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Rhianecdote Apr 2015
And yeah you wasted your time
Yeah you wasted your emotion
Hell! You made judgement calls
Based on the false
And the wait
Just led to the disappointment

And yeah you'll get twinges
Of pain and regret
Waiting in the fringes
Of your being
When the boundaries
Become insecure
But not enough to unhinge this

Here you are
In this beautiful moment
Called Clarity
All the better
Cause it didn't come easy

**Let Go
Confusion Cease
ReLease hold, Free
Soul-dier at Ease.
what doesnt **** you makes you wander
those frozen minutes drag out longer
what doesnt **** you makes you ponder
hearts no longer growing fonder.

hold on for dear life
before it throws you off the edge
sometimes its all you find that's left
it gets too hard, sometimes
for us to remain in line
but don't cry, little soul(dier)
everything will turn out just fine.
MicMag Jul 2018
Fanatics fixed their eyes upon
The screen to cheer their team
The mood there in the air was tense
Tricolor seemed out of steam

The clock was counting down
The time was drawing nigh
Doomed to lose and head on home
Bid Russia their goodbye

An errant shot deflected out
Gave them one last chance
To score a goal and prance about
Show off their famous dance

From the corner, the ball soared in
A hero rose above
Mina smacked it with his head
And won his country's love

England shocked to see the win
Snatched right from their grasp
Colombia delirious
Successful at last gasp

And thus the game was sent along
Into the overtime
Two periods were played to nil
Two teams full in their prime

Penalties would now decide
Which team would advance
The locals glued to their tvs
The nation in a trance

Falcao scores! Kane as well!
Cuadrado, Rashford too!
Muriel then strikes one home
Tricolor up three to two!

Ospina blocks the next one
Hypes up the frenzied crowd
But Uribe hits the crossbar
And the silence echoes loud

Trippier knots it up again
We're down to final shots
Bacca fails to get his through
Past Pickford's valiant swat

Fate rests upon this final kick
Well placed with perfect spin
Just past Ospina's outstreched hands
Dier seals the win

The cafeteros reel from shock
No sign of jubilation
But still the crowd, crushed in defeat
Show their appreciation

Colombia eliminated
We give them all a hand
And though their World Cup here is done
I'm now their biggest fan
Inspired by the happy Colombian heart!

I'm not even a soccer fan but this game was a rollercoaster!
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Sometimes I put my headphones in
No music playin
Just to muffle out the background noise
Of all they're sayin ,
all the empty conversation
I'm secretly sat here craving
From Better days when
This paranoia wasn't constantly
Invading my brain and
I could entertain it
Sit here without fear
Cause I was going somewhere
With people I could call friends
Without questioning motivations

Unquestioning motivation
Now sleign , altered
And warped by blame
checked into the Awk-ward
I wait in urgency
hoping This was no accident
And I'll imerge and see
The bigger picture
But for now I shrink
Weight droppin off of me
still feelin heavy
Propped up on this bus seat
Weighing up whether
I should miss my stop
Cause I'm not sat near the bell
And God forbid I ask someone for help

Cause then they'd have to look at me

But don't look at me,
Don't you dare look at me!
I can't face you today
I can't even face me
That's why I don't take a window seat
And you have to begrudgingly
Shimmy past me to take yours
Or walk past to the back
Silently cursing me

I wish you'd sing instead
I've got no music playin
Clear my head
lend an Ear-nestle next to me
Did I not earn your earnesty?
If I've got your back
Won't you back me?
Or will I turn round
Reach out
Only to find your shadow stretchin
Out of reach
Like a weary soul-dier
you take your leave...

I try to shake mine off
Break some branches,
Tryin to get free
They Silently scream
But I'm struggling
To even make it off my seat
Go live
In three
But I can no longer perform
Go on without me
Forget me
Only thing on the way up
Is mum's spaghetti!
Need some Bob Marley
Get up, stand up
But my legs won't let me!
Musics off
So it's down to me
Get up, stand up
Used to be so easy
Get up stand up

Your bus stop is here

No music playin in my ear
But right now I could do
With a mellowdy
When ringing the bell on the bus  becomes a struggle! Maybe I should start carrying my own haha!
Manic Brilliance Sep 2015
Around the bend, baggage claim.

      The carousel comes around again.

      I try to find the ones my own,

      I see the first as it comes down.

      This first one, small, so quaint, so plain.

      Carries all of my pain...tings.

      The second slowly drifts across,

      I'm glad that this one was not lost.

      A medium size bag with a tiny hole,

      It carries the remnants of my soul..dier memorabilia.

