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Big Virge Aug 2016
Well It Seems It's... OPEN SEASON...  
For... MURDEROUS Policing... !?!      
NO MORE Will Blacks Take Beatings... !!!      
Police Will Leave Us BLEEDING... !!!      
While They KEEP ON Receiving...      
PROTECTION For Yes Leaving...      
Blacks With...      
NO PULSE Or FEELING... !!!      
In Fact NO LONGER Breathing.      
And Then Comes... " Court Proceedings "...      
That Leave Black People SEETHING... !!!!!!            
Well FINE It's... OPEN SEASON...      
For Poetry... Now Seeking..........................................      
So­me TRUTH...      
And LESS... Deceiving... !!!    
See I'm Incredibly NOT Shocked...      
At How Poor... " Walter Scott "...      
Got Shot By Some White Cop...      
When Walter Tried To Run...      
From This... Policeman ****... !!!!!      
But Before I Move Along...      
He May Well Have Done Wrong... ?!?      
But... " Officer Slager "...      
Let Off EIGHT SHOTS...      
In... Walters' BACK... !?!!!?      
Let Me Just.... " BACK TRACK ".....      
He Shot EIGHT TIMES........      
Taking... HIS LIFE... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !        
Said... SLAGER...        
" He feared for his safety      
because Mr. Scott, tried to grab his Taser ! "      
So That Means... WHAT... ?!?      
He Deserved To Be Shot...      
EIGHT TIMES In His BACK... !?!!!?!      
ENOUGH of This CRAP... !!!!!      
What Kind of Policing... ?!?      
Gives Policeman Teachings...      
of... SHOOT TO DEATH... !!!!      
Rather Than... " A Leg "... ?!?      
Shoot BOTH If Ya Like... !!!!!      
But ENOUGH of These Vibes...      
Where... Black People DIE... !!!!!!      
Husbands And Wives...      
Whose Fam' Are Told LIES... !!!      
About... COP HOMICIDES... !!!!      
So Let Me Season And OPEN............................... .........      
How People Are.... Bro Ken... !!!      
And Blacks Are Just TOKENS...      
For Them To Be... " Quoting "...      
ALL KINDS of... DUMB THINGS... !!!!!!    
About... Po' Po' Shootings....      
An Asian Dude...      
Who Went To My School      
Posted... One Day...      
On MY Facebook Page...      
"Blacks need to be wise      
when police are in sight,      
and not antagonise,      
cos that's how they'll die !"    
Yeah THIS INDIAN Guy...      
Felt He Had The Right...      
To... Tell Me WHY...      
Police TAKE Black Lives... ?!!!?      
Cos' We....      
"DON'T ACT RIGHT !" …      
Well YEAH Sometimes....      
But Being... SHOT TO DEATH...      
Goes BEYOND NONSENSE... !!!!!      
But Asians Like HIM...      
Prove That Being... "submissive"...      
Is How Most Choose To Live...      
And How Most Seem To Think... !?!      
How Many Asian Girls...      
And I DON'T MEAN... Orientals... !!!      
Have Been... " Experimental "... ???      
When It Comes To Black Men...      
Being In... Their Worlds...      
As The FATHERS of Their Children..... ?!?      
It's CLEAR From Their CASTE System...      
That Inter-Racial Teams …
Are … RARELY EVER Seen... !!!      
Unless Their Partner's...      
...... " White "...... ?!?      
Most Asians Don't Trust Blacks...      
And That Is Simply... FACT...      
In Fact Some Do Believe...      
That Blacks Are Just... MONKEYS... ??!??      
Check Through THEIR History...      
Such Words AREN'T FALLACY... !!!      
When We Now... " Greet Police "...      
Should Blacks IMMEDIATELY... ?      
Get Down Upon Our Knees...      
And BEG Like... " Slavery Scenes "...      
"Please *****', don't shoot me !"      
Which Leads Me To These Blacks...      
Whose Uniform's Now Packed....      
To Join These... Police Klans... !?!      
What Have They CHANGED...      
In... Policing Ways... ?!!!?      
" NOT A LOT "... !!!!!!      
Ask... " Walter Scott "... ???      
Well Sadly Now...      

You CAN'T DO THAT... !!!!!!      
Because What Is FOUL...      
Is THIS HERE FACT... !!!!!      
While Walter Died And Lied FACE FLAT...      
A Cop Who Was... BLACK... !!!      
Seemed To Search Mr. Scott...      
As If He'd... STILL ATTACK... ?!!!?      
And Then Let This White Cop...      
Treat Him... LIKE HIS DOG.... !???!      
I'm SICK of The CRAP... !!!!!!      
Now Coming From Blacks... !!!!!!!      
Will They Wanna Shoot ME... ?!?      
For This... REAL POETRY... !?!      
See It's Been...      
Cos' Black Folks Be... "submissive"...      
As If They'll Face A LYNCHING... !!!      
For BREATHING and NOT Flinch-ing... !!!!!      
When Po Po Lights Start.... Blinking.... !!!!!!!      
Which Right Now... Gets Me Thinking...      
That WILLIAM LYNCH...      
Is Looking Down and Saying...      
"Look at these Black Clowns !" …
Folks This Here AIN'T...      
" 12 Years A Slave "...      
This Shooing Happened...      
.... " YESTERDAY ".... !!!!!!!!      
In South Carolina....      
Where That PIG Has Been Fired... !!!      
But WITHOUT The Footage...      
Would He STILL Be Out SHOOTING... !?!      
See I'm A Man of Reason...      
But Right Now I'M SEETHING... !!!!!      
Because When It Comes To....      
... KILLING BLACKS...      
It's  .....      
STILL CLEARLY.....      
" OPEN SEASON !"....
Listen Here :
Jared Eli Nov 2013
Santa was a hit man and he had no alibi
His big red suit was drenched in blood, more vibrant than a dye
See, Mrs. Clause was KGB, and the North Pole was her base
And Santa was the corporate shell that really owned the place
The "elves" were political prisoners (and yes, some were rather short)
And the present-giving Christmas was the day Clause would report
But when the Union went away, there was no need for Clauses
And they ripped up the whole contract (not covered in Incidental Causes)
Mrs. Clause got into drinking, and it got worse everyday
'Till it happened: she was so drunk, she keeled over in the hay
They found her the next morning with a reindeer on her head
Santa knew before the med report that Mrs. Clause was dead
So he went back to the basics, and he hooked into Network 1
The most top secret channel where certain agents have their fun
He was lost without his partner (their marriage was arranged)
She had handled the business,his financial sense was left estranged
He knew without her, he'd go under; have to sell the Pole to the West
He needed to make the payments by doing just what he knew best
Santa filled the role of assassin, killing silently with grace
He laid a finger beside his nose before he shoved the gun up in your face
Making the hits look unconnected, well he varied up his style
In fact he was thinking of being a "serial killer" and followed that up for a little while
But his stealing milk and cookies didn't clue anybody in
Maybe it just wasn't plausible to blame the fat man and his grin
Whatever the case, he's a random killer who strikes with impunity
With a swish of his coat, he jumps roof to roof, flaunting his immunity
Pyrrha Jul 2018
They say I am too young to understand the way the world works.
They say it as if I'm not already aware of the wars in foreign lands or violence in our homes.
As if I don't know of the fear of death.
The price of freedom.
The cost of living.

They say it as if I don't know about the shootings or the homicides.
As if I'm unaware of those making a living off of selling poisons to others
Or of the ones who sell themselves to stay alive.
They think I don't know about ***, drugs, death, fear, pain, or life itself.

