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Shofi Ahmed Oct 2017
I know not how many
million stars there are.
But I know there is
only one earth.

Maybe we have counted
the protons of the atom
as many it has in its nucleus
counted the electrons on the run
orbiting the nucleus.
But the spinning circle is a zero
yet to compute the unifying one!
It's a pattern spans the universe.

I know there are
billions of us human
out there on earth.
But all I want is only one.
Just to count on
a permanent one!  

The big earth
is a bigger zero null.
Standing on barefoot
without the perpetual one.
No glue, no roof nor a sign
only on one pure rigid science!
It's mwe Aug 2018
I got you hiding
Right away from me

You've been angry
and all the things been messy

What else should I be?
A saint?

There's nobody
stepping ahead
Neither someone else
nor you

/midnight thought-right after he hang up the call/
October 20 2017
Farzaneh Qaf Jul 2018
So I asked you for a sign
After days of sorrow, nine
Waiting for ten in my dreams
Hallelujah! Winkled! beans!
They said magic!
I said
Means to reach you
Not in dreams
Ways to please you
I won't tease you
That's such an honor
For semi nun and *****.
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2017
One in the know drops a line,
there was no A B C to spell,
yet it keeps spreading.
An animated lingua
wraps round the eyeline.
All those that get wind of it
arise and keep counting.
Without a beginning or an end,
For it has no 1 or 9,
not a mark nor a sign.
Speechless, breathless me,
turn to mine, the one,
superior turned-on mind.
And it appeared true,
true to that credible nature
that identifies indeed
the 'name' of the composer!

Meanwhile, a bird of time.
A giant spell takes no time,
eases off in a blink of eye.
I start to breathe,
begin to revive, again in my
native countryside:  
some clay-bumps on the river.
I can cry, smile, now I
can shed tears.
Rhyme on the river.
What's in a river?
'Lores of time immemorial,
an open heart on the move!'

Is there anyone out there
'tapped into the running cycle of water,
following the rhyme on the river'?
One in the know drops a line,
there was no A B C to spell,
yet it keeps spreading.
An animated lingua
wraps round the eyeline.
All those that get wind of it
arise and keep counting.
Without a beginning or an end,
For it has no 1 or 9,
not a mark nor a sign.
Speechless, breathless me,
turn to mine, the one,
superior turned-on mind.
And it appeared true,
true to that credible nature
that identifies indeed
the 'name' of the composer!

Meanwhile, a bird of time.
A giant spell takes no time,
eases off in a blink of eye.
I start to breathe,
begin to revive, again in my
native countryside:  
some clay-bumps on the river.
I can cry, smile, now I
can shed tears.
Rhyme on the river.
What's in a river?
'Lores of time immemorial,
an open heart on the move!'

Is there anyone out there
'tapped into the running cycle of water,
following the rhyme on the river'?

One in the know drops a line,
there was no A B C to spell,
yet it keeps spreading.
An animated lingua
wraps round the eyeline.
All those that get wind of it
arise and keep counting.
Without a beginning or an end,
For it has no 1 or 9,
not a mark nor a sign.
Speechless, breathless me,
turn to mine, the one,
superior turned-on mind.
And it appeared true,
true to that credible nature
that identifies indeed
the 'name' of the composer!

Meanwhile, a bird of time.
A giant spell takes no time,
eases off in a blink of eye.
I start to breathe,
begin to revive, again in my
native countryside:  
some clay-bumps on the river.
I can cry, smile, now I
can shed tears.
Rhyme on the river.
What's in a river?
'Lores of time immemorial,
an open heart on the move!'

Is there anyone out there
'tapped into the running cycle of water,
following the rhyme on the river'?
Chantal Jul 2018
This is the sign you’ve been looking for.
So live darling. Live reckless and brazen. Don’t you dare hide how you feel & never try to meet the set standards.  Don’t think, just do. Forget how it’s ‘supposed’ to go, and all that could go wrong. Disregard all the illogical cause and effects Society determines. Ignore the 99% likely outcome and go after that 1% with everything you’ve got, kid. ‘Cause if something or someone makes you happy or gives you a sorta feeling you can’t explain, even if it’s just for a little while- ignore all the ‘advice’ & the whole doing the ‘right’ thing, and hold on to it till your lungs give out, regardless of what form you get it in. Here’s the truth darling; life’s too short for norms and logic. Too short to hide your feelings and god knows, way too short to spend even a second unhappy & restrained due to fear and the abstract ideas that things are meant to go a certain way. So if you love someone, scream it at the top of your lungs, and if you feel like crying, collapse and shatter. Live impulsively because there’s nothing purer than the desires of the heart.
gabriela Jul 2014
I noticed devices,
the signs used in books to foreshadow
to hint at the written future
and at what is ahead to come

like our strides while we walked
or the difference in our shadows
that hints at our now-passed future
and at what has already come

it has been six months now
half a year since we have grown apart
and I'm not asking for you back
to be as close as we had come

just please think about me
was I important to you at all
if you left me as fast as you did
even as close as we had come?

just please think about us
and I'm still not asking for you back
it's just something to think of
if you have time left for me, love
for a friend of mine I lost and how I felt several months ago
lilhadi Jun 2018
Aries– No matter how confident they appear, they constantly need reassurance that they’re doing okay. They want to know that their friends and family are proud of them. They thrive when those they love are proud.