      Two more bags I await, the next one appears at the gate.

      Another smaller bag that is beat up, and tattered within.

      If opened you would find all my sin...icle comics that I

      As I wait for my final bag.

      Hours pass as times drags.

      I ask where it may have gone,

      I'm told it was lost before the plane had flown.

      Saddened with this news alas.

      For that final baggage held my past...els.
Daan Jan 2017
Reeds de derde achter de rug
nog een vierde, doe maar vlug.
Alsof de tijd is opgeschoven,
en wederkeerde naar dezelfde momenten.

Waarom blijft een dier zich inprenten
als een beest, zuiders wild,
zelfs al heeft het nooit gemogen,
zelfs al is het nooit gewild,
radeloos maar opgetogen.

Doelen worden pas plezier
als ze bereikt worden.
Nadat we enkele maanden
heen en weer porden
en ons verliefd of verlangend waanden
keerden we terug naar de eigenlijke staat.

Elk van ons is en blijft niets meer,
keert weder, elke keer,
naar een staat in de natuur,
met meerdere deuren op een kier,
noem het zielig, noem het zuur,
we blijven niets meer dan een dier.
Zelfkennis is het begin
en er komt geen einde aan.
Dus wees eerlijk,
geliefd en verlangd.
spatio brevi spem longam reseces
IsReaL E Summers May 2015
I stumbled Herr by "happenstance"
I saw a heart, tho at a glance
Placed under dier circumstance.
Fear the foe bestowing woe
Goodbye,the hangmans noose.
You count the cost & all is lost
That sinking won't let loose.
But without fear, there's lessons here!
And joy from wisdom without tears.

Now Hope it holds you near.
A frightening blow, he can bestow,
But angels will appear.
Just close your eyes, and lie inside,
The Truth, that holds no lies.
The fear of death, is without rest...
When God is left behind.
I was reading random poetry the other day, and some girls poem really made me feel deep empathy. I'm very sorry that I can't give a shout out, but nevertheless... you inspired me to write this so... whoever that was... thankyou.  
Keep writing. Keep believing.
Johan Nel Sep 2019
Bo op 'n berg
Met my bobbejaan gedagtes wat terg
Die eggo van my mania skree terug
Wat soek jy hier?

Ek drink uit die rivier
Ek sink my oë in die rooi son
Ek **** alweer
Die donker wolke
Die reën wat kom

Ek laat my gedagtes so dans
Plek tot plek
Gras van Kees
En mens en vlees

Sny deur my
Woede en naaktheid
Die lag van 'n sekere malheid
En die sagtheid van jou moeder ken
En dan meer bring ek twee
Van my na die tafel in 'n oop gesprek
Met my leemtes en my onbeheerbare
Soeke na wat ek herken binne my donker gate
Ek dwaal verlate
In riviere van die samelewing
Die masjien wat liggies trap op ligte wat skyn en verdwyn
In die strate van spoed en bloed
Die woorde uit die bek van die dier
Die ongetemde kwaad van primate
Wat stoei met homself en sy produk en sy bestaan en sy wêreld en sy alles
Tot hy verval en wegkwyn
Verdwyn agter 'n swart gordyn bedoel vir die son en sterre
Waarheid en verlossing
Waar vind ek die antwoord vir alles?
© Johan Nel 2019.09.18 23:38
simo Jul 2016
i speak hope that you may see through my lighter eyes.
through my spaced expression.
i surely do feel summer in my bones
i surely do feel like my world is expanding, as ***** and disbanded as my world may seem.
i know my state is temporary, just as it all is, but while i feel this, ill let it indulge
i will breathe in every last drop of this feeling until it is as dry as my bones

when i walk outside its amazing that i can feel the clouds wishing me farewall
the gut feelings are fading, everything seems yellow and grey
wont the chilly moon wish me a good rest of the year?
i am in dier need of a break

she is the only one i trust
this is what recovery feels like
It felt almost impossible to reach
A wall too thick to be breached
A kingdom of lies and deceit
A chain of Immorality entangling my feet

I was tormented every single second of my life
The devil in me gave me no joy
All I did over and over again was to strife
But he was too determined; my life to destroy

I was'nt selling anything but felt I needed someone to "di me dwa"
My innocence was torn apart and I gave in my heart
My plate was so full I asked myself " borkor dier "...
I had to console myself in the swinging arms of "adonko"

My life was in the injury time
I was loosing and had no time
I didn't know what else to do;
Either to defend or to strike

I gave in to the lust of the flesh
Feminine exploitation was my main 'ish
I played them like "chaskele" ...
For some it was "Stay ; for you "

Deceit was my favourite reality show...
Every word that proceeded out of
My mouth was fiction and lies
Hatred was my shield against love

My life was in shams
All was stripped away
When it was all about to go down,
I heard a soft voice inside

Child; it whispered ...
Do not trouble nor despair
Your broken soul, I can totally repair
At the sound of these words, I whimpered

It was the voice of the holy spirit .
He said to me child... Find that space !
That Jerico walled space ; child !!
Find it !!! Find it !!!

