DJs ******* up the airwaves with ******* says
They ain't saying nothing no more not even *******
No social commentary rest in peace hip hop
Cemetery see her obituary with past honoraries it varies

Feel like AZ feel only write lyrics that make ya feel
Words to heal feel what I feel this ain't a thrill
Motion reel taking ya throughout hip hops will
Still holding the principles let the steel shield
My universal paradigms dropping dimes crimes
By the industry rap judge charging ya with penalties
Ya guilty with robbery aggravated assault no jury
See y'all flexing jewelry flashing calling money
But the lines disconnected broke the disrespected
Ties with the unseen guys I spot eyes with eyes
Y'all ain't got no crown must be in the ground
Buried with her ex-lover conscious this is bonkers
We screaming war all out at ya fakes loosing weight
Used to be about slammin' doors fine shorties galore
Now ****** rolling with ****** rocking triggers
No longer about gold diggers flexing figures
I'm throwing elbows forget homies over hoes yo

Now some may get super mad envision like Chad
That's the **** C or better yet ODB baby Jesus feel me?
Rocking ya hands with no claps perhaps I'll slap
The next radio stations I see them hesitating waiting
For the next plot of hip hop still living off residuals
Income damaged the stardom stop laying Malcolm's
****** twice they lied too many times slimes
In the ice machine say they ain't out for the greens
But you'll lean out see me spit out a demons snout
Blood baths done best on Sunday round way doomsday
Always take the right away government
Proteges sways in extortion no abortions
Birthed in a collateral world just a small portion
But let's focus back on the grounds of hip hop
Tried to plant my thoughts green still a mic fiend
That rakim yearned for against the world Shakur
A Warrior forever holding the seeds of hip hop
It don't stop until the next chick gets the ***** drop
Cedric McClester Nov 2019
By: Cedric McClester

He avoided Viet Nam
And stayed at home on his can
Because he didn’t give a ****
Now he embraces Uncle Sam
Our soldiers fought the Viet Cong
While he sought to protect his *******
Although that is all kinds of wrong
Because of him, he says we're strong

He seems to pick the oddest times
To exonerate military war crimes
And excoriate those for dropping dimes
On assorted criminals who cross lines
This is the best, and worst of times
For those looking for paradigms
As he posts endless memes and mimes
To ridicule those that he slimes

This besides, but even so
He argues about quid-pro-quo
But it’s extortion, you should know
That his impeachment soon will show
We’ve lost count of broken laws
That he’s committed without pause
And this they say, must be because
The DOJ is full of flaws

As a newscaster once commented
His legacy has been cemented
By angry tweets that he has vented
And the animus that he’s fermented
See what no one has ever refuted
For his position he’s most ill-suited
This is why he must be booted
Before he takes a gun and shoots it

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

      The night fell like a black velvet
Curtain and left me in darkness
The light disappeared as quickly
As the blink of an eye

I found myself pausing as if
Time itself had stopped
For my eyes were slow to focus, like
The pace of a snail as it slimes itself by

As the beams of the Moonlight
Fell upon me like rain, I regained my
Senses quickly, like a flooded river
As it swiftly flows in its rage

I felt the blood rushing through my
Veins pounding in my head like drums
And I felt like I was the center of attention
Like a rock star upon a stage

But soon I felt so calm and peaceful
Like waves softly crashing upon the shore
So know this poem has no meaning except
For my appreciation of the metaphor

Written: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/10/2021
All rights reserved
Yenson May 2019
Too ignorant and arrogant to appreciate
that not all can be plug into their grid
slimes in campaign of 'we ****** him up'
pontificating buffoons playing Controllers in Chief
in the stupefying Cabral of lies, deceits, subterfuge and cons
gangland enforcers thinking all abide and susceptible to their wiles

