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Scott M Reamer Apr 2013
Man life know just set eyes way like young world soul day hunger space mouth earth thoughts ignorance blind things mind knew final moment human creation kind creatures souls high forgotten dream love spoke self existence face holy deep bound think home void say surrender ear forever called held ephemeral red state end shall heed hope edge living waking fall sea wake garden need February thought past wanderer got men page colored tepid terrible **** proudly untitled features point painted faceless box forgot render wild spring splendor  handfuls looking half brain lost torn ancestral  unseen vision inner summer honor mister owned banner save today fear groans wasn't smoke  street fable strange year contrast black years  able pain body spoken word known motion  palpitate reeling nature culture disclaimers  cancer beg attentive frames ****** base profound double remember wholly finger death token  cries continue folk oh fishing form broken true  divides spread ah twas away breathe wait warning hallowed wish closer lens turn eye live  constant current author hung theory dangle  bramble chemical new force changes adderall  anymore giving beneath possess pardon commentaries eternity internal walk reason  long change does idea glimpse consciousness  wandering simply wonder physical dreams war  sleep told rest benign prior begging truth little  2012 born tale crow bowels allegory animal rule  exasperate making horse curse hands ones read  rearrange capture doing command fail awake  aperture seedlings shift steely sir nap spead ****** demons slits clever telling loud spits la-la-di-dah killing slip game reflected nameless ask  lovers rabid bear salivate plunder shameless  famously savior mint rides menthol bully fate traded melodies play misunderstand mammals gentle witless fine utterly savage silt tongue-less  dirt dilutes pure non-sensory taste briefly ravage dismember it''ll shedding ruined curtain  knots offers plot fulfills munificent two-act  relegates boxz bug altruistic wintergreen tossing  callously guise grovels one's singers treachery ashes mid-life mutter fashion parading  ambiguity separatist liars staple steeping neath  guidelines scoffing stitch moans civil wrote  Fictitious undoing fables table effigies serve  sonnets staged remark psalm swoll praise harken  beggar verse bread lines heavily electricity detection snow sack-happy preaching credit  spotted wicked best gravity gun campaign owe  barge choir revelry celebratory satiated sinking  headline pack hound persistently propaganda  gentlemen excluding diminished ******* run idles  occupied levies wolfishly honestly misinformation cuba vehemently dumb grace spectator erasing  toned sage crowded secrets inter-connectivity  loaned prayer hymns grave mistaken magnified  vandals selective jump leak escapes says minister  buckle mass honesty shut tar children's hats  monument doping long-lived electrical ladle  exaggerated cartoons address seconds cool cradle bleak yang's mind-framed hypnotic  walker caps folly treble claim streaks mixtures  swelled interstate elapse teasing spoon mobile  succulent witchcraft borderline fatal 99 temple stacks sups plastics creeps neurotic ills tossed  meek sipping old crack interlock wax alleyway  coughing blown freak clock birthdays societies  slow flashing viscous candy argument toothless  pills cerebral rapt wall bisect lives wheezing  photo kid starter foiled pair saturated self-castrating pre-packed naked uncertainly pill  used came chaos coated reprisal fells wrack  irreverent mirth sickly disinherited proudest  collate wheeze appearance palette disharmony  discontented bastardized emotive bio inhale diction beat spoiled reclamation loudest tempo  totally disembodied matte imperfect shells flat  struck sounding imparts flak origin severance remarked bone walls snared leaflets mocking  hot scripting adjective noun agape seemingly  resistant gawk calamity passage paintings wind  trashcans signings sits cheap makers poetry persist scrap slipping individual talk wonders  leaving questions fold actor fancy parchment  fates engenders flown jaws stripped longer music  sacrifice fakers book boldly frown sigh atop patient hang trade occupation blows spectacular  whispers worthy backward waving certainty danced suppose needn't ‘drawkcab’ second-guessing  boys forget marched motto heads tightly lies two-tone earthbound harp twice turns goodnight  lying ***** internally indiscriminate nickname  drunk convictions myth steep  in-consumption  fitting artist **** universal sick expressions bad  du spell melody big siphon proud learn sprawls song spastic something temperaments utter check  fissures stomp totality blend definitely thrall sing rug voice shade pestilence ties commiserate round devil steady brains emotional certain gate  suckling gates dearth decay weight bounce pound  carrier pangs glass startle contest earthen web  tug pressed air patience flush amassed guest gone apprehension staring empathize captain believe fading in-perceivable deathbed guarder makes surrounds scatter drooling ebb blink cob tome  venom near door lair derision draws host stairs scent parts curiosities spider webbing surprise wares tips stepping ascetics starkness realize picture surroundings dictations grand pillars  deaf limited comparisons greet visual residents  personal settings dismiss alien law stability common earthly shiftless places prelude  understanding mosaic keen trifling embodiments  geared inception whisper visible jowls kiss murky  puddle rank dawn dichotomy single faithful fraying pays tailor veil climb mores pence whim  breath wellspring samara god stony pear  shadows fruiting forebodes moonlit looming  shown passed bog gold wracked faint tongues  noble preachers mirror shifting layered depth  threads jungle narcissus bemused seamstress self-worshiping architect's wore slumber anomalous  opened barren seam lip caustic scene coupled brick gardener's clenches -with forms idle breed  embodied lore starving empathy design illusion  tree coat fabricate lucid mason scatter-all  narrative seeking imbued 16th shivering chemicals 17th 15thrisk improperly dare  deliberate plan purge try brought chapter speed  aide utmost spirit leading intervention felt  recall recent advent sincerity times diary  lackluster piously lasting happy holding hear  stem tasteless whimpers wet spine monstrosity  dripping causes position quite softly claws pallet  answer digging tearing beast satiating circle breaks skips redwoods beckoning rotted hushed  gray lapsing monoliths deities creborus  imbuement hand stroll paradigm rendered chorus shy whispering forest residual tension  surrenders tolerance lull anew sentenced  bearing tide birds dirge divergent rim joined  cogs wood hesitant mist emergent towering offer  awareness confinement inverted faultier stowed  plane sanctified blanketing trusting memory fossil flash twists laden self-indulgent fleeting invitation agony grip shore impetus lingering  crows promise gift union swallowing endless floor supposed ecstasy sensory intent  psychotropic cradling placement interned  jagged connectivity exchange congenial begun  summons singular spiral assumes ambient reciprocates re-entry fruition reached aggregate lifetime limbs birthed instinct  frightening tarry proper entire light  boundaries innocence pursuit ago discover left  youth's unknowing sacred time place meager  simple fact cast ceaseless wide-eyed literal  apparent coincidence create boldness morphed  crooked kempt mere stumble buried shutter fairy  pivotal definitive months worth shear ambition sound required journeyed self-reflections title  facets vague restless intimation gut wanderer's  leap motivate path account boy soon bears faith  question tripped reasons uproot awaited confronted days step heal provocations wisps crushing transcend chronicles instance  directness raw drove occurrence objective-less  real enters slightest confident nondescript  typify  foreshortened interment paradox bitter heart  devoid jeopardy angry sensation confidential guilty arrogance mercy compliance reprieve  vincent deadening factual sign emotion awe  inhibition shackled butterflies absence actual sciences acknowledgement violent stagnant  spiritual American doors roots lack matted fore  gestures society cause streams intensity hair impossible discord lonely hearts resounding  jest  what's flavored pains closed toxic contented  happenstance scientific knowledge yeah  wizardry shaking stifled withdrawn bloom  jitter dreads settle asocial hulton make  predisposed figurative reflections demeanors  wondered affect hulton's projected sense  morning industry arrays ghosts feeling  certainly endomorphic where's partially wrath  passer mornings jovial unease advertized asking  trash onward wished tempers media mentality connect pasts sharp-toothed scramble great colours trial test salvation continually lent  degree secretly subjection social waned  disconnected colors grimly intellectual civilization cash trading baffling particular  digest myths monumental ending seasons winter  repetition introducing agent everlasting  shoulders delivered honestly-- possession funny  continence history unsightly function suffering propulsion profession divulge familiar tugs era  importance capability perpetuation spite inventory words entirety leveling fray insight  date record continues writer getting evermore fellow tongue possessions identical proof accuracy education similar sack admittance  favor unravel conveyance guilt gives beginnings  predicting audacity definition bobby heady eaters frameless learned release stone grandeur sang  speak molds sleeps split built seats people folded  sheer pour evoked playhouse liquid boring  tellers frayed stark walked reality pleas doth  preformed shows beak pride squawks opinions  greatest bold stunning sightings he'd loudly slain  sunk watch legend precipice theater deeper compound commentator civility justly silly sin  reverent seen prophetic moral confounds notion  lacking explain attempt prolific viral estrange proclivity scorn hide blur pious strung eden's  horror cut skin arch cruel twig mother vile  pass lend woods peach shrunken trail man's canopy worn 434 eat warm limb familiar father delete.

