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Jonathan Keeley Feb 2015
dried blood all over your hands
when will you stop trying to fight the man
we both know its just paint
Jade Melrose Feb 2015
I’ll paint the colour of your eyes
toffee brown
contrasting the crinkles beside
that always appear when you lie

I’ll paint the blue of your smile
the corners of your mouth
slightly upturned
with a quirk of your brow

I’ll paint the yellow in your laugh
your cheeks slightly tinged pink
the way your eyes twinkle
without uncertainty

Every tone and every hue
captured in brushstrokes that end too soon
But darling
I’ll always draw you gently, like a soft croon
Here is the finished
portrait of you.
Janielle Mainly Feb 2015
I'm taking the paint off my face,
I feel clean again, I feel me again,
Everyone expects a layer but I feel like a clown,
"Cover yourself" that's what you're told,
"Be like the rest, you're naturally broken,
fix yourself up, don't be so stubborn,
and learn to stand above the ground
but don't loose your balance or your temper".
As a woman there are a lot of pressures to be certain ways, this poem is the perspective of someone in that circumstance just trying to be themselves.
looking out into the street

there's a line a mile long

i haven't even opened yet

there must be something wrong

the line it stretches round the block

it doesn't make much sense

i feel a riot may break out

i start getting rather tense

the phone is ringing off the hook

i amazed at things i hear

i've never had a thought like that

i tell them 'stick it in your ear

they tell me, mate, that's just the point

i tell them to go on

i'm a paint store for the colour blind

i'm not a *** salon

for days the calls keep coming

i don't know what to say

i just run a small paint shop

known as fifty shades of grey
fifty shades of grey be ******
DaSH the Hopeful Feb 2015
The colors you provide are somehow tainted
I can't take it
Huffing paint makes me feel amazing
Green makes me feel jaded
Even though im homeless i pray i dont make it just to pledge allegiance to satan
Red makes me blue
Seeing her go
Disappear into hues
It had to be her
But i'd rather it you
I gather myself into a corner and blame myself
Allegations of chasing tail just to get head
Moments spent worthless as pennies when i'd rather be dead
OnwardFlame Feb 2015
Dribbling from our chins, I could mix
Up that jealous potion we both salivate
Into jars we store under our beds
Like a tigress in the night
I maul down my past,
But move really--very fast
Because I hate to wait.
Crying into my red wine
Tantrums you could somersault into
But you've got that something for me
So my long legs and I
We stop running.

I see you swagger into a brisk heat
My imagination twirling and throwing
Me into the streets of Philadelphia
I look at now, with a slight negativity
Take me away from here
I will take myself away from here
But my drumming ***** fills up
Every time I am placed in a paint soaked bathtub.

I direct and I describe things with a sense of urgency
All the while I feel the howling sensation
But I see your name flash and click before my mind
Place maybe, me in your pocket
I feel my impatience and need for more
Bury itself deep in my throat

Why, yes, thats me over here choking
On the kitchen cozy floor
But you are scared to view all my angsty work
So I purr and hum
In my little Breakfast At Tiffany's studio.

Falling the more you describe possibility
But you need so much more clarity
While blonde heads tell me I really should settle down
But I jump into clumps
While jesting, "Lets just get married."
But all I want is your hand in mine
I promise I could be the prettiest little thing
Of yours
But yes, there is a mane and fangs.

Trees and people covering the streets
In your little collared shirt, Spanish
Echoing from mouthes all around
So sorry to act like such a clown
But sometimes I feel like my pounding brain and heart combusts
And gets the better of me.

Gripping fingertips laugh and lick
My skin that you long to kiss from afar
Hold the computer so close,
But don't glorify what you don't have
You are so right
But at midnight
You are not mine to hold
For now, we murmur.

If I could find a little space
Filled with only glass windows
Splatter paint and red roses
I would let you watch from afar
If you wanted, darling button baby
As I flew and drew
Exactly what it meant to be away from you.

Maybe I am just a fool
Maybe I am too young
Maybe I am unappreciative of what I've got
But I won't stop pouring and swimming
In the paint of the world I long to create
So come join me in the club foot bathtub
Blue paint would go perfectly with your eyes.

Or maybe I just
A flicker of an emotion human beings
Give a name to: "sad."
I remember when past lovers would refer to my emotion
As "mad"
But the truth is that I am a kaleidoscope
Full and brimming with childish wonder.

And I can't even formulate
The palette of colors I feel tonight
Because text is not enough.

But if you wanna buy me the biggest
Nicest bag, you can find baby
Do so,
I will wear it in the bathtub
With my passport and Chicago traveling eyes
In hand.
WickedHope Feb 2015
Am I boiling beneath your skin yet
You waged war
When all I wanted was peace
Let's explode
Paint all over our bodies like canvases
I promised to paint you
And you promised me pianos and voices
Loudly roaring and softly muttering
I'm tired of all these promises to never lie
Never hurt me
You can't guarantee your future
Sure as hell not mine
So now that your skin
Bleeds purple and green
From my brush and needle
Are you ready
To believe me
Don't forget to breathe when I boil you through
For it was all you
You waged war
It's about **** time, Andrew
Mariah Feb 2015
i dream of you in color
old black and white portraits
on the kitchen counter
and i thought
i was the only one
who loved you.
you are so old fashioned
no message i ever send
seems to get through.
if love is a drug,
these are the side effects.
i hold a shell
up to my ear,
expecting to hear the ocean.
i hear nuclear tests
and the challenger explosion.
and i can't breathe anymore
when it stops my heart
just to know where you are.
and if someone asked you
things that are blue, you'd say,
the sky, the sea,
and all i can think of
is being every color in your life,
the paint to your palette.
but it is too late.
you are color blind and
you will never see how bright i am.
posted this earlier but HP was malfunctioning so i decided to delete it and post again.
Abigail B Jan 2015
It has become my salvation,
My savior,
My only home.

When I have nowhere to go
Or no one to see,
I find solace
In the blank white canvas
Placed in front of me.

While one’s sins
Disconnect from me,
I forget what they have done,
I forget the shambles
I forget the mistakes
And create a new life
For a little while.

I escape from the decisions
And actions
Of my past
To paint a beautiful picture
Of sunshine
And creation
To blind others
Of my distant self.
Dance With Me Jan 2015
Lightly graze your fingers across my bare skin leaving trails of sparks as a memory

Hold me in the ever forgiving basket that is your arms

Leave me for days in the shadow of lust

Give me a look that the stars would envy, keep it between us two

Explore me, map every inch of my unknown skin and call it yours

Paint kisses of color on my canvas below you

Dig your nails into me, leave the smile shaped scars as a Polaroid
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