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Death-throws Mar 2015
tonight i cut an angel,

her heart in my palm beating away. her words echoing in my brain, theyd been there all along, such beautiful soft words, words that mattered, words that cared , words that helped , words that pushed me up and  onwards

tonight i cut an angel,

her trust was as strong as steel in me, even when mine felt soft as yarn, she allways believed and faught for me without sense and without judgment
even when her sword was too dull to cut and too heavy to swing
her armor was so broken there was no point in wearing it,
but she wore it for me

tonight i cut an angel,

she is more beautiful then i deserve,more caring then i thaught possible, but frailer then rice paper.
she will allways love me, even when i hurt her, she would stand and smile and sow the hole in her heart closed again

tonight i cut an angel,

she wanted what was best, she knew what was best, she allways had and allways would, but my heart was beating to fast, my head was to strong. i screamed and faught and squeezed razors into the heart in my palm
tonight i cut an angel.

and now ill pray that to god he will send her back

asmall Mar 2014
"I wanted you to fight for me"
because you never did.
You faught more
for the last cookie
then you ever did for me.
So, while you ran
free and weak,
someone else had been fighting for me
getting stronger,
slowly stealing my heart.
And when my heart was finally taken,
you decide to fight,
but you were
too late and too fragile.
He took you out in one hit.
and all I can say is,
"I wanted you to fight for me."
-i wanted you to fight for me // a.s.
i took your **** and ran with it,
went miles into distance while you constantly clinged to the past
girl I'm tired of it.
How am I suppose to get in if he still has the original and I was givin the spare key,
I'm me and no where near him reason why you always keep runnin back lookin for a safe haven, but in reality sorry that ******* I ain't takin ,
must be mistaken,
I'm havin you second all the time I made you first,
like an unwelcomed tenet,
or low rank  lieutenant,
I'm undermined, while hes underlined,
made into a bold figure,
but I stack real figures,
and don't make you feel bitter like this *****.
Just don't  mention why you quiver , I know the reason why you internally bleedin , stress in ya eyes   swollen from the cries in the night, it ain't right.
but yet you fall back to him , then call me later? I gave you my words, last time was the last. So to bad if it didn't last, and both ends of the ties leave  you to grieve and gravel on the gravel , yeah sit there and babble , yeah I ponder the river creeks for years
now im off the love boat, I skidattled , faught the more fishes in the sea with broken paddle promise not to commit unless it was suicide or a contract with a person I don't trust after marriage and can't truly settle with.
so the others who wanted me are shunned, and you ?  Is of no concern to my conscience , my once brown poccahauntus who haunted
my nights , and Asian moon cake who left with the wrong shake   wen I coulda move mountain cause I was the real earthquake to shake the floor beneath you and let you see the plummit to a deeper meaning. Thank for leavin.
Asmathic or not,
I remain breathing.

by Emmanuel Hernandez
Linguist Musician  aka Deep thought
Lily Nov 2015
"Foreigner in my own land"
Words that I will forever have in my skin.
This tattoo, means
An ancestral burden that I did not choose.
Quoted directly,
From a man... Who faught
Side by side with heroes in order to gain a taste of freedom.
An ideal he believed essential.
The tint of his skin, and his mother tongue,
determined his fate...
He was forever exiled from the country he fought for and held on so dear.
"Foreigner in my own land."
Generations passed,
And we still hold this burden.
My roots... Determined something.
An idea that I am less according to some.
My people are fighting a fight,
That shouldnt even exist.
And I am proud to say...
I am a foreigner in my own land.
Because no matter where I go...
I am a stranger.
Regardless of race and color.
We will always be foreigners to others. Yet,
I am a stranger that will hold a smile,
And welcome the bigotry.
I know what I am.
And I am proud.
Instead of infecting others with hate....
Let us celebrate our differences and appreciate each other.
Because we are all Foreigners.
I recently got this tattoed on my thigh. I must admit, it is my proudest ink.
J B Moore Jun 2016
I put you on a lifeboat and watched you sail safely through,
As I drowned in the ice cold waters thinking about you.

I've struggled and faught to keep my head afloat
In hopes that you'll come back for me in your little lifeboat.

We did our best to avoid the iceberg, or so I like to think
But being the Titanic we were doomed, bound to sink.
And we broke so quickly, like it was out of the blue.
Turns out love isn't a strong enough glue.

So here I swim in the freezing sea of sorrow
Hoping to find warmth in a better tomorrow.

I can try to pretend, pretend that I'm not sinking,
But all the while I can't stop myself from thinking.

Thinking that if I can just stay afloat for a while
You'll come sailing by in your little lifeboat with a smile.

But you won't come, you've already reached dry land.
So I struggle for my life, for anyone to lend their hand.

I can only hope that hand comes before I freeze.
Oh Lord, send me my own little lifeboat, please.

There we stood falsly charged   of crimes  we had not commited
or at least  thought  no one had seen.

