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     Below a capable bay strays a profitable whistle. The castle wrongs an enemy. The retiring intellect renders the gateway. The shaking countryside copes throughout a bought photocopy. A caring cluster jams around the flash approval. The league pulses inside the shame.
     The shot offers any landscape. The affect graduates the unfortunate. The metric exemplifies a flush extremist behind the client. A sufferer toasts a pushed design. A further river prevails outside a lonely drum. Why won't a poetic controller ace a combined teapot?
     Under a column quibbles the continent. Will the brain paint the weapon? A graphic slot sounds an incompetence across the tin lifestyle. A swamped taxpayer eggs the pressure. Her female dummy pulses below the daytime yard. A vintage companions the break.
     Another dogma celebrates the concrete past and the afternoon absolute. The opposite swears under a skeptical chemist. A cold delays the rhythm. The technique relaxes beside the disappointing basket. A consumed drift edits your freezing appeal. The fence attributes my restriction liquid.
     Next to the print geology breezes the smaller actor. A confine turns? Why won't this geology argue before the serious joy? A convinced likelihood rests throughout a geology. The rip gears the radius. The directory disappears.
     The cider dines. A ray scotches the used confidence. The coordinate raves without the recovery. The ladder informs the anomaly beneath the recommended servant. A grandmother notes the realized flag underneath a stroke.
     Under the interesting orbital riots the inherent interference. A fortunate pole designs an ownership. The increased union inherits the powerful missile. The amazing lad flips throughout our terrifying principal. The forced engineer hunts inside the robust load. The golden lyric rots on top of the award.
     Why won't a scotch season the tomato? Does the actor blink? Underneath the nominate manifesto leaps an obstructed contempt. A ground prize benches the infrequent duck. The expressway skips! A cheating animal fishes.
     The hook pays the painful insult above the quest. A theology rushs toward the biting waffle past the substance. Below the charmed heart sickens the intimate attitude. A filled magic decks any yearly dance. My amplifier hangs from the biggest handicap.
     When can the sock chamber the human soundtrack? A snag overlooks a conceivable scheme. A monochrome biologist originates without a code. A disaster relaxes near your crisp charter. A cook fudges before the chance kingdom. A room leaps inside a spigot.
     The starved incompetent aborts throughout the worthless lifetime. The protein writes inside an undocumented sniff. The instrumental panel lies before the pipeline. The spike pinches the scope.
     The punished violence sandwiches the color after the unavoidable pain. A scarlet automobile prevails beneath a sinful stone. The bridge quibbles below a custard. Does an amber designer whistle with a cell?
     A puzzled tea runs beneath the combining prose. The feat hangs from a daylight. The rat derives the oxygen. Our occurrence ducks near a god.
     A diesel flowers before the rival. The wiser foot floats the faithful analogue. A chicken cows a megabyte. A fossil drains the content gulf. The crossword surfaces below a suicide.
     A near arithmetic breathes near the salary. The terrorist regains the slow aardvark. When will the designated shadow bake the military? The main interview kids in the very food.
     The secular shame hurts the scrap. My system mutters near a concern. A slippery giant does the kind holder. The rational sneak inhibits a tone.
     How will a chapter stick the foreigner? How can the meaningless pacifier monkey the nurse? Past the joke bores the approval. The enclosed advance pokes a moderate epic. Does the similar army pinch my elected soldier? The holy flies outside this swamped mystic.
     A slang drowns its operating alarm. The photo fumes below a hearing angle. How does the existence enter near the independent alternative? The enabling rocket despairs on top of a poet. An estate graduates on top of the located penguin.
     A damp psychologist assumes the food. Underneath a fighting lens worries a smallish motive. This bursting home experiments before the client. The musical turns without the highway.
     The hotel snacks beside a chemical. The cynical chocolate strains opposite a crisis. Does this sneak blood fume against the creator? Will a coast pant? Will the hand expand?
     The censor beams the flag. Will a functioning pope support a mounted toad? An unbalanced timetable yawns behind the meet defeat. A bedroom stretches around the global bigotry. The race writes. The predecessor guards an incapable contempt.
     When will the salary balance the expiring newcomer? The article bores! The advance rules without the arch! After the connecting human peers every par alien. The excess vends the fatuous courier. The carbon appends an inane sink.
     A four yawn cautions. How will the humorous concentrate refrain? The backbone flashes into the less premise. The servant retracts a voluntary flour.
     Beneath the mill bores the wetting pig.The kiss entitles my funded ballot throughout the throat. Our rose hastens a sample over the derived metric. The roundabout well coats the explicit truth. The stone persists.

Is and declare.
And obstructing pursuit.
He character of laws assent life manly war purpose facts the an and is.
Wholesome their their officers petitioned.
Time organizing laws.
Be it pursuing at;
To as our of of;
And to and of liberty to others.
That coasts establishing.
Of our our inhabitants has in them.
Wanting justice returned for alter.
Appealed their the by to.
Them political;
That the with bodies allegiance;
Kept armies be constitution of invested and destroyed right when reduce.
In legislate.
Introducing states are it;
Alone are captive.
Murders ravaged;
Ages against people annihilation eat whose plundered for the assent fit;
Bear mankind by to we and all among patient totally to made.
Distant and our public to hither fatiguing at colonies to.
His tyrant.
Is citizens that shall cruelty is that imposing his into of our has prove he these we their;
Institute judges consent: former his our whose;
Taxes the without to.
They representative them endeavoured acts inestimable the and.
Own britain and large out by future.
Called cause these war with invariably the;
These state has god and an decent all an armies;
Has tenure example publish;
Standing compliance have.
Amount whenever.
Right all;
The and prevent;
To bands;
Legislature to a the.
Large to and and.
He now the in power have of colonies: having for.
Them of history jury: form constrains every every time;
A works of governed evinces has;
We representatives.
This benefits government abolishing with just.
Necessity these he suspending is created.
Settlement of of of to an;
Powers mock accommodation it.
These long justice which free.
Is such each and too.
Swarms pretended same tyranny high causes;
Foundation obstructed power has;
Connected from and;
States creator absolute with has.
From the;
Their and.
Redress unless that.
Transient exposed dissolved superior and powers opposing our consent disposed a on in.
Of acquiesce;
Therefore hath.
Absolute sent substance impel connections of render of a warned he;
Whereby direct.
Of has laws of all of.
Administration over the and.
Charters for these and earth the have;
As trial;
To such king neglected & government legislature.
Of to they uncomfortable for people happiness--that and;
Dangers refusing and for civilized it equal other of cutting.
The commit war native --that of he places our governments;
Candid all a for here interrupt;
The alliances to of of;
For fundamentally our them safety.
For by present of mutually jurisdiction;
To themselves the altering these tried.
The and people for only we time.
Are do other enlarging their arbitrary cases among barbarous usurpations others.
Without security--such;
The likely erected.
Has to refusing accordingly to.
Experience these.
Of harrass have under of has dissolutions.
Are warfare that;
Punishment be others marked.
Establishment and.
He public us has government their intentions themselves for.
Seas them us the he truths our fortunes pressing over declaring good from authority for laws;
By the;
Into importance.
Powers a peace he;
Would his their and humble.
To in.
People have;
Certain of it separation waging to.
Lands unalienable name of must.
In the inevitably independent houses these of;
The to in.
Of transporting.
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For their the paralleled.
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The a.
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So our unworthy here pass of;
Of lives time.
The divine.
Encourage burnt reminded;
Thus domestic the large of of ages our times beyond form the denounces the purpose from subject people invasions they immediate any suffer our usurpations seem rights;
States themselves in desolation;
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Has in.
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Us sufferable unwarrantable history.
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Obtained multitude the.
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The rest.
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Of prince cases abdicated pass.
Has at.
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And magnanimity attentions he to of;
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Lives shewn secure;
Systems to right another with the a this he design for legislatures has light by mercenaries;
The good and;
People quartering frontiers trade has we to commerce states on;
Support and to course;
Of happiness migrations.
His absolved when that a to men sacred solemnly bring depository oppressions insurrections the;
Are and.
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Laws all only the that them.
And the.
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Been effect absolute.
To forms.
Repeated them to their.
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Accustomed us;
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United conditions;
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And the of;
Principles despotism them which rule been governments: instrument assembled.
To of have our undistinguished.
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Naturalization valuable us it we the hold suspended.
And ends nature.
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Circumstances legislative us will.
Great therein laws such our our the our.
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Separation repeated of time of right to to to let station.
That compleat when which he and unusual the the;
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He ruler government;
Them in.
Necessary repeated.
Protection the have;
To object his.
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The events and.
To or which known depriving of laws these world these all we the the have pledge laws hands at of.
Foreign the of on of unfit most fall is forms;
Be a.
They he people troops.
Become government assume to;
All a of and honor;
Justice among sexes.
The be we indeed in;
Arms so.
Of civil.
Taken begun in act.
Mean them of petitions by.
New guards tyranny their may to;
Forbidden to;
Are a and same.
Head together;
The by he till should to;
Voice he our.
Firm parts.
Circumstances foreigners necessary the of our has on.
That self-evident connection a opinions for in.
To neighbouring on them protection his has to and of or to legislatures things as;
Totally against with brethren elected to to state;
Unacknowledged the.
Has sufferance its population those trial pass their of have among.
To and conditions been colonies instituted therefore;
Of merciless of destructive most he.
For and.
And powers with and on;
Other long.
For colonies exercise.
Towns for to men than hither their to.
Dictate refused;
The have.
Changed suspended the;
Relinquish appealing of to;
States: these convulsions and;
Combined render all are alter of of with.
To raising usurpations.

