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CMD Nov 2014
I wonder what would happen if you left my side for even a moment,
because there are so many things that you seem to be holding together within me.
My heart has been sewn together piece by piece,
each thread a kiss and a hug and a whispered 'I love you'.

I wonder what would happen if you left my side for even a moment,
because there are so many things holding us together.
When you hurt I feel your pain and when you celebrate I feel your joy,
as if there are strings in our minds that send shocks down my spine
every time you feel.

I wonder what would happen if you left my side even for a moment,
because without you I am no longer the me I have become.
You give me strength and courage, love and kindness
to become someone I had only dreamt of
before you came along.
Kagami Nov 2014
Lets be gentle,
Lets savor the
and lose ourselves
in the way we taste
Lets whisper
against our lips
as though we've
never heard
each other's voice.
Lets kiss in a way
that will bind us,
tangle us inside
a storybook.
kailasha Oct 2014
You came over and
sat next to me
I froze the moment
and that is where
i'll be.
Did this actually even happen? Nobody knows :P
I thought that saying goodbye,
would be the hardest thing to say to you.
And in a way it was,
but in another it wasn't.
It felt sad; it felt exhilarating.

I thought that love, all kinds,
meant giving you're all to someone.
But it doesn't, it means something more.
It means that you give them a piece
of yourself for them to cherish,
and they do the same.

But you can't give something away,
that doesn't exist.
I didn't understand at first,
but now I do.

I never loved myself,
I loved you.
I used to feel I would die
with joy from being around you.

And then I woke up one morning,
and I realized that I did die.

That the every miniscule piece of who I was,
had ceased to exist.
I realized that I was empty,
and always had been.

So instead of killing myself for your love,
I lived for my own.

And now I drive around,
listening to Tom Petty,
wearing red lipstick;
lips wrapped around the back half of a cigarette..

And I am so happy.

I feel free.
I feel like I can conquer anything,
because I escaped a painful death;
a death by you.

But then it was time to say "Hello again.."
and it was harder than goodbye.
It brang back the memories of sadness.
Of lonliness.
Of being afraid.

Then the moment passed...

*And I still feel free.
Sometimes I wish we would have met today instead.. I think we might have been better to each other.
Katlyn Orthman Oct 2014
I was alive for a moment
Truly felt the wind brush my skin
Felt it thread it's fingers in my hair
Felt it caress my heart from within

It was a moment
Fleeting in it's wispy form
It was a moment that I felt

It was then I could raise my head
But alas, the moment past
and again I was dead
That perfect moment when your between steps
When you dare to look at the sky
And watch the marshmallows floating by

That perfect moment when time stands still
As you watch the birds on the window sill

That perfect moment when you meet for the first time
And you can't catch a gulp of air
As you wonder how someone so perfect is there

That perfect moment when you walk under the autum tree
The falling leaves a perfect sight
Like colorful birds taking flight

That perfect moment when that first snowflake falls
Gently coating your chilly head
And you forget the winter dread

That perfect moment when you watch the children play
And you remember when you were young
And all the crazy things you did for fun

That perfect moment when you roll down a hill
As your head hits the soft plush grass
You realize how small the world may be
And your a tiny speck of happy impossible to see

Then all these fleeting moments are gone
Forgotten verses in life's unending song
Please like if you've ever felt a tiny moment like this for just a second ( or if you like my poem) and please repost, not enough people appreciate the small things in life
Those little moments*
When you realise something
You could never be good enough
Christian Reid Oct 2014
Holding hands with my shadow
the source becomes apparent
as subtle nuances conglomerate,
the boundaries between them dissolve
my awareness begins to loosen
its grip on self-inflicted illusions
making room for
-- This Very Moment --
the culmination of pulsating particles
subjectively self-willed  .  .  .

The difficulty becomes
A source of ease as
perspectives adjust
the dust settles
& the inherent perfection
of each idiosyncrasy
dulls the duality of
my self-conception
Eu Claudio Oct 2014
let the clock stay frozen in time
let your lips be touched by mine
all the cells of our bodies working together
let just stop this ******* clock forever

here in the dark
let our souls be one
please let our souls be one
you know what I'm talking about

don't let this moment be just one more
please feel this second like you never felt before
don't kiss and smile
kiss me and stay still for awhile

look me in the eyes
show me you love me
show me you feel me
don't show me lies

cause if it's just for ***
I'll try to find love somewhere else
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