Nothing is hidden in this world.
Your children grow up knowing about horror and crime.
Its ridiculous to shelter them from what they already know.
You believe they are innocent until they turn 18,
But little girls and boys grow up with pain.
There are no thoughts that you can contain.
They will find answers to the questions even if you dont want them to be found.
I have never understood why people these days are so reserved and offened by the truth. My parents raised me to be informed not to be afraid of the truth or speaking my mind.
There’s a lot to be said for this place.
A near-perfect pitch for diversity,
Diversity:  a neurolinguistic term;
A quaint way to say: miscegenation.
No, just kidding; I meant the melting ***,
A fine blend of Anglo, Hispanic & Indian blood—
That’s Pueblo & Plains Indian blood--
Not that **** masala, chapati & dal Indian blood.
My apologies to "Who's the White Guy?" Bobby Jindal.
New Mexico: “The Land of Enchantment.”
Where 310 sunny days per annum,
Are like money in the bank, earning
Double-plus compound interest for those
Suffering with seasonal affective disorders.
A land of sunshine without the orange juice,
But substitute chili, red or green?
An equitable offset to be sure.
310 days of sunshine:
Even the white people are brown here.
Which does a lot for my self-esteem.
Back east—New York, Chicago & Philadelphia e.g.—
People that look like me, i.e.,
People with dark brown hair, eyes and skin,
Get stopped/***-cheek spread/& frisked, routinely.
Stop & Frisk: NYPD’s spectator sport for decades.
Stop & Frisk: Mayor Bloomberg-defended
Crime-stopping Godsend,
Getting guns off the streets.
Getting homicides down.
Everything’s cool until some slick race baiter,
Starts yelling:  RACIAL PROFILING.
Forget for a moment that people that look like me,
People like me with dark hair, eyes & skin,
Commit 78% of the crime in most cities.
“It’s not racially driven profiling,”
Said Newark’s police director recently
Referring to stops carried out by his officers.
But, again, political-correctness trumps common sense:
August 2013: Judge Rules NYPD
Stop-and-Frisk Unconstitutional.

Well I’ll be a monkey’s *** ******!
I moved to New Mexico to blend in.
My complexion a shoe-in for
The Witness Protection Program or
Any other public or private,
Domestic or international rendition site.
But I digress.
New Mexico: no passport necessary, Babaloo!
New Mexico: be you white or black, Hispanic or Indian,
Or even Roswell extraterrestrial,
The cops here will beat the **** out of you.
Or shoot you dead, Kemosabe.
I am a miner. The light burns blue.
Waxy stalactites
Drip and thicken, tears

The earthen womb

Exudes from its dead boredom.
Black bat airs

Wrap me, raggy shawls,
Cold homicides.
They weld to me like plums.

Old cave of calcium
Icicles, old echoer.
Even the newts are white,

Those holy Joes.
And the fish, the fish----
Christ! They are panes of ice,

A vice of knives,
A piranha
Religion, drinking

Its first communion out of my live toes.
The candle
Gulps and recovers its small altitude,

Its yellows hearten.
O love, how did you get here?
O embryo

Remembering, even in sleep,
Your crossed position.
The blood blooms clean

In you, ruby.
The pain
You wake to is not yours.

Love, love,
I have hung our cave with roses.
With soft rugs----

The last of Victoriana.
Let the stars
Plummet to their dark address,

Let the mercuric
Atoms that ******* drip
Into the terrible well,

You are the one
Solid the spaces lean on, envious.
You are the baby in the barn.
Big Virge Sep 2016
"Order, Order !
We will have ORDER !!!
Order in the court !
or, the doors to this court
will be closed to cohorts !"

" Order "... is the call
within... our courts of law

Well here's...
Big Virges'... view...
of how these laws
will... Surely... be used...
and what... these laws...
will finally... Do... !!!

You see...

" Order's "...
being... " Summoned "...
in the... " Lords "...
and in... " The Commons "...

and... " The Cure "... to...
Current Problems ...
is seen as ... " Martial Law "... !!!

Police will now ... ENFORCE ...
without ... " Probable "... cause ... !!!

" Stops "... and ...
" Searches "...

upPED on ... Corners ...

What's their purpose ... ?
... " Public Order "...

But .....
Cameras on streets ... ?

CCTV ...... !?!

Isn't that meant to ...
" Keep The Peace "... ?!?

" OKAY, they're there
to make movies !
So, what's the deal ?
Can you paint the scene ? "

"Sir, move along please
your act's been seen,
our decision, you'll receive,
once you've been screened,
at the end of the week,
with your, Charge Sheet !
When it comes, answer truthfully,
because any deceit, may well
result in penalties, with no release,
especially if, we have to cheat
by using, yes, our editing team !"

You see ...
That's the ... " Trick "... !!!

So ... take these words ... " IN "...
and ... Read them ... CLOSELY ...
cos' these words ... Run DEEP ... !!!

Our lives ... BELIEVE ME ... !!!
are now on ... " Floppys' " ...
... Micro-Chips ...

and Drives named ... (C:)

So ...
What is humanity's ... destiny ... ???

Technology ....
Patrolling ... our streets ...

Armies ... of police ... !!!

Freedoms. .................................................... obsolete .... !!!!
for those ... wanting ... Peace ...

Sounds like a movie ...
I've seen of ... Armies' ... ???

" OH NO ... it's T3 !!! "

" ORDER is "... The Key ...

Restriction of ... Rights ...
to simply be ... FREE ... ?!?

Violence ... from our streets ... !!!!!

I'm YES ... A Supporter
of ... " Public Order "...

Let partying tribes ...
INDULGE in ... " Good Vibes "...

But .....
What kind of party ... ?
sees people ... Pull Knives ... !?!
or call for ... " Gunfights "... ?!?!?!?

But let's ...
NOT TELL ... " Lies "... !!!

Crime is ... on the rISE ... !!!

Crimes of ... ALL TYPES ... !!!
from ... Corporate Crimes ...
to young ... " Homicides "... !!!!

But .....
Ask yourself ... " WHY "... ?

Is it because ... ?
The young are now ..................................... Lost ....... ?!?

or ....
Could it be ... THIS ... ???

Highlighting ... Young Fights ...
as if .... EVERY NIGHT ...
Another kid ... DIES ... !!!

May simply ... "FIT IN"...
with Agendas ... Contrived ...
to simply ... Keep Minds ...
AFRAID ... and ... " DENIED "...
of living ... their lives ...
just like the ... " Rich Guys "...

" Directors "... who Earn ... ?
from ... " Fraudulent "... work ...

How many of them ?
will face ... " Stop and Search "... ?!?

Those in ... Governments ...
and ... " Corporate "... Hybrids ...
whose parties are ... "PRIVATE"... !!!!

with much ... " Nicer Climates "...

ENJOYING ... themselves... !!!
because of ... " Their Wealth "...
with women who ... " Sell "...
Their bodies like ... " SHELL "... !!!!
have done with ... " Oil Wells "... !!!!!

" Take Time ".....................................
Think it ... through..................................

But ....
Here's some more clues ....
as to why ... I Now Choose ...
to ... " Today "... take this view ...

Youth have died ... " Early "...
For YEARS ... on streets ...

But back then ... WEREN'T Worthy... ?!?
of ... PRIMETIME TV ...

But Now ... THEY ARE ... !?!

Terrorists .... are at Large ... !!!
is now the ... BENCHMARK ...

That's what's being ... " Used "...
to fill .... TV News ....

and ... " Sadly "... ABUSE ...
our LOST ..... WaYwArd ... youth ... !!!

Will .... " Eton "...
and ... " Harrow "...
REALLY SEE ... " Stop and Search "... ?!?!?

It seems ...
kind of ... " shallow :"...
to think ... They'll ... " Concur "...

Do ... " The Rich ...
have a ... THIRST ... ?
to walk with ... What HURTS ... !?!

Guns and Knives .....
amongst the ... " Rich Types "... ???

Why would they ... do that ... !?!
in ... " Daddy's New Pad "... !!!!!!

I guess what i'm saying ...
is ... " Stop and Search "... BLATANT ... !!!!!

is MOSTLY ... for blacks ... !!!!!!

"Well, blacks do the killing !
Which is shown now, to millions !
Everyday, all over the place !
So, answer that Virge !"

is what ...
" They "... will say ... !!!

Those who feed ... LIES ...
into minds and ... " Numb Brains "...

Those who ... DON'T THINK ...
BEYOND Links ... in the ... " Chain ".... !!!

The ... " New Order "... Preys ...
on ... Ignorant Strays ... !!!...

NOT those ... on streets ... !!!
but those who ... Compete ...
for a piece of ... " Their Cake "...

that has a ... FOUL TASTE ... !!!!!!