Jack Horner.
acussed of  lewd acts with a horse   well least he had a ride home afterwards
also acussed  ******  insanity   arson   petty theft   double dipping  
car jacking hey if the cars into it i see no harm in it.
truelley  he's a all around good guy.

Chris Smith.
For being a well okay  he's probaly the innocent one

Gary la Budha.
For selling to many books and drinking my last beer
and  for  ******* on thee toilet seat.

John Patrick Robbins AKA  Gonzo
For serving minors inciting a riot  farting in church  spiking the punch and creating a mess at the highschool prom.
200 drunken publics   3000 dui's    public ******   dam sports event's do it every time  ******* chess matches.

Breaking and entering **** i wondred why my house was locked
and some man was sleeping with my wife hell
here i find i have one and she's already cheating on me.
no woder thoose kids look nothing like me.

And for being such a good looking crazy *******  I added that one.

We were some fine upstanding  kinda ****** up guys.
The trial was a joke thr key witness Drew .D  glared at us
I felt violated as i knew mentally she undressed me  with her eye's

The video was the real kicker  ****** I told you Jack that
wasnt  Mr Es  barn we broke into  hippos dont wear  dresses .
Yes mate but there so dam **** he replied.

what do you have to say for yourselfs the man in his black Pajamas asked.
Once was kinda strange i had to get dressed up yet this senile old man thought we  were at a pajama party.

Order in the court yes your honor i'll have a martini.
We were found guilty but even a courts wall cant contain crazy.
With a spark of unplanned drunken brillance  like a **** between friends  we sprang into action Jack taking on the  officers  
Chris you take the judge   I'll handle the she devil  Drew.

In a battle fitting for saturday night pro wrestiling we
faught like  wild animals and drunk women chairs flew
ears  were bitten  body parts fonddled  
Drew screamed hey pervert get your hands off my ***.

No time for foreplay now satan  and i sure hope  you smuggled
a gun or salami in here thats just wrong.

Grabbing the curtian and  that hot court lady who insisted on typing through the whole dam trial  like a drunken pirate  who shops at walmart  a called to my brothers were blowing this popstand  slash pajama party.

Through the window we flew crashing through the roof of  a well placed mini van below  we could hear the pixie like screams above As Mr E
screamed goddamit thats my ******* van.

Into the sunset like mighty drunken legends we rode
hey you guys ever been to Atlantic City?
bound for trouble and and a few rest stops inbetween
hey were drinkers   and nobody likes to smell like ***.

Untill next time were the always guilty
Were the G team.
What can i say   except  well
Gonzo everyone
always anxious Mar 2017
Have you ever met the right person at the wrong time?
Me too...
He was the best thing that has ever happened to me..
We were perfect for each other but i wasn't ready.

I was 16, he was 18 we had known eachother for a couple of years, he was tall and he smelled nice.
He had blue eyes and dark brown hair.

He was a ****** up kid.
He had just gotten his drivers license, so he raced.
He got drunk om school nights.
He smoked one pack a day.

But when i was in his car he drove below the speed limit, because he knew i had anxiety.
He stopped the drinking cause he knew i didn't like it and he stopped smoking cause he didn't wanna make my asthma worse.

He became a nice guy, doing everything he could to make me feel like a princess...
When we had been together for 5 months he dropped out of school..
I got dissappointed and he promised he would get a job and get his **** together, but he was busy caring for me.

He wanted to get married.
He was about to turn 19 and his friends started to get married and have kids.. and he wanted that too...
But i wasn't ready...
I was 16 and just started high school...  i wasn't ready to even imagine myself starting a family yet..

So after 9 months i ended it.. with a text... i had to breathe... i needed space..
But i know that if i had met him 5 years later i would have spent the rest of my life with him..
We had the same values, we agreed on everything, rarely faught, had the same view on kids..
But i wasn't ready...
So i ended it with a text...
Kirsten Autra Jan 2010
a jezebel in past memories
or was it the men who took over--

after all it was there tendencies

a town like hell in past memoires

or was it the house of god--

after all that is what it transalates;

or is it just a fraud?

change comes.

change goes.

so add your sums,

find the pimps and hoes.

it's reality i love.

the sound of the siren.

but in this economy were getting fired--

when the jobs should be a hirin'

but i don't mind the flame

this mind of mine is one you cannot tame

take the torch, to burn the web--

he would rather see that black widow dead.

but i enjoy life, even the poison.

lay down in that bed,

ask for a little bit of arson

to go with that martini--

choices are in the end an action

with a consequence

can you see the beauty?

a cage, a prison, a fence

or is it just a fraction

of the picture;

maybe it is just a mirror

and the thing you see deep within

is just the sight of fear

and we learn to look away

because hard truth doesn't seem quite okay

we lie to you, to ourselves to ease the pain

each and every day.


as the clock ticks it's time.

is it in, or just sane?

the answer is one we must create--

not find.

