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Mishika Feb 16
I burn pages,
And I burn my dreams.
The fire feels warmer,
Knowing they’re mine.

As ashes,
They look dull,
Hopeless and weak.
But only those who look close
Will find the shimmer of the stardust,
Full of ecstasy and valour.
Blissful Nobody Feb 2024
A play of chance, you and me,
An unexpected tingle in my brain,
Clashed , crashed and burnt,
Like ashes to the ground,
From a volcanic rage.

Wishing death is for the gentle soul,
You ploughed holes through my chest,
So I couldn't breathe or live ,
Happier than the hate you sought.

Faced you like a beast and got clawed,
You chewed up my face, while I fought,
My wounds open up and bleed sometimes ,
I tend to them but am scarred for life.

Lied through the teeth and set the lure,
Reeled me in when it felt secure,
Banished me from my own skin,
Sitting in your own hellish abode.

"Save me" was the lie to begin with,
"Save me" became my truth till the end,
Hanging on the edge here at times,
I startle and scare at your thought.

The last song between me and you,
Echoes all that drama you adored,
Oh boy! How you liked the chaos,
The cacophonous sounds of your being,
Keeping me away,  from my minds harmony.
Jeremy Betts Jan 2024
Hello hello,
Welcome to the show
Good luck getting through the impossible to get through MO
One long typo
A hypocritical, defeatist manifesto
More stupid than ******
Misplaced gusto,
Possible becomes unreachable then unthinkable
Undeniable failure is sure to follow
First name familiar with the mental hospital
A revolving door install
Biggest chart right up toward the front of the file being that it's alphabetical
A tragic life, only ironically comical
Spine stained yellow
Same as the teeth, thanks Marlboro
A nose incased in a thick brown crust on the face, smack dab in the middle
Cornered with a dunce cap and a little bit of spittle
Condition has always been critical
I do take it personal
Can't show, can't let them know it hurts even a little
A forgettable imbecile with a needless purpose and a fleeting soul
Held accountable but it's not balanced or rational
Equal? I guess maybe, but not equal to anything favorable
Decent into madness unavoidable
Some of you are only here for the spectacle
Swerling around the bottom of the toilet bowl
Forced sabbatical
Out of sight, out of mind so I've band all travel
Departure and arrival
Business and commercial
An attempt at better has been abysmal
Wouldn't have made it past the pilot if it were a show
You would just know it was shiit though from the overflow
"You've made your choice" but not by choice, it's never that simple

Cailey Weaver Jul 2022
You're literally a psychopath
For making me feel like that
And thinking that it's ok
And that I'm gonna forgive you

I'm amazed at the audacity
For thinking you'd do that to me
And not feeling bad at all
And thinking I'd still give you

The time of day
And not send you on your way
Like you deserve
Because consequences don't exist
And in your head I know you're sick

And maybe I feel bad for you
And everything that we've been through
But I'm telling you this is it
You're gone, deleted, with one click
You can call me ******, that's ok, I'll still believe that word today.
Tell me you hate me, that's okay, because now I know your true feel.
I'm nothing but a crazy *****, but you're the little *****...and that's still okay, at least I'm not a snitch.
Call for backup, but no one came, now who's the one to blame.
Hahaha, laugh in your face, now do you still really want to play this game?
Petty people are little ******* and sometimes even snitches.
My writing process is funny
so is my definition of "peace"
I can't focus in silence,
I work better when there are screams.
You see, I grew up in a madhouse
where I was the youngest lunatic
not the smartest, but the boldest
therefore I became the king.
Thomas W Case Feb 2021
Our love is ******.
It swims the muddy rivers,
and creeps on the rocky
shores, slithering
through the dark
corners of our world.
It bites into
the dew soaked dawn of all
our tomorrows.
It breaks the tethers
that try to bind.
It's wet and it smells of
heat and fire.
It tastes like sweet pea
and pomegranate.
It's eyes are full of
desire and untamed lust.
It's the stain on the sunset,
and the paint on the pallet.
Our hearts beating together,
like a metronome, is the only
thing that calms this
****** beast called love.
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
Wrap my wrists in silver
And see what I do.
I saw the girl and shot her;
You want me to shoot you too?