We will have ORDER !!!"

" Must have ORDER ?
Man, just hold your corner ! "

Who exactly are ... " They "... ???
to treat people like ... " Game "... !?!

What makes you think ... ?
that they can train ...
the brain of a ... " Pig "...
to actually ... THINK...
and NOT behave ...
like some ... " Supremacist "... !!!
who's just ... Too **** ... QUICK ...
to suspect a kid ...
because of his ... Colour ... !!! ? !!!

" RACIST Mother F..... !!!!! "

"Order ... ORDER ...
You're out of order !!!"

" OUT OF Order ?!?
Are you a Coc' Snorter ?
I'm not a Big Baller,
or Gangsta' shot caller !
I'm just a straight talker
who's CRISP, just like Walkers',
when airing my views, about
Real Issues, that clearly confuse
and are used to abuse, our right to,
yes, choose, when and with whom,
we choose to make moves !

How would you like ?
to have THAT, done to you ?

My name AIN'T, Jack Horner !
Why should I be cornered ?
Searched and questioned
in the name of nonsense ! "

It's all a pretence,
to turn people against,
those they ... Don't Hate ... !!!

but ... each day ...
have to face,

from ... Council Estates ...
within the ... UK ...
to Projects ... They Blame ...
in the ... United States ...

These issues relate ...
and yes ... Correlate ... !!!

So .....
DON'T MAKE ... Mistakes ... !!!
and ... Mis-Read ... " The Game "...

What's happening ... There ...
is coming ... BEWARE ... !!! ...

Just think of it ... " This Way "...
George ... and ... Tony Blair ...........

They told you ... A WAR ...
was coming ... For SURE ... !!!!!

So ...
What'd you think ... NOW ... ?!?

Has ... THE WAR ...
Reached ... " Your Door "... ?!?

Or ...
Do you feel ... " Clowned "... ?

Or ...
Are you ... like me ... ?

A ... " Public "... ENEMY ... !!!

Who'll face men in ... " Gowns "...
because ... when I speak ...
I do so ... FREELY ... !!!! ...

and ... NO ...
WILL NOT ... Stand down ... !!!

" Order "...
is the call ...
as I said ... Before ... !!!

But ....
What is it ... for ... ???

for the ... " Weak "...
and the ... " Poor "...

NOT TO ... Fight anymore ... ?!?

or simply for ... " Borders "...
to keep them from ... " Hoarders "...
and ... " Midnight Marauders "... !!!!!!!

and TRUE LIFE ... Reporters ...
whose views they want ... "cornered"... !?!

because of ...
Their call ... to ... ENFORCE ...

.... " Public Order ".....

Listen Here :
My vision from some 8 years ago, of where we were headed, and sadly, much that I thought, has and sadly, continues to come to pass ..... These words are not those suitable for weak hearts, or those who like to play the well .... Y'all

Listen Here :

The saints
are always
crook: why.?
They have
none tolerance for *******. Yes
believe me
they don't,
even Christ
Jesus didn't. Nonetheless
though He
quoted "When your
right cheek
is slapped turn
the left side."
that's no *******, it's
what make
a Saint. But
He hesitated
not to chase the Merchandise
out the
Lord's temple.
******* are: like, sometimes where positivity is
anticipated finding negativity there
right is
the biggest
******* in the
whole wide
crazy world.
Full of
crazy thangz, crazy people living crazy lifestyle. Wide
life, out
the jungle,
homicides, massacre Wonder why we breathing, when
we living to
die. Or I'm
high? (Sigh)
when will the
world halt being ridiculously
crazy. Said
they he's
zany. Plagued
the sages
mad. However
sages are the
last hopes
to heal
the world.
army, enemy
agent of segregation. What right have
you to black
me, who am
I to white
a brother. ?
When we
looked just
the same, being  humanbeing.
How to become
human, Auth-positive thinking faculty, creativity,
optimism build only, nothang but
possibility. Innovation, inspiration,
Here rode
time on the
road to glory
is there any future anywhere.? if
there ever is
a time for
le' me use
mine now. I
was told
the future
is now, I
wanna live
it unfolding
my pages
stepping the
stair cases,
roller coaster,
fortune searching
ride slow,
I gets heading
I should rush
not, yet
on steadily.
Damaré M Sep 2013
Where do thugs go?
Who do they run to? 
Where do they call home? 
Not a house that they go to, but a place where they feel belonged 
How do they cope with the scarcity of love? 

Thugs, not the kind that most women think they are attracted to; therefore, not the imposers
Not the kind who landed at the bottom of the hill, sliding from the top only to scrape off their rot 
Not the ones who were born with all the right people in their corners, but boxed them off while trying to fight to be someone that they are not 

Thugs, the ones who momma loves? Because he appreciates her worthiness, her works 
She's the only real love he ever had since birth 
Thugs; who can't really go places because trouble doubles 
It multiplies whenever he is with his guys 
Because they all know how it feel not to live under a roof 
Neither one of them have anything to lose 
His dudes are equal to himself cubed 
They rely on one another like proofs 
And they are radical from the roots 
Living in a negative atmosphere trying to multiply it by itself 
So that they can make it to where the grass is greener and the sun does shine 
The other side of the number line 
Where the gunfire and homicides are divided
And the dope is reduced 
All their lives they have been thinking that they are enduring the truth 
That they "cannot amount to nothing and cannot be put to use"

They are neck deep in the streets 
And the authorities is at their throats like a crew 
But nothing around them is cotton 
So when their fingers symbolizes a "V" they are only representing the place where they have to be 
And they are not weak, but sometimes they wishes that they can take off a week 

Black cats can't chase yarn
Mexicans don't have a specific day for casual dressing 
Asians don't get any waivers 
Cubans can't take less hours for a semester of schooling 
Haitians don't get vacations 

The **** life is given 
Difficult to make it
As it is to escape it 
It's hard to deal 
When all they know is reeling in deals 
To people who are saltier than Dill's 
While at the same time trying to act real... Kosher
Without a companion to share meals... How do they find closure?
Too busy being tyrannical 
Never learned how to be grammatical 
So **** just got "worser"
Interviewee for a job 
Or being suave to a child's mom
Besides their eyes,
Their oration is just exposure 
Not knowing their duration to exist on this surface 
Thugs need love 
It's hard to tell through his mean-mug 
But he's hurting
John F McCullagh Aug 2014
Oh, Rahm oh Rahm Emmanuel,
the mayor of our fair Chicago town
The people here are stuck with you I fear,
Unless another candidate appears.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
one in three still think you’re doing swell

You came, so well connected from on high,
and never let a crises go to waste;
To us the path of knowledge show,
by closing schools and letting teachers go.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
one in three still think you’re doing swell

Oh, Rahm oh Rahm Emmanuel
the homicides are rising by the score.
Guardsmen called to enforce civil law
In places where police will go no more,
Rejoice Rejoice Emanuel
one in three still think you’re doing swell

Oh, come Barrack Obama’s right hand man,
From prosperity you will deliver them
That trust your mighty pow'r to save;
They’ll re-elect you with votes from the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
one in three still think you’re doing swell

Oh, come, our Dayspring from on high,
And cheer us by your drawing nigh,
In Chicago folks stay home at night ,
for fear of death and that ain't right
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
One in three still think you’re doing swell

Oh, come, Desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of all mankind;
don’t deviate from the party line
til all Chicagoans are left behind.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
One in three still think you’re doing swell
Rahm Emanuel is mayor of Chicago where homicide by firearm is very common, where schools are failing and corruption is a way of life.

The parody is to the tune Oh Come Oh Come Emanuel a Lutheran spiritual
GQ James Dec 2020
Why hate on me when you can love on me,
The hate is getting deeper and deeper,
You don't wanna see me win,
Only happy when I'm down bad,
The way we treat one another is just sad,
We are brothers and sisters,
Let's make a friend instead being enemies.

It ain't gotta be so animosity between us,
Let's get along and not go to war,
Put the guns down and pick up the bible,
Homicides increasing,
Economy decreasing,
Let's create a new season.