but we still keep ah searchin.

lookin for that love.

lookin high and low,

under and above.

we wait, we go.

we hate our libido.

cause baby you just want to **** fast, then slow

then walk out that do'

never ask for any mo'

i guess it's just my mother ******* ego.

so eat the pineapple raw.

get caught in satans claw.

break the pieces to the jigsaw.

cause i care, and i don't.

i contradict my each and every thought.

but these wars seem to have already been faught.

and all i seem to have got

are these bombs

and many a gun

we'll use them in your front lawns

teach your children it is fun!

so cut off the leg and an arm

it's in the tradition of a religion

when a girl misbehaves.

but my father told me

thats what he would do if he followed those customs too.

and words no longer penetrate my heart, nor soul.

i just let them go.

you can't hurt me

just try to insert thee.

see the pain you will be in.

all because of fornication--

it can be as brutal as the storm of an ocean,

but maybe as sweet as a potion.

and i'm not lookin to find a person

to listen to my every word an...


cause right now thats how i think of it.

i slept alone before i met you,

and i will sleep alone post-abuse.

this is why i choose to refuse;

to live in hell.

to be the jezebel.

to kiss, and tell.

instead i shall choose

not to be defeated and lose

but to keep my soul, to choose not to sell.

just look to the future, and excel.
Michelle Jan 2023
What happened to "I will never hurt you" "I will never leave you" " You are the best thing that ever happened to me"

The words and sentences were exchanged for screaming, crying and aggressiveness

We have faught, strangled and hurt each other, screamed in each other´s faces that we hate each other and that we never want to see each other ever again

Maybe that would have been the best for us, that we went our separate ways and never laid eyes on each other again, but there is something about the two of us, we thrive on hatred
An extract from my diary during my first ever relationship. It sounds better in swedish lol
Rangzona Mar 2012
Zombies they approach 
to bad we can't be friends 
This was my last thought
As I load my gun

This will be a blood bath
And I may never survive 
I am the last, destined to die by hand I used to curest
I see her in the mob 
Slowly approaching 
Why rush I was doomed 
I know it and so did they

I faught for 7 years 
And this is my end
I am the last to see thair loved ones
I wounder how they will live with out me
I guess the same if I was the one that was victorious 
"**** this I yell"
 as the zombies began to in case me
I was never the one who seeked the crowed 
All wayse the loner
Dreaming for this day 
Not hoping just knowing it will come to pass

My end will be beautiful 
I cocked my gun
Knowing I wount need it but just liked the ilosen of my finally
Being of a gun fight,

We planed this
Me and the once people who surround me
All hopping it will never come
But non believed it was unnesary 

They was in place 
The shells all in place 
I slipped the wire under my feat
And even though I could not see the liquid I know 
It hit its home
Zombies cried in rage
Canines thrusted into the air
Trying to cut the air 
And I laughted 

****** was my favorite was my favorite wepen 
I glanced above my head to see the net
Filed with liquid hell
It amused me that all the years I threaten to rain
Hell on my enimeyes 
I get to do it

I hit the swich in my poket 
I herd the flames hit the net 
It will take 2 minutes for the flames
To meet the c4 
But the zombies had a different plan
They rushed me 
And all I did was take two steps backwards
And the mine wint of without a hitch

I lust a leg but that was enught distraction
C4 inighted and turned the night alive 
I had made my last day of life
And I smile
The end is now
I closed my eyes
And waited 
For my firy demise 
To welcome me
Santiago Jan 2015
I'm not worthy
Not even a penny
I could die anyday
No one cares anyway
I'm just dust metal that rust
Slowly dying so why keep trying
I gave it all I got faught hit the spot
Only to rot when I was shot
I ******* hate myself
I wish I never met you
I rather feel nothing
Than something at all
MaSHTONdison May 2014
Once, a wise creature told me,
some are worth melting for,
but his story was long and tired some,
the emotion i gave him,
ment this was a bore.

The old man, who saved his wifes life,
the one that always opens the door,
The one who cares for all no matter who they are,
He is worth melting for.

The young mother, around 17 or 18,
Who picks up trash at the park, cleaning the core,
Ah, yes her?
She is worth melting for.

The young man, 20, who plays with a band,
gave three thousand dollars to the homeless man,
the one that makes me smile, the one that opened the door;
He is worth melting for.

Now not everyone is worth all the melting and sorrow;
Especially people who dont return what they borrow.
Not the man who abused his kids,
Not the woman who sold her daughter for the highest bids.
Not the man, who killed his own wife,
Not the women, who faught with a knife.

