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Phoenix Jan 2016
We had fun,
Throwing rocks at every beach we stopped at.
Kids yelling,
throwing sand.
Little baby boys screaming,
Face-planting the sand...
Beach to beach
Pebbles and stones
Into the water
Until there was one,
With rocks not for throwing,
But for stacking.
Not destroying,
But building.
Think of landmarks you know. There are the big ones, nationally known, touristy places. There are the landmarks that are more personal to us -- in our towns, in our relationships. Write a poem about landmarks, big or small. Here's a parameter you are welcome to ignore if you'd like, but if you don't, try to write this in at least 4 3-lines stanzas.
Shay Dec 2015
With golden curls, snow white skin and eyes
full of fervour while sparkling like lightning lit skies,
she was a free-spirited girl unlike any I've ever seen,
who believed in everything and saw the world as it could've been.
She spent so much happiness that she alone didn't have on people who ****** the life out of her,
Still she gave all the kindness that she possessed hoping that one day the same for her would occur.
Then the world she loved burned and crashed - fell apart overnight,
and the light within her no longer shone bright,
she suffocated under all the debris
asking herself "why does this always happen to me?"
and the pressure to be perfect and be everybody's hero broke her in two,
so she sits on the edge of Seven Sisters cliff with her life hanging by a thread, watching the view.
One shuffle forward could send her to her death;
and the excitement for oblivion catches her breath.
The river below screams "head into my waters so deep,
and let me offer you the protection of an eternal sleep",
With unkempt hair, snow white skin and eyes
so lifeless; the world succeeded in their attempt to demonize
a once free-spirited girl - she no longer believes
so she takes that shuffle forward, grows her angel wings and everybody grieves.
Shay Dec 2015
How freeing it is to fall through the sky,
the rush of adrenaline as you begin to fly.
Flying high like a bird once you've jumped from a height,
eyes closed and arms spread out in the midst of the moonlight.

Feeling breathless as you near the ground,
wind flowing through your hair feeling like the lost being found.
Not knowing how this leap could end,
neither caring what'll happen as you continually descend.
mk Oct 2015
you climbed the tower
to protect yourself from the tide
but now that you're at the top,
*why do the deep blue waters look so comforting?
how do you soften the thought of carrying coffins
Meteo Oct 2015
Love, ***, jump; repeat

***. jump, give birth to statues

excavate cities.
Rachel Julia Oct 2015
It was stupid.
Waves crashed and the wind was cold.
I shivered and i wanted to change my mind
could i back out now
I grabbed the hand next to me and we ran and we jumped
it was fast but slow
the air was cold for a second until the water hit.
there was no feeling
I was under the water
thinking was gone and my lungs did the talking screaming to my mind
“get up get out you
air, now, now”
i open my eyes and i can see black and blue and the water is over my head
the bubbles and curls and waves of the water break away as my head is pushed up.
i gasp at the air and fill my lungs with the hot gas of life.
my limbs and body have become weights
but i dont sink
I push my body through the water and it takes all the strength i have
when i reach the ladder I grasp with a hand i cannot feel i stand with my feet and the journey up that ladder takes two lifetimes
then i'm up
it is the coldest i have ever felt
I run and i breathe
you never know what being alive feels like until you feel like you are almost done being alive
it was very very stupid
suddenly everything was hot
air was hot
ground was hot
my skin
my eyes
my dripping wet hair
hot hot hot
hours passed of feeling hot and cold and  breathing
it's strange to think that something so stupid made me feel so strong
Megan H Oct 2015
I crawled into a new life
When maybe I should have jumped
Slowly lowering myself
Into the icy depths
When I should have taken a dive
So now here I am
Frostbitten and cold
I did this to myself

You walked by and never saved me
Because I wasn't drowning
You saw me standing in the icy water
And just assumed that I was fine
But if I had just jumped
If I had only taken that dive,
Then maybe you would have seen me drowning
Maybe you would have tried to save me.
Kale Oct 2015
We wait for the perfect
Where the world stands still
To dance in the moonlight
Bringing Joy to this depressing land,
We move our hands
Jump on our feet
Enjoying the company of one
And when the sun rises to say
I realize that the only one dancing
Was me.
Baylee Sep 2015
Do you ever walk outside in the morning,
When the sun has only been up for an hour,
And you walk through the grass,
For whatever reason,
And as soon as the dewey grass touches your foot
You jump back onto the pavement,
Because you weren't ready for the chill,
Or you don't want your shoes getting wet?

Because I do the same thing,
But I wish that I didn't.
I wish that instead of jumping to the pavement,
I kicked my shoes off and lay down,
Soaking in as much dew from the grass as possible,
Enjoying the smell of nature in the morning,
Basking in the presence of the world,
Connecting to the Earth.

But instead, I hop to the pavement
Just like the rest of you.
Mila Berlioz Sep 2015
I want to fly
I want to be free
I want to be an angel,
Have wings,
Go away.
I want to jump
Get out of here for once
Should I jump?
Should I fly?
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