The community bleeding,
Let's stop the bleeding,
Why your family starving and you eating,
Let's all eat and break break together,
Let's stand together,
Stop the separation.

It's a war zone out here in America,
We some animals in this jungle,
Caged in,
Locked up,
Throw the key away like we ain't humans,
We humans so let's stop acting animals,
We are better than the how the world see us.
Reece Jul 2013
There's a city under water and she sings to me with pride
(I sit alone and wish you profound gaiety)
The rains continue to pour across my face, I refuse to go inside
There's a man without a home, free from the ******* of love
(I wish to find within myself a sound laity)
And so I return to the church pew desolate, searching for God above

Born to an atheist household, deprived of propaganda
(I suppose learning now is enough)
I sit here, a church in drowning Uganda
The rains of a thousand brutal homicides leave me with a sigh
(The rainfall allegory, merely a bluff)
But still I sit on a bench in a church yard and the LRA pass by
When you think celebrity,
You think an athlete,
Or a musician, probably.

I think ******.
Famous serial killers,
And unexpected homicides.

****** will live in infamy.
As will Charles Manson.
They surpass every "celebrity"
No one will be able forget them.

So here's to them,
The devil's children.
May their names live forever,
Unlike their victims.
I guess it's time I come clean, I have a very unhealthy obsession with murderers and homicide.
Tupelo Aug 2014
Stop before crossing the street,
look both ways for landmines,
my father on the battlefield
where this killing is justified,
from resident streets in ferguson
to gaza strip homicides,
My palms clasped tight in prayer,
from humanity's suicide
Rob Sandman Oct 2017
This is a long one Ladies and Gents, so strap in!

IF you asked what the biggest evils are in this world,
any rational man,woman boy or girl,
would answer its things that bring us too much harm,
talkin bout Alcohol,Tobacco and - Firearms
forget about illegal drugs and mafia clans,
its time to focus in on the Government plans,
to cause mass confusion in the minds of the sheep,
keep us all in our pens,disoriented and weak,
only a danger to ourselves in this struggle of life,
its the subtlest cut from the surgeons knife,
that emasculates us wholesale,money for blood,
three opponents to the death in the war for good,
run by corporations with no frontiers,
profiteering on your misery,they're milking our tears,
legal taxable killers that shorten your life,
and not just YOUR life man,your children and wife,
and leave you with no fight in you to cause some strife,
for our overlords and rulers,in the neverending fight,
to bring truth to the truthless and sight to the blind,
its a high stakes gamble and the stake is your mind,
but the tables rigged,and the dealers a shark,
whos only happy when you're ignorant and kept in the dark
and fed **** like fungi,think you're fun guy?
cos when your dumb fat and happy then its easy to die,
24without reaching any truth,time to read between the lines-
and learn the truth about these ****** end times.

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

1.8 million people a year,
go straight from here to the valley of tears,
with the help of a bottle,its our friend alcohol!,
its a double hit,taking both your money and soul,
its like Futurama having suicide booths,
just have a few beers man,your troubles to soothe...
while it gnaws at your insides a rat in a cage,
like 1984 and the worlds a stage,
well its more like a circus,and guess who's the clown?
its a never ending pratfall like "falling down",
how many mornings can you wake up feeling like ****?
before we ALL decide that its time to quit,
and how come science hasnt found a way?
to render it less harmful in these amazing days?
simple,cause its perfect. - *Its doing its job

keeping billions of people in deadend jobs,
leaving social meetings with a dark undercurrent,
just look at any News Source,stories stay current,
about the constant madness and daily strife,
another drunken encounter that ends in lost lives,
and more zombies walking on our city streets,
looking for a confrontation,just someone to beat,
in 20% of interventions by Cops
the trouble would stop,if the bottle was dropped
so take the beer goggles off and start taking names,
of the companies we need to name and shame

cough,cough cough,its the daily song,
its the people nailing down their coffin too long

cigarettes cause cancer...and there I should stop
(sample penny dropping)
to let the penny drop...
in the first few seconds that this verse just took...
another poor dumb smoker just ran out of luck,
its an incredible figure for our global deaths,
that are pure homicides,people stealing your breath,
its like paying a murderer to stab you in the chest
when it comes to mindfucks man smoking's the best,
while tobacco company lobbyists still write checques,
their customers are choking in a haze of death,
govt. warning's man the ***** too late,
while you're staring at the package your eventual fate,
is slapping your eyeballs with a message of doom,
but you're still a ****** Addict and the profits just zoom,
the glory days of the deathgame until 94,
tobacco company tales for many years before,
using bogus science for a tissue of lies,
never giving two cents for the people who died,
testified to the senate man the God ****** Nerve!
when they die I think their souls will take a downward curve,
to an everlasting hell,their own sweet special doom,
to be greeted by a sign, welcome to the smoking room.
so drop the ash and stop dropping cash,
and start saving your life for a better re-hash

I've saved the best for last,you might be surprised,
when you hear me breaking down another tissue of lies,
you see guns don't **** people people do
disagree if you like,its still a universal truth,
you see to me a gun is only a tool,
it all depends on whether it is in the hands of a fool,
and guns save lives too another headfuck,
they also take them too in the hands of the rough,
I'm not thinking bout the crack dealer packing a glock,
I'm thinking of the group that sold him the lot
running drugs AND guns its the CIA!
all protected by the might of the USA!
dont believe me? just google it,its easy to find,
although the facts may not sit well in your mind,
its funny,maybe they should have used ray-guns?
then their actor president would have given MORE funds,
to the contra rary of the public story,
while the truth at the bottom is much more gory,
but its back to the future now the latest plans,
acted out in the future in a global land,
and its only the start of the endgame plan,
to take away the tools from the everyday man,
**so he cant cause trouble its machiavellian,
cos their plans for the future are so Orwellian
I told you it was a long read!
again as with most of my stuff it just fell out of me,
this will be put to music soon and I will link it here
the earth shook
last night
sending a tremor
through six feet of
dirt, wreath and wood
to my rotting corpse

and I rolled over

for 16 months
I  tried to
rest in peace
as my spirit wandered
but last night
even the stoic palms
shuddered in disbelief

and I rolled over

I was just
on the,
when a '*******'
with a gun
shot be
now maggots and fleas
are crunching
my bones

and the '*******' is free???

maybe if
I were white
like lanza and holmes
I'd be left alone,
not profiled;
given a pass,
to commit
mass homicides,
not take a bullet
through the heart

for being black!!!

I was born in '95
the year 168 died
in OKC
and 1 million men marched
in DC
but last night
justice exploded
in sanford


~ P
Everybody open ya eyes 
Cause the world is full of lies 
No saprize media got ya 
Following peeps you don't even know 
Say bro they slamming ya like bones 
They stay coming prone with the drones 
They watching you watching me watching he 
I know its confusing but its a spiritual fusion 
Dr Jekyll vs Mr Hide homicides cover daily 
And the enemy stays concealed 
While the minorities get hit the bill Capitol Hill
Ain't never been real.
Its no more sunny days or rainy days 
Just nothing darkness across the skies 
Once again open ya eyes and realize 
They don't care about you 
Or success ya go through 
They just want you 
To be a robotized chipped and off in order 
Pay attention to the pecking order 
It goes one for the show two for the money 
Three for the dummy four ya wrapped up like a mummy mentally tryna see 
What the **** can ya do to feed ya family 
But the **** just gets worse from.religion to stool pigeons 
What the hell ya thinkin? 
Jesus even said expose the wicked 
But pastors use the bible as a meal.ticket 
I'm sick of it the ******* they spreading 
Its Armageddon 
Am strapped you strapped? 
Voluminous ammunition my ambitions 
Is to tare the machine 
To shreds its social stratification 
Got us in a confined hesitation 
In a tight situation you waiting 
And they making laws with mild debating 
And I'll be sitting wait for themto 
Come knock at the door
Blast them with my c4 *******
Revolution is the only solutions 
We got to spread the knowledge
From.the mothers fathers sons to daughters 
I'm the maven 
Telling you be vigilant to the 
Pecking order

Signs was giving since the beginning 
Of mans existence 
Too.much money in the world 
To be having pestilences 
While ya straddling the fence 
I'm get tense 
Clutched ******* I'm far from.weak 
While they playimg hide and seek 
I'm the meek 
Tryna to inherit but they taking 
Civil rights away 
So how can I pray for better days? 
Its seems the holier I get 
The more sin seems to fit 
Into these business world 
Immutable bylaws 
No love for the poor its wicked
Say they got the solution 
But steadily shooting 
Down freedom fighters and truth writers 
Even got wires 
On wire everything ya say is recorded 
Aliens exported then imported 
Invoked all the constitutional rights 
They say white is right 
And black is still wack? From 
The media spinning that ******* 
Too keep ya high on 
Suckas more confused 
Than a ball.passing through 
Ping pong hit the cheech n chong 
To pass by memories 
Enemies don't get a chance to see me 
Frown bow down 
This is the new order from coast to coast 
Border to border 
Pay attention to the peck'in order 
Smoot Sep 2010
Is being misguided
And Our acceptance of ignorance
An excuse for the putting out of our sisters and brothers,
The killing of our fatherless mothers.