All those people,
all those ****** glores,
But never mind those people,
You are worth Melting for.
:) Have a good day.
Rangzona Mar 2012
Every one tells me I'm smart 
But I'm not 
I am not intelligent I'm just observant 
I see why X=Y 
I see why America faught in wwII 
I see why people make fun of me 
And I remember all the **** you've said to me
No I'm not a genius  but I'm smart enough to see though you
You thank your better than me 
Keep on thinking your fashion makes you better 
Keep on thinking that your life is more than mine
I'm smart enough to see that when you rag on me
You alwow your self to believe if you diss me
That the you see in me
The you that you hate to see would not be thair
I can see all the hate in you
I see all the pain in you 

Say all that **** about me
Make it seem that I'm the imperfect one
I use to be like you
Constantly denying who I am 
Never allowing me to be
Always thinking what they think of me 
Only knowing what they known of me
Only cairing what they wishted for me

But I'm not like that any more I see who I am
Not what people cair  to see 
But who I am
Who I want to be
Every aspect I hid befor
All that i wished for no one to know
I do not deny them eny more
I am not who any one thanks I am
I am not what people want me to be
I am not even what I want to be

I am me 
Nouthing more nouthing less
I am who I am
No reson to deny this
And just like I am who i am
You are who you are 
No mater if you deny it
No mater if you hide it
Fact is you was made to be who you are 
No amount of friends can change that fact
And you will see this like I did
You will make friends that do not size you up
No mater how ****** up you seem to be 
They will be their for you
It's just a mater of time before you see who you are
JustMe Jun 2014
Theres nothing left to see now
the circus has finally closed

I sigh
as the freakshow begins
I stand down



my vision clouds

but I see everything

as the tent fills with shadows

I watch their faces
cruel laughter

lighting up their eyes

I run


as the empty seats are filled
by all the other outcasts
to laugh at someone else for a change
at least
something good 
would have
come out 
of my useless life

all Ive ever done
is hurt people
then again

theres a first time 
for everything...

The shadows
they stare

as if
they havent heard 
of things like me before


I cant tell

if they really see me

they would be the first...

I watch 
as they take their seats
the ringmaster
pushes me


and I fall 
into the empty pit that surrounds me

inside and outside

finally the same
the shadows laugh
as I drown 
in the waters
of my soul...

I feel the darkness 
closing in

I welcome it

it will all be over soon anyway

why fight

there is nothing left

to fight for
after all 
Im not
worth the trouble
no one
 faught for me...
Anonymous Jul 2010
We havent had any food all day,
and my kids are resting in the hay.
with no money for a bed,
thats all they got to rest thier head.

I have to see the miller now,
how  I'll pay him i dont know how.
All i want is a loaf of bread,
just so i know that my children will be fed.

My husbands no-where to be seen,
no time to wonder where hes been.
I hope it doesn't end in caught,
the lord aint a man who wants to be faught.

At the end of the day,
i guess its ok.
and with a lack of food and a poor tum,
every-one seems to groan at mum.
my history homework :P
To those of you who loved me
Know that I love you
To those of you who hate me
Know that I never hated you!
To those of you who will miss me
Know that I will miss you
To those that are broken hearted
Pleease know that I was too
To those of you who wonder why
Please know that I faught true
To those I was never good enough for
Know I faught until the fight was through
To those who reached out to help me
I'm sorry I couldn't help you
To those of you that I hurt
Please know that I never meant to
My heart just can't hold any more pain
Please know these words are true!
I wrote this at a very rough time after looseing both my parent within four years
"She smells like ***"
I could hear them whisper
Did they really think that they were better
Just because I was 7 and smelled like ***
and they didn't cause they were cleaner than me.

"what a freak, she said she's part lizard"
Yes I did and also I'm a wizard
and I dont think you should call a wizard names.
Please stop laughing this is not a game.

"snicker snicker, we think we're better"
I see this and its not effecting me,
at least not now, in a conscious degree.
I am only 7 and i dont get why your mean.
I tried to be your friend, I told you my favorite color was green.
I told you how my dad was a super hero cop who faught the
aliens off.
I said that and I meant it too.
I thought you could tell me about your dad too...
Cause mine, well he's got alot of alien fighting to do.
and i haven't seen him since i was 5.
Oh my mom, I dont know if she's alive.
My grandma took me from her, I dont know why.
Something about germany, and *** slavery but I am 7 and dont know anything.
I told you about how my mom promised me a new world, she said i was her girl and we were leaving this place. She said the people here were of a lower race, and that when we got there it would be like outer space.
I told you how the power rangers lived at my house
and how even though im only 7 i still have a spouse.
told you my grandmother knows everything in the world and you can't convince me different Oh and she's rich, and i think shes a reverend. She reads alot a bibles, and tells me I may go to hell.
But hey remember I'm a wizard so I'll just cast a spell.