Fill that space with Me !!!
Set your affections on the things above ...
Not on things of the earth for thou art dead
And your life is hid with christ in God

Alas!!! it dawned on me !! I was reborn
For christ in me was my hope of Glory
For when christ who is my life shall appear ,
Then with him in his glory shall I also appear.

In him, I find life eternal. Praise be to Him
In him, I find true peace and meaning. Glory !!!
Make him yours too !!!
#colossians 3:1-4
#Set thy affections on the things above not on the things of the earth
cmp Dec 2019
in a moment ye **** me minutes later ye **** me dead

redrum venture naturally pulsate with sound color of dimmed life bottle

redrum tru colorless beauty is of gasping breathe huddle via inner hardening blood puddle

redrum lite with a little sah-kay may ensure another's yesterday wake discovery before tomorrow
TR3F1LD Nov 2024
keep on crafting verses
which ain't just a means of killing time
but, lyrics-wise
also a means of whacking turkeys
and black hA̲ts I'm versus
such as hacks with lyrics rather poorly
organized, which is why they're strE̲E̲t-gang-like
and, of course, autocratic vermins
composing both unjust regimes & crime
rings; said means of whacking, fO̲r when
my stuff's hatched, I̲t seems like
the close quarters battle chO̲I̲ce pre—
—ferred among primeval tribes
of present days northwestern states
["hatchet"; North American Indians; USA & Canada]
once again, a path of wA̲r is
picked, like how you may feel after surfing
through bA̲d news, O̲r when
you indulge in consumption
of content re injustice, corruption
ju[ɪ]st like the weapon O̲f the Reaper
I've gO̲t a grim side
and, like a cross gal-beater
'bout to blow off his ******* steam by
laying his meat hooks O̲n a chica
done no wrong to him, my
plan of attack is horrid; hope you o[ɑ]pps have **** hearses
plus caskets ordered
for yourselves; a nutbA̲g with swO̲rd dex—
—terity; dozen slashing strikes A̲t a tO̲rse, which
like a lush lass performing
in front of you a **[ɑ]t lA̲p dance, serves as
stimulation; then I hA̲ck off fO̲relimbs
and as a final blow
I get my target's gO̲rge slit
many would likely ca[ɔ]ll
such scene "bloodbath", but that's absurdish
for, in the scene, there's o[ɑ]bvi no
******* tub A̲s a storage
for spilled blood; it reminds me mo'
of a blood fountain (view-wise)
an assassin thirsty for blood's back to murking
you know, knowledge & thou[ɑ]ghts about things
being either unjust, such as crim. rings
or unrighteous regimes, or O̲nes causing de[ɪ]s—
—pondence, regardless if I̲t's
something from the past or stuff that exists
in the present, are like a disease
that's why it's said unkno[ɑ]wledge is bliss
[to be more precise, "ignorance is bliss"]
that's why sO̲metimes you wish
your mI̲nd were at peace, like sO̲meone deceased
or you were in a better place
like a country scene wI̲th autumnal sU̲n-illumed trees, but...
like an eye-catching gI̲rl with
an untactful shO̲rt rig
pU̲t on (like that war-monge[—]ring sh#tbag)
(that personifies a corruptive impact)
(of power) & acting *****
in front of an unattached het bO̲y, this
**** autocratic wO̲rld's ju[ɪ]st
****** asking for it (aaargh!)
while you already've got a tragic pE̲rs. en—
—vironment, which, alongsI̲de of the sh#t
mentioned just prior, has you turning
slowly into a ******* madman bursting
with flipping steam (loco)
excuse me if it's an indecent thing
to say, but the world of the living seems
like a giga[ɛ]ntic dumpsite (gigantic dumpsite)
for it's full of pieces of trash deserving
to be eliminated; that's why
you sometimes wish you were a master termi—
—nator serving as a real embo[ɑ]dier
of retribution, like Red Hood, Punisher
besides, as it's been mentioned prior ta
this, there's anger occurring I̲n you O̲nce in a
while, which itself isn't mU̲ch of a
scourge, unlike ex-hitmen compelled to cO̲me back ta
a path of spilling blO̲O̲d, but, a—
—kin to a cellar with a bU̲nch of au[ɑ]—
-linked ******, some drU̲ms of a—
—lcohol, & a ca[ɛ]ndle lustre o[ɑ]—
—ccupying a somewhat evil mI̲nd of a
vengeful sO̲n of a
gun, it's a somewhat combustible story
when you've got not up to ***** sources
of blowing off steam
atrocious, obscene
in self-expression, but it's just a reflection of this
corrupt world that I've been
influenced by; while the boat that I'm in
is a far cry from a floating posh inn
["by floating posh inn", I mean "cruise liner"]
more like an old brigantine
with nigh-on nO̲body bei[—]ng
on board; but even
sinking lO̲w when I scheme
my bars, I'm sti̲ll on
a morally higher ground than those rO̲gues I'm agin
like Ledger's Joker, I deem
this world deserves a better category of crims
than gangsters & ******* ******* for im—
—proper, self-assertive regimes; a bO̲ld breed of in—
—dividuals who'd be disposing of prin—
—ciple-lacking sods blindfolded by ching
and power, like thO̲se I've just in—
—dicated; you may get your f#ck finger
and your pointer organized, sim. ta
a **** mo[ɑ]b, I̲nto the V sign if ya
know who I mean
[9 letters, the 1st one is "v", the last one is "e"]
"a wicked rhymefall" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit
In the trial of the tree that leaves a trail that uses fate as bait
We pledge to be all we can be in truth and divine wisdom
In the test that serves as an exemplary guiding game, we vow to be the testament
What is a sol-dier if he does not respect the children of the sun?
A lost being who will never know what it means to earn and pursue the value of life upheld by non-malicious merit
For this reason those who have not trailed the branches and webbing of the trail will be followed by peril and doom as they bow to the limited serpentine doctrine that is a thief of hope

