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Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018

a spokesperson of history and
their own language

an adventurer who dare to brave the
unknown jungles and uncharted temples

a student who starts from nothing
and grows by learning more

a listener who can hear and hone
the sound of their own prose

a lover who always leaves their
mark on ****** papers

a waterbearer who pours their soul to make
readers see and feel the beauty of the ripple

one soul that can and will write
their way into multiple lives

a warrior who fights to conquer
their greatest enemy, self-doubt

a drinker who wishes to
forget reality

a crafter who hears, sees, sniffs, feels
and thinks through their fingers

a sadist who loves to whip their
readers with twists, turns, pain and agony

a ******* who revels in the beautiful
agony of words, drafts and revisions

The writer's language is all that and more
It can bring as much agony as well as galore
And a special few truly understand that
the writer's language is anything but bland

The writer's language

The Writer's Language

It truly is second to none

The writing craft...
One I love to hate and hate to love. But I can't deny the good it's brought me
as well as the bad!
Also, to everyone who loved, liked and reposted my poem 'Naturally',
you guys are ah-mazing!
I logged in and saw 30+ notifications which made my jaw drop!
Seriously, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that people love poetry as much as I do! I can't thank you enough!

Be back soon!
Lyn x
Stagger Lee May 2018
Praying breeds compliancy to evil lost in a flowing yellow river of inhuman insanity,
steel rusted chains sway in the devils mine,
supernatural whispers constrict your atmosphere,
ghosts strangling your reality the driving force of your ambition,
skull crushing fear that swallows us whole,
nothing more than an illusion of fictional time and space,
we are crippled by seething imagination of our internal false prophets,
rage into the cold crisp night confronting eternal salvation, laughing in the face of disaster, where the sky’s call your name awaiting a patient death,
never look back, our lives forever expanding past comprehensible understanding,
time disappears, existence lives on
Bryce May 2018
When Bach and Amadeus
Died in their sleep and agony
I wonder if they knew
What they had achieved

Was it worth the cost?
When the Alps were 145 centimeters
distant from today
and the earth still folds your music
In between its subducting page

I want your great stratovolcanical violins
To extrude pumice and grindstone
to crush sweet music in between
Mt. Rainier and an unknown garden
made somewhere deep
in my quantum dream

The sky takes your notes
It is a great teacher as well
and swell, it does

It tells
me a quadrillion dreams
in every iterative puff of smoke
In every collapse of possibility
of every cat ground to paste upon the street
and all the ones that purr locally
In the arms of some caring soul
A lesser spirit dreaming
In the arms of their god

You play with a broken leg
or an unattached eye
or shaved cilia
And yet still
Your skill
none but ourselves
Lunar May 2018
the easiest and hardest thing
about falling in love
is being a writer
it's been almost three years of having feelings for jul. i told him in a letter that i used to like him. but now i feel like i've told the biggest lie ever to him; to myself. i wonder when will this end.

hey jul, i never regret falling for you.

Willow May 2018
What if it was us.
The bench held two
The car held two
The trail held two
The sand held two
The stereo held two
What if it was us?

What if it was you.
The bench took your time
The car lifted your spirits
The trial brought your journey
The sand held your footprints
The stereo held your thoughts.
What if it was you?

What if it was me.
The bench held my hopes
The car drove my dreams
The trail took my eyes
The sand held my breath
The stereo held my words
What if it was me?

What if it was us.
What if the bench held our heads
What if the car carried our baggage
What if the trial took our hands
What if the sand caught our falls
What if the stereo said our intentions

What if it was us?
Erica Garcia May 2018
I will turn you into a writer
My many metaphors will make you dizzy
My soft tones will make you swoon
My sentences flow in perfect rhythm

I will turn you into a writer
My words will be strung together cautiously and meticulously
My similies will leave you comparing each aspect of yourself to others
My lyrics are as powerful as my love

I will turn you into a writer
Because I will make you question your existence
I will love every part of you while burning the edges of your book
I will hold you down like an anvil on a pedestal

I will turn you into a writer
Because I will make you feel alive while tearing you apart at the seams
And I'll distract you with my stanzas
I will trick you into thinking I am a writer just like I will trick you into thinking you're in love with me

I will turn you into a writer
I know the best art comes from pain
I will make you hurt and you won't have a choice
The only place you will be able to go to escape me are your thoughts

I will turn you into a writer
Because keeping thinking destroys a soul
And I will always encourage you to share how you feel
And what better way to do that than to write about me
Lily May 2018
The title is the declaration,
The beginning of the confrontation.
Strong and brave words,
Yet disguising a hidden meaning.
The opening stanza is the explanation,
Describing in fact and logic
How and why we feel,
Yet disguising the feelings themselves.
The middle of the poem is the emotion,
Grasping towards the heart of the soul,
Exploring what makes us human,
Yet not providing a satisfying ending.
The final stanza is the end of the argument,
The dramatic finish where you turn on your
Heel and walk away, leaving your foe
With nothing but a look of astonishment.
Yet sometimes, The Poet may not
Complete the task in real life.  
Our victories must be written out,
Preserved in ink or on a hard drive,
Because The Poet doesn’t have enough courage
Without his words by his side.
Yet that is the way of The Poet.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Attention seeker

You gotta call me nothing, ‘cause you got nothing to say.
You gotta keep on speaking, ‘case they all just look away.
You need the attention; you are welcome to all of mine.
I don’t need their eyes a-watching me.
I just want to be left alone to write my lines.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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