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Silence Screamz Oct 2014
I went to school,
wanting to learn.
Instead of friends,
I just got burned.

I wasn't the fastest,
or even the smartest.
I sat in the back,
next to the kid with the glasses

First came the names,
I thought was a joke.
but the mood all changed,
internally I choked.

When the games were played,
I was picked last,
standing by myself,
it was always a laugh.

Names grew meaner,
as tall as the lad,
the hits came with it
I knew it was bad.

Black followed blue,
on covered up arms.
Didn't show my teacher,
I was afraid of the harms.

I had few friends
and they didn't even know.
The torture, that beset me,
hidden down below.

Each day, home from school,
I cried in my room.
Isolated and degraded,
Embedded in my tomb.

No one would be believe,
No teacher or a friend,
Had no where to turn to,
Felt like the end.

Teen life was a disaster,
living in solitary.
Wanted to change my life,
I joined the military.
Part 2 of 4.
Silence Screamz Oct 2014
This is my story,
so it will be.
Open your eyes,
but don't cry for me.

Started at five,
dad home from work
I had to grab him a beer,
oh, what a ****!!

Everyday he came home,
more drinks would follow,
off came the belt,
making me hollow.

Yelling commenced,
my mom on the floor,
"What did you say,
You ******* *****! !"

My screams were but silent,
in my own empty head.
Get out of this place,
wished I was dead.

Many years did follow,
of abuse on the walls,
Pounding and slamming,
No crying no calls

I never did laugh
and never did smile.
Just went to school,
getting by for awhile.
This is Part 1 of  4!!
You will see my demons and why I write!!
Caitlin Fisher Oct 2014
In the frost encrusted mountains where Alexander rode to conquest

Nineteen men in soldiers’ clothes burned in the name of bravery
And bravery alone

Nineteen starlit soldiers who should have lived to see their wives again
Nineteen shades of soldiers whose children should have seen them wrapped in their arms

Not a flag

The flag whose colors now are not of freedom
But if the sky, snow, and blood of the mountains
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
Guns and violence you hear of almost ever day
People take drugs or meds or ***** to try to make the pain go away
People abusing those they claim to love
Children not safe at school
People not concerned about breaking rules
Politicians corrupt, out for self not us
People not caring about the greater good
People in our nation starving for food
People abusing their own children
There is a cost to all of this
Our innocence is lost
JP Goss Oct 2014
Patchwork sky beyond the reach
—They breach the alley way
Swimming swathes amidst the blue
—Flash the knives and young curses
Lost for incongruity
—Mere kids, mere savagery
All, now, is coated silver
—Empty packets hunger
We move on toward our night
—Shame young beasts grow old, too.
DaSH the Hopeful Sep 2014
**** with my ***** you **** with us all
**** with my ***** you **** with us all
**** with my ***** you **** with us all

Stab that *** that day you came
Crash that *** just like a plane
Drop your *** ***** and feel the pain
Bet your *** ***** cannibalism on the brain
Pull my nine ***** and let the blood rain
Roll your *** down a sewer drain
******* ***** yes I am deranged
Shut your *** up your put out like a flame

This is what happens when you walk down a gun range
Ain't no fun, man
You look done,man
Leave your corpse for the sun, man
By the time they find you you'll be sun tanned