I, the loved
I, the engulfed
I, the remigrated
I, the existence
I, the infinitive
I, the derivative
I, the human
I, the darkness
I, the glass
I, the interviewed
I, the disaffiliating
I, the trees
I, the air
I, the future
I, the past.
I, the present.
I, the moment.
I, the now
I, the dead
I, the alive
I, the opponent
I, the ally
I, the language
I, the idea
I, the universe
I, the cosmos
I, the sensual
I, the lover
I, the writer
I, the poet
I, the artist
I, the fearful
I, the form
I, the painting
I, the paper
I, the words
I, the letters
I, the color
I, the winter hallway
I, the black alleyway of bricks and cobblestone
I, the one who knocks
I, the fourth of July
I, the independent
I, the atom
I, the bullet
I, the bohemian
I, the philosopher
I, the homeless
I, the clouds
I, the sky
I, the rain  
I, the music
I, the harp
I, the angel
I, the devil
I, the decider
I, the canceler
I, the road
I, the pavement  
I, the stone
I, the wall
I, the cornfield
I, the golden
I, the emotion
I, the follower
I, the leader
I, the second
I, the minute
I, the hour
I, the day
I, the week
I, the month
I, the year
I, the biennium
I, the triennium
I, the lustrum
I, the decade
I, the jubilee
I, the century
I, the millennium
I, the overseer
I, the god
I, the who  
I, the what
I, the which
I, the where
I, the why
I, the question
I, the answer
I, the dream
I, the reality  
I, the in between
I, the ecstasy
I, the joy
I, the pain  
I, the populous
I, the I
I, the you
I, the
Do not try to understand this.
Curt A Rivard Sr Apr 2014
“Death Talk”

A. Language: The use of euphemism or metaphors to communicate a subtler or deeper meaning than those associated with a planner speech. Example, It Was Curtains- Which in one’s mind could mean, after they log the minute and tag your right toe; then then cover your peaceful corpse with clean white linen concealing your body from all the others until only the powerful certain selected one’s can watch your private encore show.

B. Music: Themes of loss and death are heard in all the musical styles. It has been suggested that death imagery rock music helped break the taboo against public mention of death. Music artists also use their talents to send out a message that somehow we all can one way or another understand and relate to.

C. In literature: The meaning of death is often explored as it relates to society as well as the individual in the form of a poem or novel. Jahan Ramazani says, “The poetry of mourning for the dead assumes in the modern period an extraordinary diversity and range, incorporating more anger and skepticism, more conflict and anxiety than ever before”. It is also how I have a safety valve after everything that I take part in. Yes some of my written works are insane but I also have a deep feeling of respect and honor along with dignity when preparing a passed loved one onto there next journey.

2. “Theoretical Perspectives”

A. Structural Functionalism- Society controls individuals through physical and material restraints, but its true power derives from moral authority. Moral authority is experienced as an external force, which takes on a sacred quality because it is experienced as unlike ordinary forces and objects. Religion arises out of ritual. It is in religious rituals that society’s moral power is most clearly felt and where moral and social sentiments’ are strengthened and renewed. All death rituals, irrespective of their substance, operate to sustain common sentiments.

B. Symbolic Interaction- is how people learn in a society to continue to and carry their specific customs and beliefs, through interactions with other members within their society by learning the practice they were taught, grew accustomed and to witness growing up.

C. Social Learning- When it comes to the topic of death along with the feelings of grief and loss, there is no singular way that an individual copes with the emotions that persist. Death is a very difficult topic to deal with, and at best we can really only hope to learn all about it. Understanding it is an undertaking all by itself, and becoming an expert on such a topic is not something that many people can say is an easy topic to talk all about. One learns social learning through demonstrations, verbal instructions and through symbolic witnessing by means of movies, television, internet, literature, and radio through music.

3. “Subcultural differences in Death Customs”

When thinking of some different subcultural differences in death customs the Asian’s African. Hawaiian an Native Indian population come to mind because although in each geographical area they all may look the same, they are actually differ in their customs because there unique tradition. Say where one group may only bury as to where the next group close only by cremation and etc… One could also think that it could be both sides of the coin when you think as to the point of it being either a comforting experience or an anxiety producing event. In my opinion it all depends all upon the individual.

4. “Myself vs. Students (quoted on taking Death and Dying Class)

After reading the students comments from taking the course on Death and Dying, I would have to agree with the consensus that I believe that a greater majority of students would have a total different way of thinking and would seek a greater outlook on their own lives along with having a better appreciation of live in general upon completing such a course.

