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Alex Hoffman Nov 2015
Raised on instant gratification
rewarded for *******  
spread out on our screens
society based on ratings

Like bad movie critics,
we send mixed signals to artists
confuse our creatives
and give pleasure to mediocracy

We’re old souls
in new bodies with prosthetic limbs of plastic and glass
extensions of our memories and minds
we’ve built a reliance on them

One day when the sky cracks in half
satellites will fall from space
we will all be crushed by
The fruits of our progress
killing us slow.
pluto Nov 2015
3:04 AM
hey are you up

3:04 AM
i need to see you... or talk to you

3:05 AM
or at least know you're there

3:07 AM
you're probably sleeping...or with someone else who matters

3:07 AM
I know we haven't talked in a long time but I really need you right now

3:08 AM
remember when I told you about my really bad days and how I think the world is about to crumble any second and the sun will never rise again and all the planes flying over my house are going to crash right into it and how every car on the road seems like its about to slam right into mine and how i'm terrified of everyone and everything?

3:09 AM
yea thats what happening right now

3:09 AM
look i need you to ******* pay attention to me right now you ******* owe me

3:09 AM
I'm sorry i didnt mean that i just really ******* need you

3:09 AM

3:09 AM
are you there

3:10 AM
do you care
cait-cait Nov 2015
we live on a dying planet,
where phone chargers keep
us together and
late night conversations
are entirely possible.

we live in a place where
our bodies are made of star dust and
and we stuff ourselves with
toxin covered
pictures, people, words.

there will be a day,
someday soon i think,
when we tear apart our seams
and destroy the only thing that
seemed to bear us,

and we will be nothing but
dead phones and
silent voices.

our websites will be somewhere
our words will be forever.
found this on my phone. it's a few months old. happy halloween
Shake what your Mother gave you,
Or stare down at your phone, that’s okay.
മൊബൈൽ ഫോണ്‍ നിർത്താതെയൊരു
കുഞ്ഞിനെപ്പോലെ നിലവിളിച്ചപ്പോഴത്രേ,
ദൈവമതിനെയെടുത്തു പരതി നോക്കിയത്.
പന്ത്രണ്ട് മിസ്സ്ഡ് കോളുകൾ,
പിന്നെയറുപത്തിയാറു മെസ്സേജുകൾ.
കുരിശിൽ തൂങ്ങിയ, വിറങ്ങലിച്ച നേരിന്റെ,
നേർക്കാഴ്ച്ചകളുടെ  വീഡിയോ ക്ലിപ്പുകൾ.
വഞ്ചന, ചതി, കൊല, രക്തം, പ്രതികാരം,
അന്ധകാരം, ബലാൽസംഗം, ഭ്രൂണഹത്യ !
എണ്ണിത്തീർക്കുവാനാകാത്ത നമ്പരുകൾ;
കണ്ണീരിൽത്തീർത്തയനേകം കോളുകൾ.
ആത്മാവിൽ കരിംകൊടിനാട്ടിയനേകർ.
ഇറ്റുവീണ രക്തം കുടിക്കുവാൻ  കൂട്ടമായ് വന്നു
നിഴൽ നാടകം, അണിയറയിലെ രംഗങ്ങൾ
അരങ്ങത്ത്  തകർക്കുമ്പോൾ,
കാണികൾ പലരും ഉറങ്ങി വീഴുന്നു.
പ്രജ്ഞയിൽ ആത്മാർത്ഥതയുടെ വൃക്ഷത്തിനു
വെള്ളമൊഴിച്ചതു മറന്നിട്ട്,
തണൽ തിരഞ്ഞ് നടന്നകലുന്നവർ.
ഒരു പറ്റം ഈയാമ്പാറ്റകൾ ചിറകു വീശി.
പറന്നു വരുന്ന, പേരിടാൻ മറന്നൊരു ജീവി.
തന്റെ മനസ്സിൽ അസ്വാസ്ഥ്യം വേരു പടർത്തുന്ന
പകലിൽ, മൊബൈൽ ഫോണ്‍ ദൂരേയ്ക്ക് എറിഞ്ഞ്,
ദൈവമൊരു ദീർഘശ്വാസമുതിർത്തു.
എങ്കിലും, ദൂരെയൊരു കറുത്ത പൊട്ടുപോലെ,
വിദഗ്ദ്ധമായി കൈ എത്തിപ്പിടിച്ച പിശാചിന്റെ കുട്ടി
ആ മൊബൈൽ ഫോണ്‍ വില പേശി വിൽക്കുവാൻ,
ആരെയോ തേടുന്നത് ദൈവം നിറഞ്ഞ കണ്ണോടെ കണ്ടു.
Marie Christine Sep 2015
In the darkness on the edge of my bed
your name lights up my phone

Eight months later and I still can't breathe when i see it
I want this to be us starting over

but it is just a text and you hurt me before,
in the darkness your name lights but my face
my heart, everything again

8 months of getting over you is gone
your name lit up my phone and i am yours again...
before i even open the message
"Watch that lady. She has been standing there for as long as I remember. Still waters hold no treasure that's why ocean flows with unwavering current. Watch her closely she's obsessed with her phone; changing display pictures forever...  smart girls change fortune"
-Matthias Pantaleon, [Act Like A Champion]
Julija Ilich Sep 2015
I lie awake by my phone all night
Waiting for a call that'll never come
Myaja Black Sep 2015
Last Night was fun
But the next day you were a stranger
Upon this relationship we made no promises but a warning wouldve been nice
             Why do you need more than one?            Why couldn't I suffice ?
Your phone is going to explode if you keep collecting numbers  Pretty boy please dont make me me feel dumber
Lets pretend were more than friends so I can make myself feel better
Tony Luxton Sep 2015
It was a very long day,
and a very late night,
waiting for her call.

I couldn't listen for the phone,
I was listening to my head,
waiting for her call.

I couldn't focus in my mind,
I was invaded by a dread,
waiting for her call.

When she phoned I left unsaid
all the feelings I had fed,
waiting for her call.
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