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Charlie Gnarly Apr 2018
My Olive Beef comes from my grief
Up my feet and into my teeth
In my stomach is where is lies,
Until it resides, is when I die.
My analytical exploration into life and death.
n0r May 2018
The first of many things
To make me seek the
Metaphors within,
A book at 17;

My uncle’s death at 18
Stripping a 14 year
Me bare,

For a Green majick
To root its souil
Within this fertile
Believing I tainted
Plowing deeper in two
Labyrinthine catacombs

Buried deep within the shallows;
Sun die
A ghost.
Dead within the dirt
And drowned amidst an ocean
I found a bubble a mist
The mud
Swimming until the leaving grew
Blossoms I breathed
With in me;
By John Green
And Me.
Thanks to “The Fault In Our Stars”
And the beauty of Samsāra.
Rachel W May 2018
It is strange,
That I glimpsed you once from afar
In passing
And I saw you
Abandoned. In disrepair and I thought you were
Beautifully tragic.
You were alone and I did nothing
I did nothing
I did nothing but watch you crumble
I saw you again today
Again in passing
And I found that you had been
Saved. Someone had picked you up
And gathered your pieces
They built you back up and I did nothing
I did nothing
I did nothing but watch you stand.
Aaron LaLux May 2018
Had myself baptized today,
but there was no priest present,
only I but then again I am Aaron,
The High Priest and I was present,

so maybe there was a priest present,

had myself baptized today,
and no the water was not holy water,
but then again it was a hot springs deep within the earth,
Mother Earth offering Her blessings in the form of water,

so maybe it was holy water,

had myself baptized today,
but it was not in a church,
though in a way this whole Earth is holy,
Heaven is our roof and every word is a prayer,

so maybe I was in a church,

had myself baptized today,
wearing nothing not even a crucifix around my neck,
wearing nothing except my 24k gold chain,
which in a way represents sacrifice and redemption around my neck,

so maybe I was wearing a form of the crucifix around my neck,

for Lord knows I’ve sacrificed,
and only God knows the extent of my sins,
but through the power of the pen,
I constantly write my way towards redemption,

had no cross to dip in the holy waters,
all alone I was deep in a steaming cavern,
naked as the day I was born I prayed as I poured,
myself into those holy waters,

inside a mountain somewhere in Colorado,
a place called Indian Springs,
where Native Americans used to gather,
before the Europeans came colonizing,

it’s all more than sorta symbolic,
it’s more than a little ironic don’t you think,
how the only place I can find peace from these people,
is alone deep in a mountain at a hot springs,

here Mother Nature takes me back into her womb,
where I can surrender without fear of betrayal,
in her warm embrace I let her carry my worries away,
accepting the fact that I may never find my savior,

that I may never find a partner,
that I may one day die alone,
that unless I change my ways,
there will be no one to carry my legacy on,

and that gets us back to the subject,
which I haven’t even brought up yet,
of the woman that broke my heart,
and how she led me to this process,

I guess she had to ****** my heart,
for my heart to die and be born again,
so it a way her actions were a blessing,
which allowed me to write this poem we’re in,

see she said she wanted a Catholic Vegan,
and I act more like a Blasphemous Pagan,
but I’m not one to conform to any Rules of Man,
just because Man calls those rules a religion,

and I know my relationship with God is unbreakable,
and I know God loves me unconditionally,
but I just wish she loved me as much as God does,
and would accept me unconditionally,

but she didn’t and she doesn’t,
so she killed my heart so it could be born again,
and for that I am thankful and eternally grateful,
and for that I will forever be her friend,

but that doesn’t make the pain hurt any less,
it just makes the pain a little more bearable,
because I would do anything to have her back,
I would offer her my everything even my soul,

but I had to let her go,
because nothing last forever,
and even though she might have been an angel,
she for sure was not my savior,

seems no one can save you except for yourself,
I mean when you’re having issues most people won’t even help,
so if you want to improve heal your bruises and move,
you’ve got to learn how to get up and help yourself,

and that’s why I went for a drive,
and that’s why I soaked in those hot springs,
because I don’t need a religion to have a relationship with God,
I don’t need a collection plate to give offerings,

told you before the whole earth is my church,
and no one can tell me what God is telling me,
don’t need a priest, nun, rabbi, or imam,
to explain the meaning of these futuristic prophecies,

