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Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2024
A pack of cigarettes in hand
Smokes burned one by one
Smudges stain top of nightstand
Blinds shut to block the glaring sun
Holes worn through T-shirt
High-tops laced tight
Welcome mat encrusted in dirt
Dimly-lit room depressing sight
You are expert deceiver
Exactly like father
So long I've been a believer
Start wondering why I bother
Trying to tame restless feet
Directions walked previously unknown
Pressured to presume defeat
Surrender and let roam
I complain about insights I uncover
Problems too heavy to hold
Compulsive liar yet my lover
Think your excuses are growing old
Quick to clamber to conclusions
Can admit that much is true
You fill our house with illusions
A haze so thick I can't view through
You're straying from path I'm on
Desperate to save our love from getting sick
Play games with my head and string me along
Enjoying the agony you inflict
Your soul beautiful yet wild
Voice is music to my ears
Have done anything for you to smile
Guess now that means my presence disappears
Never next to you was I able to see straight
Adoration rendered me blind
Now I'm alone my vision returns too late
Answers revealed I was too afraid to find
Five in the morning
Can't sleep
Tormented memories
Stories told in time until I lose track
Moments perfectly carved in mind pester and tease
I yearn for the universe I'll never get back
Written 3-8-21
George Krokos Aug 2024
A trained martial artist knows how to move
because that is the way he's able to groove.
He often turns quickly and looks all around
then at times jumps or leaps off the ground.
Balanced and ready to show one his skill
by these movements he is able to thrill.
You can easily get captivated by his speed
which seems so very impressive indeed.
A swift block, ****** or kick he deploys
all the measures of self defense employs.
It's amazing what a disciplined life can do
as both the body and mind will benefit too.
Written in the 2nd half of 2020.
Ave Maria Aug 2024
I fear at times that I don’t know if my true self is still within me
Sometimes I fear she’s gone away
Sometimes I catch glimpses of her
In poetry I have saved, yet no one cares to read it, at least not fully through
I understand what Kurt said in his last note
Needing to be unfeeling, in desperate attempts to regain enthusiasms that were once had in years of early childhood
I feel utterly alone most days
Many years I have yearned for something I do not even know what is
What am I without my writing? What am I with it?
I can never write consistently, I can never predict what I will feel from one day to the next, yet many days feel the same
And there lingers the same utter pain
Writers block is an unintentional passion of mine
Fear is my best friend
Sadness is one of my greatest companions
Nostalgia appears several times a week
Anger eats me alive
Am I anything but a mere tragedy? A copy of other poets who have lost their minds? Am I original enough? Why must I feel the need to be so unique, to over explain everything I have ever felt?
Ghxstcxt Aug 2024
Hyper fixated
my mind keeps on racing
with entwined and abrasive
slights to my native ways and my nature
always finding a way to
sabotage and engrain a
sense of imminent danger
along with the worst ways to
mend and to gauge
making positive changes
on how I appear to myself in my brain
I'm hyper fixated
My mind keeps on racing...
Psych-o-rangE Jul 2024
What is this feeling at night?
A long drawn out cry
Hurting me
Be free, be free
Be free, be freedom
A heavy heart hurdles a beat

I can't breath - I can't breathe - I can't breathe
Help me, help me

Mom, Dad
I miss you
I even miss parts of you I never had
I miss being your son
I am the son you never had, I am a mask

It was at this point
He stopped caring about A to B
He dared to breathe
He dared to be
He cared for peace
He cared for sleep

He stared at his heart and mind until
in his bed he was blessed to be blind
Edit: I accidentally wrote "started" instead of "stared". This is what happens when you get inspired but your eyes are dumb tired.
It’s amazing how an addiction, can grow,
Taking over the human mind, cell phones, televisions,
Computers, the largest ever, to attack, the human race.
Think about the past, television, was totally free,
They start to sucker you in, then they say, cable & satellite,
You pay a fee, there will be no commercials on your TV?,
Your water or gas bills, at your home, you pay for what, you use,
Everyday, to put things in prospective, your television, and sewer,
They charge what ever they want, for waste, no meter, that’s,
Twenty four hours a day, if your home or away. Then they took,
Over the cell phone business, the same people, if not, their bed partners,
How else could they, sync everything together, without your permission,
Any time, on any day? The make many think the cell phone is what,
Keeps them alive, many would be totally lost, with no screens to stare,
At, just for the average person, many hours, in one day.  Vacations,
Use to be a getaway, relax, Leave the phone at home, no way.
People store, more personal information on their phone, than,
They would discuss, with their best friend on any day,
It’s sad, to think humans trust, strangers, more than people,
Close to them, and pay them, and they have no responsibility,
If all of your information was stolen away. Many people,
Can share a home, car, even a pet, mind control,
Share a cell phone, no way!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 02/11/2024 A.D.
Jeremy Betts Jul 2024
No minds eye
No dream of a brighter night sky
No minds eye
Trouble seeing through most any lie
No minds eye
A lack of one inside but yet I still cry
Can't go face to face or eye to eye
How friggin' broken am I?

the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present
He is an alert child,
trapped in the predicament of
growing up,
swollen with a forceful,
armed heart,
sinking in an intensifying
neutral panic,
in the middle of innocuous paradise.
hungry for tranquility
among a ripe, fruity spring.
Mark Wanless Jul 2024
the time of peace is
in my mind only and i
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