Taurus– They are a lot deeper than they let on. They feel so much. They’re like the “parent” friend but they get tired of being so responsible all the time. Believe it or not, they love being taking care of.

Gemini– THEY’RE NOT THEIR STEREOTYPES!!!! Oh my god they absolutely are NOT their stereotypes. They care so much. They obsess over things very easily but it’s endearing. They’re the best communicators of the entire zodiac. Listen to them.

Cancer– Sometimes they can seem a bit selfish. They aren’t. Literally everything they do is for other people. Love is the most sacred thing in their lives. They’re at their happiest when they’re making their lovers and friends happy.

Leo– They’re waaaaay more emotional than they let on. They don’t like to express emotions for fear of seeming weak, but if they love you, you know it. They’re blunt as hell, and you may think it’s because they’re being mean but it isn’t. It’s because they want you to succeed.

Virgo– Similar to Leo, they are bluntly critical of their friends but only because they want you to be thriving. They are arguably the smartest sign. Listen to them. They also aren’t ALL neat freaks. Yes, some are. But not always. Their lives can best be described as “controlled chaos.” It works for them.

Libra– They’re so much more sensitive than they let on. They come off as the most confident of the signs though. They appear ditzy but they aren’t at all. They’re the signs that can be friends with anyone. If they ever appear “fake,” it isn’t because they are fake. It’s because they want peace, balance, and for everyone to be happy.

Scorpio– For goodness sake, they aren’t ALL dark and brooding and mean. They’re actually one of the most sensitive signs there is. They take things so incredibly personal. They’re made to laugh easily. Not nearly as intimidating as they appear to be BUT, that doesn’t mean they can’t become mean as HELL when they want to be.

Sagittarius– They don’t do well with emotions, only because they have so many inside of them. They don’t MEAN to come across as a victim, but they do sometimes. It’s only because they have a hard time with communication. They want someone who’s going to take care of them no matter how much they try to push you away.

Capricorn– They have such a guard up, but they’re so cute. God SO CUTE. They come across as the “class clowns” and it’s mostly because they are afraid of letting people get close to them. When they do get close to someone though, they’re incredibly smart.

Aquarius– They do want you to love them, no matter how distant they can seem at times. They’re the masters of making you think you know everything about them when you actually don’t. They give off a vibe that makes you feel comfortable enough to tell them everything about you. They’re great listeners, but they want someone to listen to them too.

Pisces– They can read your mind. Don’t even doubt it– they can. They tune in to your feelings, and they understand you more than you know. Take everything they say seriously, because every single one of them has immense wisdom beyond their years. But love is something they fear

japheth Jun 2018
i’m a
firm believer of signs
in fact,
all signs led me to you;

one sign
told me to
let you go.
rought patch
Manauwer Raza Jun 2018
the sky overhead
turned red
as if, there was a sign
for a storm to come by
and may be
the early breeze
was just a comfort
to reach out to you
to make you realize
the things you are to endure
is better, if you kept the breeze
in your mind and soul...
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

He is just a pauper, preaching from his own pulpit.
All the thoughts he has, have grown from his own agony.
Beaten down, but never kept down; he is not in sync.
Living one way, his way.  At war with everybody.

One fist holding a flower, with a hand upon his heart;
He has never known a love like yours, so give him your sympathy.
Down on his knees, he is crying in the dark;
Begging for you to just show him a little mercy.

Anti-social, humanitarian ghost;
No longer does he believe in the hope you offer and the joy you see.
Happy Days is just a T.V. programme; not a thing he knows.
Death and despair is all the news shows today
And there are no hippies to bring him some peace.

A countdown to oblivion is the only image he can see;
An Armageddon with love and hate…he is our last hope.
This is the time, this is the hour; let us not be empty.
Share loves wealth around; give him thanks and not rejection…
Betrayal is a no, no.

Last man standing under a banner with a heart design;
Let a pacifist army march with him, as he holds his flag up high.
Let all the wandering lost souls, be drawn to what he has inside.
He is the keeper of the secrets of how to love;
Let just one soul see what he keeps within, so he can save two lives.

When all others have fallen beneath the sword,
A lone man will walk beyond the ruins and find a paradise.
If you have faith in him, he will be all yours;
Let him show you a future where we all love each other…

Allow him to help you to visualize.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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