What do we give to the world if all we do is **** it and be thankful of the plastic barbie dolls that are bred forth?
For this reason races will continue to perish because the crowner has constantly been about who makes it rain rather than who makes it snow in our hearts
They stand high on pulpits and altars but they imprison minds because it sustains their god-hood
They fear what the truth  can do
So they trap souls and colonise minds to perpetuate a self-serving dogma

War fills up their appetites, I vow to make them feel bloated until they cannot walk
Lust feeds their banal minds, I vow to starve myself until I find a deserved flower that has reached fruition
Chaos maintains the matrix they have orchestrated, I vow to be the music that corners them into destructive calmness
And when death finally stares at me I vow to laugh like I am about to take my first breath
For this reason we Sol dad to be daad so the child can know peace and not be raised in a house of wrath

Having found the pictures moving in and out of time in the heavens
I promise to deliver a system that will enable each man, woman  and child to be free and good because of the works they have put into the world and as the debate goes: so they are not taxed to death
With the elemental fusion from the twin sun I vow to break the prison of debt, but not before I break my own prisons

See we are all doing time, one way or another
Trading thoughts and emotions, deeds and manifestations
And in the end we transform into a creed
We decide what that creed is, not some superhero or some star from afar
It's a sacred choice we make, whether we are invited into it or forced into a corner to choose
As life is in our hands
Are we sincere and honest enough to first wipe off our own sediments before we point fingers and play the blame game
Perhaps once we are over our own faults and those of others then we can begin to learn the love language
Learn to forgive ourselves and others
Maybe then races from above and below, from afar and from close proximity; will begin to reign free in their utmost purity
Reigning as souls and then we can do the honour of planting the treasures back into the earth, when we live, when we love, when we garden.
And with this the sons hating their fathers and becoming enemies of themselves could highly possibly come to an end. So there are no more prodigal sons because we have shown dad that the war for manhood can be fought.
Diction Nov 2018
Dear You,
I guess this is me doing the only thing I know how to do when I'm missing the clue
Now if only I knew
Should I or shouldn't I wait on some kind of que from you
Because it's been, as of today, several days since we last spoke
You're just enjoying life I hope
Havent heard from you since last Monday and since then I'd like to think your doing better then just okay
Because your a friend I honestly wouldn't like to have leave just yet when we just recently met
But I'll say if you did it would become something Id truly regret  
And I'll admit that it would be mostly my fault
There's no reason I wasn't able to pick up this phone and give you a call
We honestly shared something that deserves better than the empty silence that has now sat for so long
I'm now left wondering why I did something so wrong
Because this relationship is worth more then the glance back that says it's less then that and I'm saying that as fact
When just you alone are worth more than anything anyone could ever think to believe
Since your the one and only one that makes the you no one could come to be
So when I say I'm sorry I truly mean every word you see
And I'll put all that I have in to making it show in my poetry even if it means showing the real me
Since its the only way I'm able to express the things I struggle to say
I hope that's okay
Because I would notice if your life was to change in a way that wasn't done in the best of ways like it has today
And how it's come to such a thing I couldn't begin to explain
But I know I shouldn't need to hear your voice walk away to experience this rain
When I should have honestly came and got you that day
So I'm sorry if you had it feel in any way
Like I've done some things that have caused you some kind of pain
Or felt that loneliness that wasn't yours just because it sometimes likes to pour
But you have to know
There won't always be a reason for why you always stay covered when eventually there's an end to all bad weather
Wet things can't get any wetter
Something to remeber
Sincerely your friend forever
Diction Dier
Moholo Kawahi Jan 2020
The burning truth of a depth of sva
Ire, ired sire
Your dire dier dyes the dice of my dreadless houha!
Houpla! blah, bam, splash, crash and dive
Pointed target of all the curvatures of highness & strife
Noble trouble doubled and cobbled with the paths of endless lives
And the ultimate sweetness of a hard, endless and unquenchable fire