You are what your reading lady. Now would you hold this gun?
somewhere between the fourth and fifth

load of laundry,

sometime after breakfast~lunch,
now served in the USA at home,
as an all day meal, per the edict of Mcdonalds,
start fixing dinner, take a break, walk to the mailbox,
retrieve the post and quick retreat back inside,
ah that Texas sun, bilingual chili hot,
toss the unopened on the prior weeks pile,
cause everyone loves company

the home-cold-brewed ice coffee needs a filling
for the fridge has decided not to help
by automatically refilling the pitcher

even if it could
I, busy folding,
needing two hands
and all my teeth
for folding my master’s rocket ship


my master observes with one of his alternating demeanors,
this one, super silent watching, announcing that  I need a nap:

“don't you always say, baby,
take a nap when you can, baby,
for when you need one, baby,
you probably won’t be able, my baby”

with selected-hand-led fingers,
he lays me down to sleep,
bids me to slow slide to dreamland, dinner will keep,
curling inside my frame, hands a-cupping my *******,  
telling me a drowsy tale, inherited from his mother’s womb
and his granddaddy’s tongue, mindful of his family’s history

there, is where, they find us,
dinner fixings burnt,
me and my five year old baby boy,
still sleeping fast, around 5pm, bodies enwrapped,
tied by blood and entwined in old nursery rhymes,
Texas tall tales of Pecos Bill,
me and my very own

nap-ster master


p.s.  and they call me by my other name to wake me, momma
Mara Jan 2015
Four parts, woven together
Uniting all universal truths
What others do with it's powers
Only the future will prove

The *first strand
displays the world's true nature
Destroying everything it creates
We become unwanted children
Who have learned to incorporate
Killing in our communities
Biting, grinding flesh and bone
Swallowing with guilt free demeanors
Only leaving foul-stenched excretions as evidence

Second Strand speaks of our basic biological anxiety
To deny the terror of death
Imperatively born, emerging from nothing
Given a name and consciousness
Hopelessly abandoned from the beginning
Only to be fated always with everlasting death

