Sometimes I lack creativity And that scares me I think that I will not be able to write again Feels like all of my work was just pretend But creativity has its time and place You don’t have think out of space Creativity will flow Wither it’s sun or snow Creativity will show
It's good to be sad sometimes Hence the happy moments will have a better impact Because how else would we know the feeling of happiness without knowing any sadness.
we might complain about our situation now " I am so bored I had enough" " I want to see my friends this is so rough" " I wish I can go outside and have fun" " I need to shop for the new stuff" yet others may smile and bow " god thank you for keeping me alright" " thank god I found a place to sleep tonight" " I am blessed with my family at sight" " god thank you for the food and clothes you gave in this daylight"