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Steve Page Aug 2017
("Art is never finished, only abandoned" - quote attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.)

I'm not finished yet!
I'm nowhere near complete
You know I'm not yet done
You know I'm not replete

So now's the perfect time
To pause and let me go
Time to pack away
Take that towel and throw

Put me in the drawer
Stand up and walk away
Go and fill the kettle
Or try that new cafe

Come back some time later
Then look at me afresh
Maybe ask your closest friend
To suggest some more or less

Once you've looked at me again
You may be surprised to find
You're not quite satisfied
And can't get peace of mind

I'm art, I'm not a race
There is no finish line
So please don't over-work me
I'm unfinished by design
Dylan Thomas said he was tempted to rework his poems years after they were published. Lesson learned.
J Aug 2017
At the break of dawn,
When tempests and tides subside;
I will remain here.
Bask in sunrise, awaiting;
Elusive silver lining.
My first attempt to write a tanka. Constructive criticisms are welcome. :)
Deeee Aug 2017
I arrive.
I knock on the door. It's jammed.
You're inside.
I wait outside as you try to open it, but your key's broken.
"It'll take a while," you say.
It's a beautiful day, so I wait outside. We talk through the wood, and you open a window so we can talk easier.
A cold wind starts to blow.
"It's cold," I say.
You pass me a jacket from inside, and I wear it. It's not so cold any more, and I'm alright. We keep talking, and you're figuring out a way to open the door.
I feel a drop on my nose. Oh my. Rain.
I ask if I can help. I can't. You take my bag through the window. I won't fit.
Maybe we can break the lock? Maybe we can break the door? Maybe a back door? No, none of those. Another drop on my cheek. Oh my. Rain.

The truth is, if you wanted to let me in you would. You'd figure it out and I'd be inside, warm, with you.
The truth is, it's raining. And I don't think I should be risking penumonia.
The truth is, you have my bag, and everything in it.
The truth is, if you don't let me in, I'll be forced to leave.

*And the truth is, I don't want to.
Cassidy Jackson Aug 2017
you don't look me in the eye
when you say you love me

yet i will continue to wait
for the day you smile again
at me

just like the days
you truly wanted me
Benjamin Bauda Aug 2017
All your friends are falling in love,
Daily satisfying their lust,
Their faces are all you see on face book,
Yet here you are hurt for lack of fun,
Don’t be jealous have fun while single.
For it’s their time to mingle and yours to be single.

Your mates are busy being employed,
You are idle unemployed.
They are busy with their files
You are playing with your phone.
You think they are having fun,
They know you are having fun.
Don’t be jealous, just have fun.
For a time is coming when you will be too busy to have fun.

The hours are passing,
The years are counting.
You feel like you are fading,
For all your friends are married.
Don’t be jealous just have fun.
Before you kick the Bucket because of too much thoughts and lack of fun.
Don't **** Yourself with worry, what's gonna be gonna be
Taylor Kennerly Jul 2017
And she waited
For the seasons to change
Under a noir tree
With gnarled roots
Branches bent
Towards the ground
And every day
She kissed the sun
And burned her tongue
Praying her love
Would bring Spring time again
Nov 8. 2015
TS Jul 2017
Bokeh flares glitter.

Give me love
Give me love
Give me love

Spirals of white.

Give me love
Give me love
Give me love

Dancing yellow light screeches.
Overwhelming prisms flash through.
Angry heated red sets fire.
Meadow green comforts, too.

I close my eyes and I listen.

I see a masterpiece painted behind my eyes, sitting, waiting to be discovered.

Encovered. Enearthed. A firework display of passion errupting in time

One and two and three and four ...

Blood, oceans, dirt, sun

The words bring the passion and the passion brings the show.

The rhythm creates the motion, gives life to the color.


Give me love
Give me love
Give me love

Every song has color.
Every song has a display.
All we need to do is close our eyes and wait and

Take the time to listen.

Kim Yu Jul 2017
Am I climbing up the mountain
or tumbling down like an avalanche
crashing down hopes and fantasies that keep me sane?