Strand three
We hide underneath the
"Vital lie of the character"
Pretend to be shining knights in armor
Who will make us forget our
Unconscious anxiousness of death
We all work to attain prestige, money, and the
Fleeting feel of immortality
Worshiping Gods with clay feet
And when our beliefs are attacked
"Holy wars" becomes the pseudonym for
Our immortality projects

The last strand
All the efforts we put into
Making this Earth perfect
By eliminating scapegoat "enemies" and "evil" deities
We end up making everything filthy
In the effort to make everything right and pure
We turn the Earth's soil black and color the sky red
We strived for utopias, making dystopians
All these actions seem unconscious
But it is not the animals nature or
Evolutionary process
It's just us trying to pretend
We don't have perishable bodies;
Trying to deny death
Inspired by Ernest Becker's philosophical book 'Denial of Death'
Your eyes, bringing despise, continue to pierce me
With their glowing incompetence
And fluttering instances of jealousy.
Your thoughts continue to reach me
With their condescending demeanors
That strike with utter prosperity.
Your hatred continues to elude me
With its striking usage
And power that proves deadly.

Once, just once, I know you can only wish
To wrap your hands around my neck
And squeeze until my breath has been abolish'd.
Once, just once, I know you can only pretend
To plunge the pencil into my chest
And apply pressure until my beating comes to an end.
Once, just once, I know you want to violate me
And, once, just once, I may allow
Your reaching desires to overpower me
Once, just once, I will see your anger
As you wrap your hands around me and decree,
"I'm only putting us out of our misery."
This is about a student in my French class who violently choked me, for reasons I can only assume
onlylovepoetry Oct 2017
"Who writes poems like these?"

She, Miss Patty,
from Missouree? Missouruh?
asks me this question
round about a year ago,
after eavesdropping on an open poem line,
about a conversation,
a dialectic chat between me and the big guy in the sky^

(yeah, him, the magic marker Maker, who graffitis our lives only in
ink that just never goes away, cannot be erased,
talkin' bout this 'n that, ending, in a request from him for a
love poem personal (denied, fyi))

my answer:

come, sit for awhile, in poet's nook, upon soft pillows for our
tired sighs born in chests with a different kind
of breast cancer.
and upon these tough worn Adirondack chairs hard,
by the bay, we shall coverse in alternating verses

if too hot, the poetry's temperature.
we'll slow drift to the sun room of lace curtains and
heated suicide poems,
and after cool drinks
we'll observe the water, the rabbits, the cacophony low
of all the noisier creatures asking the trees and the
shuckling cappuccino frothy leaves
where did all those poets come from?
so to the question at hand and heart,

Who writes poems like these?

answers scarce, confessions plenty,
evasions conjured,
but tried, tired, and true, indeed
always ask myself, my sole troop,
that very same question every time,
the brain chimes poem time

'tis a truth, sort of, for the question is
asked by me, so oft,
should I, would I,
dare deflect the inflect of the eyes who cannot lie
and write a poem like this,
knowing it ends always only in tears,
or quit while ahead,
while my heart is slow beating,
and the pounding is temporarily,
halftime shelved

I ride the bus, open the kitbag,
find messages so privy
with and from the other poets,
(it is a privilege to be so councillor entrusted,)
picking up the gleaming gleanings of
fellow earth-extraordinaires,
reading the tales of the mad lunar lovers,
each of whom believe the moon has been following
only, each of them individually,
from childhood

exercising the muscle memories of love and ache
when watching the little gestures of my babies, my loved ones,
clues to who they are,
clues to who they will be.
after I am not

but let me be measured for measure by this:
Who writes poems like these?

well, after every writ complete,
weep and weep, if not laugh uproariously,
for though the question earnest, and I too,
never ever let adulthood interfere
with actions of my eyes, my mouth, my gut,
they all, masters now of me,
forcing me to write with abandon reckless and yet,
slicing off choicer cuts of me, carefully crafted, into
word etchings, painted water colors coming from the body's oils,
for my ration of rationality
has left town
for the summer, following the little drummer
perhaps, for the (double meaning) good

this each, a parcel of me, writing beguiling amuse bouches
of cache and cant, of poodles who speak human,
long legs in bed, high heels attached, conversations with moons,
crying to my lovers, I am a little boy, so needy,
and then the left foot turns to face
any and all gods who permit their names to be abused
for muddying murdering purposes,
as if we, all humans, all poets, were playthings,
bowling pins and not poets of some, any, the, way,
coming from the place
to where we all speak words, in our differing dialects,
accepting the blessings & curses thereof,
words but never fists

have I answered the question?

suspect not,
cause I am the suspect prime
in the crime
of low poetry
and high mis-demeanors,
and the authorities have been asking me the question for a lot longer than you, but no longer than one peculiar man,
Who writes poems like these?*
and they haven't caught me yet
and I haven't quite caught
the plain answer
ryn May 2017
It lurks at the back of your consciousness.
It dwells in the pit of your stomach.

It is strong.
Strong enough to exist -
behind the facade of calm demeanors.
Strong enough to swim against the currents
of indoctrinated beliefs of righteousness.
Strong enough to be the wrong amidst all rights.

It is the speaker for the voiceless.
It is the doer for the incapable.
It is the strength for the weak.
It is sweet escape for the trapped.


It's there in the lull.
When all is quiet, you hear it.
Whispering, inciting, winning you over.

