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keith daniels Aug 2024
my body moves from point to point
- endless paths and promontories -
swimming cross-current
at the edge of a great fall.
consciousness lays wait below:
a sense of self;
awareness larger than itself,
older than my life.

traversing growing spheres from time to time
- moments made by difference -
racing at standstill
down a vast and shattered pane.
decisions marked in lines:
a shift in form.
evolving minds beyond our space
(a)part (from/of) all that is.
An explosion of life.
Mark Wanless Aug 2024
i saw the master
in my mind
it was me
Hadrian Veska Aug 2024
A faint feeling of deja vu
A feeling, that I've been here before
But did something different
Something better than what I managed

I reel in the waves of my own mind
Crashing in on themselves
A never-ending circular sea
Hurdling through the depths of space

After minutes spanning hours
I come back to myself
Or at least the one present here
Observing with a skewed awareness

A last rolling wave washed over me
Something calming and refreshing
With just the right amount of power
To firmly hold me yet not threaten me

And it was just that, I thought
I was only observing life
Present, yet a mere passerby
Even in my own actions

I was watching someone else's life unfold
From the first-person view
And lately I didn't like
The direction they were taking

For a moment I felt the warmth of the sun
If only briefly in my mind
As if for the very first time I noticed
The boundless vitality it possessed  

And indeed, I did possess it too
Nicky Aug 2024

Why is the desired result a teary reaction?
Can’t people just be straight within their social interaction?
Reacting quickly and at times without control
Followed by isolation into an introverted hole

Impossible situation, dangerous communication
A feeling of anger and psychological stagnation
Why is the desired result a teary reaction?
A desperate thirst for egotistic satisfaction!
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2024
A thousand acres of land, beautifully crying-
their grasses shimmering in the rains after dampness
Tails of shapely evergreens; plants undressed and robust
seed heads, beguiling death- buried in the means of finding self

Folios upon the wings of fowls;
as towels hang on the rails of the skies, as perfect white clouds
The dust of the sun, covers asbestos rooftops in a light brown;
darkness wears a frown, on the faces of people who patrol around
the nights, of doing their personal business without an innocent sound
Soulmates of stars crash into each other, each time they're falling in love-
in and out, is the hunger for any more time; both for the belly buttons
that go in and out

Kisses of dreams for bare bones: bending over to a bent red sky;
a sheepish lover to the shepherd’s delight- still a bit shy, from a child
My door opens to one’s suggestion; hangs a welcome sign on a string
…welcome to the house of my mind; please don’t stay awhile.
David Cunha Aug 2024
from the depths it comes, expands.
Tears, joy, holy grail
- David Cunha
august 17, 2024
4:08 a.m.
After meditation
Mark Wanless Aug 2024
sparrows of the mind
fall unnoticed
Mark Wanless Aug 2024
making music in my mind
such a strange song
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