There's no beginning to Truth & Expression
There's no end to Beauty & Passion
There's only love, Love, LOVE... and Love...
And all the Treasures under, around, before, after, beyond, below and above.
Daan Jun 2019
Rustig, zon, niet te warm,
alles kon, alles mocht, toch
was dit niet wat je zocht,
schapen, dier, arm
plezier, zelfs in de tuin
van eden, lach je schuin,
ben jij nog altijd niet tevreden.
Diction Oct 2018
Heres a little piece of my heart I would like to share in this lyrical art\

It's been playing the biggest part in my life as this papers white\

Leaving a new found outlook right in sight\

As the ****** glitched accepted as poet tested\

One of its own kind looking for a friend similar in mind\

A one and only, like me, born to be from this ****** wicked place I came to see\

And I'm thankful everyday for the talent most can't compare\

These ambitions have been twisted impared with a dream that's shared\

A family love that'll never tare\

An like so many others this poetry is my passion\

Black and white painted fashion\

Being the memoirs of an addict whos had it\

Whos sad of it\

Whos never it\

This Poet is needing a partnership of another artist\

One that feels every word of this as they move me with every flick of their wrist\

Two, one of a kind poetically crafted compositions of a ****** innate craft individually twisted\

So please if you will create with me something more then the norm but a legacy not crafted but torn\

Taken from the minds of the unnoticed, unnoticed by even those that might notice\

Depths of their insainity only now am I ready to explore\

So let me start by being the first to introduce myself forever more\

I'm Diction, "****** Gliched", Dier\

I've been addicted to the arts ever since I was first kissed by her\

Psychologically possessed by her\

With rhymes in everything I come to see to the point where every thought of mine is but one these lines\

The inspired drawn images of concepts individually mine\

Wickedly messed up in the mind\

Life glitched beautifully to shine when it shines\

Another side of the something taken with every compostion that's written\

Sometimes seen without even a glance given so it's now walking dead living\  

Guess I'm monster shaded, hated, coloured as the now tainted\

This one poetic stain that gave it\

Written like an artist who's tamed it\

The same bit\

An artisan it created\

I hate it\

Forget it\

One last time I'll confess it\

Guess it's forever this\

Poetry stated lines of the other half who's new like you\

Cant wait to meet my other half before I'm dead like you\
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2018
tapping the template,
or the sanftpunkt
von (dier) cranium,
zeppelins and...
more zeppelins...
               the Jesse James
and the John Smithy everyday...
gone every Tuesday,
come next Sunday,
a torso's worth of haggis...
pireuoutte hips, missing salsa...
that bane of Pakistan,
   die britischraj...
how many direct articles
does it take to express, but one,
german vector?
ah ah... nein seufzer?
       ja... das bitzkleinundgroß...
tapestry, brovado...
a tongue on a noose...
a head in a korbwaren.
Andrew Gomez Aug 2021
Your mind is a warzone.
Your soul fights for you.
It sends the strongest thing to battle the mind.
Remember to focus.
For you are not weak.
You are strong.
You will come home (soul)dier.
Sometimes we are at war with out own mind. We fight ourselves because we don't know what to do.

— The End —