And the let downs of once high values
That kept our flaws in check?

Is it the reason why my sisters are getting pregnant
To get that monthly check?

Men going to jail for love they haven't paid for yet?

Who's job is it to check mate this legal stale mate
or is this just a topic left up for some idiots to debate?

Make a move,
Pick a side,
I find myself with the rest of America
Sitting on the side lines.

Government corrupt
People illegal
Drugs an issue
And money is scarce
To get once tax cuts came and take it again
One day pass, more die
Not physically committing suicide but we hear about the homicides
On the streets,
my mom praying that it wasn't me.

We watch the news and the crimes it announces
with good intentions we in take the foolish statements they make
we digest our mistakes with our heartache hoping to drug ourselves enough
So the pain will numb.

THe beating of the drums
As i wipe sweat from my palms
I wish I was different than the normal human
But I tend to watch destruction as you do
Yet remain unmoved just as fools do.

I pray that someday I'll move like few do.
Jeremy Duff Oct 2012
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, ******* it! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!'
I didn't write this. It's from a wonderful movie called 'Network'
I just wanted to share it with everyone I possibly can.
Ugo Victor Mar 2016
Slowly but surely, the earth is dying
Landslides and earthquakes
Tsunamis and hurricanes
Summer heat all year round
Like a mid-summer nightmare

Those are not the real killers
Bomblasts and homicides
Crimes of color, religion
A life for more lives
Alive to take more lives
Not one day gone without an unnecessary death

Slowly but surely, the earth is dead
Buried in the same hope that was meant to save us
Religion and it's diversities; Science and it's ideologies More harm than good
And knowledge is the ****** weapon
Now we are bristling at the seams of the end
Weaving as if we didn't know, our very demise
Deeply obsessed with such sad irony
The saved don't want to be saved
They want to go to heaven
But for the unbeliever, anything goes
Let nature take its cause
Indeed, we are nature's beings, but
We have overwhelmed it
With our incessant addiction to hope
Never believe the news
It's much worse than it looks
But not all is lost; the red could save us all
Join the movement
Mayday Mars
Follow @maydaymars
lize kingston Sep 2013

I remember times when I had no 9 to 5
Drugs just wasn’t my grind
Too many stories of family and homies losing they lives
Not all of them homicides or suicides
But some still gone doing time
Been so long they’re blurred images in my mind
So at that time I promised myself I wouldn’t be that same type
Even though I’m evil and do wrong
For my mom I would still try to live half right
And keep moving on
Hits from the **** help me get along
help me keep my cool
Cause sometimes I wana ****** fools for the bull I’ve been through
That’s why I live like I don’t care enough
My anger keeps building up
So before I erupt I take another puff
Cause I keep messing up giving into the DEVIL
U can call me GOD’S REBEL
Even though my hole is dug
GOD still holds the shovel
Cause I haven’t fully given into my sins
Cause if I ever did them my life ends and the DEVIL wins
So I pray at night FATHER FORGIVE ME, AMEN.
Cause I know I won’t do what is always right
That’s why I try to stay right in my mind
And as I go on my grind
I got to say THANK YOU TO MY MOM and to the hard times
Cause without them I swear I should of already died
But I’m still here still down to ride
Just a lot more wise
I no longer mess with the bull-ish
I just focus on my grind
And never quit.
As wires round the world get lighter and thinner
Your news scroll feeds you various homicides,
From desktops at noon to plasma at dinner,
The auto-cue scrolls through this week’s most viral.

The network fail to mention the other seven billion
Who kept living their life devoid of such sinning.
Disquiet on your perch, picture your pleasure:
Hopping alone, around your enclosure.

The window slides up, wind ruffles your feathers.
Beak to the bars, you're helplessly tethered.
Yell 'til you're heard, ’til you’re hoarse and unkempt,
Yell 'til the neighbours are mad and hell bent.

Step back to your pedestal, tapping your feet,
The rhythm you summon traverses the streets.
Nearby inhabitants sit watching their screens,
Warn-out, occupied, unfulfilling their dreams.

Tip-tap-a-tip-tap-a-tip-tap away the evening and next day.
Now you live vicariously through social media,
You cannot stop tweeting, lonelier… lonelier.
Connections you make get quicker and quicker.

‘Life is the greatest’ upon appearances,
You pick and you carve a residual image;
The best fools fool themselves into submission,
Post exponentially, build on your rhythm;

Second life, third face, prosodic yet speechless,
Your diary now echoes, empty and featureless.
Stare at your screen, silent and grinning;
Hive mind rewired, this story needs spinning.

Forget losing face, that farcical demeanour.
The needle wobbles on your false life fever,
As sunlight exposes where your cage is broken,
The tether is loose but you're past noticing.

Shared knowledge free of charge, constantly flowing,
Ignore others' viewpoints, or pleas to come in.
The glass in the window is brilliantly glowing,
There's fire outside that your posts have been stoking.

White noise, connection lost, you're no longer hosting
That multi-channel, fibre-optic, bandwidth expansion.
Untether your Ethernet, the cage disappears
Find sanctuary outdoors when quiet is near.

The caged bird tweets devoid of all reason,
Fooling itself about its own lack of freedom.
O horrible ! o horrible ! most horrible !
Shakespeare, Hamlet.

On a cru devoir réimprimer cette ode telle qu'elle a été composée et publiée
en juin 1826, à l'époque du désastre de Missolonghi. Il est important de se rappeler,
en la lisant, que tous les journaux d'Europe annoncèrent alors la mort de Canaris,
tué dans son brûlot par une bombe turque, devant la ville qu'il venait secourir.
Depuis, cette nouvelle fatale a été heureusement démentie.


Le dôme obscur des nuits, semé d'astres sans nombre,
Se mirait dans la mer resplendissante et sombre ;
La riante Stamboul, le front d'étoiles voilé,
Semblait, couchée au bord du golfe qui l'inonde,
Entre les feux du ciel et les reflets de l'onde,
Dormir dans un globe étoilé.

On eût dit la cité dont les esprits nocturnes
Bâtissent dans les airs les palais taciturnes,
À voir ses grands harems, séjours des longs ennuis,
Ses dômes bleus, pareils au ciel qui les colore,
Et leurs mille croissants, que semblaient faire éclore
Les rayons du croissant des nuits.

L'œil distinguait les tours par leurs angles marquées,
Les maisons aux toits plats, les flèches des mosquées,
Les moresques balcons en trèfles découpés,
Les vitraux, se cachant sous des grilles discrètes,
Et les palais dorés, et comme des aigrettes
Les palmiers sur leur front groupés.

Là, de blancs minarets dont l'aiguille s'élance
Tels que des mâts d'ivoire armés d'un fer de lance ;
Là, des kiosques peints ; là, des fanaux changeants ;
Et sur le vieux sérail, que ses hauts murs décèlent,
Cent coupoles d'étain, qui dans l'ombre étincellent
Comme des casques de géants !


