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Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My Everlove.

With your hands over my eyes, I am left to surmise,
That I will never again be alone.
With my soul in your light, I will forever be able to shine,
Because I stand at your side with pride;
My heart has found its home.

When the darkness appears, you banish it all away.
Your breath on my neck, those words that you say,
Allow me to be.
I am waiting on peace.
With your arms around me, my troubles all drift away.

The world fades away, we become one being.
Dreaming of seeing you again;
You give my life new meaning.
You are my reason to work even harder,
To write for longer,
To become stronger;
To become the epitome of me.
The best I can be.
You raise my spirits and release me;
I am free.

You are what I believe in
And when I see you I have to grin.
You force me to smile with your absence of guile.
Only truth spoken, pledges unbroken,
Trustworthy words; breathing emotions.

I want to breathe you into my heart.
I want to inhale your love,
Because I love all that you are…

You shall forever be My Everlove.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
KB Jun 2018
Aches. Pains.
When does it stop?
From one year old,
all I endure was aches and pain.
Stiff. Crack. Pop. Joint.
The words to my disease.  
Rheumatoid. Arthritis.

From a child,
all I was told to take these pills to help the pain.
The pills that were suppose to be magical as I was told as a child.
Magical pills to take the ease of the aches and pain.

Time has pass, as I am older than now and still dealing with the aches and pain.
I learned to not let those words define me but reshape me.
Make me whole and accept that I am me.
I am stronger today than I was yesterday.
Yes the pain doesn't stop
But what I can control is my thoughts on my disease.
Stiff. Crack. Pop. Joint.
Those words will follow me to the endless of time
It will not control me.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Love is in the air and today brings the sunshine;
The clouds spread apart before my eyes, revealing paradise.
In just a moment I will begin a new life;
Heaven is full of love and oh so good, that I can tell no lie.

Joy is found everywhere.
It can even be found, when needed, when you never expected it.
Somehow I was able to find joy,
In those days when my life was being wasted.

And now I have risen up on giant eagle wings;
I have flown high above the world, upon this huge beast.
I have been carried up and away into the sky;
All it took to reach this beautiful place was my saving sacrifice.

Now joy I have found, as I am surrounded by this light;
In those darkest of times I doubted, but now I am found.
Upon a cloud I sit with an angel at my side;
She speaks of love, life and magic
And I simply smile, because she is so profound.

I used to believe joy was only falling in love on Earth;
But now I am above you all, I can see everything for what it is worth.
In this new world of beauty, peace and love;
I have found my worth at last and they tell me my heart is good.

I may not always say the sweetest things;
But the things they say are sweet to me.
So who am I to question this place?
When the love radiates, from every face that I see.

No longer those confused faces, down there in your land;
No longer confusion reign’s…now I understand.
No longer together with those I loved down there;
But they will join me in their own time,
So I will be patient and I will always care.

In peace I am found, happy on the inside;
Guardian angels relax in the sunlight and I have all the time.
No need to worry about what will happen in the future;
I can see it, it is beautiful…this is my happily ever after.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Your eyes have become a mirror for me,
I look into your eyes and you allow me to be;
The man I thought I would always become.
The happy, loving, man who can be loved.

The blue of your eyes; stays still like the lake,
We stare at each other with nothing to hide.
Yet somehow we both know there is more to be discovered,
About our new lover; about our new life.

You see my beauty, you have my heart,
I always think of you, whenever we are apart.
For I adore the kindness of your soul,
You open your love to me, so I can let myself go.

You let me have no fear of being hurt,
I can think of a future with you at my side.
Some of the words I say will be lost if not heard
But my love for you will never be hidden from your eyes.

To hug you and to hold you; is Heavenly to me,
To kiss your soft lips allows me to be free.
From any pain or hurt causing feeling,
You make my mind wander as I begin to daydream.

My eyes awaken and there you stand before me,
A vision of lust who lets me be,
Open to show you my true desires,
Who allows my passion to burn like a raging fire.

Nothing must come between us,
All I need is us to be in lust,
In love and hand in hand together,
My love you have my love from now until never.

Simply put, you drive me nuts,
All I think is: all that really matters is us.
If we are happy and madly in love,
Then nothing but nothing can do damage to us.

Other people we are able to aid,
Our love for each other does not need to be saved.
When I am alone I feel the severed limb syndrome,
Part of me is missing, until you come home.