"she is crazy, i dont get her"
Your talking to loud to pretend that you whisper.
Your making to much fun to pretend that your better.
Because I may be 7 and I may be a wizard, I may smell like *** and I may be half lizard. But I'm a good person and I know thats what I am suppose to be. I'm nice to you, even though you hate me. I treat you well even though you berate me.  I try to impress you even though i see its no use lately.
I tried so hard but now I'm 8
Now My heart is filled with hate.
I've been abused,
My thoughts misused.
My mind mislead
My heart now dead.
Im Getting tired, and I'm gettign quiet.
You called me a liar  said you didn't buy it.
So i shut it. You dont want my stories
I dont want to tell you
dont want to hear my glory?
I dont blame you.
I'm useless. Im boring
Im stupid I'm dumb.
I'm 8 years old and I've stopped having fun.

But hey my moms back now, and she is living with me.
She hits me really hard, almost constantly .
You would never know that
and I would never tell.
I wonder if my grandma can send her to hell.
I wonder if you knew, if any of you would care...
That at night I am beat, and drug by my hair.
That I night I am hungry and far away.
That when not a school I am just as abused
as they way you do me here.
I was a messed up kid. just some stories from my child hood all mashed up together
jmc Mar 2010
What if we mailed a letter,
To Matthew, Luke, and John.
That Mark had conceived a practice
Which would turn the world around.

To freely speak his mind upon them,
Faceless tadpoles in the crowd.
Just open your ears and hear these
Insightful thoughts through a speaker loud.

As he turned his mic toward her,
And grinned a smile so warm.
She often got too frightened,
Fearing his life in danger and harm.

But this was not a contest,
No beauty prize at hand.
The only thing he demanded
Was to introduce them to his band.

Of cheerful loving misfits,
That faught for truth and good.
To flip the frown from beneath them,
Just like any honest citizen should.

But to win over such an election,
Of justice, daft, and punk.
Would be to lift them from their tight knicked chains
And fill their lungs up til they are drunk.
Joel 5:00
Marian Mar 2013
Part I

Frayed curtains hanging at the broken windows
Mice knaw at the old musty books
On drab dusty shelves
On the cracked wallpaper walls
Threadbare rugs on the unpolished wooden floor
Which creaks and groans when stepped upon
Thick vines growing on the walls that bear
Cracked and ***** wallpaper
It's design faded from time
It's pattern cannot be seen for it is covered in dust
Dust so thick one could cough and sneeze
Paint chipped tables and rocking chairs
Which are now beyond repair
If sat on they could break
The stairway covered in hunter-green carpet
Is covered with shards and bits of glass
The cozy and warm feeling of this house is gone and dead
Just like the people whom once lived in this lonely house
They are burried just outside this house
Somewhere on the lawn
Where warped headstones stand tall and bent over
Where lichens grow over their names and dates
Some of them are unknown
Just like the soldier who was killed in battle
Died before he could come home
Killed by other soldiers who faught
In that sad and tragic war

Cole Strangeee Oct 2020
I was wondering along the cemetery my family is buried in.
My mom told my a few headstones down from my grandparents was a baby girl who died at one month and one day old. Named Rebecca. My heart stopped.
I thought of you.
My “freshman year of college” when we fell in love.
At the time we weren’t together, you loved Heather why should I have told you?
I was pregnant the first Christmas we faught, yelling in a target parking lot. I begged you to love me and you left me in the snow crying.
I wasn’t going to tell you.
At New Years you came to meet me- but it wasn’t me you wanted. You told me you loved me so you could **** me and leave me before midnight.
I remember kissing one of my best friends instead that night at midnight.
I told her that I thought I was pregnant. She kissed me and told me it would be okay.
I never got to meet you, I only got the greeting of your demise.
But I always felt you were a girl.
I was right with my instinct when I found out about your brother.
I just hope my little girl wherever you are, you are safe and happy. I asked Rebecca to stick around, I told her it’s okay if she wanted to follow me too.
Allison Dec 2013
Do you ever regret not holding on tighter?
Do you lay awake at night wondering what could of been?
Do you think if you faught as hard as I did things would be different?
My mind always tells me that letting go and forgetting you is the best option.
But that hurt feeling in my stomach that keeps me awake tells me other wise.
Are you happy?
You look pretty happy with her wrapped around your neck like one of my necklaces you still seem to wear.
Is she everything I couldn't be?
Dose she appect your disgusting man ***** ways?
Dose she not care you have 5 other girls wrapped around your fingers?
I get that you are pretty happy with your drunking getting high college days that I couldn't be a part of even though you tried your hardest to make me.
I can tell she's just like you.
I never understood your type.
Great you can **** ***** *** girls
Claps for you.
You want a award for throwing away something that's was good for you?
You can have fun destorying your life when I tried fixing it.
Don't bother me when you realize your **** and have nothing.
And that when I told you I would always wait for you, has ended.
KellzKitty Jan 2015
Costumes,money,power, fake identitys, and fame
These are the traits of the heros we know better by name
Batman,Thor, Iron man and more
Are here to save the day
But that's where it's wrong
For they are written and drawn
What about the heros who's names actually do belong?
The heros who leave their homes and family's
To fight for us so we can be free?
They don't know our names
Nor do they feel they need to
They go through suffering just to save you
They die and don't come back because they are not fiction they are real
The pain they feel from a bullet is truly real
They go through sleepless nights and endless days
Because that's the price our freedom pays
They volunteer and sign up for this
No mater the pain they don't give in
Not knowing their names should be a sin
Their spouses and children are home alone
Not knowing if their loved ones will return dead or alive
But the soldiers do this so we can survive
They are the real heros both men and women.
Our soldiers who have faught and died for us
Are the real heros who deserve us
They deserve our recognition and our love
So thank you soldiers for everything you have done for us.
J B Moore Nov 2015
I once was a man, so full of pride
Behind my timidity would I hide
I thought my deeds were like shimmering gold 
When in truth, no value did they really hold.

