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Colm Apr 2017
I close my eyes and pretend she's here
Wrapped up in my anxious arms
As the future which I hold most dear
Awaits elsewhere

And I am left alone to speak
And practice reciting the many things
Which one day she
Will want to know and about me

Quietly and patiently
I remind myself of all that's been
Of all I've tasted in this life
The bitter and the sweet

And slowly as I edge towards sleep
I am reminded with closing eyes
That in this moment were not meant to be
Together until she's next to me
Maria Etre Mar 2017
Find what you can't express
and pin it down in words

Find what you can't see
and fabricate it in fantasies

Find what you can't feel
and embody it in adventures

Find what you can't speak
and let your eyes vocalize

Find what you "can't"
and challenge yourself

Find what you "never"
and take it a step further
Arlene Corwin Mar 2017
Making Waffles In The Living Room #2
(a day in the life of an eccentric) improved version

With no one home to say a thing,
She lives out her free spirit.
Not a misfit,
Simply unconventional.

She’s making waffles,
But she wants to watch TV –
A favorite program on on Sunday.
Which will take priority?
Must one take priority?
Why not do them simultaneously?

She grabs a stool
And drags it to the living room.
Step one.
Carrying the still cold iron
Without fear of burn, she sets it
On the stool and plugs it in.
Old appliance, it goes on,
No On Off switch for use therein.
Step two.
Bearing big bowl brim-filled with batter,
Setting it with yogic balance
On said stool and splatter free, where it
Sits snugly on stool step,
Fitting snugly into step,
Spoon in hand, she spoons the batter
Spatter-free onto the iron piping hot;
Shuts the top and starts to wait.
One, two, three and on to plate,
All while watching Sunday’s fav’rite
Sunday program, Sunday film.
What subject for a poem!
Happy that there’s no one home
                                 to say a thing.
Fifteen waffles later,
Piled high and fully sated,
Not in tummy, but in mind -
Iron back in place
No drop or drip to waste,
And no one is the wiser.

from the Greek ekkentros, from ‘ek ‘out of’ + kentron ‘center’.

Making Waffles In The Living Room 3.20.2017
A Sense Of The Ridiculous II; I Is Always You Is We;
Arlene Corwin
Even better the next day
Siann Choate Mar 2017
I know I'd make it on my own
nothing new
It's all I've known.
Making decisions on what to eat
trying hard just to make ends meet

knowing what to do
knowing what comes next
Thinking about what?
I know whats best.
Acuriousnature Feb 2017
If you're telling me that I'm just running away,
It's just all the more reason for me to go.
This poem-> basic lazy effortless heartless.
But. It's allmyeffort. Buried beneath the surface.

"If it comes back, that's when you'll know."
SZ Dec 2016
I hope your next girl takes care of you.
I hope she always tells you
how much she misses you.
I hope she never hesitates to
love you.
David P Carroll Dec 2016
I yearn for her to be with me
I need her next to me in life
To feel her next to me in life
And no she is truly with me
Next in life she is inside my heart
Forever she will be next to me in life.
David P Carroll
Next To Me
Dwalker Sep 2016
Every step you take your going somewhere
Every step you take back your losing something
Everytime you hug me I hug you back
Everywhere you go I follow you
Everywhere you stand I stand
Everywhere you've been I'm going
So where to next
Raghu Menon Sep 2016
Are we change makers?
Do we really influence others in a positive way?
Do we really matter to others?
Do we really care for others?

Doesn't matter what others think of us
Doesn't matter whether others care what we say
Or what we do,
We keep doing the things
Which we feel is good for the world
Good for the next generation

If they listen, good
If not, we don't stop
what we have been doing
but continue with our spirit
and commitment of
bringing some change,
however minuscule it might be

Because we are not concerned
about the publicity we get or not
we just want to bring in change
the way things are transacted
and carried out...

Because the world can not continue
doing business as usual
things are going out of hand
things are going to disintegrate..

Let us be the change-makers
even if others don't care
don't listen
time will come when what we do
is seen and appreciated..

we are the
you can also be ..
let us unite and work
for a common bright future...
Miranda Renea Jun 2016
I wonder of all the things
I've forgotten. Of who I
Was when I knew them,
And who I'll be when I
Learn again. Strange;
When a sound seems so
Familiar, yet falling in
Love with the melody as
Though it was the first.
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