And home has now been shifted,
My heart has now been lifted.
My mood has changed from despair to here,
In love with you, needing you near.
Holding you, kissing you,
Loving you, missing you.
Doing nothing by your side,
I thank you for pleasure and changing my life.

All I have is all I need,
Well maybe another jay or two of ****.
But you make my heart complete,
You make my nightmare life a dream.

I love you, I love you,
I love you, I do.
I only wish for you to truly love me,
As much as I love you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Once upon a mind.

A lonely soul sleeps inside my heart.
It has given up on trying to be my star.
The light has dimmed; the finish has begun to become duller.
I have never been anything other than sullen
And now my soul is no watercolour.

Scatter no seeds, for nothing will grow,
Inside this black hole that I call my soul.
I cannot take hold of a direction in which to go,
Because I am unable to see ahead, when I am without hope.

No more, no less;
The same phrase repeats again.
What more can I say when all is gone so far away?
Out of reach, but never out of mind;
Still it lingers at the fore front of a head without design.
Clutter, splutter, mix me with resent;
No chance to repent,
No choice to have left.

Just left behind, by a love life that has moved on to be happy
And found itself a new home, as I lie inside my cemetery.
Gone from this diseased soul, formed from insecurities.
It has escaped and taken my heart with it and from me.
Now I am soulless and never free to dream without regret.
Continuously delirious,
So easy to detest.
Once upon a mind, love has exploded
And now there is no trace left.

No Jessica Rabbit to find,
No saving emo.
No happy me;
Just where ego, I go.

My body moves of its own accord.
I am too bored to give it orders,
When I am busy crawling up the wall,
In search of just one thing that even matters!
Life is no adventure and I am the mad hatter.

Lost in a wonderland of my own mind’s creations.
I fall down (a rabbit hole) and break an ankle.
I am no longer in contention,
To be a contender for the title of most loved.
Just stuck in the mud with no tears left to wash it all off;
Gone is my chosen destiny…I have given up.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Good woman

Looking for a good woman;
Been looking for her my whole life through.
Searching for some good lovin’;
This is my search and it leaves me feeling so blue.

Tryin’ to find her, looking everywhere I go.
I’m just looking for a good woman.
Won’t you give me directions to her, if you know?
I’m just looking at the women as they all pass on by.
Waiting on a good woman.
I’ve been waiting my whole life.

I’ve met the most beautiful roses,
And they all wilted away.
I’ve seen the brightest moonbeams,
And they all faded with the passing days.
I’ve woken up next to Goddesses,
And I’ve slept next to ugly hearts.
I’ve wasted too much time on empty dresses.
I’ve broken pieces of me that can’t be cured with stars.

I’m singing songs of lovin’,
But I’m lonely as a bee.
I’m writing poems about love,
But love is a thing I ain’t ever seen.
I’ve seen a thousand imitators,
And I’ve wined and dined a million fakes.
I’ve listened to other people’s stories;
All the lovers and all those I hate.
I could never believe their souls were good for me,
Because all I have ever known is misery.

Still time to find a good woman, they say.
I’ve still got time on my hands, so I pray.
I’ve been sitting on my hands forever.
I hope opposites truly do attract,
Because I am such a stupid man,
And I am still left here waiting for my love-life to get better.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

As the darkness falls, I feel the walls are closing in.
There is no chance of escape.
My mind, it calls.
A universe of all my thoughts are keeping me awake.

The fear is here, the dreaded time.
Half past midnight, no light,
Just frightened of the future ahead.
Lying in bed alone, in the altogether, thinking about the here and now.

Tomorrow is just another ordinary day, they say.
I think not; give it all you have got, or fail again,
To find my feet, my spot, my place, in this empty world.
I am an empty glass; I need a place to exist.
Money earned means nothing to me,
Because love is free if you give it your all.
Cash is only paper, metal works too.
I want for nothing, so nothing soothes.

My mind a mathematician, counting sheep.
I am currently at two thousand and seventeen
And I am bored of everything,
Because I have no one to count on, or entertain,
My vain brain that only thinks about me;
All I truly care about right now is sleep.

I took an early night to book an earlier flight,
But my dreams are all delayed…
I am sure they will arrive in due time,
But I have to wait with nothing on my mind,
Because there is nothing that interests me.

