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RH 78 Mar 2015
Minions marching to the pied pipers flute.
Sheep herded, dressed in fancy suits.
Walking amongst the crowd.
I wonder if I'm allowed.
To buck the trend.
The rules we bend.
When It's hard for us to compute.
"Hah! You look so ridiculous!
What are you, some sorta freak?"

"Well, you look so status-quo,
very much like everyone else.
Wearing this, I'll meet interesting people,
wearing that, you'll meet boring people.
To be certain,
I am at least one kind of freak,
but at least I serve to entertain:
you're welcome for the free smile."
Life is the biggest Festival:
Dress accordingly.
Wesley Dotson Feb 2015
They were made,
Once love,
Now fade,
Again they face
The pen,
Now afraid.
Audrey Feb 2015
Society defines beauty as perfection, but
I am here to submit a correction
This newly improved definition states:
Beauty is found in the thing that deviates
Deviates from the code that is implied, not written
The code that is followed, even by children

Real beauty is sometimes hidden
Look for the thing that's a little bit different
The thing that breaks society's norm
The one that takes the path unworn
Like the crazy color of your hair
Or the freckles you have everywhere

We each have something unique and wonderful
Which makes every one of us truly individual
Not one person is a copy of another
Yet in one word I could define us together:
I absolutely hate when society tells young girls they have to wear makeup, or that boys have to have a perfectly sculpted body to be "hot"

The other day, my six year old cousin told me that she hates herself because she's "fat"... SHE IS NOT. She only said it because she hears her mom call herself fat all the time.


Rant over. Thank you for reading ♥
Zhen Feb 2015
Individuals evaluate their own opinions
and desires by comparing themselves to others.
Grow up with a family of perfect siblings around,
was to compare by parents.
Knowing studies wasn't good during school times,
was to compare around friends.
Knowing wasn't much talent in yourself,
was to compare among the public.

That girl over there?
her brother is so awesome.
That guy over there?
he dumb.
That man over there?
he can't do anything at all.

We were all labeled by others.
What happen if we take off the label?
Does our name reveal and tell people that's who we are?
Do they accept the fact?
We aren't that perfect, we aren't that smart, we aren't that talent.
Still, will you accept just the way we are?

we are just a human that try our best to live.
The Terry Tree Jan 2015
Your life story is your own
Different from mine, different from his, different from hers

Though our stories aren't the same
As our life journals that we write take different turns

Individual experienced tales to tell

Your life notebook is special
Just as my life script is special, we are walking

Our footsteps both important
Together what we ink and what we print will shine

Your stories filled with moments
All their own and so are mine, not less important

Share with me your legends of
Your life, I will share with you the legends of mine

Jaimi M Jan 2015
You say
you want
someone to
To get you
on a deeper
and really
with you...
Then why do
you push
Shyanna Ashcraft Dec 2014
Is there anything as beautiful
As a piece of paper?
There it lies,
Waiting patiently,
For your pen to mark it,
For the very first time.
A metaphor?
A metaphor.
A great one,
For the way our lives all go.
We'll start each day,
Like a sheet of brand new paper.
The turn of the notebook page,
Signifying the dawn of a new day.
The start of a new notebook,
Being the start of a new chapter in our lives.
They come together to make a book,
Which we may title with our name.
And we're just one of many,
But still unique in our own way.
The paper shows how we start fresh,
Clean, if you may,
And sometimes there'll be a marks that
Are predetermined,
But we learn to live with them.
And in the end,
The paper can be both
A mess to some,
And beautiful to others.
But it's still
Our story,
And when our life ends,
When the last notebook is filled,
It will come to be all we have,
And all we've ever had.
Our story can go on,
Leading to great things,
Being reused to aid in someone else's,
Or perhaps forgotten all together.
But it's still there,
And it's still us,
And parts of it,
Will be featured in another's story.
Because life is like a sheet of paper,
And we are both the pen,
And the sheet we write on.
Other people's pens will sometimes mark us,
And we will sometimes mark theirs.
But in the end,
Our blank paper
Will have become something,
Something more complex.
Something grand,
Something meek,
Something strong,
And something weak,
Something beautiful,
Something ugly,
Something painful,
Something happy,
Something true,
And something fiction,
Something old,
And something new.
Written 12-24-14
WickedHope Dec 2014
Magazines tell me how
I am.
School tells me how
I am.
"Friends" tell me how
I am.
Instructor tells me how
I am.

Can't I just be

With no comparative quality necessary?
Bleh. Don't know why.
- - -
Gonna dedicate this to Kay, my "Rose."
Free yourself from what others think.
You are not meant to be a copy of someone
else; You are meant to be ORIGINAL, UNIQUE, OUTSTANDING and VIVACIOUS!
You are meant to be You.
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