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Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
sitting by a window
staring out the smudged pane
past the polychromatic crowds
bent, huddled, faceless in the rain

a smeared image swirling by
modern art painting not yet dry

wishing to nod off
tired to the bone
the rattle and rumble beneath
the stop and the start
keep my weary eyelids apart

the odors of crowded humanity
fill my nostrils,
make them burn
alcohol, sweat, stale cigarette smoke
on clothes that are old and worn

garlic, deep fryer grease
pastrami and cheese in a sack
blood dried on the apron
slung over a butcher's back

a cacophony of noises
surge inside the car
papers rattle, fingers tap
on electronics or on steel bar


nobody's talking
eyes are downcast
to newspaper, cell phone
or hangnail
fear and distrust
thick in the air
scattered about like
yesterday's mail

on this common commuter carrier
they're traveling the same route


just working folks
trying to make it all work out

they have much in common
in a way, aren't they all kin?
worn and weary at end of day,
fellows in the midst of this din?

14th Street station ahead
warns of various dangers
posted there on a column decreed

Please do not smile at strangers
I believe this is a real sign. It looks to be in the picture online.
SangAndTranen Mar 2018
Mirror mirror on the wall
How dare you show me that face
I am disgusted the image displayed
'Tis one I must replace.

Mirror mirror on the wall
Turn away from me
Don't highlight my eyes or the curve of my lips
I don't want to see.

Mirror mirror on the wall
You ambush me every time I come in.
There she is, glaring in glassy grey
The woman with a face of sin.

Mirror mirror on the wall
I'll drape a veil over you
Just like I do myself every day
You can be a mourner too.

Mirror mirror on the floor
Look at your warped shards of me
A fit of anger, a rage of hate
I have won, and I.
Inspired by a line from a song called "Hungry For Another One" by JTMusic
mumu Mar 2018
One last ink
And this semester will end
One last ink
Pass or fail will be gone
One last ink
And I will be free from this cage
They set me in
One. Last. Ink
One step forward
To the real world—
Of another papers
Of uneven failures
Of money—
Am I ready for this?
I need another bottle of ink.
Thinking of graduation in college and me working in corporate world makes me dizzy. I'm not ready, and I'm still not sure when I'll be
he has a penchant
for tinkering with stuff
if given half the chance
he'd tinker with his navel fluff

I've seen him tinkering
with working order stuff
that doesn't need any tinkering
put upon its cuff

some while back he
decided to have a tinker
with a room partition at the hall
and as a result of his
non essential tinkering
down came the east facing wall

tinkering is an occupation
of the tampering ******
unnecessarily touching stuff
with an interfering fiddle
Juverine Wan Feb 2018
Busy days
Long hours,
Closing eyelids,
On the buses.

Drooping eyes,
Sore knees,
Cranky voices,
Like a breeze.

Hard day,
Aching back,
Groans and moans,
Tried to slack.

Need a rest,
Need some time,
Need a home,
Need a more rhymes.
Idk guys just trying to go with the flow here HA. Ha. ha.
Sunday evening, it's time to sleep
Monday starts another week
Tuesday I am out with a swing
Hard at work doing my thing,
Wednesday I am working late
Carrying bricks for a house to make.
On this ladder climbing high
When I come down I'll take a break ,
I hope this day will soon pass by
Those building bricks just multiply,
Wow! Thursday now is getting near
One more night then Friday's here
I am thinking of that ice cold beer
Raising a glass giving a cheer,
I hope this day will soon fly by
On Friday night's my mouth gets dry
When in the pub I put things right
Away with the fairies all of the night
Monday morning it will keep
Then off to work for another week,
For now I am in this pub so nice
It's my Friday night in paradise
jas Feb 2018
what's been on my mind
every time
that im high

with my head in the clouds
aint no way I'm coming down

my faults are what made me
the truth is what gave me
a sense of reality

im high,
doing fine
without you
by my side

and im never coming down

like a kite
fireworks on the fourth of July
this time
its all mine

as long as I'm high
day 35/ Feb. 6
Amber K Feb 2018
"Hello, how are you?"
I say in a voice I can't believe is mine.
I hate it so much.
It's become like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.

I ask the human in front of me,
"What can I get you today?"
They ignore me.
Finally someone approaches.

It's an older lady,
gray bushy hair with wild eyes.
I smile and begin to take her order.
She begins to make rude remarks towards me.

She leaves,
someone else approaches.
It's a man angry about a price I did not set.
He takes it out on me.

I take all of the verbal punches.
From people who have had their worst days,
to people who are just too privileged to give a little kindness,
I smile through it all.

I don't really think anyone who walks in,
really sees me as a human being.
They don't see that I fight social anxiety for a living,
or that I go through things too.

They don't care.
They don't want to care.
When they ask how I am,
they don't want an honest answer.

I wonder if they would smile,
or compliment me instead of insulting me,
if I weren't standing behind a counter,
taking orders and giving change.
Working with the public is rough. I've had the job I  have right now for awhile and everyday I am still shocked at how customers (and bosses) treat workers at restaurants. I try to smile and be kind to every customer service worker I ever come in contact with, because it can definitely get to you if you have people insulting you or treating you like crap from 7 in the morning until 3 in the evening.
Colm Jan 2018
I always wanted to work in a place
Where if it surpasses me
I could walk out of an open door, into the woods
And walk away from everything
Until I am surrounded by trees
And so I am, surrounded by trees
Away from that place and all that it means
Because walking is part of a walking life
And no shoelace ever remains fully tied
The air feels cooler after that
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