My hopes and wishes are all so boring,
That you do not need to see.
I will not mention, guess what;
I will simply carry on with this pointless tale I tell.
I reach into the well and find a day so sunny;
Wouldn’t it be funny if animals could talk…

Time to get up, stand up and take a walk.
I drag myself out of bed this morn
And spend all day yawning, when nothing is boring,
So people see a distorted truth, an illusion,
Hence the confusion that follows my soul.
They all watch me as I go; true heart remains unknown.

Then I leave them all behind, close my eyes
And climb into my bed alone.
I wrap the quilt around my heart to keep me warm,
Because my love…life is…so cold.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Fear of commitment

It seems you want to see me laughing.
I think I could try, but where is the fun?
It seems you want to see me happy,
But the scratches down my back have long since gone.

Maybe I could find a way to begin chatting up,
But the silence I hold. What is love?
No more for the meter,
I have a wheel clamp on the tongue.
It seems I should by now be with my love,
But this continuous car crash that is my love life…
It just ain’t letting up.

I crash and burn at each and every turn.
If only I could take control of this life that I live,
But I am only ever destined to be hurt
And to lose my hope in everything.

The smile I raise will never grow up;
The lies I tell keep me grounded.
My ego has a life of its own, so it’s tough,
To keep my mind on the level.
No safety net, I fall alone…unbounded.

I see a light, I follow it,
It only leads me to where I once was.
I ignore the light and wander blind,
I walk in the dark; I end up lost
And then I see another reflection in a mirror;
Another time when I was myself
And there I see I am no nearer to leaving this maze,
This endless place I dwell.

The walls I put up are a hundred feet tall;
No horizon to be seen or to chase after.
The map to this life is never written, just walked;
One mistake at a time,
So gone is my laughter.

I see the end, the gate is locked;
I climb over the top and down I drop.
When I get to the other side,
I find myself back at the beginning.
Woe is my revolving life.

Around and around in circles I go,
Into love I fall so deep it hurts.
I pick myself up and wait until it is long ago,
Then I fall again, repeating those empty words I hear from her.

Now they mean nothing,
Hoping for something to change,
But it all remains the same.
Love is just a revolving door with a queue.
Waiting on someone.  Waiting on you.
Serving you drinks, while you kiss and hug him.
Waiting to leave all of this!
But love is my cage and I am locked in.

So I waited…until I broke;
Never to be repaired.
Never again!
Never again will I wait,
To once more go away to allow me to breathe air.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

If there is a chance I could be with someone as beautiful as you,
Then that is a chance I want to take.
If there is no chance, then I can relax,
Move on and allow other women to walk into my life.
If I had to pick, I would pick only you,
Because you make my heart shine.

If you do not want me, then I guess it will never be,
But I think we could have had a good time.
Feelings come and go and if I must, I will go meet another,
But the truth is I do want you to be my lover.

So this is the chance I am going to take.
I will speak first and for your reply I will wait.
You are stunningly beautiful;
How do you feel about me?
Could you ever love me one day?
If the answer is yes, then please tell me.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Never the never

If all was to disappear in front of your eyes,
Would you still reach out for me?  
In an echo chamber I am only ever,
Calling out for you to hear the words that I need to speak.

If I was to whisper, into a gale force wind,
Would you find a way to hear the words that I say?  
If I am gone in the morning light, as you open your eyes,
Would you still reach out for me?  
Would I still be near...?
Would you find a way?

You resonate, around my mind,
When ear plugs are in, to drown the din,
Of everything that I can’t help but think.  
When I am blind drunk you are still the only one;
A sight for sore eyes, that feels right inside.  
I keep you next to my heart, to never be torn apart,
By your absence or absinthe; a step too far.  

We are in a three legged race to the finish.  
Broken wishes, broken promises;
Never heart’s in broken pieces.  
We regenerate each other every day with the words we each say
And in the way we move in tune, so soon, I am with you again,
As without you could never even be considered.  
All the love, I have to give; if selected,
I would never again have a heart of wither.  

With or without, you are priceless; no selling out.  
Counting diamonds as they escape from your mouth
And leave me intent on making this last.  
You are my first; you will be my last.  
You take me past the past and into forever.  
I am statue, made human by you.  
Brought to life by your promise of never the never.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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