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Gideon 5d
Loud head. Silent mouth.
Loud thoughts. Empty words.
Loud pain.
Screaming, deafening pain.
Zack Ripley Feb 23
I don't know how to explain it,
But somehow, it seems like the world
Has gotten louder AND quieter
At the same time
I sit on the cold tile
outside my class
people walking by
cold digging into my ***

the squeak and buzz of basket ball boys
girls laughing around the corner.
I work on my project
my poems
my life

and somehow it doesn't get any warmer.
currently in the school hall because I had a panic attack again IN ******* CLASS
Jeremy Betts Jan 1
It's twelve something in the morning
A vague block of time past
The empty celebration
I meander outside
Hopelessly alone,
Just me and a cigarette
And when it burns out,
No longer lit
I'll then yell and scream
Louder than I can
Untill my voice gives up on me too
Finally leaving me
And I can no longer
Even call upon a whisper
As I make the biggest decision of my life... least up to this point...
To go solo for what's left of this venture
Where I hope to discover
The entity
That I've heard called Jeremy

the piercing screams of little children
"no no no!"
i dont want a shot
screaming crying help
but nothing shows
trying to stop the noise from
consuming you as it creeps in
with tendrils made of
that you have ever or will ever make
but now
you're silent
as you war in your head
clutching your knees wishing you
couldn't hear plugging your ears its too much
its too much its too much its too much
its so hard to breath or move or do anything at all
because everything makes a sound and theres already
Hannah Willker Dec 2024
I blame the chemicals
Rome wents up in flames
Sometimes I wish I weren’t the one to say
That is just my mind
That’s not who I am
To quiet when it dies
To loud when people scream
I see them reach for me

I beg you on my knees to stay
That’s all I seem to do these days
As if your shadow would be mine
You say
“That’s the curse of a loud mind”

I wish it weren’t mortal truth
In my head I’d give it up for you
I’d loose the crown, the chaos and the pain
And I’d dance, I’d dance right in those flames

You’d blow them out
Just one by one
And in your hand a loaded gun
“Peace always needed people dead”
And you’d lift it to the emperors head
For as long as I can remember I was in love with art and history. 'The fire of rome' a painting from Hubert Robert inspired this poem as well as the whole historical event. Natures catastrophes and history are both destructive things the human race cannot seem to escape. Just as we seem to be stuck in cycles of thoughts and bad habits and sometimes love can lend a hand.
Icarus Dec 2024

Let me make you whole again.
Let my blood quench your thirst and my flesh fulfill your hunger.
Let me be part of you.

Become something other than
Something greater than

Peal my exterior and strip me of my identity,
For I am nothing if not helpful.

I must be those things because if I am not,
Who will ******* soul?
Who will find me desirable?

What am I if not consumed?
Jeremy Betts Dec 2024
"How can she be so awful
Then walk around almost proud?"
I say to myself but out loud
While the only thing around
Is this lingering black cloud
So did I even make a sound?

fish-sama Dec 2024
The faint patters of a marimba
greets your entrance, my love,
harmonics strung behind
silken curtains of muted chords
all is quiet but deafening in the beating of my heart.
Kalliope Dec 2024
Do I go crazy or have I always been here?
Chaos is the comfort, the peace causes panic
None of it makes sense,
Could I be going manic?
I'm craving a quiet mind,
No thoughts, no racing to save the day, But when I find that comfort?
My insides are in complete disarray
And do you think I'm crazy?
Have I ever been okay?
I guess it doesn't matter,
I'll do something crazy either way
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