It will take you over.
It will steer the wheel.
But only if you want it just as much.
There's a little bit of evil in all of us.

Inspired by "Dexter", the tv series.
Mona Jan 2017
All the angels are asleep,
Their shadow selves on the earth open their third eyes,
In the hypnotizing light of the moon,
You must learn to tiptoe between carefully crafted lies.

And in the scarce everglow
Of informality, we sail past a once safe territory,
Trying to impose a new way of survival,
Guided by a thin rope of our frail telepathy.

On islands doomed with demons' names,
We maneuver our demeanors on the peripheries of black holes,
One slip of a condemned tongue,
Is all it shall take to elicit an inevitable fall.

Don't fall for the horizon in view,
And never concede to promises made by Time,
The angels could never wake,
And then you'd forever tiptoe in this infernal night.*

mEb Nov 2010
Arcadia, or what is now spliced of aeons' great

Gates of gold that rust in hate

Islands on grim sulfur lakes;

I have no demeanors that wait

They've left and gone away

To the rise of demise and acid rain

Where epidermis boils

Quintessence abolished and spoiled;

Grand scent of desiccant

Miff's so indelicate

Caveats and feats of nothing; No rise

My apotheosis' hellish paradise
John Leuven Apr 2014
Frances Justine, with eyes of bella blue,
with tipsy gait and freely-falling shambles of a step,
half-awake, half-dreaming in the onset of a rush
of seeping winds' complaints unto the painted walls of bleach.
A phantom dressed in sighing silk, a glimmer-dress unbound,
her fingers wrapped in lace and fragile trimmings of the earth;
a sonic trembling synchronized with evening humming low,
this tapping placed upon a table -- forests in the flow.

Frances Justine,
the pretty,
the proud --
had relished these demeanors for a lady most in love;
how liquid are her movements as she dances in the wait
of gales that hope take her far, to continents away.

Away, so far away, from this pertinent monsoon,
her setting heart thus painted with the phases of the moon,
it floats, but not for long, the sky's
half-empty and half-full;

there, Frances Justine darkly was
just waiting to be whole.
Von White Feb 2019
No people can handle this ****.
Barely those who lives through this.
All purpose seems the life in flesh;
Is horrid at its best.
A twisted sitcom show.
That’s no less then cruel jokes.
many times in deepest holes.
eyes glorify the rope.
Or mind glorifies rope.
Who knows anymore.
One realizes loneliness is where the sick is born.
One realizes loneliness is how aching hearts shall mourn.
Yet again these thoughts of red,
beg that one please will tend.
With sharp swords and gore.
Of Blades piercing flesh
Of sharp swords and gore
until limbs be torn.
Surgical mesh be drenched.
This stomach is so sore.
Destruction absorbed.
Self infliction is adored.
in that wretched mirror.
It is so crystal clear.
This face  needs disfigured
This face needs to be Seared
An urge to burn the face,
as well as to cut.
Perform practices precise.
To tame the craves;
for blades
that thrusts.
Fugly as the ugly duckling.
If his feathers he began plucking.
repulsive ravishing disgust.
Spit at reflections for good luck.
Anger and vile succumb as it does.
In all ways that it can be done,
This self harm now one knows and loves.
Black seems white feathers of doves.
Insi­de black demented places.
Lurk do entities of hatred.
Laugh in masks like a masterpiece painted.
Unfazed as if one is sedated.
Forever this chaos.
in pureness created.
Dead be these roses.
in violet vases.
To remain cloaked in magic states.
Still many strife always remains.
At times it seems the blind are divine.
Dilated be these eyes.
Shall needles pierce eyeballs to disdain.
Urning to spray the eyes with mace.
Keep the hArd drugs in the brain.  coursing through collapsed and thin veins.
Keeping the *** from being laced.
Without intoxicates still insane.
Only hopelessness and endless pain.
At a young age came,
demented strange days.
Paranoid in fear;
With destructive paths near.
malevolent demeanors have now appeared.
For so long felt so helpless.
Life in all forms is selfish.
As despair impairs.
One becomes more selfless.
Remain thy light in darkness black.
While psychosis viciously attacks.
Crack back
Owning a craft.
Obsessed with knives and plastic wrap.
Unorthodox ways.
Leaving blood that rains.
Up for many nights and days
Owning a craft.
This world is sad
left perception oh so mad.
One of  my longer poems, it will be used as lyrics for my project
Scott M Reamer Mar 2013
Benign was yet another passer by to predisposed mentality
But both secretly wished somewhere beneath their tempers, demeanors, and myths
For the other to beg pardon for salvation at last; trading their ghosts and their pasts
The men of social civilization, disconnected by strange colors and baffling arrays of advertized trash..  asking where’s the rest of the cash?

So it may seem the wrath of industry, media, and projected reflections
Make trial and test for the all of the rest, connect and digest.

    Such was the spoken scramble of this morning in particular. It was no more and certainly no less jovial than what has continually been the subjection of mister Hulton’s consciousness. Often he wondered to what degree of affect had he been lent these sharp-toothed thoughts. For within him a feeling of great unease would settle as his mornings waned ever onward. Hulton; a man, or so he is told, was painted grimly by the colours of intellectual, asocial, endomorphic (in a figurative sense), and partially blind in at least one eye.
Phosphorimental Oct 2014
I pour the wine, while you raise your cup
until our bodies have had enough,
that our spirit’s twist, wrung out dry,
sexed and sated; shyly truth seeps outside
of careless vessels, free once more -
unable to collide, despite this ardor.