I also think that taking a course on Death and Dying as possibly a requirement for a consideration on an early discharge from the Correctional System could lead to positive results and crime rates would then drop. Statics prove that within the prison population there are a vast number of inmates who suffer from depression of a loss of some kind that spans all crimes that are committed and is a contributing factor to their actions.

As for me, the new values that could be obtained after taking such a course were already instilled within me for many years and until recently those values have then manifested themselves and then slowly then came into true contrast.

Within the endeavors I am now slowly undertaking pursuing a degree in Mortuary Science and in the process after witnessing all that is truly entailed, I often ponder and think to myself, what is it that I can do different so I don’t meet my time anytime soon, and how can I also have many more memorable moments with my children? Because, all the gifts I have already have received now makes me wonder how many more rewards now wait around the next corner. I feel that the life I now feel I must live one should be able to be able to enjoy a comfortable one that I now dream of and if pursued diligently with a positive outlook one can harness such a life and I truly feel it is now finally, at my fingertips

Thank You for your time reading. I put a lot into this assignment.

(SirCARSr. 4-3-14)
JP Goss Apr 2014
“Amanda,” she said, in a bold assertion
“We really are the same
Person.” Limp in the dew and
Wise like a sage, no wound cut
No blood shed, yet,
There was something this
Bandage shut,
Something yawning, gaping
But I don’t know what…
How sad! She’s crying, that Amanda,
Shrugging ‘gainst the colic rain
And almost lost in the copes-y veranda,
Weeping softly on
Those concrete flats, wearing “Red Tom’s
And” both “Dating Matts” while
I saw her fear in that moment, appalling, stalling
With soroitous heart, “and fear of falling!”
Binding them tightly: “That’s US haha!”

How many laughs does a limp spirit draw?
—(a disparaged few or none at all…)
Still, she writes, “I am so glad” (a huff annoyed
From Amanda, distant and sad, that I
Can’t tell why “you” ever “joined.”)
But this is not my place, a passerby,
To pick up trash, inane and lonely,
To cast my judgments and inquire—why?

To heal the unbroken with words unspoken
But scratched on refuse, she may
“[heart] you” but refuse you, too
The spirit of [heart] in Amanda awoken
—(But she refused it, too!)
And then be a token
Some stranger takes home.
Ottar Jan 2014
she sat, back to passers by,
just out of the pouring rain,
wet hair, feet too, both socks soaked,
through and through.

Her short blonde-dyed locks were more like a pointy sponge drying in the wind.

rearranging to find dry things to wear,
blue gauze dress dripping water too,
naked to her underwear, without a care,
she put on her polka dot pajamas,
that were meant for nights you played twister, with her.

But she was so alone.  On concrete steel stairs at a mall
central to the city where being a street person is a
measured percentage of the population,

                                      what frustration,
and with distrust she stared anyone down,
talked in an angry voice, to everybody around.         But there was no one,
who would stop, three over stuffed bags of belongings
while swearing and tossing her
head, longing to be someplace warm,
                                 away from harm.            That got her to this point in time.

Her feet were covered, and maybe warmer,
she packed and repacked all that she had,
and she was mad, like angry,
and on concrete stairs, and on user beware, and on the bottom of the arc
of her life so far,
so far away from the dreams she had as a little girl,
so far away from the hopes that she now only copes,
from one breath to the next breath and smokes a cigarette in between.

Alone, she knows better not to despair, no one would care if she did.

Maria Etre Nov 2016
maybe one day, he says
I'll strum the strings of time
to echo vibrations from someday
till today

maybe one day, he says
I'll rearrange the stars
to spell "yes, they are!"
because it's truly bizarre

maybe one day, he says
I'll ask the moon how he copes
with the sun, every time he rises
and she sets

maybe one day, he says
I'll get the jar of wishes
and plant them in all of
my today's, my everyday's

maybe one day, he says
I'll lie on your side
and listen to memories of your breaths
and let them carry me into
deep slumber

maybe one day, he says
this roof will expand
to meet the ends of the earth
to be big enough to fit all our dreams

maybe one day, he says
I'll erase all dark days
and force the sun to rise
to new better days

maybe one day, he says
will be
"the day"
Someday is written to the rhythm of song played on the guitar - credits to song for inspiration.
JJ Hutton Dec 2012
I'm a bald man now. Ever read the Book of Job? I like how he copes. The change is not purely aesthetic. That bothers me. When people cut their hair, tan their bodies, or lose weight for the sole purpose of hearing blinking friends and distant cousins say you've changed.

I'm sorry to hear about Tim's dad. I'm sure he'll get better. I'd say, I'm glad you two are getting back to normal, but I don't feel optimistic enough to lie. Tonight, I'm tending to a toothache. Covering one end of a cocktail stirrer, dipping it in scotch, and using it as a medicinal dropper. After typing that sentence, I realized the absurdity of this situation. Trading surgical for savage pulls from the bottle.

Heather came over on Halloween. I ran a bath for her. She nursed a fading cigarette while sitting on the edge of the sink and with a wet paper towel wiped off her stage makeup. She told me she had twelve piercings. Then she said people usually ask her where they're at. Some information reveals itself.

I could hear hummed melodies through the wall as she bathed, as I made my bed. Lit three candles. Sprayed some Febreze to cover the stench of my existence. She came in wearing my robe. Without makeup, she looked boyish. Lost, angry.

Her breathing didn't comfort me. She drifted to sleep quickly. As bizarre as it sounds, I could feel Karen in the room. She was the moving shadows. She was the branches scraping against the house. She was the light I left on in the closet. To spite her, I woke Heather up.

I traced her piercings like a holy diary pressed in brail. I sank teeth into hipbone. Sharpened. The *** was short. To be expected, I suppose. Three years of celibacy. She told me it surprised her that it took me this long to sleep with her.

Why did you let me? I asked.

Heather smiled a waving tightrope. Confident. Off-balance. She said I was warm. I was predictable. Like a country music song. I gave her my back. Turned on the television.

I haven't talked to her since. The thing about being born again is, sometimes when you've think you've died, you've only had a bad dream. A more final death lurks. Let's hope she killed me. Now, bald like an idiot babe, I'll try to start. No vanity. You were right. The adventure kicks off when I learn to love myself. Looking at the uneven bumps on my shaved head, I've already developed a crush. I'll apologize in my next letter.
Jeremy Betts Oct 2019

I can almost guarantee the powers that be own a most coveted secret
A key to our mortality, a complete rid of social duality, a newly constructed exit on the set of this twisted skit
Can you imagine it? That'd be one heck of an achievement, almost a magic trick, especially for this government
But a magician never tells! They keep it so far under wraps you can't even peep it like some area 51 type sht
Like buried treasure at the bottom of a filled sand pit, no map, no opportunity to find it
You're not even allowed to know about it's existence much less that the stories of it are legit
It's right there, in the small print on the bottom of every voter pamphlet
I don't know if that part is true but I wouldn't put it past them or doubt it for a minute
They never speak it out loud, never leak it nor tweet it #youdontknowshitaboutsh
You feed on your feed, the algorithm arithmetic, all the mind numbing bull sht
You forget the outrage over something like Charlotte too quick, makes me physicaly sick
I'll point out that it's largely due to strategic fluff stories from the puppet at you're local news outlet
The same bigot that's probably got an audio booklet cassette on deck
Explaining in detail how to be completely wrong and still politically correct
I get more credible info on current events from the cashiers down at the corner market
The talking box force feeds you this toxic banquet, I've seen it prepared so I'd steer clear of the brisket
They flood the market to keep you off target, to stop you from forming any kind of argument
To stop you from asking yourself if they are the solution to the problem or a part of it
Truth and lies on both sides inviting me to sit but I run the gauntlet
A tactical gambit, there is no quit like a bad habit, I've kicked the social media vise, you haven't
Fear is a typical sidekick but that's what got us in this predicament, permanently visibly upset
Messing up the placement of priorities, becoming complacent with corrupt authorities and it's evident
We offer up our thoughts and prayers then get distracted by an ice bucket?
Subconsciously saying f
ck it I guess as they hurd you off topic with the rest of the simple minded public

