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Even though we just met,
it's felt like I've known you forever,
I can't get enough of our time together.
I didn't know the meaning of eternity,
until you met me,
and every moment with you,
is just a slow dance,
a ticking clock,
I never want it to stop,
keeping my mind and spirits up,
and with you I'm always on top.
I didn't know the meaning of eternal,
before you,
something that can take me far and beyond,
and I know it'll never end.
I've never been this comfortable so fast,
it helps ensures that I know this will last.
I'm starting a journey that will last forever,
and I don't know where it'll go but I know I never,
want this to end.
You see how good we mesh,
how we just clicked,
and how there's nothing that could get you to hate me.
My favorite moments is how we talk all night,
all day,
about everything.
I've opened myself up in ways to nobody else,
and given you an insight to how I work,
and I know you're always be my worth.
If I ever had to pick one moment that would last forever,
it'll be any moment that I've had with you,
because you're so special too.
Crystal Freda Aug 2018
Precious moments
I cherish each one.
All the memorable
when we had fun.
Even the sad ones
you were there for me.
I couldn't be sad,
you make me happy.
I hold your hand
and you have my side.
You love me,
you are my guide.
Andrew Aug 2018
Rushing down the bustling streets,
Bumping into one after another,
So many goals, too much to accomplish.
And in the midst of all the chaos,
for a brief moment,

                            I can feel her once more.
ok okay Aug 2018
Live for the moment
Blank out the past
Rejoice in the present
Learn to smile and laugh

Forget about sadness
Numb yourself from pain
Ignore others problems
Congratulations you are deranged
madness is a part of everyone
Patricia LeDuc Aug 2018
Today my sister died…or maybe it was yesterday
I’m not really sure …how… why… or  when… it doesn’t matter now
If only I could talk to her again
I would let her know…
That If I knew that our brief encounter would be our last
I could have been kinder
The words flew thru out of my mouth
I wish I could take them back
Yes maybe I could have been a better sister
You pushed me away so much
That I had no reason the stay
You were wicked… spiteful… and …mean…
But you were my sister
You never moved on with your life
You suffered from the day Daddy died
Never to love again…
Your high expectations were written in stone…
In your cold …broken… sad… heart
You never knew the love you so needed
You never got what you deserved
You asked so little of life
Yet should have gotten the world
Your life was not sprinkled with true happiness
You were loved...but only felt pain
Why I will never know…
You had so much love to give
But you never found peace..
In life and
Now death
I now wish you peace
I wish you love
I wish you were here with me again
(roll your eyes at me…I know you want to)
Love is for giving
Love is Forgiving
I wish that from you…
Rest in heaven my sister
Rafał Aug 2018
Blatant, unruly, defiant.
Wither away into silence.

Continuous, repetitive and tangled
Existence will cover you like a blanket.

I lay beneath the vastness of nothingness
As my heart follows the finite actions
For our date the sky has been fully dressed
Elegant, yet flashy, the ultimate fashion.

Hazy, gloomy and distracted.
I simply exist for a moment.
Somehow, this planet is where I have landed
But I'm strictly headed to destination "nowhere"
maddy lynda Aug 2018
in the moment you were
from perfect,
in the moment I was hurting

in my memories the hurt is blurred,
and I can't help but miss not you,
but the idea
of us
they say hindsight is 20/20 right ?
Shadow Dragon Aug 2018
I saw us in that moment,
three circles interwine
in a venn diagram.

Making me dry of words,
just because in that moment
I had nothing to make me dark.

I never thought I could find
what I just had a sip of
and I have never been more thirsty.

It's tea with no need for sugar,
It's a perfect milkshake
and an olive in the martini.

Now you tell me,
for my world is lost.
What am I now suppose to write about?
Haylin Aug 2018
There's a comforting feeling,
seeing that number on my phone,
feeling that panic,
closing my eyes quickly
and making a wish,
that I know won't come true.
OC Aug 2018
Back and forth, a charming wobble
On a rugged rag she hops
Chasing traces of burst bubbles
Left by little soapy drops

Lightly pruned palms gently pressed
Hid behind a fresh new towel
In a formal evening dress
Like a royal clumsy fowl

A relentless Déjà vu
Is refusing to clear up
Like a lipstick smudge that drew
On the lip of a tea cup

Nearly done, a dreamy gaze
Smiling as she turns about
For her beauty I do praise
We chose to stay and not dine out
An old favorite.
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