Le sérail...! Cette nuit il tressaillait de joie.
Au son des gais tambours, sur des tapis de soie,
Les sultanes dansaient sous son lambris sacré ;
Et, tel qu'un roi couvert de ses joyaux de fête,
Superbe, il se montrait aux enfants du prophète,
De six mille têtes paré !

Livides, l'œil éteint, de noirs cheveux chargés,
Ces têtes couronnaient, sur les créneaux rangées,
Les terrasses de rose et de jasmins en fleur :
Triste comme un ami, comme lui consolante,
La lune, astre des morts, sur leur pâleur sanglante
Répandait sa douce pâleur.

Dominant le sérail, de la porte fatale
Trois d'entre elles marquaient l'ogive orientale ;
Ces têtes, que battait l'aile du noir corbeau,
Semblaient avoir reçu l'atteinte meurtrière,
L'une dans les combats, l'autre dans la prière,
La dernière dans le tombeau.

On dit qu'alors, tandis qu'immobiles comme elles,
Veillaient stupidement les mornes sentinelles,
Les trois têtes soudain parlèrent ; et leurs voix
Ressemblaient à ces chants qu'on entend dans les rêves,
Aux bruits confus du flot qui s'endort sur les grèves,
Du vent qui s'endort dans les bois !


La première voix.

« Où suis-je...? mon brûlot ! à la voile ! à la rame !
Frères, Missolonghi fumante nous réclame,
Les Turcs ont investi ses remparts généreux.
Renvoyons leurs vaisseaux à leurs villes lointaines,
Et que ma torche, ô capitaines !
Soit un phare pour vous, soit un foudre pour eux !

« Partons ! Adieu Corinthe et son haut promontoire,
Mers dont chaque rocher porte un nom de victoire,
Écueils de l'Archipel sur tous les flots semés,
Belles îles, des cieux et du printemps chéries,
Qui le jour paraissez des corbeilles fleuries,
La nuit, des vases parfumés !

« Adieu, fière patrie, Hydra, Sparte nouvelle !
Ta jeune liberté par des chants se révèle ;
Des mâts voilent tes murs, ville de matelots !
Adieu ! j'aime ton île où notre espoir se fonde,
Tes gazons caressés par l'onde,
Tes rocs battus d'éclairs et rongés par les flots !

« Frères, si je reviens, Missolonghi sauvée,
Qu'une église nouvelle au Christ soit élevée.
Si je meurs, si je tombe en la nuit sans réveil,
Si je verse le sang qui me reste à répandre,
Dans une terre libre allez porter ma cendre,
Et creusez ma tombe au soleil !

« Missolonghi ! - Les Turcs ! - Chassons, ô camarades,
Leurs canons de ses forts, leurs flottes de ses rades.
Brûlons le capitan sous son triple canon.
Allons ! que des brûlots l'ongle ardent se prépare.
Sur sa nef, si je m'en empare,
C'est en lettres de feu que j'écrirai mon nom.

« Victoire ! amis...! - Ô ciel ! de mon esquif agile
Une bombe en tombant brise le pont fragile...
Il éclate, il tournoie, il s'ouvre aux flots amers !
Ma bouche crie en vain, par les vagues couverte !
Adieu ! je vais trouver mon linceul d'algue verte,
Mon lit de sable au fond des mers.

« Mais non ! Je me réveille enfin...! Mais quel mystère ?
Quel rêve affreux...! mon bras manque à mon cimeterre.
Quel est donc près de moi ce sombre épouvantail ?
Qu'entends-je au ****...? des chœurs... sont-ce des voix de femmes ?
Des chants murmurés par des âmes ?
Ces concerts...! suis-je au ciel ? - Du sang... c'est le sérail ! »


La deuxième voix.

« Oui, Canaris, tu vois le sérail et ma tête
Arrachée au cercueil pour orner cette fête.
Les Turcs m'ont poursuivi sous mon tombeau glacé.
Vois ! ces os desséchés sont leur dépouille opime :
Voilà de Botzaris ce qu'au sultan sublime
Le ver du sépulcre a laissé !

« Écoute : Je dormais dans le fond de ma tombe,
Quand un cri m'éveilla : Missolonghi succombe !
Je me lève à demi dans la nuit du trépas ;
J'entends des canons sourds les tonnantes volées,
Les clameurs aux clameurs mêlées,
Les chocs fréquents du fer, le bruit pressé des pas.

« J'entends, dans le combat qui remplissait la ville,
Des voix crier : « Défends d'une horde servile,
Ombre de Botzaris, tes Grecs infortunés ! »
Et moi, pour m'échapper, luttant dans les ténèbres,
J'achevais de briser sur les marbres funèbres
Tous mes ossements décharnés.

« Soudain, comme un volcan, le sol s'embrase et gronde... -
Tout se tait ; - et mon œil ouvert pour l'autre monde
Voit ce que nul vivant n'eût pu voir de ses yeux.
De la terre, des flots, du sein profond des flammes,
S'échappaient des tourbillons d'âmes
Qui tombaient dans l'abîme ou s'envolaient aux cieux !

« Les Musulmans vainqueurs dans ma tombe fouillèrent ;
Ils mêlèrent ma tête aux vôtres qu'ils souillèrent.
Dans le sac du Tartare on les jeta sans choix.
Mon corps décapité tressaillit d'allégresse ;
Il me semblait, ami, pour la Croix et la Grèce
Mourir une seconde fois.

« Sur la terre aujourd'hui notre destin s'achève.
Stamboul, pour contempler cette moisson du glaive,
Vile esclave, s'émeut du Fanar aux Sept-Tours ;
Et nos têtes, qu'on livre aux publiques risées,
Sur l'impur sérail exposées,
Repaissent le sultan, convive des vautours !

« Voilà tous nos héros ! Costas le palicare ;
Christo, du mont Olympe ; Hellas, des mers d'Icare ;
Kitzos, qu'aimait Byron, le poète immortel ;
Et cet enfant des monts, notre ami, notre émule,
Mayer, qui rapportait aux fils de Thrasybule
La flèche de Guillaume Tell !

« Mais ces morts inconnus, qui dans nos rangs stoïques
Confondent leurs fronts vils à des fronts héroïques,
Ce sont des fils maudits d'Eblis et de Satan,
Des Turcs, obscur troupeau, foule au sabre asservie,
Esclaves dont on prend la vie,
Quand il manque une tête au compte du sultan !

« Semblable au Minotaure inventé par nos pères,
Un homme est seul vivant dans ces hideux repaires,
Qui montrent nos lambeaux aux peuples à genoux ;
Car les autres témoins de ces fêtes fétides,
Ses eunuques impurs, ses muets homicides,
Ami, sont aussi morts que nous.

« Quels sont ces cris...? - C'est l'heure où ses plaisirs infâmes
Ont réclamé nos sœurs, nos filles et nos femmes.
Ces fleurs vont se flétrir à son souffle inhumain.
Le tigre impérial, rugissant dans sa joie,
Tour à tour compte chaque proie,
Nos vierges cette nuit, et nos têtes demain ! »


La troisième voix.

« Ô mes frères ! Joseph, évêque, vous salue.
Missolonghi n'est plus ! À sa mort résolue,
Elle a fui la famine et son venin rongeur.
Enveloppant les Turcs dans son malheur suprême,
Formidable victime, elle a mis elle-même
La flamme à son bûcher vengeur.

« Voyant depuis vingt jours notre ville affamée,
J'ai crié : « Venez tous ; il est temps, peuple, armée !
Dans le saint sacrifice il faut nous dire adieu.
Recevez de mes mains, à la table céleste,
Le seul aliment qui nous reste,
Le pain qui nourrit l'âme et la transforme en dieu ! »

« Quelle communion ! Des mourants immobiles,
Cherchant l'hostie offerte à leurs lèvres débiles,
Des soldats défaillants, mais encor redoutés,
Des femmes, des vieillards, des vierges désolées,
Et sur le sein flétri des mères mutilées
Des enfants de sang allaités !

« La nuit vint, on partit ; mais les Turcs dans les ombres
Assiégèrent bientôt nos morts et nos décombres.
Mon église s'ouvrit à leurs pas inquiets.
Sur un débris d'autel, leur dernière conquête,
Un sabre fit rouler ma tête...
J'ignore quelle main me frappa : je priais.