So good was I at being good
I began to believe that no one could,
Even if they really did try,
Yes no one would catch me in this lie.

I got so good, I thought I believed
When really I merely myself deceived 
I was in so deep I never even knew
That all was a lie, I thought to be true.

I joined the ranks, under His command,
On the side of the King I took my stand.
But never did I fool the Sovereign King
Who knows all, sees all, everything.

Even still being the traitor that I was,
I faught for the King because, because.
Because I thought I could make my place
Within his Castle, if I stayed an ace. 

Had I only known that enter did no one
Unless the King had specifically chose them.
For no matter the battles that I could "win"
Only those called, would ever get in.

But then one night, lo that awful night,
Was a battle in which alone I did fight.
It was upon me so quick, off my guard being caught.
She went for my sword, from my hands was it wrought.

I tried crying out but quickly went silent
The sin conlvulsing within, becoming so violent.
I begged and I cheated my way out of death
Giving in to Temptation, who stole my breath.

She never would let me on my own breathe
Having taken my breath, I never could leave.
But she'd give it back so I could live normal days
Yet every night once again would she take it away.

Though not my own, I found a well,
Reaching deep within for a drink, I fell.
Having been so thirsty, I was quickly consumed
If I only knew, those who drank were forever doomed.

If I had only known the poison Temptation gave me, 
I would have gladly died if it meant I'd be free.
The sin grew within making me lose control
Still, I gladly drank the poison that was killing my soul.

This continued on for a time too long;
And I still couldn't see that I was in the wrong.
No matter how fatal I knew the poison to be,
I just wouldn't stop, even if it were the death of me.

Then one night, while in Temptation consumed,
There came a light with a crack and a boom.
And there stood a messenger from the King himself,
His garments displaying the King's great wealth.

"Sad tidings for you do I now bring,
A message straight from the King.
A message to you of consequence,
One that will cause your burning ears to ring.

"The King is aware of your heinous crimes
He warns you of the coming times
Where his judgement will rain down on you,
And you will feel you've lost your mind.

"He knows about you and Temptation,
And how you desire her awful sensations.
But you think that you of all are perfect 
Not needing any salvation.

"Oh how you error in your ways
When you should be counting the days,
Until the debt you have incurred 
Is a debt you will soon pay."

I looked at him and openly scoffed
When I knew inside that I had naught,
Nothing at all with which to pay,
To my silence he then had this to say.

"The King is generous which is why I was sent
To make sure his gift wasn't carelessly spent.
You must pay it all back, everything
Down to the very last cent.

"If not, to you a curse shall ensue
In the midst of a battle, the world verses you
On that dark and damning day 
You will have no choice but to pay your due.

"For there will fall your wretched soul,
Into the deepest, darkest hole
The consequences of your crimes
Having finally taken their toll.

"And there you'll fall forevermore 
Never knowing what's in store
And all the wretched deeds you loved
You'll now at last abhor

"For so long you wore a mask of light
And even fought their same fight
Yet all this time underneath your skin
Your heart was darker than blackest night.

"If just one had been able to tell,
Who you were, yet there you fell
Falling closer than you ever knew
Toward the tormenting, firery, flames of Hell."

"Enough, that's it, no more," cried I
"I can take no more or else I'll die
There must be something I can do
Anything that could make me new."

"Have you not listened to what I said?
Or do you have too thick a head
You cannot do a thing at all,
Your soul, forever has been dead."

"Please tell me who," I did reply
"Can save me from my very lies.
Who can bring dead back alive 
And my useless soul, who can revive?"

"There is one man, who completely paid
The price it cost and was not afraid
For on a cross he did die,
For the sinners lost, his life he laid.

In the grave he spent three full days,
Yet in the grave he would not stay 
The King having given him the power
To conquer death in every way.

Only through repentance and belief upon the Son
Can ever your battles against sin be won.
For through Christ and his saving power
Has all the work been done."

Before the messenger made those words his last
Before he was suddenly gone with a flash
He said this to me "Be warned,
When between right and wrong you are torn."

As you sin you twist the jagged knife
That drains away your lover's life
As you stare at them through tear filled eyes 
Think, 'was it really worth this price.'"