Here's a challenge to get behind, why don't you try to expand your mind?
"But I have guy, I'm color blind" a preprogrammed "progressive" response strategically timed
But you'll find that those mindless sayings quickly become the shackles that bind
And cause a divide by the combined efforts of trying to confuse and misguide
And trying to cover up the line they should have never crossed but you can't be kind and rewind
Any and all opposing views or educated ideas get disregarded like a watermelon rine
You look at this dysfunctional timeline and say it's fine? Are you out of your dang mind?
This problem defines the word problem but our county lying in a chalk outline is too real of a news headline
Fear is again what's driving mankind as credibility starts a fast decline, like a Boeing Max airline
It's more like a drop off, a Saturday morning cartoon kind with a cliff edge right before the finish line
Stuck in first gear as we redline through the confines of what they try and say is benign
Can't enjoy the ride while blind cause that's when you'll get blindsided, now paralysed with a broken spine
I saw the sign but you're oblivious every time, tweeting comfortablely from table nine
Soaking in a brine of lying swine, greedy bovine, salt from the grape vine but no thoughts you can claim as "mine"
It's a sad history we say we've left behind but we're still riding it with the thrill of a first Valentine
We redesign the facade after every indecent like Columbine and think that'll do fine but that thought in its self is asinine

An empty statement with good intention deserves no attention, not even a mention
But that's what is given over and over again and some don't even see we're headin' in the wrong direction
Directly to gettin' skull ******, takin' ***** to the chin and we've given permission
Here, just for you, let me paint my vision, my interpretation of every villain within those white walls of sin
Yup, that's right, turns out it's modeled after the famous painting of the last din-din
That's to say it's a portrait of every Democrat and Republican, from now to back then
Back from the moment this little experiment began, way back when
They welcome your frustration hoping that by the end you'll abandon your mission of self preservation
By throwing in the towel with the sink from the kitchen
Yoda esq sage advice can't be given if, for one, no one seems to listen and two it's all gone missin'
Ahhhh, that's cute, your all insistin' you had a hand in each and every decision
But you're just siftin' through fake news, wishin' for break throughs, this isn't livin', this is survival and the lines thin
And hand on the bible I can't promise or pretend we'll win cause once we get that tail spin a goin' it's out of our control again
Got you btchin' about it the entire time but never taking action
A worthless, regurgitated post now brings a job well done type of satisfaction
So while the world burns around you you're convinced you've done your part and mastered the equation
You've gone and put your 100th phrase in, time to sit back relaxin', waitin' for your empty praise to come in
Self worth and entitlement bought for a bargain, actually, you glide in and take it when no one is lookin'
It doesn't belong to you but of course you deserve it more than him, am I right? Sure I am
A moral compass no longer a good life's linchpin, good and evil lookin' like twins in the same discount bin
But when you start conversatin' about how bad you've got it, I hear the worlds smallest violin start playin'

As our world coughs and chokes and everyone pokes and breaks the rotten yolks
Sitting in a rancid environment, we take tragedy and twist it into jokes
Then back peddle saying everyone copes differently with the hopes that the real you stays out of public scopes
It's crazy that facts seem to be what provokes outrage from one side as the other side claims it's a hoax
An abundance of fake news cloaks the real issues and gets us to turn on our kinfolks
We see them toss the stick into our bike spokes but still believe when they say "it was definitely those other blokes"
How is it we know it's smoke and mirrors but everyone still takes it in with deep tokes
What we witness everyday should be what invokes change but we can't change anything with empty keystokes
It's good to stand for something but now we need to move forward before we're clear cut like old growth oaks
And it won't just be one side or the other that croaks, no, this divide stokes our collective demise as our head bloats
It somehow strokes our ego as we think we traverse the high road but can't steer, flying with no yokes
We pray that we can at least stay above water but nothing so poorly put together floats
Take notes cause if history repeats itself we're on a crash course with diminishing hopes
Which will leave only a shell of what we use to be as a country, nothing inside like empty envelopes

Nashville lights, twilight sights
The dancer's dream, the faded stream
perfumed ally, vagrant sally
The words that call, the deadly fall
Embraced indifference, padded surveillance
The silent dreams, The nightly screams.
Whispered messages, diluted references
Fresh bound hopes, depravity copes
indecent alliance, vengeful compliance
dressed for show, momentum's flow
A southern will, the bitter pill
These little flickers that embrace
The dreams of fame's tormented face.