« Frères, plaignez Mahmoud ! Né dans sa loi barbare,
Des hommes et de Dieu son pouvoir le sépare.
Son aveugle regard ne s'ouvre pas au ciel.
Sa couronne fatale, et toujours chancelante,
Porte à chaque fleuron une tête sanglante ;
Et peut-être il n'est pas cruel !

« Le malheureux, en proie, aux terreurs implacables,
Perd pour l'éternité ses jours irrévocables.
Rien ne marque pour lui les matins et les soirs.
Toujours l'ennui ! Semblable aux idoles qu'ils dorent,
Ses esclaves de **** l'adorent,
Et le fouet d'un spahi règle leurs encensoirs.

« Mais pour vous tout est joie, honneur, fête, victoire.
Sur la terre vaincus, vous vaincrez dans l'histoire.
Frères, Dieu vous bénit sur le sérail fumant.
Vos gloires par la mort ne sont pas étouffées :
Vos têtes sans tombeaux deviennent vos trophées ;
Vos débris sont un monument !

« Que l'apostat surtout vous envie ! Anathème
Au chrétien qui souilla l'eau sainte du baptême !
Sur le livre de vie en vain il fut compté :
Nul ange ne l'attend dans les cieux où nous sommes ;
Et son nom, exécré des hommes,
Sera, comme un poison, des bouches rejeté !

« Et toi, chrétienne Europe, entends nos voix plaintives.
Jadis, pour nous sauver, saint Louis vers nos rives
Eût de ses chevaliers guidé l'arrière-ban.
Choisis enfin, avant que ton Dieu ne se lève,
De Jésus et d'Omar, de la croix et du glaive,
De l'auréole et du turban. »


Oui, Botzaris, Joseph, Canaris, ombres saintes,
Elle entendra vos voix, par le trépas éteintes ;
Elle verra le signe empreint sur votre front ;
Et soupirant ensemble un chant expiatoire,
À vos débris sanglants portant leur double gloire,
Sur la harpe et le luth les deux Grèces diront :

« Hélas ! vous êtes saints et vous êtes sublimes,
Confesseurs, demi-dieux, fraternelles victimes !
Votre bras aux combats s'est longtemps signalé ;
Morts, vous êtes tous trois souillés par des mains viles.
Voici votre Calvaire après vos Thermopyles ;
Pour tous les dévouements votre sang a coulé !

« Ah ! si l'Europe en deuil, qu'un sang si pur menace,
Ne suit jusqu'au sérail le chemin qu'il lui trace,
Le Seigneur la réserve à d'amers repentirs.
Marin, prêtre, soldat, nos autels vous demandent ;
Car l'Olympe et le Ciel à la fois vous attendent,
Pléiade de héros ! Trinité de martyrs ! »

Juin 1826.
(Hive Wired)

As wires round the world get lighter and thinner
the autoscroll feeds you fourty-nine homicides
from desktops at noon to plasma at dinner
the auto-cue commits sixty-five more crimes.

Mad and red in the face, you picture yourself
pace by pace, walking the span of the kitchen
but the network fail to mention the other seven billion
who kept living their life devoid of such sinning.

Typhoonous winds and hurricane fever
head out the window, yell for your kingdom,
yell so we hear you ’til you’re hoarse and unkempt.
yell 'til your sad old neighbour get’s hell bent.

Step back to the desk and slam on your keyboard
tell all that you know that there’s more to life
than watching the ’strife of idiocy’ part two thousand
and something, there’s more to this world

than serving a system; there’s more to a system
than the buds at the top, the roots don’t need trimming
the buds must be stopped from dying and rotting
and killing the crop. Still glum? Relax in your favourite shop!

With a roof overhead and your screen polished down
forget the anger, the strife, and fantasist who yelled.
tip-tap the day away, earn and pay away that frown
forget how lonely you are and buy some new health.

Tip-tap-a-tip-tap-a-tip-tap away the evening and next day
Now you live vicariously through social media
you cannot stop networking, lonelier… lonelier.
Connections you make get quicker, and quicker.

You pick and you carve a residual image.
‘Life is the greatest’ on appearance
the best fools fool themselves, it’s addictive
post after post you build up a rhythm.

Second life, third face, prosodical features:
hive mind rewired you’re speechlessly grinning
Staring at screens you’re now silent at dinner,
your diary entries get sparser and sparser

you forget appearances are a farcical demeanour
sixth chord diminutive, false life fever: your square
-eyed and ill groomed head sits on a hunchback miser,
the hive mind keeps ticking you keep getting wiser.

'The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all... The rich free themselves but they enslave the people!'

Chaplin's Dictator (1940)
John F McCullagh Aug 2015
James Holmes awaited news of his fate. (Would his madness be held to mitigateHis terrible sin, his awful crimes; Life or Death, How to decide?)
What is Justice for multiple homicides?
He murdered twelve and injured more; Now what would the verdict hold in store?
A lethal injection, A Lover’s pinch, was that the outcome he devoutly wished?
Else he would get the world and time to contemplate his awful crimes.
He’d be Locked away from the world of men; never to be free again.
Haunted by souls he condemned to death; who had cursed him with their dying breath.

Life, the jury has decreed, as punishment for his awful deed.

He'll be locked in the prison of his mind; an awful penance is this gift of time.
James Holmes murdered 12 and injures 70 others in Aurora Colorado on 07/20/2012. He had been sentenced to life in prison. The jury rejected the death penalty
RMatheson Oct 2014
We had such a luminous trial
survived our sentence, self-imposed
on cluttered hearts.

We could have had everything...

But you started listening to other voices
The ones outside our heads,
fused at the soft-spots.
The ones that sang sweet ******,
the ones we left our suicide
to please

and those murmuring homicides
murdered what we were,
scalped our skulls apart,
and you let them.

I have been bleeding to death
from the top of my brain
ever since.
mike Feb 2015
i won't drink from the faucet but
ill pour it out and pay my bill.
they put microchips in the water.
to attach to my dna.
to get me to do terrible things.
and to forget.
i leave the TV on loud dumb shows
so they don't know what I study.
they're listening through the speakers.
my socks are soaked in chemicals
to absorb into my feet
to make me immune
but ill be dead by then.
im writing it all down and saving it in
encrypted files.
the password is in the truth.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!
We'd like to tell some stories that are sure to leave you haunted.
15 homicides, two rapes and a break-in,
Child gone missing, a suicide, you shaking?
Most everything is bad, not a single hopeful thing.
Now here's a useless story bout a parrot that can sing.
People, don't you realize? That's the media today
A twisting of events that's meant to make you hide away.

**Don't believe the lies,
The time to wake up is right now.
We need to be like oil mixed with water,
Rise above before we drown.
À M. le vicomte de Chateaubriand.


« Qui de nous, en posant une urne cinéraire,
N'a trouvé quelque ami pleurant sur un cercueil ?
Autour du froid tombeau d'une épouse ou d'un frère,
Qui de nous n'a mené le deuil ? »
- Ainsi sur les malheurs de la France éplorée
Gémissait la Muse sacrée
Qui nous montra le ciel ouvert,
Dans ces chants où, planant sur Rome et sur Palmyre,
Sublime, elle annonçait les douceurs du martyre
Et l'humble bonheur du désert.

Depuis, à nos tyrans rappelant tous leurs crimes,
Et vouant aux remords ces cœurs sans repentirs,
Elle a dit : « En ces temps la France eut des victimes ;
Mais la Vendée eut des martyrs ! »
- Déplorable Vendée, a-t-on séché tes larmes ?
Marches-tu, ceinte de tes armes,
Au premier rang de nos guerriers ?
Si l'honneur, si la foi n'est pas un vain fantôme,
Montre-moi quels palais ont remplacé le chaume
De tes rustiques chevaliers.

Hélas ! tu te souviens des jours de ta misère !
Des flots de sang baignaient tes sillons dévastés,
Et le pied des coursiers n'y foulait de poussière
Que la cendre de tes cités.
Ceux-là qui n'avaient pu te vaincre avec l'épée
Semblaient, dans leur rage trompée,
Implorer l'enfer pour appui ;
Et, roulant sur la plaine en torrents de fumée,
Le vaste embrasement poursuivait ton armée,
Qui ne fuyait que devant lui.