Throw on the jacket,
Surround me in white,
I'm still going to escape it.
So come and join the fight.
KAE Jan 2021
“If you are mean with me, I’ll be meaner with you”
When you do something “wrong” or the evilest thing towards someone, they take revenge of that
Instead of take advantage of that situation and person and trying to be better than those, than them.
They need, they have the desire to be more devilish.

It’s pathetic. Mediocre.

People seem to be angels, the purest souls. Even the ones who are good human beings.
But we all have a demon burning inside of us, yelling to escape, to be free.
But that chaos which people have is major.
They sell you an angelical aura, the best moral, and the darkness inside of them is unexpected.
Even the one who can be “an angel” is and could be the malevolent ******.
J Nov 2020
I will
do just that
until i'm nothing
but art

something to be admired
would you like that?
would you like it?
do you like art?

why are you crying about it?

I have a towel, it won't
get on your
precious ******* clothes

don't call someone.

I'm fine
happens all the time
just shut up
help me clean.

why the ****
are you looking
at me
like that

like I'm disgusting
like I'm *******

it's just paint.
taste it
do you want to touch it?
the paint's running off the canvas, let me get that.

not a lot of people get it
not a lot of people like it.
you like art, don't you?

do you like to paint?
I've been inside your backpack.
I've seen you in your hoodies.
I've seen it all.

don't look surprised.
the little lighter in the side?
i like it
i wanted to light myself on fire.

do you burn your art?
do you burn the canvas?
sometimes it's frustrating
so you want to ruin it.

sometimes it's okay
to ruin things.
Daddy ruined mommy
mommy ruined you.

let me see.
don't scream. let me.
let me ******* see.
you saw mine, it's only fair, right?

there it is.
you've dug hard, yeah?
do you like it?

have you shown anyone else?
they saw but you didn't want them to.
the other ones reacted awfully, huh?

you're lucky I'm here.
I'll love you regardless,
you're not a freak to me.
just a bit messy.

i like messy.
your blood tastes nice, yknow.
i want to open them wider.
watch it flow.

shut up.
stop crying.
no one cares.

there. not too bad.
I just want to see your insides.
i will know how you work.
is that okay?

I'll carve my name next
it would look pretty, right?
you do it, too,
on me.

we can just leave each other
little messages.
i love you,

you don't have to worry anymore
we're gonna keep each other's secrets
sometimes art is a group project.
no one gets to see but me.

does it hurt?
you'll get used to it
you'll crave it.
just like i do.

stop sniffling,
you jumping will make me mess up.
you want to hurt.
not die, yet, right?

sometimes, when I'm alone
at night
or day
or anywhere

i paint little flowers.
little smiles
little words
little things


you do too,
i saw it on your thighs.
i saw the words.
did that say "hate?"

what do you hate.
tell me.
tell me it all.
I'm going to find out.

I've been through some ****.
we all have.
gotta cope some way.

clean yourself up
don't ******* touch me.
i say when you touch me.
i say.

you're so soft. just grab the brush.
grab the brush, do it.
I'm painting.
I'm painting.

we're gonna paint the sky, the stars.
nah, ******' with you.
we're drawin' grass right now.
see where that goes.

you look shocked.
stop looking.
you're cute when you're afraid.
relax, I'll live.

i wish someone would tell me it's
******* fine.
god do NOT ******* touch me.
I'll **** you.

I'm going to die alone.
I'll pretend that I'm fine with it.
I'll pretend that I'm not playing with the crippled canvas.
how much until it rips in half, i wonder.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so ******* sorry.
i think that i think too much. i don't want your ******* pity, i want to **** myself up. jesus **** there's somethin' wrong with me.
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