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Mio Seanachaidh Feb 2017
We are all liars in some way shape or form; if truth were told always there would be more chaos than order
Thoughts on liars and lying in general
Alanis Manantan Dec 2016
James-Lange Theory of Emotions states that
the first time you held my hand I knew it would be the start
and so I smiled

Lazarus Theory of Emotion argues with
my mind as to why you continue to hold me every time
and you still make me tremble inside

Schachter-Singer Theory of Emotions proves that
the first time you ever kissed me made me feel safe and free
And that’s when I knew I love you

But above all these theories,
One thing remains true -that you are the triggering event,
the arousal, the reason, and all the emotions in between.
Ann M Johnson Dec 2016
My black hole theory is not profound
I just want what is lost to someday be found
I have a theory there are many series of black holes
somehow linked to the big one
They all have their own gravitational pull
They seem to have an innate hunger for whatever is shiny or new
They seem to **** it all in like of vacuum taking it away from me maybe even from you
There used to be some sort of portal through my couch , to try to stop it I removed the couch from my house
A strange thing happened it is all true, stuff started disappearing from my purse especially anything shiny or new
That can be very problematic if you are at the store and reach in your purse to pay the teller and all your change is gone, no more to be seen
It made me feel like crying, or maybe scream
The logical person that I try to be thought there must be an explanation, so I emptied out the contents of my purse in the store's bathroom,  I carefully checked the purse lining for any holes
I found no holes and none of my change too, I just had picked up a new roll of quarters from the bank and that was gone too.
Henceforth, I was quite perplexed when I pondered upon what happened next. I washed clothes and then dried them and took them out to fold them and put them away just like any day. I just can’t understand why I end up with so many mismatched pairs of socks. Then I had a possible revelation many there is a black hole, or perhaps even a vortex that one of each pair of socks gets ****** through. I still feel a bit blue about my socks missing their perfect mate. I confess I also did not like to lose one of the socks of my favorite pair with a picture of an M&M; along with the saying “Who’s Your Candy”, maybe it seemed too irresistible to resist. If it happened in a science fiction movie maybe some guy would exclaim “Beam me up the M&M; socks”.( I seem to lose one of them each time I dry them). The curious thing is the holes left in the mismatched socks that were left behind.
I  pondered the situation later that day and thought of my little black hole theory , the little black holes somehow linked to The ******* Hole and ******* my stuff in, I know I am no scientist, but if someday The Black Hole lost its gravitational pull, and my stuff and maybe other people's else's stuff to started raining down,  perhaps my theory would take hold in the scientific community and hold some ground, or maybe Inquiring Minds, will want to know of my theory.  That is not what matters most of all to me ,theory or no theory, I just want all my lost stuff to be found.
Ambika Jois Nov 2016
When you know you've lived
the exact present you're living now before,
doesn't it make sense to think of it as though...
there is another part of you in another universe,
going through the same thing?

I believe in the multiverse theory,
for I cannot prove that we are not alone.
I believe there is a reason why
I feel the skies talk to me every night.

I believe someone's message is reaching me
through the beams of the moon every night.
My skin seeps it in
like a flower knows to bloom.

Ever think of a time difference
between one universe and the other?
What if we are born here on Earth and after we die,
our soul travels to another universe
and relives the same story?

What if...
we are a horcrux of our own soul
which is split up and placed
in different universes?
AfterImage Sep 2016
The theory of our relationship
A complex set of numbers
Are we where we want to be?
Are we who we want to be?
What do we become when we're together?
I hypothesize and fantasize the answers.
My only conclusion?
The       distance       between       us       is       too       cold       to       define.
Peter Roads Aug 2016
Is there space in this system for new rules
Can we find them hiding behind old books
Some dusty office at the top of a pole
Bleak ivory with a view well known
to all of us, who have got what we want
Whose privileged breath breathes deep of high times
stuffed with all those norms and expectations
litigating obligations ignored,
ignored; yet enforced by free tyranny
of the individual, of ones rights
without the weight of responsible
judgement. NO, there is no space up here, NO
not for straighter rules or greater fools
though latter too many, former too few;
These old rules are crooked, like hind quarters
dragged up the long torrid stair to the top
held up by lofty ideals, righteous… no
We seem in these high places to have forgot
whyfore we came to be here or how rotten
we are, that rot set into the books, the rules
the shelves, the pages, the walls, the food
Into the words, the system, the wages
paid to those shoring up this modern day
Babel. No well-intentioned roads lead here
No one will choose to walk these ugly stairs
No one will come, those lonely inventions
Freedom, liberty, the individual
Let them gather and groan in old walls
Mildewed bricks and misted rattling bones
Left here forgotten by those living below
Seen from on high in this ivory tower
This pale tower where no one lives, no one.
Alan S Bailey Aug 2016
What is this bizarre strange artificial magic that

Surrounds us in 3D neon colors man-made

Amidst this dream theory of some sort

Of tasty goods that await me (not bait)

Smashed in between two slabs of meat

That are thick hands which are said hold the

Way to get all we could want or need

This absolute promise that it's all worth it

Being placed before me only just to see

I hold my sandwiched slice of meat

With cheese and pickles high

And shout for joy that it's mine to eat!
So take a seat...!

Hehe, and it rhymes, too

I'm sorry it disagrees with tele-vangicals and religious cultists. Will delete immediately. I promise. Sorry to harm ****** eyes with my trash!
Alan S Bailey Jul 2016
There is a study of some interesting production
That says that continents drift, but I disagree,
Listen if you will to my theory it's of a sort
That is of a very different decree.
In the beginning a planetoid smashed into the earth,
It would later become our moon, it was larger at first,
This matchless form of damage caused a great impact,
From which would later be whole continents birth.
The lava that flowed would be enough to make
Whole parts of Pangea sink, and huge amounts of
Ocean would poor into, eventually be. But this is my theory,
Why when the damage was done the magma flowed
So much from such areas, it formed what is now the
Colorado mountains, as well as the whole of Australia,
Japan, and the Polynese. I know this is just a theory, but I'd put
All I have into simply wanting to believe. The truth is always
Out there, and this is simply what ideas that I conceived.
I have a Facebook image that shows in depth imagery of what I believe (in the basic sense) all of what I call the "mega continent" of Pangea looked like before the eventual volcanic activity which I believe caused the formation of the oceans and land masses. Here is the link:;=3&uploaded;=1
Aria of Midnight Jun 2016
i. no absolute rest
"yes, time
never did stop
for anyone."

but I add...

ii. no absolute motion*
"even time itself
is an

yours and mine

iii. backwards
maybe yesterday,
we could still
work things out.

than lightly (3.0 x 10^8 m/s)

iv. implausibility
our foreheads wear
the cracks of our heart.

you lost your zeal,
I lost my saviour,
we lost each other,

but left
with osmium-clad
and collapsed

E = mc^2.

v. our end

is inevitable.

screeching alarms
and lopsided bed-hair,
and chugging caramel lattes,
with precisely two tablespoons
of raw sugar--

forget among the clamour,
the shadow of your figure--

you are an
unearthed blackhole,
under the facade
of a supernova.

(your mass = 2.5(+) x greater than the sun)
a late night poem, inspired by Einstein's theory of relativity according to this video: I have worked out that my love for physics doesn't step from solving problems, but thinking, contemplating, the concepts....

the romanticisation of such a theory, though, was not an original idea. I recently watched (and absolutely fell in love with) Steins;Gate, the science-fiction anime.
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