La Loire, vit alors, sur ses plages désertes,
S'assembler les tribus des vengeurs de nos rois,
Peuple qui ne pleurait, fier de ses nobles pertes,
Que sur le trône et sur la croix.
C'étaient quelques vieillards fuyant leurs toits en flammes
C'étaient des enfants et des femmes,
Suivis d'un reste de héros ;
Au milieu d'eux marchait leur patrie exilée,
Car ils ne laissaient plus qu'une terre peuplée
De cadavres et de bourreaux.

On dit qu'en ce moment, dans un divin délire,
Un vieux prêtre parut parmi ces fiers soldats,
Comme un saint chargé d'ans qui parle du martyre
Aux nobles anges des combats ;
Tranquille, en proclamant de sinistres présages,
Les souvenirs des anciens âges
S'éveillaient dans son cœur glacé ;
Et, racontant le sort qu'ils devaient tous attendre,
La voix de l'avenir semblait se faire attendre,
Dans ses discours pleins du passé.


« Au delà du Jourdain, après quarante années,
Dieu promit une terre aux enfants d'Israël
Au-delà de ces flots, après quelques journées,
Le Seigneur vous promet le ciel.
Ces bords ne verront plus vos phalanges errantes ;
Dieu, sur des plaines dévorantes,
Vous prépare un tombeau lointain ;
Votre astre doit s'éteindre, à peine à son aurore ;
Mais Samson expirant peut ébranler encore
Les colonnes du Philistin.

« Vos guerriers périront ; mais, toujours invincibles,
S'ils ne peuvent punir, ils sauront se venger ;
Car ils verront encor fuir ces soldats terribles
Devant qui fuyait l'étranger.
Vous ne mourrez pas tous sous des bras intrépides ;
Les uns, sur des nefs homicides,
Seront jetés aux flots mouvants ;
Ceux-là promèneront des os sans sépulture,
Et cacheront leurs morts sous une terre obscure,
Pour les dérober aux vivants.

« Et vous, ô jeune chef, ravi par la victoire
Aux hasards de Mortagne, aux périls de Saumur,
L'honneur de vous frapper dans un combat sans gloire
Rendra célèbre un bras obscur.
Il ne sera donné qu'à bien peu de nos frères
De revoir, après tant de guerres,
La place où furent leurs foyers ;
Alors, ornant son toit de ses armes oisives,
Chacun d'eux attendra que Dieu donne à nos rives
Les lys, qu'il préfère aux lauriers.

« Vendée, ô noble terre ! ô ma triste patrie !
Tu dois payer bien cher le retour de tes rois !
Avant que sur nos bords croisse la fleur chérie,
Ton sang l'arrosera deux fois.
Mais aussi, lorsqu'un jour l'Europe réunie
De l'arbre de la tyrannie
Aura brisé les rejetons,
Tous les rois vanteront leurs camps, leur flotte immense,
Et, seul, le roi chrétien mettra dans la balance
L'humble glaive des vieux Bretons.

« Grand Dieu ! - Si toutefois, après ces jours d'ivresse,
Blessant le cœur aigri du héros oublié,
Une voix insultante offrait à sa détresse
Les dons ingrats de la pitié ;
Si sa mère, et sa veuve, et sa fille, éplorées,
S'arrêtaient, de faim dévorées,
Au seuil d'un favori puissant,
Rappelant à celui qu'implore leur misère
Qu'elles n'ont plus ce fils, cet époux et ce père
Qui croyait leur léguer son sang ;

« Si, pauvre et délaissé, le citoyen fidèle,
Lorsqu'un traître enrichi se rirait de sa foi,
Entendait au sénat calomnier son zèle
Par celui qui jugea son roi ;
Si, pour comble d'affronts, un magistrat injuste,
Déguisant sous un nom auguste
L'abus d'un insolent pouvoir,
Venait, de vils soupçons chargeant sa noble tête,
Lui demander ce fer, sa première conquête, -
Peut-être son dernier espoir ;

« Qu'il se résigne alors. - Par ses crimes prospères
L'impie heureux insulte au fidèle souffrant ;
Mais que le juste pense aux forfaits de nos pères,
Et qu'il songe à son Dieu mourant.
Le Seigneur veut parfois le triomphe du vice,
Il veut aussi, dans sa justice,
Que l'innocent verse des pleurs ;
Souvent, dans ses desseins, Dieu suit d'étranges voies,
Lui qui livre Satan aux infernales joies,
Et Marie aux saintes douleurs. »


Le vieillard s'arrêta. Sans croire à son langage,
Ils quittèrent ces bords, pour n'y plus revenir ;
Et tous croyaient couvert des ténèbres de l'âge
L'esprit qui voyait l'avenir.
Ainsi, faible en soldats, mais fort en renommée,
Ce débris d'une illustre armée
Suivait sa bannière en lambeaux ;
Et ces derniers français, que rien ne put défendre,
**** de leur temple en deuil et de leur chaume en cendre,
Allaient conquérir des tombeaux !

Julia Mae Dec 2016
today i discovered that the rates for suicide are higher than those for homicides. people want to **** themselves more than they desire to **** another. there are homicidal maniacs running amok - hellbent on ending another human life. while the number of individuals who are hellbent on ending the only life they possess, excels.
death is everywhere, and unending. and inevitable. yet preventable.
i paused and felt heavy inside of my heart, the millions of lives that were taken on their own free will.
Cedric McClester Jul 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Another random shooting stuns
But the headline should read
Y’all love your guns
Three dead and nine wounded
In a Louisiana movie theater
You might have assumed
It was carried out by a lone gunman
Who shot himself when he was done – and

I don’t care what y’all say
The statistics don’t lie
It happens almost every day
Different city different state
The homicides
Just don’t abate
The survivors are the lucky ones
‘Cos we all know y’all love your guns

Shooters striking just like lightenin’
Now that’s alarming
And also frightenin’
But we don’t want no gun control
It’s logical
But that argument’s old
Despite the amount of damage done
You must confess y’all love your guns

So as we turn another page
There’s no point in us feigning
Our outrage
As long as we’re cowered by
Who always seems to have
The final say
But y’all love your guns anyway

Copyright © 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved.
The Louisiana movie theater shooting is yet another in the litany of home grown terrorism.
Hailey Ngo Jul 2015
Take a look around
if you dare
at this world we live in today.

Maybe you'll find teenagers
lined up along the streets
puffing their life out
on cigarettes they stole.

Maybe you'll find pale faces
stuffed in their own world,
caring only for themselves.
Faces filled with anger
and hurt,
with no one willing
to jump out of their own world
for just one second
long enough to help.

Maybe you'll find stray trash
******* the life out of the earth.
Or maybe you'll find fumes climbing out of factories.
Or maybe gallons of oil
silently killing the life of the ocean.
Or maybe even thousands of animals
choking on the destruction
that we have left behind.

Maybe you'll find mothers
discarding the life they have created
in dumpsters,
in trash bags,
in abortions.
Maybe you'll find mothers
so desperate to get rid of their own babies
that they'll pretend
they have not just created life
but something to throw away.
They'll pretend that the human lives,
filled with potential and innocence,
they have just created
are nothing more
than the dirt inside those trash cans
they decided to leave them in.

Maybe you'll find piles of newspaper
upon newspaper
screaming out cases of ******,
of homicides,
of shootings,
of robbery.
You'll find human beings
treating other human beings
like they're just money,
like they're just a waste of space,
like they're just lives that mean nothing.
You'll find human beings
ending lives
without regret,
without remorse,
without a second thought.
You'll find human beings
treating human lives
like they're something
that can be thrown away carelessly.

So take a look around
if you dare
at this world we live in today.

But the sad thing is,
what people don't seem to know,
everything wrong with this world,
with the world we live in today,
can be fixed if people cared,
long enough
and hard enough
that they can forget about themselves for a while
and give a helping hand
that has gained dust for quite some time.

— The End —