Our thoughts clashed clandestine,
while our demeanors docile.
Your scowl, the bone beneath a smile
our rose skin kisses, turning hostile.
The quaff of a tongue, the taunting touch.
Skin chenille, beneath blankets blush.

Suddenly sensitive to the sounds of dawn,
a trash truck groans, someone mows a lawn.
Last nights dream bent around a now that’s gone.
Time has stopped, but it still goes on and on.
I’m up, you’re naked;
Every morning maunders, over-medicated.

Every house a story, every window, perspective
my window is dark, theirs, a beverage,
to fill a voyeurs empty cup with scornful slake,
set to brew when strangers wake;
having gone to bed not knowing each other,
in the morning, woken as broken lovers.
No doubt this poem creates discomfort; but for those who know me.  I'm quite ecstatic - a poem seldom reflects the pure-essence of the poet.  It's often a veil.  But not to digress.  We over-medicate ourselves too often on both the lightness and darkness of what is simply "being-ness."  Not good my friends - too much sour can taste "sweet," too much sweet can taste "sour."  Discomfort is a beloved friend of those seeking comfort - what is more encouraging to a sweet remedy than once in a while allowing ourselves to feel pain, anguish, doubt, fear.  These are symptoms of the incurable malady of living, not dying.  Poetry, as it goes in life, is sometimes prosaic... let it be.  Let yourself be cold and wrap yourself in the blanket of melancholy... there is warmth in the torpor.
midnight prague Dec 2010
can we live in cold corners
where no one can see how short I have cut my hair
we will have pillows that share our names
we lay our heads to rest

Im thinner than I have ever been
and I love the way my bones stick out
when you touch any part of me
I curve
and theres my spine
like mountains in the middle of a flat plain

We will have few clothes
and rarely speak to anyone
me and you will be just like this
happier and sadder than we would have ever
thought to miss
you lay down after your long work hours
or maybe we wont work
we will just sit there
and we will

there sits an ashtray with a Buddha
on that tiny coffee table we brought back
with us from our previous life
it stands on its brittle legs
so strong

the print on the wall behind it
is our most valued vintage pattern
who would have ever known we would
have come to any decision
I smile when I peek at it
and close my eyes like a child
who has been caught staring at forbidden
things, with butterflies in my stomach
at the feeling of something so new

I love those flowers on that dress
the one that makes the collar bone look like
a stake in the tower of Notre Dame
Gothic artistry
like that
my eyes cant deny you
its so beautiful
and your weak ankles
and these strong features
pale skin
and the black eyes that
have overcome so many
the small hands
the heavy palms
that cradle

we will cook simple things
small things
pretty things
to fill our minds

we are so unpretentious
our house
and us
within us we chain the small riots

we are virgins
we are *****

the lights are bright and
different colors
but we come back to the house
the lights are dim
the sofa has an old print
its smells like lavender
under the sheets
and burnt candle wax
and all those spell tuning

we run in
and corrupt to the floor
dropping like dead bodies
and watch the smoke of the incense
we left on, reminiscing in the air around us
and missing our presence

classic playing in the background always
we are soft together
like the smooth painful tune
on our favorite artists lips
the gentle stroke of the painters brush
when he comes to the canvas to weep
when he has been defeated

together we are

I lay my head on your shoulder
so lightly
you can barely feel it
and I fall asleep to the scent of your
Andie Beier May 2013
favoring the limelight
but all bets are off tonight
build me a new empire
based on your words
be my mistake again
or prove me wrong
realize i am your loss
i am an improvement over your usual catch
unimpressive, bland
they'll design a lie, just to entice your eye
but i'm real

when will this end?
washing your placebos down
with a conviction that they work
is this the last cancelled reservation?
don't dial in till you know your line

play the boy for his voice
he'll decode in his sleep
preparing for the masses
to carry your message to all
till they become obsessed, too
our love for the heiress to my heart grows
complicated feelings that carry no reason
jealous eyes manipulate
corrupted and articulate demeanors that don't lack in style
exactly what she wants
she will have
i keep peeking around
these curling corners -

dashing away from
the finger-waggers
who blink
when i'm not
in this predicament

when i'm not
kissing the sides of this
yellowing frame -
still holding fast
to that
ensnared moment
i've deemed
too late to make

unabashed and tall
in the courts of
low-faced jurors
who **** their teeth
at my soiled apparel
and glare down
over horn-rimmed

demeaning demeanors
in mean-streak persons
demand dumb perfection
in too black

© 2011 Elephants & Coyotes
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Oh how he thinks he likes me,

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

See his type is the kind of girl whose simple demeanors  more on the

shy  & sly,

She's the girl that dimples pretty while playing so very hard to get.

She'll say she's never done "this" before-  asking him for lessons  then

magically becoming a pro....

See she pretends to listen to your ever word,while silently figuring out

the best way to get him to spend,

lend and reinvent himself to suit her baser superficial needs.....

His type is someone that'll take but never give, lust but never love

blame but never accuse herself....

See she's the type-  his type,  the type to lie and hurt, making things worse.

He like's the feel of her,likes the kisses and hugs...

He likes the way she bats her eyelashes and pouts her lips.

The way she walks as she switches her hips.

Oh how he thinks he likes me....

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

I am a Lady-  full grown...

