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Iska 4d
“What’s the harm?” they whisper,
“What’s the problem
in being everyone’s fantasy?”

“In having all of your friends
find your flesh attractive?”
“Having the pretty privilege
morph into the entitlement of others?”

As they claim my skin
and caress my bones.
Peeling pieces of my body
and making themselves at home.

Consent is implied
within the lines
of whatever bond we hold.

Friends, family, lovers.
What’s the harm in giving them
what they want,
what they demand they need.
In watching them eat you up
With a never ending greed.

“But you’re my fantasy”
as if I’m obligated
to the impressions of me
you’ve shoved down my throat.

Until I’m choking and sobbing
pleading you to relinquish your hold.

Your eyes leave imprints and bruises
as you salivate over a body
I don’t even see.
It was only 3rd grade.
Again, when merely rending
the damaged goods of a teen.
By the time I was an adult
it was the only way I was seen.

But age matters not,
when you were never perceived
as a human being,

simply a desire
for others to devour.

“What’s the harm in being a *** dream?”
They scream “we’re all friends here”
as they render my sobriety to shreds
Only to tell me that it’s all in my head.

Society taught me to turn a blind eye,
“what’s the harm?” It said with a sigh.
They drugged me with ignorance,
refuting my plea.

A passing inconvenience for you
Born of my own naïveté,
is a trauma memory
that I can never undo.

There isn’t a piece of me
you’ve not seen,
nothing left of myself
to discover.

You’ve rendered my own exploration
into nothing more than a detour.

You’ve taken every first
I could have claimed
and thought to beat a dog
was the equivalent of making it tame.
So now I’m sobbing into a void
wondering why I was ever
a thing that you could destroy?
What is left of me? /angry
rage smells like smoldering embers,
rage looks like bloodstained fists,
rage sounds like elevated heartbeats,
rage feels like a tidal wave,
yet rage tastes like charred ashes,
because its twin causes upset,
her name, after all… is regret.
How can you be so blind?
Crushing on dumb boys who don't deserve you

Unable to move on from a toxic guy
With the maturity of a 5-year-old
Who lies and manipulates and takes
the most amazing person in this entire **** world
for granted

I want nothing more than to beat him to a pulp and
throw him in the
garbage where he belongs
Because no one is allowed to hurt you
I'm so angry
My mind is racing
How dare he
You could do so much better than him
So much better than anyone
(So much better than me)

What kind of sicko has the best girl in the whole entire universe
and throws her away?

I don't know what to do
But he does not get to get away with
I've never wanted to punch someone so bad
This isn't even a poem just me raging
Why doesn't she see?
Why does it hurt so bad?
She only likes this new guy because he's telling her about all the **** her ex did
Neither of them will ever come close to deserving her
Raven Star Feb 25
I have some questions,
Who the **** do i hold accountable?

And I know we've come so far,
We can now vote, drive and hustle on our own.

Why we couldn't do it in the first place?
Why we still gotta cover ourselves?
Why do we still shame our women?
Why do we still **** our women?

Yeah, we have a long way,
Now we can go to uni and bars and sway.

Why do we still slutshame our women?
Why do we praise single dads,
And i know it's good that they stay;
But why do we still mock single moms,
When they nurture the same?

And yeah, we've come so far...
But are we sure we're not going
Backwards after all?

Because what do you mean Afghani women can't become doctors?
What do you mean you say they can't get treated by men,
They can't get treated at all, their life's become vain?

What do you mean they can't speak in public or show their skin?
Why are we after our own kin?

What do you mean you've banned abortions?
And contraceptive pills too?

You say it's just a mistake,
That he's just neurodivergent,
And honestly that's just insulting towards them,
And i can already hear the sirens.

You say Musk did the Roman salute,
And not the **** one,
As if fascism makes it better .
What do you mean it's all good,
Until a billionaire is getting criticism?

You say everything is fine,
As if you don't keep banning books.
We all joke about "going places",
I think you're going Germany, 1939!
And what do you mean I'm more worried,
When the country isn't even mine?

You say 'Make America Great Again',
As if it was great in the first place.
Because what do you mean you all
Voted for a felon with with a straight face?

You called her Nirbhaya 2.0
As if Dr. Moumita was a movie sequel,
And not one of the million victims of ****.
Why does it seem you all don't really care,
And it's like a trend formed everywhere?

At least some things are still consistent,
Like how equality and justice isn't served,
To neither Dr. Moumita or Atul Subhash in India,
And India cares more about India's Got Latent,
After all it brings more TRP to media.

I am so exhausted of all this ****,
And how it has become so recurring.

And millions of my questions are still unanswered,
Who the **** do i hold accountable?
This has been in my draft for a it is.
Melanie Feb 25
I much prefer the sadness.
though overwhelming, choking
it is rooted in love, in remembering
in the loss of something real, tangible, beautiful.
The anger is much worse, wicked
a fabricator of the truth:
that it didn't matter to you
and maybe never did.
I'll take salt water filling my lungs
burning, flailing, gasping for air
if it meant never forgetting you
Melanie Feb 25
I can't quite place my rage
if you can even call it that
angry at your optimism in us,
in what you were capable of
angry with myself for letting you in
angry that I tried, again
only for it to end the same way
IdleHvnds Feb 21
The outbursts of angry women,
the most beautiful thing to witness.

We fight to be heard —
Another cycle, that will never end..
It is only a wish to watch the fall of men.
I no longer wish to shrink myself for the sensitivity of men.
Anger is an emotion all women should express and the song of anger is finally being sung.
Azarel Feb 16
Cowards cloaked in the safety of shadows,
Hiding behind fictitious names,
Preying upon fragile hearts,
Words laced with venom,
Their hands stained with tears.

What kind of monster knows the wound
Yet rips it open?
What kind of soul sees a fractured heart
And snaps it further still?

I dream of justice
Not swift or merciful,
For that would be too kind a punishment.
I dream of a slow justice, slow as molasses,
Seeping into the safety of shadows they know,
To bring an inferno, unyielding, relentless
To mirror the agony they sowed.

I will tear down the heavens,
I will shatter the earth
To find them, to use them,
To be used as kindling,
To remake the world in flames.

For the world has been far too cruel.
Every ember would sing of her freedom,
Every ash a testament to their sins,
Every cloud of smoke a warning to them all.

Your suffering will not be quick
Oh no, death is far too kind.
You will feel the weight of despair,
The suffocation of regret,
The searing of your sins
Carved into every breath.

And when I hear them plea and beg,
Cry for the Lord to save them,
I’ll ask if they think their penance was enough,
If they regret what they’ve done.

And when they say yes,
And ask for the sweet release of death,
I’ll rejoice as I am the last thing they’ll see
The gleaming smile looking back,
As their light leaves their eyes.
Faith Cubitt Feb 2
i really wanted this to work.... and i know you did too. but the rain started, and the wind picked up and eventually it was tearing things apart. ripping out the roots of thousand year old tree's, washing away the beauty of us.
it rained, and rained and rained and i thought it would stop, i really did. i thought if i could just let the storm pass, let it dry up everything would go back to normal.
but.... it never did it was just getting stronger and stronger until everything was falling apart.
and now i know why storms are named after people.
you came and you destroyed....
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