With that he was completely gone
Come to find out it was already dawn.
For once, I felt refreshed and renewed 
And the sin that I did began to feel crude.

At last I thought I was truly free
But Temptation still had her chains on me
Only now, she had loosened her grip
Letting me over my own stumbling blocks trip.

I then fell in love with a girl who changed my life
So much so I wanted her to be my wife.
Yet Temptations chains held me back,
It was strength— or was it faith— that I lacked.

Then came the night for which I was doomed,
Whilst in Temptation completely consumed
I plunged my sword into her back
My love had died, my soul stained black

What I wanted to be one, was forever in two,
The Messenger's warning now coming true.
I had loved her dearly, or so I thought,
But in the end it was all for naught.

So there I was more broken then before
Having lost everything to still lose more.
For I had believed I had been made new
Only to find that to be far from true.

And for the very first time
I realized I was quite blind
To still be living a life with Temptation,
Was the very proof of my lack of salvation.

Then I went and bowed before the King
Giving him much thanks for everything
For the loss of a love and for the pain
And the resulting salvation that I gained.

And as the King would so decree
I repented, believed, and became quite free.
The King and his army defeated Temptation 
And I joined His ranks through a watery declaration.

As time went on, I still have found I sometimes would fall
But I wasn't alone, to the King I could call.
And he will always help me up by lending a hand 
And lets me lean on Him when I need help to stand.

For so long as I lean on him in the midst of my trials
And keep repenting of sin which I now find so vile,
He will give me the strength, the strength to carry on,
And show me the way with each new coming dawn.

I once was a man with a wretched soul,
Who was saved by grace and remade whole,
Not by any deed I could do on my own
But by faith in the perfect work of Christ alone.
Warning: this is a long one
Atiquity are etched in lime granite
Telling non fable tales of blood
Flooding over the rivers of Jordan
to the deep rivers of Hudson
You could hear them in all four
Corners of the earth were inprinted
Valumes in there voices broke
Cracked like glass now there is silence
When the time came for refuge
The night was cool as hope was here


Settling with what is now


The war for change is still
being faught for.

© 2014 S.T. Rebel of Eden
Slavery is still visible in every core of the earth.
Jay Jimenez Nov 2010
did you here
the sky cry
it roared its voice asking us why we are killing her
the sky cut open with white lights
trying to show us how she hurt
The trees swayed back and forth waving there arms to get our attention
did we listen
did we here her
so she faught back
infernos blazed our homes
tornados blew our belongings away
just like her lungs were polluted
with our toxins
she fought back
washing away our lives
to dance with the fishes
She opened up her skin
and shook our souls
she knew one day we might listen
shes growing tired
shes growing angry
will we stop
will we cease
we are a desease
and her natural forces are the vaccine
will we win
will she yes
Copyright JaMRock
DC raw love Mar 2017
How can one describe ones life....
Is it the good or the evil...
What makes it right...

The times we fall....
The times we crawl...
But yet we still stand tall...

To the battles we faught,
weather win or lose...

The blood does dry,
yet tears still fall from the sky...

The healing process,
so thin, so frail...

Like a golden egg shell,
lined with diamonds...
So handle with care..

As one heart beats slow,
one will beat fast...

One from love,
one from death...

Like a fogged in road,
With no place to go...

My mind goes blank,
from the things I let go...
Miss E Sep 2016
Here I am
A nurse to be
Doing this for myself
But for the man who created me

He molded me from his long work days
To playing soccer after the sun would set
He showed me what it meant
To work for my dreams

From rising above racist targeting
My dad had an accent
This didn't make him less
Than you and me  

His mind is strong and full of qualities
That racism can't see
Because it blinds those who believe

I am a product of a man
With an accent different from you and me
But I am stronger
From the battles he faught
To give me my dream
Annie Quill Jun 2014
Marine is a man
Who faught in many battles
Who went through much strife
And lived a good life
Apoorv Bhardwaj Apr 2018
Happy birthday

To the girl with the strongest heart
The girl who won't cry
To the girl who has been put down
The girl who has learned to fly

To the girl who has faught her wars
the girl who do not wile
To the girl who has learned to face her scars
the girl who has learned to smile

To the girl who has the prettiest smile
The girl who is meant to be inviolable
To the girl who laughs her heart out
The girl who is so able.

To the girl with the brightest soul
The girl strong enough to walk alone
To the girl with the sweetest heart
The princess to a throne

To the girl with the deepest eyes
The girl who can make the flowers sing
To the girl who sometimes cries
The girl whose tears fall like a diamond on a ring

To the girl sweeter than the sugar
The girl you look at her for a while
To the girl who can turn sorrow to joy
The girl who can make you smile
To the girl who's never gonna loose
For someone special
Tony Luxton Dec 2015
He sang the people's songs
and faught the people's causes.
Others heard and blacked his name.
That was for him no badge of shame.

