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kylie Sep 2017
write on my body with your lips
take my heart in tiny bits

touch my skin softly
read me to sleep
hold me when i cry
dazzle me with your smile

deceive me with kindness
then hurt me the next
your hands can do wonders besides just ***

my soul is fragile
but of course i have to bow down to you, my king
JK Cabresos Sep 2017
Why every single time
I am with you,
my heart trembles,
my arms
wanting to hug you tight
and my lips
desire to kiss you
so softly,
that slowly
kills me inside?

The more
we talk,
the more
I fall in love.
Seeker Sep 2017
i like the way you feel my skin after i take off all my makeup
i like the way the pillowcase wrinkles after you get up
i like the way you curl into a ball as you sleep
i like the way you smile at me when you wakeup
i like the way you pull me closer in the middle of the night
i like the way the sheets move when you sleep
i like the way you toss and turn when you’re trying to find a comfortable spot
i like the way you shed your beard hairs onto the pillow
i like the way you kiss me every time you wake up in the night
i like the way you always make sure the fan gets to me too
i like the way you always make sure i have water to drink for when I’m thirsty during the night
i like the way you always tuck me into bed
i like the way you hold me close
i like the way you kiss me when the sun rises
i like the way you never leave me without a kiss and hug goodbye
i like the way you always ask how i slept
i like the way you hug me even when I'm mad
i like the way you kiss my forehead as we argue
i like the way you accept me for me
kyle dionysus Sep 2017
She told me: "You always get women. They forever chasing you. And I'll be dammed if I said you don't come across as a player, a 'Casanova', using your charms and words. But I know that is started with you looking for the 'one', the one girl you hoped existed. A girl you could be yourself with, a girl to fall Inlove with. But I can see that as time moved on, you began to give up on the 'one', thinking you wouldn't find her. But I know when you saw me. And when we spoke for the first time. You began to feel hope again...that I was the 'one' you have always been looking for."
Lina Banzaca Sep 2017
It's a four letter word,
With about 10 billion different meanings,
But for me,
You wouldn't even begin to comprehend my feelings,
You wouldn't physically understand what I go through,
Every time I want to say I love you,
Sure we say it because we're friends,
But the second I say it for more than that,
That is the second our story ends,
I can't exactly explain the feelings,
I start shaking,
My heart begins palpating,
I can't stop thinking about you,
You're on my mind when I wake up and the moment I go to bed,
You've helped me through my worst times,
Without you, I might actually be dead,
You've seen me at my worst,
You've seen me at my best,
I guess you could say you've seen more than the rest,
The ugly,
The beautiful,
And everything in between,
I love you more than the world, space, and intergalactic time,
I wish I could call you mine,
But we're friends.
And I'm happy with that,
Don't want to disrupt it or disturb it,
You're happy,
You don't see me as more than a friend,
So while I love you,
We can't be lovers, romantics, two stupid kids in love,
I guess we'll just be buddies, pals, partners in crime,
Til' the end.
lo Sep 2017
and im no longer afraid to admit that i am a fool for you. my old guidance counselor used to tell me that she hopes to die before her husband so she doesnt have to spend a single day without him and i used to think it was so silly but now, i get it. i get it. one day without you is twenty four hours of empty meals, twenty four hours of a dead phone with no will to be charged, a thermostat set to fifty because maybe ill freeze over. twenty four hours of love lost, twenty four hours of an endless what if what if what if what if you had pulled through just a little bit longer what if i was better at wording the jumble of thoughts in my head all the time what if i could kiss you one last time what if what if. what if i had gone first. it pains me to say that i think about this a lot, you see, a world without you is a world i hope i never have to live in.  the sun rises and sets in you, and i was taught this by none other than you the moment that you took me in and made me a part of you, you pushed me into your soul and i used to wonder what would happen if i couldnt get out but i dont want out anymore. i would rather stay hidden beside you than ever have to experience the harshness of reality alone. because the reality is, one day, i will be gone, you will be gone, everything i have ever touched will be gone, no one will know you or me or the last text i sent you or the fourteen hour video call, but it's nice to think we have infinity. forever with you isnt long enough and im sorry that im so wishy washy when it comes to speaking and i know im small and im not very loud but i would write it in the sky for you if i could, let the world know just how mine you are, how much of my soul loves yours, how much of my heart beats for you. my whole heart beats for you.
Sha Sep 2017
I saw someone fall in love again.
Said his heart danced
to a different beats-per-minute than before.
It smelled of pressed jasmine and maturity
compared to cotton candy kisses and butterfly wings.

I asked why does he keep comparing?

He said
The first love's immaturity is a gate
To the next one's finesse.
Meghan Sep 2017
He stepped a foot above the railway tracks
Brought his sentimental items as he packed
I rested and rested but was blind to see
He brought something familiar---something me
Love it when they leave with an open door, expecting it was an automatic one. It's such a shame for them to be adored!
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