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 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
All poetry is horrible
the same way all babies are beautiful

you can’t say
what happened to that babies face
they same way you cant say
that poem made me cry
from places I didn’t know I had tears

so yea

your baby is the most
absolutely cutest thing I ever saw
and your poetry is garbage
pure garbage

but just like people
who can’t stop having babies
ugly babies
cute babies
adorable babies
not so adorable babies

we cant stop writing poetry
no matter how bad it gets
no matter how horrible they are
just keep writing

I mean we can’t just be *******
to make babies
there’s more to ******* than that

 May 2018 Anya
Akira Chinen
Falling in love with you
I imagine...
was a lot like being born

that is to say
it was like I wasn’t
and then suddenly I was

as if before you I didn’t even exist
as if life didn’t begin until I saw you

that the sting of my first breath
didn’t happen until you breathed
love into my lungs

then suddenly I became
painfully aware of just
how beautiful life could be
 Apr 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
My memories were those
I had yet to live,
My soul imprisoned
In the depths
Between life and death 
But in the nothingness
I found everything
I found hope,
And everything I ever craved
I found love-
Enough love
To finally break through
The cracks of reality
I had first called my life
And yet
I live and breath so deeply
Sometimes I swallow the nothingness
I so desperately try to hide

For I am haunted
By the things I've forgotten
And forgotten
By ones I'm haunted by
Just to be blown to dust
Once more into the nothingness
Like a fugitive
Running away from time
(Small pieces of a long-winding poem that hit me right in the heart today. ~BM)
 Apr 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
My Scars
 Apr 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
He told me
My scars made me stronger
My scars made me beautiful
But he was wrong

The minute he realized
Just how deep the cuts ran-
Piercing through my skin
and bleeding out parts of my soul-
He turned the other way
And never looked back
Not once
And he left me thinking
How he was one of the good ones...
And if he couldn't love all of me
How would anyone ever
Love me for my scars?
How would anyone ever
Love me at all?
(Not a poem but a piece of one of RH's old novels I'm rereading just to realize I find something new to love about this story every time I read it. I'm missing her a lot more than usual lately but Happy Writing and thanks for the support! ~BM)

(Front Page 4/17/2018)
 Mar 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
People come,
and Lovers go.
Follow your passion
and strive for your goal.

Tomorrow is real,
and time will come.
But love is reserved
for the naive ones.

Love is for the lonely
or the ones who haven't found themselves.
Not for you, you pretty one
take the world for yourself.

You cannot fall in love,
What falls, breaks.
And you cannot grow in it either,
for the seeds are fakes.

Don't let love misguide you,
for its nothing but a shadow.
It'll linger and fade,
because people themselves outgrow.

I tell you this as a warning.
Steel up your heart, and let it grow cold.
For if you cannot love, you cannot get heart-broken.
At least... That's what I'm told...
 Mar 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
A little girl asked me today,
With her eyes full of hope,
and her face like a dove.

She asked, "Please, I need to ask...
What is the meaning of Love?"

I told her to ask me anything else,
anything but that.

I looked her in the eyes, so innocent and kind.
I could not tell her if I wanted to
She was still yet too young,
with yet too much to go through

Love's for dreamers,
for it really doesn't exist
but in fairy tales and storybooks
and these stupid fat myths.

The true meaning of love?
If you listen I'll say,
But for you romantics out there,
I beg you not to stay.

Love is nothing but an illusion
It messes with your heart
and messes up your brain.
It's nothing but sleepless nights
and causes nothing but endless pain.

It's an ever-growing fire
that's meant to be admired
and cause odd desires
in empty souls just trying to belong
in this empty world of liars.

It consumes you
and spits you out,
till nothing's truly left,
but the ashes of a broken soul
and promises never meant to be kept.
 Mar 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
Most days...
I feel like a zero,
Most days...
I pretend to be a hero.
Looks are deceiving
 Mar 2018 Anya
Rebel Heart
Struggling down this journey,
this journey they call life.
Wanting to cry, wanting to stop,
this journey, this strife.

Can't walk, so keep crawling,
even if its too hard,
can't be brave, so keep moving,
or the journey will leave you scarred.

Its hard to see the light,
when you're surrounded by dark,
its hard to see the point,
in the end, you'll leave your mark.

Don't think, just do,
keep forging on ahead,
Don't worry, just move,
pretend its in your head.

Life is a journey,
it just doesn't want to stop,
so get up, keep moving,
otherwise, you'll flop.

This journey is full,
of hurdles and tears,
but in the end, its over,
with smiles and cheers.

So keep moving, don't stop,
this journey will be a thrill,
and when you're down, just think,
"If I don't do it...who will?"
Life has chosen you to take this journey, so finish it...:)
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