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Rebecca Lynn May 2018
He called her a princess,
and said the she deserves a crown.
He said that she needs to be royalty.
He said it’s her destiny.

Years later she has his baby,
he’s never home after work anymore,
and this is what she thinks.

I’m calling myself worthless,
and that I need to leave this town.
I need what I never got and that is loyalty.
She said that is what she needs.

You left your perfect future,
why in the world did you do this to her?
She did nothing to you,
yet all you did was use her…

You spoke broken promises,
you never stuck to what you meant.
All she known about you
was how you always left broken promises…
Stephanie Apr 2018
A mirage.

Fabricated sustenance.

A false flourish.

The brush of your almond scented exhale inspires a rush that leaves me in a desired disquietude.

Still every exhale is savored by an inhale

It meanders past sun kissed mounds and valleys

Til it hits your candied oasis.

Inspiration swells with every acme reached


you're satiated by my nectar

Calming to a summer zephyr

I turn over to your pillowed chest,

and drift off to an insatiable reality.

+ crowned saint
Yule Jun 2018
So you continued on living within the pages, tucked hidden in the stories I create. There are signs that dimly represent you in the scenarios conveyed, or can be oh so overt on the characters I portray.

I still can't help but slip you on the pages, love.

It can sometimes be involuntary, but it's not that I take dislike on it. Even if I say I want it to stay hidden, this love still show through. So I try to include you in my narratives, and tell the world around me how much you mean to me, one way or another.

Nothing can compare... to what I feel for you.
180123; 05:22 am

Maria Etre May 2018
a(l)most said it
but I
a blunt pencil,
and a
It's there...
Aa Harvey May 2018
One vision

One vision, writers block.
All I can see is love.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Glass half full.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Molly May 2018
A poet is no job for one
Filled with the tension of
Who can't leave open spaces
And who never knows where to st-
Aa Harvey May 2018
As he walks on by, leaving you to wonder.

Walking home on a Saturday night, I saw a spaceship flying so high.
I tipped my hat and turned my back and I continued to walk on by.
You see I have already seen this, inside a memory inside my mind.
I have had this thought a million times, so I just let it pass on by.

A light burns in the distance,
As a comet flies through the Heaven’s above!
I cast a glance, a peek perhaps; nothing more than a quick look.
You see I have seen it all before, a thousand times or more
And all the wonder has disappeared, along with all the fun.

Other people do not believe in me;
They say I just tell fantastic stories that I create.
They tell me that I should just write a book of fantasy,
But I have never created a page,
That could ever shine as bright,
As the idea’s that you will find along the way.

Another morning after;
I awake with another story to tell.
They tell me that they are tired of the tales that I weave
And that they are no longer under my spell.
But that has never been my objective;
I never tried to change the way that you see.
A thousand non-believers have nothing to give,
To a wondering mind that has already been.

I want to believe in my own ideals
And follow a thought until the end.
They can disbelieve and question my words,
But they can never stop me from attempting to make new friends.

Maybe I can also speak the truth too;
Maybe not all I say is a lie.
Maybe one day you will see me disappear inside a cloud,
After a thunderous flash of light.

I have travelled over the oceans and I have walked under a moon.
I never thought to take you with me,
Because I thought that you already knew,
That I am just a traveller
And I am passing through your time.
Maybe next time I am passing through here,
I will try to drop you a line.

I would have liked to have taken you with me,
But it would have taken all of your hope.
If you believe enough in me, who knows?  We will see;
Maybe I could find a way to offer you a saving rope.
A way for me to lift your heart, when you are falling down.
I want to raise all of your spirits
And show you the universe, before I leave this town.

Some people say I never existed;
Some say I must have been a ghost.
The only man I truly knew, is unknown to you,
But he is the one I admire the most.
Some people tell my story, without ever knowing of his;
But I could never write an autobiography,
Without an acknowledgement of his tragedy.
I am living in his shadow, I have his memories inside.
I see an image of the man that I could have been,
But I must leave his body now and return to my life.

I’m heading off into the blue now;
I’m leaving you all behind.
I have left you with a memory…
As I leave you all to be mankind.
I’m leaving you all to wonder,
Who was the man that was talking that night?
And as I turn the corner,
I climb into my flying saucer
And I fly up into the sky.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Rebecca Lynn May 2018
From being that little ******* the playground with no friends.
To growing up with only a few imaginary friends.
Little did this little girl know,
was that she wasn’t in this world alone.

From trying to play “catch me if you can”
with her imaginary friends.
She soon realized that it
wasn’t such fun after all.
Because her imaginary friends
would soon, very much, slip away.

Little did she know that school time
would just fly on by.
Little did she know
that she would soon pack her bags & hit the road.
Little did she know
that her imaginary friends would, as well, go.

She trusted that they would stay.
Never did she think her imaginary friends would slip away.
Slip away from the past they once knew,
back when all she had was you.
Rebecca Lynn May 2018
Because I could see it,
it’s not as good as it used to be,
like it was before;
but you came around,
and made it all better.

All my grey skies fades away,
all my happiness came with you today.
All my perfectness that I flawed, was all within you.
Because I could see it,
and it was better than it ever was before.
I wrote this on my phone using the predictive text button.
Rebecca Lynn May 2018
I wake up every day for 365 days a year thinking about you,
wondering about you and wondering how you are –
but we’ve been together for two years –
That’s a total of 730 days that I constantly think about you,
and some of those days were happy tears.
Some were not,
but we’re still together fighting for what we’ve got.
We’ve got each other and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.

Every day contains a total number of 24 hours in a given day,
and every hour is 60 minutes that I spend thinking about you.
From when the sun comes up to when the sun goes down,
that’s a total of 3,600 seconds in an hour –
that I will always be there for you when you come back around.

What I want to know is how many seconds in 730 days,
that I spend thinking about you –
and wondering how you are?
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