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 Jan 2020 Anya
Brighter than the blinding flares of the sun, shimmering outward with power of thousands of stars
yet comforting
yet soft.
Filled with oceans crashing and wild, turning over ships, rushing under a powerful storm.
yet still
yet calm.
Filled with wonder and curiosity, yearning for the unknown, desperate for enlightenment
yet wise
yet content.
Eyes so wide, so deep, filled with delicate roses, the power of mighty warriors, elegant as the flowing dress of Venus, filled with souls of thousands, with passion, with yearning, with desire.
Filled with beauty
Filled with you.
 Jan 2019 Anya
Rebel Heart
I don't carry the burden of emotions
That much you should know is true
So the teardrops must be Voss water
That drenched this letter meant for you

So like the million unsaid things
Hiding behind my tight lips
And the million unsent texts
Stopping on the edge of my fingertips
I promise I too will disappear

Out of the million unkept thoughts
You could never guess
And the million unfelt feelings
I could never express

And out of all the things
I'll always regret
My biggest regret
Will forever be
Never showing
How Much I Loved You.
(If I have to be honest, my heart and mind are drained from today... I might not upload for a couple days as I try to get my mood right but enjoy this throwback part of a letter from elementary-version of RH. Happy Writing~BM)

(Front Page 2/18/2018)
 Jun 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
It's unfair
How when people leave
Everything that reminds you of them
Tends to stay
It's unfair
How I can't just move on
Without dying a little everyday
It's unfair
~It's unfair how much I miss you and
it's unfair how much I really shouldn't
(Haven't posted in a long time and probably won't be posting for a time after this week is over so here's the beginning of a 6 page long rant of the most hypocritically written piece of RH's that I've ever read.. Happy Writing ~BM)

(Front Page 6/5/2018)
 Jun 2018 Anya
Amanda Kay Burke
I've been up for three entire days
And the nights that followed them too
Awake and trying to escape my dreams
Because when I sleep all I ever see is you
In all actuality I love dreaming of you
 Jun 2018 Anya
Amanda Kay Burke
Thank you for being
There for me when I was not
Myself anymore
Thank you mom, I know I do not say those two words enough, but my life is the way it is because you helped me up when i was at my lowest.
 Jun 2018 Anya
I never had a best friend in my life till I met you,
All I had were normal friends who were not close.
The most genuine friend I have is none other than you,
I consider it lucky that me as a best friend you chose.

Now I won't ever disappoint you, my friend,
I am learning youthful ways from you now,
Of our friendship there lies not at all an end,
They will notice us only getting closer & how.

For you, I write this poem as I am really happy today remembering all the good times that we have been spending together.

Yes I am possessive and selfish when I ask you solely for myself,
Not because I am negative, but because I am hopeful that our sun will shine,
Your happiness is my main motive as I motivate you to study for yourself,
Not because I will gain something out of it but as you are going to be happy in future.

In you I have seen an Angel,
So helpful and kind you are,
Motherly care for future patients,
Now I conclude this post buddy.
My HP Poem #820
©Atul Kaushal
 Jun 2018 Anya
Jen Jo
Best Friend
 Jun 2018 Anya
Jen Jo
You will never know the true colors of your best friend
Until you work,
And analyze the way she manipulates boys
Always run, before your best friend becomes that person that one day snatches away what values most to you heartlessly.
 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
I just want to wake up
in a world that isn’t here
 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
I walked past a half dozen cockroaches
scurrying on the sidewalk
and I thought how odd
we see them as filthy disgusting bugs
surviving by scavenging through our waste
when we're the ones turning the planet
into our own private trash bin
 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
She peeled off her skin long before
she ever took off her skirt
and I sat there watching
her heart beat beneath her ribs


  listening to it beat

  watching it

      rise and fall




I don’t remember that night ending
but then suddenly
it had been days since I had seen her
and then months

and I thought

I would never see her heart beat again
and then she was standing before me
dressed to the nines
more beautiful than a ten
her bones still exposed
her heart somehow even more radiant


    rise and fall

       rise and fall

and we danced
and then I could understand
the language of the stars
and I heard each one whisper her name
they were all making wishes
and saying their prayers

she smiled gently to the sky
and answered each prayer
and granted each wish
and then looked back down at me
and slid her hands beneath my ribs
and up and over my heart
and pulled it out

and then whispered

the meaning of life

and all the secrets

the universe had to give

and then in the language of truth and love
she pressed eternity between our lips
and I became

a schoolboy falling in love

an infant being born

a new leaf on an ancient tree

a flower blooming during autumns last breath

an old man lying on his deathbed


   looking back at his life

   well lived

   well loved

and then her skirt came off
and my clothes
and the rest of her clothes
and the night felt long and endless
and so did the kisses
and the love we made

and created

and shared

and then morning came
and the sun smiled
and she smiled
and I smiled too

and even now to this day
I can still hear the stars
say their prayers
and make their wishes
and I smile again
just knowing she is out there


Making this world more beautiful
with her heart beat

   rise and fall

     rise and fall

      rise and fall
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