I don’t need any one person or thing,
I’m on a mission that’s divine in it’s essence,
and I am divine so even though I haven’t been ordained,
I am Aaron so when I’m here there is a priest present,

so I channel these revelations,
creating scriptures that read like repentance,
and as was in the beginning so it shall be in the end,
so here is where we shall return to the first sentence,

and I had myself baptized today,
but there was no priest present,
only I but then again I am Aaron,
The High Priest and I was present,

so maybe there was a priest present…

∆ LaLux ∆

latest book is available FREE here:
A Simillacrum May 2018
Words are unstoppable
Words may be spoken
Words may be written
Words may be thought

Night falls over the day
Night falls over the block
Night falls over the hood
Night falls over us

First as the dusk
Then as the stars

We can see nothing
Street corners light
Streetlight too bright
We can see nothing

Too bright but never enough.

We can see nothing of hope in the cosmos
We carry our blinded eyes in our hands

Buy me a knife.
Buy me a gun.
Find me behind the barrel,
I'd rather be first in line,
I will secure first place.

Buy me a knife.
Buy me a gun.
Find me shaking the iron sights,
I'd rather be running away from the system,
I will do what I must.

Take our education, expect us to grow.
Take our nutrition, expect we maintain.
The gatekeeper looks less like St. Peter
Than it looks like a bank.

Make it for money,
Expect we be happy
For the physical.

Make it vanity,
Expect our diminished state
Be aspiration and dream enough.

Words are unstoppable,
I know this to be true.
Where are the words
We need the most?

We cry for each other in night,
Each broken compatriot
Each potential confidant

Convinced we're abandoned
Convinced we're at war with the poor
Then at war with ourselves

Expending bullets for the clout on the shelf.
I am in here just as you so put that down.

I am in you, and I need your words to tell,
To touch, to show,

Those with nothing know what more there is than this.
A Simillacrum May 2018



... ...DUMPING... ...

... ...Jaymisun Kearney... ...
... ...Lenore Lux... ...
... ...Donovan Chee... ...
... ...Zan Balmore... ...
... ...Lenneth Blackwulf... ...
... ...Shay Berit... ...
... ...Wren Rain... ...
... ...Miriam Marcus... ...
... ...Malakai Kraken... ...

... ...PROCESS COMPLETE... ...



Quinn May 2018
i love my dandelion daydreams
that grow on unmarked graves

i love dancing with their
seedsprout whiteheads in a
river of me

i love to toy with my
dandelion (daydreams) and

pretend that each one
is the hand of a corpse
taking its final

(maggot rodden)
grip of fresh air.
i tried to take a picture of a dandelion for 20 minutes but it wasn't pretty - so i wrote a poem instead :)
James A May 2018
I rose before the sun wore it's mask
I sat at the edge of the world
Contemplating the task beforehand
The fury of winter has gone into annual slumber
While the lady of the desert awakens for her summer
I removed my shadow
Who kept me company throughout the night
I lowed my pen for the first time
As the flowers began to bloom and write
No longer should I find
Comfort in the endless night
The sun has risen and forever shall stay up
Now time to roam with curiosity and an empty cup
Let me start this sentence over
I repeat,
Let me start that sentence over
I understand,
Let them start that sentence over
I declare,
Let them redo that sentence over
I concede,
Make them redo that sentence over
I consider,
Make them redo that compromise over
I influence,
Make them redo that compromise anew
Sebastian Hale Apr 2018
If a withered rose is death
Then is a rose on fire living,
Or is she dying still?
Does she burn even brighter,
Or turn to dust to feel?
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