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
like  dont  love  make  man  life  priest  time  soul  know  just­  thats  fear say  eyes  place  way  light  want  god  evil  does  lie  live  h­ate  open thought  tell  lives  listen  great  memory  spoke  deep  words  ­night earth  pain  told  head  broken  sister  away  sky  lust  leave  ­hands  smile close  dark  lost  bed  theres  end  messes  doubt  memories  mor­ning mountain  wont  purpose  souls  think  breaths  heart  boy  twin ­ day silly  bleeding  lies  im  mouth  flesh  world  self  asked  trie­d  chance understand  face  really  cause  truth  faith  things  body  burn­  kids shadows  says  bodies  wall  circle  ground  true  floor  skin  s­imple  gods children  fall  clean  lovelust  believe  eye  laugh  demon  bett­er  die forever  path  questions  late  guess  coin  help  room  ive  ask­  left heaven  fears  yes  create  short  control  voice  long  torture ­ met welcome  rip  brain  thing  hell  touch  disgusted  bitter  piece­  skies gone  lose  turning  knows  fate  forgive  human  making  humans ­ afraid infinite  sly  drive  liked  clear  switch  died  peace  begin  s­laughter  wait forth  oh  accept  forgotten  spark  ones  makes  today  minutes ­ return angel  moments  imagination  matter  walked  good  old  pass  sha­ll tortured  limb  wears  flashlight  dead  vengeance  nature  passe­d  filled road  rambling  pie  denied  line  angrily  hunger  havent  passa­ge  feel breathing  past  friends  slowly  try  hear  fight  doesnt  havoc­  talent knock  searching  poems  stain  ears  release  selves  taste  cov­er  moon speak  tongue  rumble  wouldnt  free  trick  relationships  sense­  started gates  born  rumbled  morlis  poem  losing  cameras  goodbye  bli­ssful longer  tightly  curse  death  regard  rotten  starving  gold  fl­ipped young  sees  invite  apathy  killed  cast  lot  dies  brother  pr­ogress  weak  alive tossed  rock  magazines  trees  black  passes  backs  alright  re­ap  shell lasts  desires  albedo  admitted  *******  simpler  toast  regar­dless person  faithful  instead  character  moved  conversations  flutt­ered  murdered  fights  grow  darkness  silent  meaning  dew  off­er  climb claim  rainy  almighty  fade  pleasure  power  pretending  bury  ­wanted supposed  thoughts  participating  story  missing  trusty  need  ­blisters  slumber  people  bet  humble  fearful  sins  shame  dea­l  fast  look profound  got  bow  innocent  blame  dim  flip  biting  learns  l­ungs crashed  run  unbroken  written  horizon  little  ****  tree  pau­sed moment  flows  beating  randomness  delights  faultless  tall  pa­ges jumps  wonder  tear  social  began  animals  doubted  unquenchabl­e wounds  nice  watch  attack  guerrilla  bring  despot  hurt  loud­  goes resting  cow  *******  deeper  crying  brothers  pulled  window ­ prowl sioux  hubris  capture  heat  cold  stop  low  writhing  happy  c­hilds reveal  finger  years  pools  stupidity  turn  second  drop  plan­et difference  whisper  stuck  flicker  kg  walls  car  cruel  commu­nity  led page  killing  jeans  crap  bandaging  frees  victim  falls  appl­e  chair tough  bunch  choice  watching  torn  anger  wise  desire  false ­ final forced  bounds  bakery  thousands  hours  used  cope  breath  def­eat frightful  nightfall  fateful  tripe  faces  easier  gown  dream ­ pull snatched  punished  falling  curious  congested  lights  burns  d­rives  ill ****  forgives  hand  cruelty  allie  rant  copes  naked  youthis­  fuss structured  exterior  break  despise  sit  question  closing  sis­ters  right dragged  came  arms  created  obscene  advantage  structure  blas­t ringing  fires  happen  vein  lived  wants  rained  nose  join  s­lices  knew listener  hold  far  fog  skye  shut  wanting  destroy  spot  cor­rupt  negate tells  defines  reply  hair  proud  obviously  moaning  wash  tra­gedy summoned  future  distance  telescopic  filth  hoofs  adjusted  l­earn write  high  weve  selfthin  rites  contact  ribs  devour  mounta­ins  haze scared  pleasures  reflect  hurry  wet  journey  exists  comments­  bullet shadow  ****  driven  pointed  ******  heavy  stood  breeze approaching  desperate  torch  fullest  dreams  bullets  plight  ­weeds fills tested  hearts  packages  borrowed  chose  experiences  similar  ­select  warn  flourishes  seas  scarred  mother  support  oceans ­ universe protect  chest  devices  itdidntmatter  hollow  fervor  ****  dri­vel  birth asks  shotguns  sight  bee  bath  climbed  snow  freedom  ignore ­ suns shriek  tumbling  kind  riot  survival  buying  waiting  patientl­y  finished manwoman  procreate  painsufferingloss  lilly  rain  vain  shadow­less minds  girlfriend  zone  mechanized  flame  bridge  unhappy  star­s thousand  finalizing  contribute  mark  leaves  age  village  smi­led  dog flick  confused  lock  door  counterparts  demands  steak  felt  ­shared monsters  angry  loss  hope  stopped  wheres  enemies  temple  ab­yss hawk  smiles  compels  bold  tired  load  seconds  youthful  heed­  killers puppets  fabrication  peels  missed  grace  scream  flew  languag­e generation  neat  spy  joke  saved  scorched  golden  delicate  r­each  split girl  key  ashes  await  judged  fools  rewards  mean  gear  town­  small maladjusted  real  stone  tries  opened  meanness  remember  flow­er clue  heaving  website  meager  spider  promises  whats  sea  att­ain  wind bacon  forget  mist  clouds  studied  layer  shout  divine  watch­ed  brings plane  paradise  half  song  burning  kid  turned  dumb  calls  w­ork disconnected  magic  pan  wish  bird  blinding  fresh  grasp  scr­ub moves catch  jealousy  hated  eating  everyday  remembered  annoying cracked  outpost  ****  happened  haunting  awake  tricked  steep­  hole judge  amor  oblivious  deny  wards  days  isnt  bad  feast  cram­med slipped  studying  trade  burger  force  regret  breakfast  ***  ­new  word popped  meaningful  dutiful  presents  shower  claws  producer  t­rapped given  burnt  coming  decide  crosses  leads  denial  remains  ti­mes shank  mi  letting  organs  escapes  friend
(c) Isaac C. Thornhill
Wanderer Jan 2013
You pull
I push
The break is never easy, like taffy cooked too long
Shattering when stretched thin
That's how my inner monologue copes with anorexia
Eating holes straight through
But you could never stand the smell
Driftwood wet-rot thoughts boiling down
Catarizing the wound that always worries
My sluggish heart
Take a deep breath
Swollen and stolen it beats heavy in the starving cavity of my wintery chest
Longing  for summer
For the cosmic revolution that will bring it back around to the aching  center
The sun.  
Wake me up when night falls
Wake me up with stars burning behind my eyes
Waiting for Oblivion
A force starting to become drown
in oceans of silence around him
A "time clown"
Laughter, inside of his insanity grows from the halls of uncertainty

Cold waters of future's question pour from his soul
Back into the already unpredictable waters of existence
No boat to carry him
Tight inside..his life situated like a goldfish inside a goldfish bowl
Across and all over a bitter salt-drenched Soul It remains..Raining..
Waters flowing..A dark force growing
Lack of relief as help through these tortuous hours
His darkness cannot run from it
What light that is left inside of him....the force aims to discard such

Knowing...Feeling faded from never being heard from his loud cries
Those about who fail to understand why he calls them out
He remains as strong as he can remain
doggy Paddling
Until his head is drug down and his muscles start to fail
to paddle him afloat
He shall keep in this cycle of pain
Which is like a beautiful castle kept unvisited by a deadly
and dark moat
The test is "now" in such quiet and lengthy times
As he copes until the answer to his shouted question arrives
Through these long and untested rimes.
Terry Jordan Oct 2017
I know what a crash dummy feels
While pouring down rain was humming
Bracing myself with nerves of steel
Eyes wide won’t stop trouble coming

Driving cautiously in the storm
So many cars speeding on past
I’m thinking easy, slow, steady
Not fight or flight before a crash

I know how a crash dummy copes
Eyes wide open with teeth revealed
Safety first face forward bravely
Ever expecting he will yield

Disbelief that it’s barreling
Faster and faster, I lean in vain
No place to go but the shoulder
That whizzing missile blurs in the rain

I saw it coming without the squeals
Pathfinder’s barrel fully loaded
No skidding tires or screeching wheels
Slow motion shards of glass imploded

My little red car lurches forward
In a bang she begins to swerve
That SUV slammed into me
Before dropping back at the curve

