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Jane Smith Apr 2021
Some of the days seem so short
And some so dreadfully long
All depending on the time I spend
At night under an ill-begotten sun
Love, though deep, strangled at the hem
My life, my being ripe at the core
Completely sin, dyed, and then
Washed up on white marble shores
And while I find myself astray from the path
Walking the ragged mountainscape
I simply walk some more at last
I seem to have found my escape
Jay M Mar 2021
Shining ever bright
Brighter than the stars
Glimmering in the sky, tonight

Twirling through every turn
Ever flowing strings
Surely with lessons to learn

Bumps may come along the road
Less so traveled and trodden
A message without a code
Lacking the need
If one should only read

Never knowing what one may find
When wandering along
Perhaps it was what was needed all along
Found in places most unexpected
All it took was to be redirected

Taken to an astounding view
Ever so near and new
A sky clear and endless blue
Fading to the dark
Let through the ethereal light
Of a wonderful night

- Jay M
March 24th, 2021
Kinda struggled to come up with a fitting title, but I got it.

Inspired by the song "The Sun Is In Your Eyes" by Jacob Collier.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2021
Taking and giving
see once more the flaw in the flow
of knowledge,

weaponize a wall, ha,
who thought
a wall ever held a garden?
it was a poor fellow, outside the wall.
Yep, no lie, if once there were
a tree
that bhor good fruit, full of words to wise,
knowers, after one bite,
sublingual receptors ready, salivate,
no waiting lick the dew from the cortex,
slip the tasting probe deep into that
sulci, there
just over the left ear, there,
scratch that itch, gentle
scritchy scritch scritch

are you truly experienced, impressed upon
the truth you seem to think
we all see same as you,
same optics,
same alchemical ATP to ADP energy source,
comes softly through my window today,
I looked out after all,
saw you looking
through the old tear in the curtain.

Inside and outside are easily seen as unreal,
in certain pre-envisioned vessels

can't not, gotta say, must make, say do you see?
SEE, see me, see me, come see
the freak, come hear the mad man scream back
from the abyss,

don't come this way, getting out takes
all the time you ever realized
was wasted,
lying piled idle words that were high fashion,
back when
tore the prudent stitchery my princess stitched,
while waiting, in truth, in truth, waiting
for the soldier boy, returning as the man,
who kept the peace,
and painted the picket fence white, to prove
I dreamed the valid dream,
and swore my children's allegiance,

-- PTSD, circa 1950, it was secret,
what broken men did to broken wombed men,
who broke the children,
fit them to the harness, taught them manners,
and how to carry a tune,
in time with the marching band, hurah hurah
- little light right then - see
dark days during semper fi why why why
last call, … no soul sits, all rise
or I black your ****** eyes, rise up, o men o'gawds,
ye gads, meet this in m'gut,

here here, to the dead and gone, who rule
our hearts and minds 'cause we be left behind.
Thinking of friends, and foe, and folks I'll never know, but need not ... never did... need to know... lotsa stuff is good to know, and BTW knowing and doing are different in good and evil times/terms
Zack Ripley Mar 2021
As you wander down this road
That we call life,
Nothing will come easy
Except the bad times
Payton Hayes Feb 2021
"How did you know where to find me?" She whispered, her voice
cracking under her tears.

"I followed the maps you left in my heart, and I let my feet carry me to you, because I belong to you the way the stars belong in the sky." He said, holding her.

She nodded and more tears rolled off her chin.

"My darling, our stars, the very stars inside of us, go together like the sun and the moon. And I want nothing more than to be by your side, always."

In this moment, she knew she could never again wander away from his embrace.
This poem? prose? was written in 2016.
Yachika Sharma Dec 2020
There are memories attached,
With each day, I keep re-living,
Years go by, it does not matter.
There are things I keep feeling,
Your absence does not bother.

I see the marks your feet leave,
You wander but not that farther,
Away from me, here is my plea,
That on days like these i miss,
A piece of myself taken from me.

I am stuck in this lapse of time.
Lyn-Purcell Dec 2020

Starlight on my palm
Peel back the light and you'll see
the scared soul beneath

Worthy of a shard
Of the greatness I've longed dreamed
A loose thread blown far

Pain tugs at my seams
As I am merely adrift
In one grand design

On vespertine days
I pick loose feathers to weave
Wings to fly so free

Annd I'm back!
This year really is something, I'll say that much.
Still feeling lost and out of place but slightly better.
I just wish I could fully calm the tempest of my mind, but one has to keep moving forward.

I hope everyone stays safe and well!
Have a wonderful Christmas Eve all, and a great Christmas!

Much love and airhugs,
Kind regards,

Lyn x
Ken Pepiton Dec 2020
Real world, real war
in the spirit realm, breathing
leaven disemboweled,
yes yes yes
gaseous we beasties,
and congregating misinfirmed
conforming to the mould,
black and green
up up up morpheme ob
some body from the edge in

piercing ever-with points of
everish means to ends,

tat-too too you, Dr. Joyce Brothers,
my boy's
real TV Glenda,
good witch of the west, who goaded us
past understanding

when we cried, for Miss Sherri's baby,
as in my future then, my daughter
Natalie, would cry, for baby
Jessica, who really did
fall into a well…

--- same size well head as we had at 120 Oak
--- I just noticed, meandering past
         wondering if I cried, when my baby sister,
             Peggy, died, in late '49? -- no, '50.
Cancer, of the sort fallout causes, we later learned.

Obtuse, to use the oft idle word
to mean to-ward or
t'use the expression for compression, squeezing

water from a stone,
breaking marrow from the bone, listen
to the fire,
feel the story keep us warm,
long nights,
with only little dancing candle flames,
to emphasize the phases -- moons,
and moons, mensal mental clockish

I will if you will go go go rhythms
of the falling rain,
swishing wishes to know…

will you still love me,
Free readers serve free poems and both get their just...
desserts first, deserts, then desserts again, as the mind begins to wander.
seawreck Nov 2020
Sometimes I think how different my life would have been
if I was born in countryside among the mountains and lakes where I so desire to be
ever wonder how different your life would have been if you were born at your dream place
Shelby Majaiya Nov 2020
Scrambled colors rearranged in my background
Sacred words that make tears fall
Silent whispering in your absence
Wither your leaves turning them brown
Burning pages of journals from which you once cried on
Leads to finding blank pages to write new endeavors to carry on
I am constantly my greatest taunt
Daring to thrillingly free fall

But you can fall if you want to
If you can't control how far
You'll get lost within your walls
And forget just who you are
Troubles will stay with you until your soul has found
Maybe it'll be found wandering around
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