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Making letters out of the noises
of night paranoid minds hear, changing
their order, their
          direction, ******* on context,

Demanding a second look,
a third look,
and the ones I gave you
before I knew what they meant.

Three words, three shovels.
Three words, three graves.
Three words, watch them move and
still under your stare.

I counted the words on my fingers.
I counted them
               and over,
mumbling into mantra,
words and numbers,
                    numbers and

A combination for this safe,
a name for this needle.
I sit back and watch

the years stitch together.
My oldest friend of time
I never had too many as a child
She is my cookie
When I think of sass.. I think of her
"You want a cookie?"
She is simple yet so complex
Picky but she can get wild
She is that friend you crave often
Always seems to find you at the right moment
Everyone keeps cookies
Everyone loves cookies
I love her but I love her most because she is a friend I don't need to agree with to understand
She has her own way of cheering me up
Even when she doesn't understand why
She is my blue heart
She gives this tough yet soft love
A frequency I couldn't survive without
(ah...a flickr of nostalgia washes over my psyche for those days of yore, when going to the local playground ranked as a big deal to offspring well prepared for young adulthood).

Paradise visage and eyes a bulge with dollar signs
   whets imagination with PowerBall ticket bought
expect the usual outcome after next drawing
   to yield monetary naught
temptation for instant millions

   human foible to reach for elusive *** of gold
   streak of universal desire
   for potential wealth overtakes rational self
   with delusions of grandeur caught

allow, enable and provide flirtation
   with fate to experience rich draught
envision emancipation from penury
   a distant battle fought
and tacked hard scrapple existence wrought.
at the core
legal tender in such precious chronically
   in short supply within this family of four
though times eye desire at least

   another son or daughter more
at such urge (long silenced of this
   ram by ewe to who) did vehemently roar

boot budding young girls
   I whole-heartedly love and adore
who rush into my arms whenever back
   from trivial pursuits

   nearly squeezing out digested gore
when casually and nonchalantly
   turn the key to open the front door
akin to the finest crafted clock work

   to sound the time of day
   they still dance and frolic like kittens or puppies
   bring newspaper and slippers

   sharing silly concocted faux pa lore
inviting me to play make believe games on the floor
enjoying revelry without keeping score
yet…creating memories I will forever store.
Financial straits
   make our existence hand to mouth
all grandiose aspirations to succeed
   in life frequently head south.
Creative endeavors find excitement
   and linguistic pleasure
   thru the attempt to pry
   poem or prose from mind

deliberate semblance to communicate
   and extract idea from cranial rind
words that synchronize suitably
   in poetic third eye bind

readers may espy hidden puns
   within this rhyme lined
with challenges or commiserate
   and complement via words of positive kind

although large sum of money would be  a dog send
   delivered by one blessed angel in disguise
   redemption and salvation considered thankful find.
Much rather be cursed with excess wealth
Deliverance to life, liberty and mental health
Depravity foreign concept never to rue by stealth.
Tori Jan 2018
The moon wanes as if it’s taken to counting down the days

A post solstice clock sliding across my window each night

Im watching couples in the terminal sway into one another

(The fireworks roll distant)

Your quiet count down is triangulated about the earth in delay

(The earth continues to orbit its star)

Thoughts unbidden

Of your post shower shyness,

Of how soft your body sleeps,

Of conveying all the longing with an embrace,

You exhale

We slip quietly into a new year
Orion Rosemary Jan 2018
In the hot, blistering, orange summer haze,
I’d once again been left;
Left in a haze

And the calming effects,
Of words you had left,
Grew on,
Into a haunting repetance

I lack in any response

In the light, reminiscent autumn breeze
I’d been held to watch again;
Watch again as you leave

And the dazzling effects,
Of the touch you had left,
They fade,
Slowly, into a wish for such again

I lack in any response

In the cold,
Monochromatic ice,
I grasped just too late;
Too late to think twice

And the chilling effects,
Of assurance you’d left,
As I failed to accept it

I lack in any response

In the first light,
Brightest of spring,
You return to me,
This to cause me to gleam

And the way I effect,
Your return from having left,
I glow before you

You lack in any response
About a girl who has difficulty physically expressing emotions.
Star BG Jan 2018
Everyday is New Years.
To feel invigorated
by a moment of anticipatory splendor.

To ride a wave of optimism and resolutions.

New Years everyday when looking in the heart
and traveling with a smile
and a dream.
Inspired by sally A Bayan Thanks
arielle Jan 2018
its twelve past 11,
twelve minutes
feels like
four ******* years
as i lay
in my bed,
thinking about
how i could had
prevented all of this
from happening.
clocks tick slowly
IPM Jan 2018
I love watching those flames
the ones that turn to art
the ones that patch my heart
and make it fall apart again.

So when the world turns dark
and hollow words blow in the wind
Prometheus has no flame to lend
our light then brightly sparks.

At peace I find myself tonight
before my feet touch land
and blood flows back into my hands
before the show disappears from sight.

The fireworks now leave the Earth
my eyes are open wide
a freezing streak bellow them lies
forever lost in the cold night's dirt.

Now smoke resides where light once shone
what a way to spend New Year's Eve
alone, with nothing even left to grieve
over, away from home.
Star BG Jan 2018
And so the day after New Years day rolls on
meandering like wind pushing hands of clock.
I move through familiar footsteps
taken inside brisk air.
Everyone still carries optimism.
Still musters up a smile
and voice of Happy New Year.

Christmas decorations disappear
from store windows.
Lights dim on trees as boxes
come out of closets for repacking.

May every day be perceived as
right after New Years.
So...everyone will carry the
spirit of love to move
with smiles and harmony.
Inspired by Mack
Mane Omsy Jan 2018
How my beginning smiles after the minutes
Counting down the last moments
Searching right and left for a kiss
New in a brand new year to force belief

All I have done is walk the bridge
To cross the path of entertainment
What do you have to prove you've won?
Nothing is perfection until mind relaxes

Less than beats that hurried life
Higher than expectation that fell down
Skeptic beliefs that led yourself no where
This beginning will never be a new start
Whatever you do, a year change never change your expectations
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