I pace through forests where echoes are bleak
harnessing warmth in this fire that burns
steadily through storms falling from the peak

Am I pursuing the light
or am I just chasing a shadow?
Dark clouds are due, I seem to have lost sight

O whistle me a tune of comfort for my despair
let me hear your soothing whispers
so I may rest knowing that you are there.
"Your silence weakens me."
Brie Pizzi Jul 2017
After a toxic relationship everyone tells you that you deserve better. You agree but you don't usually feel that way. You can't understand how someone you loved, someone you thought at one point was perfect, turned out to be so wrong for you. You start to think that you deserve what happened to you; that you were stupid enough to not see the warning signs. You start to think that you can't do better than him, or that someone better doesn't even exist.

You're wrong.

Someone better is out there waiting for the chance to meet someone like you. You may not believe it, hell, I didn't believe it until it happened to me.

I thought I was never going to meet someone who could make me as happy as my ex did. Someone that I could share my passion with. Someone that I could click with instantaneously.

But I did.

It happens at different times for people so don't rush it. Some it can take a week; others months, maybe, even years.

Be patient.
Ty Mann Jul 2017
I want less hollow nights
And a loneliness that dissipates
I want the moon to shine from my chest
A glow that pulses with the rhythm of my heartbeat and accentuates the craters from every asteroid that'***** the surface.
I want stars in my eyes when I look at you.
I want love in my moon heart when I hug you ... hold you.  
I want time to be blissful and inaccurate. A mess of seconds, minutes and hours sped up and slowed down no longer indicating or defining any one experience.
And in the mess, I want to ponder that loss of structure with you.  
I want to feel whole and complete
In my brain and body
I want hope and unconditional respect for my genderless siblings and their conflicts.
I want patience for my own weaknesses
And forgiveness for my failures.
I want the strength to wake up
The courage to feed myself
And the confidence to keep moving
Reliving, reflecting
Prospecting, believing
Time ticks forward and backward, up and down.
I want calmness and leniency for my emotional process
Gentle touch from my friends and lovers
I want healing and self-love.
I want to sleep next to you
To learn to trust
To feel
To connect frayed threads from split ends of past wounds
Reconnecting emotions that only spark and never light
A gas stove that poisons the air awaiting ignition.
I've spent my spoons on people who have only learned to take.
I want to never forget how to give
Even to those who don't deserve it.
I want to forgive those who have hurt me and rejected me.
And I want to forgive myself for those I have hurt and rejected.
I want to find closure for pain that numbly aches in my cratered moon heart.
I want to make plans for the future
With hope in my mouth
As words tumble out
I want to see the sun rise and set in all its cliched glory.
I want to feel satisfied by simplicity
And welcome difficulty with determination emanating from my pores.
I want to be humbled by all the things I will never know and accepting of never knowing.
I want to sit with my sadness and console it with thoughtful kindness. I want to find the energy to walk through the fires of depression with strength and understanding.
I want to believe in my worth and that I am worthy.
I am worthy.
I want to surround myself with those who make me feel wanted and cared for.
Loved and understood.
I want to help others feel their worth and have patience with their process of understanding their own worth.
I want to be present for those I love.
And make sacrifices to maintain my own self-care.
I want to look at my craters
Truly see them
Even the deepest darkest ones
Accepting and acknowledging their presence and recognizing the change they have created in me, positively or negatively.
I want to breathe life into the air
And stay alive for another thirty years and another thirty after that.
I want to see the value in my life.
I want to live openly and thoughtfully.
Holding myself as well as others
Softly guiding ones who are lost through their sorrows
And accepting that some do not desire guidance nor are they in place to accept it.
I want to permeate positivity.
And not underestimate negativity.
I want to accept the light of the sun
Shining bright on my full moon heart
Bearing witness to all that there is and appreciating the wonder and beauty of the universe in all its vastness.
"because writing is a soft and hard place all at once" - Yrsa Daley Ward
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