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Maxim Keyfman Jun 2018
Do not be our time with us
Do not change
Let everything be as always
Let everything be as usual
I want to be as always
Do not change
I want to be as always
And never another never

Oh Time Time
Do not change us do not change
Oh time Time
Do not change us do not change

After so many winters
After so many years
Leave us time like this
which we have always been
Leave and do not change anything
do not change

Oh time Time
Do not change us do not change
Oh time Time
Do not change us do not change
Oh time Time
Do not change us do not change
Oh time Time
Do not change us do not change

Linus Stevenson Jun 2018
Have you every tried to say "goodbye"?
I mean painfully and strenuously try...
It truly is easy to say
With this I do not lie

"Goodbye, for a while" is what we mean
"See you later" or "some other time"
"Ta ta for now" and "until we meet again"
But plans can change on a dime

A "bye" between those who know it's the end
A "bye" said with head turned 'round
A "bye" between friends with hope but knowledge
Good friends are a hard thing found

This is "goodbye". The time has come
I find it hard to say without tears
And though our paths are split from here
I will never forget these years...
Goodbye, you'll never know how hard this is for me.
Tyler Roberts Jun 2018
I believe in the Sun even when it isn’t shining
I believe in Love even when I am alone
I believe in Happiness even when the world is crying
I believe in the Lord even when it seems I’m on my own
I believe in tomorrow even when I feel like tonight will never end
I believe in all these things because they always come back again
For every dark night, there’s an even brighter day
For every hollow path is a more fulfilling way
In every dark cloud, you can find a silver lining
So I keep my faith, and my faith keeps me grinding
Against the icy metal, like the rose that grew
From concrete, with its scratched and hardened petals
When no one in the world was here to love me
I held my head to the sky above me
And I was happy because I kept my faith
Jamilla Jun 2018
Most nights
At 3am
I wonder
Where will I be in
Years from now.

Other nights
At 3am
I wonder
If I'll gonna make it that far.
Or lose the chance
Making it that far.
Geanna Jun 2018
Smile through the pain
Smile through the tears
Darling, it'll get better throughout the years
Sean Achilleos May 2018
Black dog, black dog
Why do you follow me
What do you want
Why do you rob me of experiencing joy
I try to flee ... It's no good
Wherever I go
There you are too
I fled to a foreign country in aid to escape you
But low and behold there you were
Waiting to welcome me at the airport
Black dog, black dog
Aren't you embarrassed
You ought to be ashamed of yourself
I wish I could **** you
I would if I could
But then I'll have to die too
And I refuse to give you any form of satisfaction
I intend to stick around just to spite you
What do I have that you want so badly
You feed off me
You're nothing but a parasite ... Leech
Black dog, black dog
I can't stand the feel of you
You're a brain drain
Keep me chained at home
Yet you grant me creativity
But at a price of course
I love to hate you
And worst of all ... You know this
A paradox of gross contrast
Black dog, black dog
I have a plan up my sleeve
I'm going to buy a brand new pair of pliers
Then, slowly ... One by one
I'm gonna pull those teeth of gleaming white
I will destroy your deadly bite
Written by Sean Achilleos
17 May 2018©
Amazon: Sean Achilleos 'An Affair with Life' The Philosophical Poems of Sean Achilleos
YouTube: Sean Achilleos

Sean Achilleos' Music is also available on the following platforms:
Amazon, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, Google Play, Pandora, Saavn, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Content ID, YouTube Art Tracks and Jango Radio

Sean Achilleos' Book 'An Affair with Life' is also obtainable from the following platforms:
Smashwords, Amazon, Wordery, Kobo, Exclusive Books, Takealot, Loot, Overdrive, Bokus, Barnes and Noble
Emotional sequestration perseverates
     across thine time warped
     weft wise wold,
sans interpersonal stagnation

     flourishes as oft twice told
tale amidst derelict hollowed
     moldering sacrificed stranglehold
did potential..., now bankrupt acquaintanceships/

     friendships get out sold
agonizingly excruciatingly
     jujitsu physically writhing
     front row seat occupied -

     whereat direct view of scaffold
penurious adolescent Anorexia Nervosa
     plagued decades prior fraught
     psychological, neurological and illogical

     repercussions steam rolled
      natural heterosexual propensity
     stifling, stinting, and stymying this old
morosely jinxed kerfuffle inciting,

     hermetically heat sealed,
     tightly bound stinging
     straitened yellow jacketed
     bee devilish mold

hogtied hold, pig in the poke,
     fastened, galvanic hold
wrenching vice grippe
     fiercely extolled sterile lackluster

     human existence devoid cold
hence, imperative ambition
     to act forthright and bold
before advanced age
    finds this wordsmith additionally auld.

This solitary reader quests doth newt plead
per outreach need
without supplicating, lionizing, boot mead
dee eight ting, enticing Nietzscheism lead
me by thine pug nose,

     nor doth this passive heretic - heed
ding perseverance
     without selfishness nor greed
aye only seek to be freed,
where ambivalence to enjoy life exceed

sharing soulful travails yes in deed
foster repartee with persons no matter creed
faith, intelligence, nationality breed
united by state worthy charisma agreed?
Brandon Conway Jun 2018
You left years ago,
                                the bed still unmade
You left years ago,
                                the bills still unpaid
You left years ago,
                                the message I still play
You left years ago,
                                the beauty I still gaze
You left years ago,
                                the child I still raise
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
What could have been

Love echoes throughout the years;
Love breaks with every tear.
Love lasts for the lucky few.
Love is perfect, when love is new,
But then the cracks begin to form
And love begins to create a storm
And at the end, the slamming of the door.
All that which was, will never again be…
Love could have been so much more.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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