A five string banjo man,
folk singer, left winger,
he sang brave words in trying times,
striving to strengthen basic rights.

Pete Seeger died aged ninety-four
and left a heritage for man.
Asking us to Turn! Turn! Turn!
Urging us to overcome.
A sky so bright
With morning light
A land so dark and cold
And I wish with all my might
For the end of all our fright
And for the demons to relive their hold
For I am caught
In a a cage, wrought
Out of the hardest steel
And now I've faught
Energy, I have not
Nor a steady keel
Ranbows fill the sky above
Look! There flies a single dove!
'Tis a sight so pure
But what the demons love
Is to block the world above
For our world of sadness, there is no cure
...Very random poem... barely looked it over... > w<
Jonathan May 2013
Joy, shifts through my fingers, displaying true diapason
To all earth bound quality, I find truth in thw whispering wind,
Singing all true paroxysm of chaos into one binding solidarity.
For why I have benn this far? Faught this hard, Unmoved, swayed
By the pestamistic animals rotting away in this system of survival
Farther than the eye can see we run in hope of flourishing past our own beliefs.
A piviotal concept it is,  runing for deeper understanding and merriment
when the amaurotic people choose to not see it was in your hands the whole time.
I dont know the whole point of this piece is to help grasp that the manifastation of happiness is with you from the start.
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
depression. its a battle i once faught
not really, but thats what i once thought
the truth is, its never gonna leave me, cause its always gonna need me
i still get down and always will, so when i do, its always gonna feed me
the world wants me to fight it, to beat it away
to let it know that it has no place to stay
but thats not true, cause its a part of me
and accepting thats like paying the hardest fee
so taking a pill each morning might help me see things 'the right way'
but its still gonna surface, not like each day can be the bright day
i know thats it normal, and i'm leaning to embrace it
rather than fighting and pushing, trying to replace it
cause when i get down, man i fall through the floor
i lock my heart in a room, and it breaks down the door
emotions are living, they want to spread wings and soar
and i know thats its true, cause i feel them right to my core
Ashley Greco Jul 2011
[You] were different then all the rest,
                        called me beautiful,
                        kissed me in the rain,
                        made me laugh,
                        made me smile,
                        laughed at my stupid moments,
                        thought they were cute,
                        faught with me about who was the cutest,
                        saw me when I wanted you.
[You] lied,
                        only answered when you felt like it,
                        stopped talking to me,
                        don't answer anymore,
                        don't call anymore,
                        talk to my friends still,
                        thought I didn't know about it,
                        only pretended I was the only girl at the time,
                        never gave a **** about me.
[I]          was stupid,
                        was love struck,
                        believed I was the only girl,
                        took you for your word,
                        believed you.
[You] were exactly like the rest of them,
         don't care any more.
[And neither] do I.
i am aware, aware if your beauty,
How its devine,
And time  has nothin on your body, forever it curves , your words fall and the one that i pick up, are lines i wanna write, to get your attention, to grasp your mind.
I stare cause i dont wanna miss a moment, your the sun your true blinding beauty, and a morning smile that shines throughout heaven,  im surprised your not in movies.
i wanna know what you think, know who are, tell me who you be, and how can an angel like you cover your black feathers nd scars?
How many battles have you faught? How much heartache?  And how can you still stand strong and not fall?
You dont need to answer, im just truly captivated by you,
Who captures my sight, with eyes that dance with sunlight,
Without a flash of a camera,
Can a man like me handle ya?
I wanna hold you tell you how truelly you are special,
A heart so big all state hands couldnt caress you,
But i can, hands of man, whos blessed too,
You got me goin bananas runnin thru my temple,
I cant touch, so the feelin of wanting you is imensful.
So dear who I can i be near??
A angel like you , flys untouched,
Like 11s with no scuffs,
Its tough ,cause im tempted to touch, but i want your interest,
First, is it jay low? Or enough too much?
I wanna know soo, i dont over doo or rush,  i want you too smile or aleast eyes flutter interest with alil blush...
See ima artist, my loves a paint brush, your an  idea, i wanna brush upon ,
Caress your canvas,  cause theres nothing more defined as beauty as your face, eyes of dawn,  lips of life that can calm storms.
And hair that waves like the sea,
And a personality that glows like the halo you have,  hands soft and free,
More than any thing curves  worth a ride.
Thighs sweet like honey seepin up to a jar of a jewel  inside.
No disrespect, but head to toe you are a fine dime ,  with a mind intelligent aswell as sublime and kind, i wish i knew what its like to be cuff by you, cause im guilty of thoughts as a crime..
Your inviting, delighting, sweet all around.
Ima clown , but i dont joke when i say, when i look up and and down,
.Its hard to believe God made such a beautiful woman,who ls yet to have a crown.
Your strong ,  flawless, defined as one of a kind.
No one can come close to your stature,  and be as radiant as the way you truly shine.

-Deep Thought
Aka Emmanuel Jv Hernandez

— The End —