Malignant minds of the murky scums thinks me semblances as them
go update your manuals of intimidation practices and dodges
a noble blameless mind gives no regards to contemptible dregs
deluded morons imagines hijacking mind and distorting
unaware that they have impacted contempt and nullified
his mind is over the place because imbeciles are mind readers

Altered perceptions, repetitive illusions based on mugs assumptions
the failings of homogenized misunderstandings of the anodynes
coward bullies think they can soften and mold a perceived *****
the infra dig of scums and nefarious deadbeats drunk on folly
selling misinformation and disinformation to fellow simpletons
mass delusions and sheep hysteria galvanizing non sensibilities

The fish bone stuck in your diseased throats and I'm in ya face
pathetic scums and base cowards, shameless sub-humans are jokes
you have lost face and become the majority of asinine disgraceful s
working a skirt now discredited and seen by all who try not to see
while they behind closed doors talk about those evil pathetic racists
You are nothing but racists thieving scums please accept my utmost contempt........
LULU Apr 2020
She wakes up like an early bird at five to get our family going
No, no, she doesn’t get ready for herself but prepares our meals first
My momma slides the buttermilk pancake mix out of our small pantry
Puff, puff, the cloud of flour rises out the package as it opened with a pop
Like she memorized the recipe, she cracks an egg
Pours the perfect amount of the mix
And pours the water on top
Making the top crumble from the heaviness of the liquid

Whip, whip, she takes out her whisk and gracefully stirs the thick batter
She grabs a ladle and scoops the batter and drips it onto the hot pan greasy with oil
Yes, yes, the right consistency makes the pancake rise fluffily and moist
Satisfied she flips it like no big deal and like a penny
The other side turns to a nice shade of warm umber

Flop, flop, three pancakes slide smoothly onto my mother’s favorite ceramic plate
Slides a thin sheet of butter and squeezes the maple syrup bottle from Trader Joe’s
Ooze, ooze, the syrup heavy, as if full of burdens and pains, slimes the whole pancake
A pancake seems like nothing
But if it is
Made with love
It is the best pancake a momma can make

Thanks, momma.
Yenson Apr 2019
A man that slimes have spent over 25 years
trying to frustrated, drive mad and to suicide
laughs and takes the mickey out of simpletons
says that his big **** and amazing bed skills
has caused an epidemic of demented sad men
and hysterical deluded females suffering from
mad cows disease.

Please know the lower echelons find that ***
is their only cheap entertainment as money is tight
Now if we allow that Stallion to get our women
we will have nothing left for us and that can't happen
moreover these men from the lower echelons
know that they are pretty ******* in bed
they are not bright and good *** starts in the brain

so solidarity is our weapon here
we must oppose this Stallion and stop the women
from ******* this stallion ever, that's our aim
we can only last two minutes and that's long to us
but the women need longer and we can't manage that
that man with the big **** can go for 30 minutes
we must make sure we stop this beast horse man.
this poem was inspired by laughing to much about the antics of some yobs and morons who are so brain dead, insecure and under confident that real men frightens them to death.
Yenson Jul 2021
So it came to be
whence the highlight of their days
are given to delusions and meaningless scribble
devoid of sanity and seasoned in gloom and green bile
****** in mental chains as wretched oarers to plunge murky depths
stirring fetid mud and excavating the swampy slimes of their malaise
in the orifices of lost minds and lame askew prophecies
zealots of lamentable pales strife in vacuous toil
and in unbeknown vivid stupor
none doth seize sanity to ask
when did it go so wrong
for us all
they were born in caves
we cannot expect much
for they can only see
the reflections
on the wall
My Holy Lord Jesus,
Why Calvary?

For gravity of our sins,
Even the Everest is shy

How can the pain you endured,
On the way to and on the Mountain,
Tame our hearts inflamed by weeds

How can the agony of nails
Bore into your veins and bones
Soften our souls soiled with slimes

This is no confession, but
To cherish your pain is
Our daily wine ‘n’ bread (2018)

— The End —