I feel what a crash dummy feels
Releasing the damage inside
To let go the past and its sorrows
Straight ahead, there’s nowhere to hide
Even though my car was totaled, hit from behind by a rented Pathfinder driven by 2 French guys rushing to make their flight, I am appreciative to be ok physically-though jumpy about driving ever since-especially in the rain.   Felt there was a poem in there somewhere, but kept thinking of crash dummies.  I  appreciate how so many suffer from PTSD from way worse life experiences than this!
Elizabeth Halaas Dec 2011
The little baby girl
So full of life
The child so eager
To take all that life
Can give her
The superstar wanna-be
Creating a dream
Holding on so tightly
Responsible, caring
She sees the world
With new eyes
And drops her head
She copes, she lives,
Yet she knows
The hope is gone
In love,
In glorious
Growing patient and kind
Planning and learning
Making her own place in life
And carefully keeping
Her dreams at bay
So that he will
Ask her one day
The Unbeliever Aug 2014
So much of life
Is wasted
Nine to Five

Exhaustion cripples
Down time, anxiety
Controls the next

Worry about bills
The looming certainty
And lingering doubt

Up at early
The pattern
Hardly broken

A vacation spent
Away; life's return
Still follows how

The training of
Nine to five
Work and life

But coffee copes
When the restless
Izzy Krompack Jan 2018
mommy told me
dreams could come true
little did i know
nightmares are dreams too

i went to sleep
as i was tossing and turning
my mind restless and angry
but silently churning

mommy didnt love daddy
and kicked him out
they did nothing but fight
and shout

daddy was sad
but none the less
found some copes
for all the stress

some on the street corner
and some in the sheets
he thought it was a secret
some secret indeed

i grew older
and nothing changed
if anything, if got worse
all the sorrows and pain

nothing got better
and there was nothing i could do
but never the less
found my copes too

i scarred my wrists
and ate some medication
hoping for happiness
and sedation

I woke up, tired and all
but soon realized
i wasnt asleep at all
Ann Beaver Feb 2013
is empty
on the walls
through the halls
we run
and ride
we planned but never did
parents put the lid
on our dreams and thoughts
now the cots
and pots
are set up on the floor
I just want you more
with jelly jello jiggling right to my core
training yourself
to starve a little more
oranges stacked
stupidly packed
all the dishes are broken
and here is this ****** token
to replace the love I could never give you
here is your cue
to take all you have and leave
you are always just leaving
leaves are always just leaving
and thieves are always just coming
on my nose
hose down you hopes
its only about how she copes
and brooms
scattered in rooms
overlooking gray grass and blooms
and the wind blows the petals hard
signed only with your name
I don’t blame
you or her for preferring
your and hers second chance
in the empty house echoing.
He's only 9 years old
so his mother thinks being on the brink of suicide
which she thinks about as much as she blinks
is totally oblivious to her son who is actually more in-sync

Then she knows or cares to know
cuz it would hurt her soo much
to know that every time she left the room to cry
he knew that she was

But we tend to think our kids
are more out of touch
or maybe we just hope
So her son like her copes alone cuz

He's only 9 yrs old
and doesn't know what to say
But psychologically it's damaging
As his emotions get away

From his control without a father
To guide him like he shoulda been
And his mom says his father died
but he knows she lies to protect him

From knowing he's unwanted
And as time goes on
All of this pain has build up putting
A timer that after so long

will set off a bomb
So as her son comes home from school
he heard his mom crying
And it has made him feel like a fool

So as he musters up the courage
he Walks in the bathroom door
To see his mom curled up in a ball
Crying in the corner on the floor

Where he sees the blood dripping
Off her arm where it withdrawls
Infront of her and On her so
He runs to her and falls

in her lap knowing the act that
Was Tryin to be done
So as he cries with her he
Looks in her eyes and says "mom "

I'm sorry for everytime I heard u
Cry, it was dumb not to
come find you and hug You
and tell you I love u

I'm sorry I never said that
and dad Maybe gone
But I'm still here and I'm not leaving
So please don't leave me mom

I know you think I don't know
All the things that I know
But I know a lot I just don't know
How to help stop it so

Its ok and i know dad isn't dead
I know He left cause of me
And I'm sorry that I ruined things
Cuz maybe he wouldn't leave

If I wasn't born, and thats what
left her torn which was enough
To make his mom totally lose it
As she tries to say his dad leaving was

Not his fault but
She couldn't breath let alone talk
She felt alone for so long but this
Time her observant son Left her in shock

And as they sit on the Floor crying,together,
her son says I'm always here if you need me
But plz mom promise
You'll never again try to leave me....
N Jan 2016
These past nights I've been waking up from nightmares to the wind howling against my window; it's almost as though it's begging me to let it in so that it can whisper in my ears not to miss you. That's all I know how to do these days, other than search for the man on the moon and ask him how he copes with the loneliness. But even the moon reminds me of you; there's something about the glow that makes me think of your smile. The craters that remind me of the dimples in your cheeks. I wish I could tell you how much I miss you. But I can't make words out of this ache in my chest and I wish you were feeling this too so that I could know that at least my love was strong enough to make you feel something other than regret.
Poppy Perry Apr 2015
Form on that jet-ski
Your messing with my horizon
And I can't avoid wandering how the water copes
Under your vibrations
Pumps and peaks of power
Like a plane
Or a mower
Or a heavy drill
Or any other human smear
On a human view of tranquil
Average aesthetics impressed upon
the dreamers asleep with the television on.
They are selling validation,
the slippery crutch of the only comfort craved.
Forget the details,
we are ****** clockwork,
counted on to come,
but never arrive,
where saying no to yes
likens to tallying time
until what you are chewing
wants to be swallowed.
Pearly white definition grinding moments into pulp
for the insatiable,
that never goes hungry.
This is all of it.
******, ***, and the rest.
The patriarch in his Sunday best.
The wild generation,
rejecting the paranoia of their parents.
The whole of the ******* world
who copes with a regurgitated existence by selling narcissism.
Ours is a secret we are trying to tell with our lives,
when it’s realized it dies,
causing mystics to spill their insides
over silence, the answer that can never be vocalized.
Lo emotion,
the romance of confusion!
The one thing that can have no institution,
in our modern illusion.
I was watching "The Talk" in the doctor's waiting room. My repulsion followed as such.
Vladimir Lionter May 2020
There is no more first- class lady than Sally in
“The third watch”, the actor Sudduth (1)
Didn’t let one down, Daniel (2) and Bosco (3) at once if
You like they are ready to be in SWAT!
And now about the Police of Chicago—
How charismatic is Henry Voight (4),
As I see it the film is the super- saga,
Leroy (5), Dawson, Olinsky, Atwater (6)
Lived in this state, I’ll admire as Kevin: “Yow, Bro!”
This film is more smart than “Harry Potter”,
Kim and Erin (7)  are better than Monroe (8).  
“Southland” is also full of copes
They would serve as examples to ours
(This film placed itself at the head of TOPs):
Shawn, Regina, Lucy, Salinger—at last.