Not a fake lying deceitful little girl

& I'd never change my stripes

unless I change for myself.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Celaine Aug 2017
In a universe full of galaxies;
its clusters, superclusters, stardusts
and other heavenly matters in the
twinkling space,
the universe attracted two mere specks of dust in the earth
called mortals
with nothing quite like yin and yang demeanors

In a dark sky brimming with millions of stars,
the earth holds a sea of billion people who wander toward each other.
The universe must have conspired for these
earthly mortals to work their way around each other,
and finally to consign love and affection.

One mortal breathed life with her
shoulder-length hair at a time when her life is still unkept.
She did not know that
love was hiding its presence at the corner of the cold room,
branded with dark ink on his arms,
also concealed in bleak mood.

Love, all of a sudden, made known its presence and
his being to this startled mortal who was clueless
of anything.
Through time, Love altered its image from blonde to black;
and arms now fully covered with ink seemingly from back-to-back.

Somewhere along time and circumstance,
it was as if the universe almost failed its attempt of holding
everything together.
But fate
worked its magic around for two mortals who are
polar opposites to give in to the universe's strong gravitational pull.

Love, at first, failed to deliver on time
and could not have two mortals look straight
to each other eye to eye.

Finally, this mortal deciphered love
revealed through long full lashes which tickles the eyes.
It came with cute laughter,
chubby cheeks and bite-sized
chubby banana fingers.

Love wasn’t weak
for it found the courage to
finally meet his opposite
and carry on his purpose
in the vast mysterious universe.

Love always welcome with arms so strong
and wide open
Despite somber days and
as well as in luminous nights.

Love, surprisingly, came prepared with movie tickets
but decided
it did not want to watch
secret life of pets.

Love has a tiny medicine kit
always kept in a knapsack and
deep in the pocket.
Love was always making sure
they could have the time of their lives and
and accomplish a bucket of wishes written
in a dreamy list.

Love came with such thoughtfulness
and witty nature,
and rational mind,
and feisty feature.
Love came tough with love
and a smile so vivid it would capture you in

Love came with past branded on his arms
but was handed over with a present
through the mortal who identifies herself as shining light.
For the shining light thought
Love really did arrive in time.
Happy Birthday. You are enough, is still enough and have always been enough. :)
Styles Nov 2014
Skyscrapers are so high, they seem to touch the blue sky, as it passes by. Freely the puffy white clouds fly, as the birds fly a mile-high. A pigeon peeks down from it's perch on a  high-rises.

The scent of the beautiful fresh flowers, mangled by the ripe odor of car exhaust. The smooth sounds, of an expensive sports car race through an downtown alley. The roar of the aggressive European engine echoes across the walls of surrounding building, as it whips through the street.  

A thin lip of smoke swirls from the end of a lite cigarettes, burning on the side walk.

Small bursts of wind, carry the lingering stench of sewage and motor oil. Steam spews from the hot pavement.

People  hurry to their destinations. Their footsteps beating down on the concrete the raindrops of a rainstorm. Absent of any cadence, they walk like soldier ants, marching through the streets of Manhattan.  

Ear buds plugging their ears, from the orchestra of sounds surrounding them.

Two thousand blank stares of empty eyes, gazing off into the distance, absent of the present of moment and time. A zombie like state rooted by thoughtless thoughts; and routine action.

So many sluggish demeanors, mixed with confident egos. Broken spirits mixed with broken hearts. lost dreams mixed with new dreamers. All these familiar faces in unfamiliar places. A melting *** of different races, styles and graces. Old legends with new faces, in strange places. All in the same place, with a different state of mind.

A big city, with a life of it's own, that strangers call home. A subway, with graffiti. Street corners for the needy, my kind of city.
Orion Schwalm Mar 2015
Pose for me. so that I can write a poem about you.
So that I can be inspired.
       So regal, so gaunt, you're going to be a star
       With your death comes your decomposition comes
        your rebirth comes your relive comes your
redeath...comes the death of the Earth. Comes the sun, comes the stars,
-and every time I check back in, you avert your gaze, stoicism,
  god forbid I realize you're interested in anything outside your
own chaos theory about destroying the constitution of
   men by raising them right.
                               But you saw me write that in my mind
                     and now you've switched demeanors to
        the disapproving yet ultimately caring parental.

           It's funny that I rescued a parent
                        in you. (Tried to.)
                 While doing my best to provide (the best of dreams) for both of
                 us, I somehow hit a bump in the road
                 that beat me into awareness.
  Now that I'm awake, I can tell you, you're
            just like me: terrified, alone in your body,
            wrought with worry about the possibility of
             your mind never reaching mine.

Neither of us were well enough prepared for this
   to end so soon.
                   Trust me to share in your discomfort in
                   dying with no true heir.
                  But trust me also that I have become as
                   much you as any progeny could ever be.
                 And know that I do NOT trust you
                 to definitely leave me this've
                  Cheated before.
Made me feel like we really were angels, if only for each
other.    You've crossed me for the last time though.
    Like a bridge, I collapse, and I rise.
               Like a breath I am labored, I fall for you,
                          to mark safe passage.  But I DO NOT WILL
NOT CAN NOT Burn away. You will always pass by way of my support.
You're small again. Like when we were young.
                               I feel like I could hold you in one hand.
  Sometimes it takes a lot to make us realize the magnitude
  of the things we are experiencing. It takes stakes
  for us to see that this is one moment we are sharing
  forever and never again. It takes pains to force us to
put these experiences down in writing, and it takes guts
to know. to know.  to Know.  that this love is worth
every ******* second that we breathe.
                           It takes a lot of guts, to know, when you won't be coming


                                      to a place you call Home.