**** with my ***** you **** with us all
**** with my ***** you **** with us all
**** with my ***** you **** with us all

So full of **** that you need a shower
So I'll oblige let the lead devour
You shiver and cower I'm enriched with power
Fully loaded clip let it disembowel ya
That's nina hurt my team and meet the grim reaper
Hit your ***** from the back with a ******* cleaver
You can't stomach gore? Puke and pray to Jesus
I'll get my fill and eat your HOs face like pizza
Leave your body where I wanna **** precautions
Flesh for profit
Purchase ***** with my wallet
Its just karma
Now im coughin
Coppin coffins for these coppers that want me for all these bodies
Sorry mama I had to show these ******* that they cannot harm me
Hope God don't try to cross me
If so I'll battle His army
Can't no one ****** stop me
Jennifer Weiss Sep 2014
Fear knows no home
Inside this vessel.
I struggle to not run,
In any of life's levels.
I am no longer scared of the one,
but of everyone else.
Somebody tell me how to help the world,
when the ones who have hurt me
are the same ones who need my help.
David Rusiecki Sep 2014
***..  my song. My song is on. Guys. Guys. This is my song. GUYS. EVERYONE. THIS IS MY SONG. SHUT UP EVERYONE. GUYS. GUYS. stabs someone ***** THIS IS MY SONG.
Big Virge Sep 2014
I move in ... " The Dark " ...
Like ... Deep Sea Sharks ...
Therefore ... " My Bite's " ...
Worse Than ... " My Bark " ... !!!
Why HATE ... because ... ?
My ... skin tone's ... DARK ... ?!?
Racists ... NEED ... !!!
A change of heart ... !!!!!
"Some Aussies" ... seem to ... ?
Think they're .... SMART .... !!! ....
Well ...
It's ... NOT WISE ...
to make me ... START ... !!!!!
"Sydney" ... NEEDS ...
..... My Poetry ..... !!!!!
What makes them think ... ???
it's ... " Their Country " ... !?!
"Rednecks" ... NEED TO ... !!!
" Leave " .... The Beach ....
and check back through ....
.... " Their History " .... !!!!!!
I'm DARK ... like ...
.... " Aborigines " .... !!!
"Who" ....
Just like ... ME ...
will ... NEVER SEE ... !!!
A time where ... we ...
are ... FREE ... to live ...
and ... NOT ... Witness ...
HATRED .... from ....
" Redneck " ... RACISTS ...
Trust in this ... !!!
My Darkness ... HITS ...
A ...  Rednecks' Lips ...
with ... POTENT ... scripts
that would .... " Befit " ....
A day where sunlight
is ... " ECLIPSED " ... !!!!!
Why are ... So Many ... ?
AFRAID of ... " The Dark " ...
Yet seem ... Afraid ...
of ... "Truth Filled" ... light ... ?!!!?
" Party Times " ...
are .... YES .....
.... At Night ....
and ... ****** Highs ...
Usually ... take flight ...
Long After ... YES ...
Sunlight Shines ... BRIGHT ... !!!!!
Darkness ... Rules ...
My ... " Inner Mind " ...
and helps ... Design ...
..... " Poetic lines " .....
My use of ... rhyme ...
is ... " WELL REFINED " ...
to speak on ... " Darkness " ...
WITHOUT ... Harshness ... !!!!!!!
Reality's ... BITE ...
is ... STARK and
.... HEARTLESS .... !!!
Racism ...
I DO NOT ... " Harness " ... !!!!!
But ....
Darkness ... now ...
is how ... things are ... !!!
that may seem ... Harsh
but is ....... " THE TRUTH " ..... !!!
So ......
Don't you ... start ...
to say ... My Mind ...
is ... Primed to write ...
Rhymes that send out
" NEGATIVE " ... vibes ...
I'm shedding ... LIGHT ...
On ... " Racist Fights " ... !!!!!
and ... Other Things ...
Within ... My Sight ...
while ...
" Most " ... Ignore ...
Until ... They Fall ...
down to where the ...
" Dark Ones " .... CALL ....
" DARK " .....
Black Holes ...
to ... BUY ...
" Your Soul " ...
Don't get ... "Caught" ... !!!
you may get ... " Bought " ...
and find that life ... is just ...
..... TOO SHORT .....
to ... Reject Light ...
OPEN ... Your Eyes ... !!!!!
and ... REALISE ...
Walking ... "blind" ...
Won't Help ... " Mankind " ... !!!
Darkness reigns ...
in skies ... these days ... !!!
Especially when ... Oil Depots ...
.......... BLAZE .......... !!!!!!
BIG ... " Dark Clouds " ...
across ... Our Towns ... !!!!
Things like ... this ...
are causing ... FROWNS ... !!!!!
"Darkened" ... MOODS ...
as fuel .... " POLLUTES " .... !!!
Our ... Atmosphere ...
and Peoples' ... food ... !!!!! ...
Oil is ... CRUDE ...
and in ... " The News " ...
I'm Saying ....
Can't ... " These Fools " ...
... " COMPUTE " ... ?!?!?
or ... " Manage " ... things
that need ... TIGHT SCREWS ... !!!!!
Clearly ... NOT ... !!!!!
They're ... Needing Clues ...
on how this ... Started ...
in the ... " DARK " ... ?!!!? ...
Things are now ...
Falling .... apart .... !!!
Like i've ... said ...
Reality's ... STARK ...
" REALITY " ....
Sheds Light ... for me ...
on things ... " Most Folks " ...
DON'T WANT ... "to see" ...
..... " Poverty " .....
Breeding ... More Thieves ... !!!
.... " Violence on "
Our ... Darkened Streets ... !!!!!!!!
Cash Scandals ...
from ... Companies ...
who have ... "Close Links" ...
with our ... " MP's " ...
Armies ... who ...
now ... DESTROY ... Peace ... !!!
and leave more ... " Broken Families " ... !!!!!
These are ...
" DARK TIMES " ... !!!
I think you'll find ... ?
Unless you ... " Choose " ...
to be .... inclined ....
to ..... look away ......
and turn ... " blind eyes " ...
You may find ... that ...
You'll be ... surprised ... !!!
because ... " Such Actions " ...
are ...... " UNWISE " ...... !!!!!
Walk in ... " The Light " ...
NOT in ... " The Dark " ...
before ... Your Life ...
Gets Ripped ... APART ... !!!!!
Don't play ... " Smart " ...
cos' ... Nature Now ...
is ... Hitting ... HARD ... !!!!!
and .... NOBODY ....
Can Pull ... " It's Card " ... !!!!!!
" Big City " ... Lights ...
are ... NOT SO ... bright ...
Just like ... " Class "
Life's Now  ... A Farce ... !?!
Do what's ... NEEDED ... !!!
Show Some ... HEART ... !!!
It's NOT ...
That Hard ... !!!
Before our hopes
and dreams ... and world
become a place ...
That's COLD ...
........ and .......
..... " Dark " .....
Inspired, in part,
by the, Cronulla Beach Violence,
in Australia, and the,
Buncefield Fire in England ......
Next page