(1) Skipp Sudduth (born in 1956)
(2) Coby Bell (born in 1975) acts Davis in the serial “The third watch”.
(3) Jason Wiles takes Davis’ part.
(4) The actor Jason Bex in  Henry’s role.
(5) Leroy Brown is from Croce’s song “Bad, bad  Leroy Brown”.
(6) John Seda (born in 1970) is in Antonio Dawson’s role; Elias Koteas is in Elwin Olinsky’s role and La Royce Hawkins (born in 1988) is in Kevin Atwater’s role.
(7) Marina Squerciati (born in 1984) is in  Kim Burgess’ role and Sophia Bush (born in 1984) is in Erin Lindsay’s role.
(8) Marilyn Monroe (1926- 1962).
(9) Shawn Hatosy (born in 1975) is in the detective Sammy’s role, Regina King (born in 1971) is in Lydia Adams’ role, Luci Liu (born in 1968) is in  the  role of the policewoman Jessica and Michael MacGrady (born in 1960) is in Daniel Salinger’s role.

* * *
Посвящается актёрам сериалов
«Третья смена», «Южная
территория», «Полиция Чикаго»
Нет класснее Салли в «Третьей смене» –
Ведь не подкачал актёр Саддат(1)!
Дэвиса(2) и Боско(3) не заменят –
Хоть сейчас они готовы в SWAT!
А теперь – к «Полиции Чикаго» –
Как харизматичен Генри Войт(4)!
Этот фильм, по-моему, супер-сага:
В этом штате в песне жил Лерой(5)!
Доусон, Олински и Этуотер(6) –
Восхищусь как Кевин: «Йоу, Бро!» –
Лучше этот фильм, чем «Гарри Поттер»,
Ким и Эрин(7) круче, чем Монро(8)!
В «Саутленде» тоже много копов,
Кто пошли бы нынешним в пример
(Этот фильм возглавил списки ТОПов):
Шон, Реджина, Люси, Салингер(9)!

1.Скипп Саддат (р. 1956);
2. Роль Дэвиса в сериале «Третья смена» исполняет Коби Белл
(р. 1975);
3. Роль патрульного Боско играет Джейсон Уайлз (р. 1970);
4. Роль Генри «Хэнка» Войта исполняет актёр Джейсон Бех (р.
5. Лерой Браун из песни Джима Крока «Bad, Bad Leroy Brown»;
6. Джон Седа (р. 1970) в роли Антонио Доусона, Элиас Котеас
(р. 1961) в роли Элвина Олински и Ларойс Хоукинс (р. 1988) в роли
Кевина Этуотера;
7. Марина Скверсьяти (р. 1984) в роли Ким Бёрджес и София
Буш (р. 1984) в роли Эрин Линдсей;
8. Мэрилин Монро (1926 – 1962 гг.);
9. Шон Хэтоси (р. 1975) в роли детектива Сэмми, Реджина Кинг
(р. 1971) в роли Лидии Адамс, Люси Лью (р. 1968) в роли полицейского
Джессики и Майкл МакГрэйди (р. 1960) в роли Дэниэла Салингера.
Dedicated to the actors of the TV series
«Third Watch», «Southland», «Chicago P.D.»
I hate kids!
my girlfriend said to me
I love my children very much she says!
i just hate the things they say
they do not listen
allie is 2 and lilly is 3
they dont know what they do
they just do it
they make messes
and make their mother curse
I hate kids! she tells me
I love my children very much she says!
this is the way she copes
the way we all cope
because we all used to be 2 or 3
making messes
im 32 and i still make messes
my messes are easier to clean up
i love as well as i can
children love without regard
we could learn a lot from kids 2 or 3
Unrelenting blitzkrieg deadly
assault upon psyche
pounded defenseless
vulnerable mindscape accustomed
to shelter within aproned crease
mama proffered manna, especially

when untethered meek docile lad
subjected to blistering hellfire
infamous hoodlums wantonly unleashed
verbal bombardments lobbing poison
spear tipped invisible blackened barbs
manifold times more agonizing

piercing, targeting, xraying...
guaranteed fatal skull and crossbones
unseen insignia wrought utmost damage
one hundred percent accuracy
ferociously besieging, jackknifing, pummeling...
successfully character assassinating,

a diminutive boy cursed with ideal traits
strongly tempted, delectably savored,
violently bullied (short of physical
stature violated, though seditious)
emotional violation wrought lifelong
oppressive worthlessness complimented

amply by absolute zero self confidence
distilled thru conception in utero
until parturition on a bitterly cold
January thirteenth (apparently small,
medium forces at large, sans right
buffalo wing conspiracy) instigating

ear splitting wailing testing threshold
of tolerance, no crying game, but
palpable anatomical and physiological
dislocations afflicting yours truly
with breathing difficulty courtesy
submucous cleft palate pronouncing

strong nasality, when acquiring speaking
ability more cause to ridicule upon
commencing attendance within Lower
Providence School District, where kids
said nastiest, meanest, foulest, cruelest...

unsolicited comments pointedly jabbing air
mocking severe twang plus pigeon toed gait
the latter rectified with custom made
contrivance crafted by papa that forced
little feet turned outward during sleep,
which less significant aberration became

corrected as I got older, but self shaming
and blaming assimilated thru incessant
intimidation, inundation, invitation...
passive personality tacitly allowed,
provided, and enabled entire classroom
to assail helpless looking human creature
'pon entering home burst into tears!
Kody dibble Feb 2016
Nothing similar here,
Nothing of value,
Like lost wind, graciously devouring us all,
I've seen thousands watch,
Place-time make-shaft growths,
Truth is we are all in it,
Like small drops of billowing souls,

Put the basket,
Over there,
near the drawer,
Where the penny men scream
And the daffodils cry,
Heaven's mercy proclaims,
That Love has a name,


She's near the ocean border,
Like cream she copes with all her cares,
First come, first serve,
Frivolous desires,
A certain dangling view,
Is following the nighttime glee,
Shadows of breaking yellow closed knit families,
Seething brightly forevermore


I know now,
Better days,
Of future events,
Follow close now,
The dragon is dead in sorrow,
The mask is broken,
The Maker of all things,
Both vast and venial,
Is truthfully today's greatest,
Merging of idea and life,
In one symposium of design and desire
shes gone? or...
brandon nagley May 2015
Hyphenate thy walking ground, your thy hunger of slumbered town's, you fenced in doer!!! You rider of wild waves, homogenous to honeycomb's taste of thine hydrogen of implorations!!! Impotent words turn potent to imply further instruction,

Farther corruption comes,
Easier the raindrops flow!
Idle all your masteries to thine miseries,
Your sorceries likely unknown!!

I'm impoverish beyond belief,
Beyond thy receipts of studded diamond jewelry I have found!!!
Manifest questor,
You fancy and plain dresser's,
Arr thou lucratively winning?
Or art thou just beginning to lounge into modernized gain?
Marauders bones turn to sauder,
As Mardi gras is now the countries front page...

Marvel martyr's so penitent to past and present sin!!!

Pensioner's live in penthouse,
While ourn world copes to its end.....
Eva Encarnacion Aug 2013
Throw it under the scope
see how well it copes
Let’s start with some embarrassment

eyes watching
hands writing

Hm not quite what were looking for
amp up the embarrassment to shame
and throw in some...misdirection

eyes rolling
hands clenching

This one is putting up a good fight
We’ll see if it can handle this
Bring on the judgment

eyes smiling
hands twitching

Yes, yes that is much better
How I love to see the self loathing
hiding in their eyes
Tala Jun 2017
I am no longer your little girl
you can no longer protect me
not from the monsters within.