Because that feeling you were holding onto
                                           went down deep in Earth.
    And up into space.
                             But somehow it's still in you
   when you sleep and dream and wake and eat and breathe and
           live                                and                     die
   and [Move]

                                                         ­                and (swim.)

     Where you belong                        is not a constant.
     Where I belong                              is not fixed down.
     Especially when
                                                what you are, my love
                                                            ­  changes     forms so
                                                              ­               frequently.

                                                    ­                 And you're moving along so fast.
                                                           ­          I couldn't hope to stop you now...
Hannah Sep 2014
I’m okay, you’re okay.
That’s the game we play
Pretending, day by day
To not let our demeanors betray
To tamper everything we say
When we daily play
This game of I’m okay, you’re okay.

Meanwhile, when we’re alone
We can feel free to bemoan
And groan (but not loudly)
Everything we haven’t shown
To each other but is known to us
But when we’re together, that’s verboten
It’s just “I’m okay, you’re okay.”
Raven Feels May 2023
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, from 14-II-'23 :)

comes the nows
of the ways of the hows
the splinter of blood on my fingers
brings the shot of red to linger
so welcome to where my rhymes stale
& my patterns are so long so pale

the follow is the question
& the shame after them trillion detentions
simplicity subsides
duplicity abides
& the words of a drunk lover
come out of my own mouth not another

like a clown I drench the hollow mirror
somedays not to look too bitter
the beads of the black on my hand
& some memories carried by the sand
for the tremble to nauseate
& a once over never to take

except the tides in excess
I am one who knows how to make a mess
demeanors demeanors
dividers of tolerance of life breathers
demanding a timeline
not too dim not to shine

upon the words of a passion
luxury becomes outdated, out of fashion
a self-slap to renew
them thoughts I have on que
but the universe listens
for another Henry to glisten

those of the latter prevail their shadows
& my pretty looks are explained in follow
where did the sensation of such,
feel a feel like that that much?
anticipation for a day of no worth hence
in my world means risking vision for the corner of that lens

AND again, my rhymes stale
& my patterns are pale
the writes discard an existence
& the song of joy half that of an instance
even the written now here
are ones I do despise to repeat on an adhere

Drunk poet May 2018
He crept his feet that night like a scorpion
Dead, even to the sensitivity of nature
His presence was patched with uncertain aura
Epilepsy at a time, later turmoil in saturation
My God!
I should have known by his sophisticated demeanors
And his beguiled compliments on my velvet lips
His reckless talks of treating me like a queen
And the dexterous hold my hips
His hands could bear witness that night
As my breath shuffled away
"be gentle! " and for your own good, "be quite! "
He did it like he had been born for it
... And my silent groans and moans died unheard
Now I only forward to my friend karma
But shhhhhhhh
He'll **** me!
... If you tell anyone

Praggya Joshi Jun 2018
These identities we create
And forge upon others
Do we really hold a right
To decide
About the patterns of behaviors and dispositions
Or the appropriate demeanors and preferences for others
Why do we crave
to change the inherent tendencies
Or the intrinsic inclinations of some individuals
That differs from our own
And briskly label them as 'unusual'
Why does it feels so challenging
To add a few more words in our vocabulary
Rather than sweeping them all in a category
Hiding It from others
Talking about them only in hushed whispers
Why do we deem
their emotions as inappropriate
Instill fear in them
For feeling a certain way
Forgetting that
They are a beautiful creation of God
Just like us
Made to blend homogeneously
Not plucked inhumanly
Out of a heterogeneous population
Written for LGBT pride month
Dark n Beautiful Jan 2021
Time will tell, time will tell,
Who will meet at the well?
And who will be forgiven,
And who will be smite

It ***** to keep a secret,
Jealousy is a disease, fear is mind killer
They all knew his demeanors
Impeachment but  two times, once a sinner always a sin
Sometimes I use to love him
Sometimes I didn’t understand his tactics:
My grandparents always told us
Children, children, behave yourself
Never is the follower always being the leader:
Is the best way to go..

A few article I came across this morning
He is dynamo driven restless unable to keep
(Reminds of my grandfather donkey Wilbert).
He gets by with very little sleep.
The mind of Donald Trump
Narcissism, disagreeableness, grandiosity psychologist
investigate how trump extraordinary  personality
might shape his presidency (story by Dan P McAdams)
Was the president really a leader?

I don’t know if I should be happy or if I should cry,
I don’t laugh at ones misery or one rejoice at
Proverbs 24:17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls, and

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the Lord see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him. Romans 12:19
I must indeed say that I have a love and hate relationship with the man
However, what took place in Washington DC two weeks ago,
Makes me more afraid of the politicians and politics’ more than ever

Time will tell, time will tell,
Who will meet at the well?
And who will be forgiven,
And who will be smite
Madeysin Jun 2015
I like adding poems to ãłøñë, because that's what these little poems are. Ãłøñë with me, with vowels & mixed demeanors. Have mercy Heaven, for the saints that walked before me. Left a narrow path back. And I'm not so sure I'll be okay in the next day....
Or two
Nawal Yahya May 2016
She walks in strays
And goes by her own ways
You can see her smiles
In about miles away
You could hear her laughs
And you would see her demeanors
But yet, she's anonymous
She's nobody
She's anonymous

She goes down rivers
But she'll never quiver
She stays low,
But yet she's always high
High as the mountains could go
As she jumps down streams
You could hear her screams
Bouncing from tress and skies to our own very eyes
But yet, she's anonymous
She's nobady,
She's anonymous

Her voice carries on
Like melodies from a song
So beautiful and so tempting not to listen
And the look she gives is so treasen
We'll find ourselves stumbling down
And wakeing up, wondering how?
But yet she's anonymous
She's nobody
She's anonymous
they left the group

took off and flew.

flight was not sustained.

hovering over past demeanors

faltered, landed carefully

in disappointment, hugging,

affirming it did not matter.

yet it did.
Ivan Brooks Sr Feb 2018
If love had a meter
And inputs were measured,
As a partner or a lover
Would you be surpassed?

Would you allow yourself to be cheated
In order for the love to thrive
or  even out-communicated
Just to make sure the love survive?

If love had a meter
Would you allow lesser time
And seek to do even better
Just to make sure things were fine?

If love was timed and monitored
Would you willingly agree
For your love meter to be decommissioned
So our love can blossom and be free?

If our movements were restricted
Would you allow me to run freely,
In no form or shape be intimidated
Just to prove you love me dearly?

If love depended upon equal inputs
Would you be so caring and selfless
To disregard the unwashed dishes and pots,
My relaxed demeanors or care that I do less?

Love meter will not last a day.
Unfaithful marital transgressions
self admitted indictment,
crime and punishment,
no longer think high lee
entailing no mister re: demeanors,
I searingly weathered

(George by bushed, albeit thankfully,
no unwanted child left behind),
nonetheless one unforgettable
indelible, execrable, and abominable
professedly owned his
civil warring battle of life

transgressions undeservedly heaped
(Uriah hit about that)
(carnal feral hormonally seething
gone astray nightwalks)
woven by basket of deplorable
emotionally painful selfish object lesson

forever etched upon mine psyche
(left by one bobbing sponge -
cheeses crust station of his life
within sea of human life now
affixes moniker re: mister *****)
inflicted courtesy yours truly

said marital indiscretion (philandering)
one among many issues discussed,
during treatment plan earlier today
February eighteenth 2020
concerning complex edifice
regarding mein kampf

existential bleak house
(figuratively crowded cheek to jowl)
with and hard times
fraught with many
unattained great expectations
unwittingly accepts psychological fallout

(among kissing kith and kin,
a shellfish chicken and hen thing for sure),
despite years elapsed ex post facto
deploying, incorporating, narrating, signifying...
narcissistic, opportunistic, and phlegmatic
self incriminating doom
visualize deus ex machina

betrayal rendered adopted smugness
invariably set in motion domino effect,
whereby emotional alienation
devastation, humiliation, maturation, suppuration
(yoking impossible mission
to shuck off penitence, the price to pay),

thus rightfully, truthfully, and veritably...
ably, readily, and willingly
allowing, enabling, and providing
incomplete resolution, (hence iresolution)
thwarting rancor thy deux daughters
(livingsocial many time zones distant)
embark quest to guide their own

metaphorical maiden voyaging ships of state
countless transpired hours
at counseling facility, where poetic papa
aired and mulled over bothersome
anguish to complete requisite treatment plan
to receive psychiatric appointment
next (and last) Tuesday of February 2020.
del Mar 2018
children do not care if you are gay
if you are a different race, if you're disabled
children just want to know if you want to play
children are accepting until someone tells them that they shouldn't
if the parents are homophobic, so too will the child
they are raised on beliefs,
but if you allowed children to thrive without interruption
without corruption to their accepting demeanors
they will form a much better society
than the segregated one we live in now.
ran out yesterday

lost you completely with the pattern in the sky

the leaves on the oak

on the mountain.       i lost you

you left the group

took off and flew

flight was not sustained

hovering over past demeanors


landed carefully

in disappointment hugging

affirming it did not matter

yet it did
Preze Reese Mar 2019
A compliment of your light was voiced twice
The dead end of an unfinished cul-de-sac
Served its purpose of isolation perfectly

Our demeanors were coy and chilled
We celebrated our knowledge of each other and our space
The night was unsure, the purpose was noted

My body was at ease with you, yours with me
A quick turn of my hip and my body becomes alluring
You are drawn to me like a moth to a light

I didn’t shy from the advances
I received it willingly for my body wanted the contact
We collided against each other with gentle force

Warmth covered my body from your masculine embrace
I melted a thousand times as I read your mind silently
The pleasure you seeked surprised every visitor who embarked for its tight grip

My body became your safe keep, your refuge, your domain
It held you up and praised your work
It stood firm while you pounded it's petite anatomy

The reward you seeked more precious than a ruby
The reward you seeked more valued than a diamond
The reward you seeked more demanded than gold

You continued your search while you lost yourself inside me with  pleasure
I became your owner, I owned you temporarily
I claimed your body as you claimed mine

All while the moon set a scene only for us to explore
Your reward transferred right on time
I received it graciously I hope I will forget it
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020

Icicles drip in the midmorning sun
Like a Saline bag feeding your arm.
Intravenous emotions that fill my veins
While my heart has cause for alarm.
My frosty exterior matches the scene
That I observe through a window of mist.
My demeanors unsteady, like walking on ice
Around the edge of a virtual abyss.
Thoughts of the future while denying my past
Relying on forgiveness and repent.
Making a list, of often unwanted gifts
A waste, of the money I have spent.
Another drip falls from the cold icicles
Vanishing, once it hits the ground.
Wasting away, like we all will one day
To a silence, that's serene yet profound.

— The End —