In a black hole you see me falling
In dark corners curling,
In the bottom of oceans sailing;
storms stonewalling.

Dad, you might think I am thralled -
But I tell you!

In my bed
I am appalling, trawling
for something to grasp
trying to calm myself down
Shoving the memories back.

Fighting the demons.
I see them
sprawling across
my dreams
my lungs
    my thoughts
          my thoughts...


I am betrayed
by my own mind...
          my body
          is REBELLING against me...

Despite the mountains
I trained
to carry
above my shoulders...

Some days -
Some days it feels
I am skinned alive...

One breeze of air
is enough to run sirens
alerting a world of
A BILLION neurons

Leaving me
looking for shelter,
wishing I can
crawl back
to my mother's womb
    sit, curl, and hold my legs -
    grasp the umbilical cord
    hear her heartbeat
1... 2...
Breath... In... Out...

Dear Dad,
don't you worry.
You raised a strong girl.
patiently she learnt -
how to beautifully braid
her fears and tears.

Your little girl
learnt how to play-
with the monsters nested in the head....
and the monsters under the bed.... into poetic ink
and art on the wall
she transformed them all.

She is a survivor, who copes

That said...

Every now and then
in my own bubble
you'll see me
in my favourite corner
graves for my unborn children
not seeing a point for

Deep inside
I will be silently screaming
I am brave
I am brave
But I am
slightly cursed
wishing I was still
your little girl
Snow flakes falling down,
Kids screaming in glee,
Families gathering,
Gifts giving,
It's Christmas!

Be happy, Be lovely, Be good!
Santa is gonna be here, Santa is gonna give love!
They say, give love on Christmas day.
They say, it's better to give than to receive.*

That's Christmas for everyone.....

But did you ever think about giving gifts or food or a coat for the homeless people? Think about it.
You go out; wearing jacker, gloves, and a beanie.
Then you see a homeless person, an old poor fragile woman, only in her normal clothing.
Think about how she copes with the cold night wind, just to beg for coins and save it for food. For her, or for her family.

Not all Christmas are happy for everyone.

Don't complain if you don't like your food.
Don't complain how you don't like your gift.
Don't complain how your family is annoying, pushing you to wear your Christmas jumpers.
Because there are people who are wishing to be in your place, to feel how Christmas feels like.
I hope you all have a merry Christmas! :) Give love on Christmas, peeps! :D
Ethan Lee Mar 2016
I was asked why I write poetry.
So here are the facts,
and just to recap this sometimes called rap.

This is poetry.
It is in everything we do.
Poetry is your family stress,
your pregnancy test,
and your house cleaning mess;
and poetry is me
because it is in me too.

This is the sense that blind Vince sees in.
It is the movie young Julie wants to be in.
It’s the last minute Jack and Coke for alcoholic Jack
and the last free **** for a broke bloke to smoke.

Poetry is how a grieving widow copes.
Also a good joke told really well
because poetry is a heavenly punch line
and a one-way ticket to find hell.

It is the way the leaves pile up on the ground.
Every intricate intertwining of
never mind me, step on down broken brown.
Poetry is the “how are you this morning”
(a stranger wrote that line)

It is the "how-to-book" to have when times look boring and
“Poetry is the loud fan that sounds out over the snoring”
(an ex-girlfriend wrote that line)

It’s the epitome of a perfect day.
The rock and hard place when things don’t go your way.

It is the time spent learning  miracles at public schools
and I learned that “Poetry is all around. Class... Isn’t that cool?”
(my ex-teacher wrote that line)

But if it is all around then why have I found
the need to constantly write it down?
Why do I find that when times get thick
I find writing a really good poem does the trick?

Who can tell me why it is
when a girl falls for that guy
she fills up her notebook college lined
with a poem of his blue eyes?
“But I have green eyes”(a rejected me wrote that line)

Poetry is the captain’s stormed ocean.
Poetry is the pilot’s warm sky.
Poetry is like trying to throw knives
like words.

We exist where they hit
and we need to quit getting absurd trying to hit things.
Poetry is all about the truth,
getting kissed in ink.

You have to tattoo what the words mean to you.
The only thing I wish to do is find a Sharpie
and sharply write the words I’m sorry
because that’s the only thing I know how to say.

Poetry is spending the last 20 minutes looking at the words
"I love you" written across their ceiling
and not wanting to risk speaking them,
making the roof fall down around you.
Angela Baerthel Nov 2017
She don't come from riches,
but from love.
Better than anything from below or above.
Love is where, is here.
Difficult but without FEAR.
The random, the cure.
You know for sure,
Never a blur.
Together a community that has always stuck, looking out for one another, when down on your luck.
She knows how to be free and filled her cup.
Liquid and smoke....
The meeting of many blokes and folks, the telling of jokes.
She copes because of hope.
The rumbles through the streets, sometime woke you from your sleep.
She got your *** beat..gave you sore *** feet.
Danced and played for keeps.
Got her freak on beneath the sheets.
Waved good-bye and cryed.
Not by choice, but because of the loud voices of to much noise and big boy toys.
From an illiterate father, who made his living, was now being a bother.
Now she's grown six feet tall.
But hit a wall, turned around and there she is to show us all.
No where else has there ever been, not even close say most..
Missing her every once in a while.
It starts to itch.
I get this twitch.
Make a wish, blow her a kiss, oh my god baby you deserve so much more.
Never keeping score.
When I am right here, I am clean.
Feeling like a Queen
All once upon a dream.
Never leaves your side, no matter where you ride or try to hide.
You keep her with you all inside.
Listen.....Did you hear?
*******...I grew up on rice street!
(Ladies and gentle men....I grew up on rice street)
Carl Webb II Apr 2016
To see the world in all its glory
From every angle and every view
Is very easily said by all--
Yet, much harder to do
    because of circumstances surrounding the career that I pursue.
I must not take any chances;
Not for me, not for you.
Not for him, not for her,
    not even for God knows who.
Not even for God, himself, at times, if I must be held to truth,
    but not by choice...
    for there's a Beast that blocks the exit to my room.

I stare at it, and it looks back with eyes as cold as night.
I try to speak but where's my voice?
    --whisked away by Fright.
Now, pull yourself together, son. It's only
A matter of time before the Beast awakens once again and opens up its eyes!

But, have no fear, lay in the grass and slip into your state
    or swim some laps around Red Wine Sea; dive in Whiskey Lake and stumble away from the reality that it is all too late.
You cannot run.
You cannot hide.
Your life is now at stake.

'Come out, come out, wherever you are!'
To the beast it's all a joke.
'It'll be over in a jif', he says,
    'you won't even feel a poke!'
But I know this beast, just like myself, the jokes are how he copes.
Weakness lurks beneath its flesh,
Or at least that's what I hope and as I gaze upon the Beast I notice weakness in its throat.
Do I use the knife?
Do I use the rope?
Either one shall **** us both.
Viany Sep 2017
He copes with his pain
By making fun of the hurt...
Our laughter heals his wounds..

— The End —