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Drew Apr 2016
And I'll find the will within my aching bones
To fulfil the want of a hopeful soul
Be strong, be determined.
sanch kay Apr 2016
if i were a poem,
i would wallpaper
the walls of your heart
with my words;
that way,
every time your heart beats,
you’ll hear me sigh;
i love you.
naziirul mubiin Apr 2016
Stuck in between two roads,
to the left or to the right?
When all is lost, people just gloat
heartily, diminishing your might.

Still wandering helplessly,
looking for the hopes that I've just lost.
There's no time for frivolity,
need to find them back,
no matter what the cost.

Dazed and confused,
with all these screams in the empty dark.
Not to give up, i refuse!
Just pick yourself up and find your mark.

When you've tried everything,
just comfort yourself and say,
'it will happen one day!'.
Even if it keeps on failing,
never let that last small hope decay.

Don't let the voices in your head chatter;
telling you, you can't make it through the day.
Cause you know yourself best, not any other!
So turn that small little hope into a milky way.
Dαиι Mar 2016
The everyday was a reminder of death,
a cemetery on hopes.
Bodies drowning in eagerness during the day,
motioning with no wills at all.

Life limited to a single street under rainy nights,
darkness with a tight grip, against a dim light

...I could spend all my time matching analogies together
explaining how my entire life was changed,
by a complete stranger.

How did he appear in my life?
I can't evoke it.
My guard wasn't conceded of time,
He broke it.
All I remember is his light
striking like a comet.
Made me open my eyes
and all of those dead hopes
raised to the sky.

He gave me sunny days
and starry nights,
so I no longer concern
about a dim light.
Dαиι Apr 2016
Give my hopes a sign.
You may **** them already.
Just... Give my hopes a sign.

Every morning is the same.
Your strongly black amber eyes
vanish my ease with just a gaze
gets me in a constant flight.

The way your marked oriental eyes
****** me with a transcending melody
takes me back in time
How the world reflects in his ebony...

What does it mean?
What should I feel?

Seems you enjoy what you provoke in me.

To put me out of orbit
From the sphere I can't control.
I'm not certain, how you do it?
Only a grin, fills me with thoughts.

I'm pulling away uncountable times
but it's like magnetic force
All I need is to settle my mind
and your words would calm the storm.


Give my hopes a sign.
You may **** them already.
Just... Give my hopes a sign.
Kate Willis Mar 2016
Once upon a time
a long time ago
in a land far away
there lived a princess,
a damsel in distress;
with a hope
that one day
her life would be made whole
with a kiss from a prince.

A prince,
a hero  of sorts.
He’s fought dragons and
monsters and
He defended his kingdom
with all his might
with the hope
that his life would be made whole
with a perfect
damsel in distress.

At the center of the tower,
the one in which the princess lives
is a man,
of an unfortunate, horrible
And just like the princess,
and the prince,
the antagonist, the
is just as cliché as the rest
with a hope
That he will rule the kingdom.

The one guarding the girl,
the damsel in distress,
is the monster -
the dragon,
the one from childhood stories.
He shoots fire from his mouth
the color of blood
and he defends
the princess with all his might,
with a hope that one day
he’ll taste the prince’s blood.
Because all fairytales are cliché, right?
I feel like all my time is wasted;
But I can't make my feelings turn to hatred.
For some reason I really want you by my side,
I can feel a change of tide.
There's something stirring in the wind;
Please, I'm scared, don't let it in.

The warm night breeze upon my face;
Don't lie to me, there is a better place.
Some place peaceful, free of sin;
A place where we will meet again.
Close your eyes and try to breathe;
It is as beautiful as the sea.

But first to know the truth within;
Look inside, don't give in.
Know yourself, then know me;
Then it will be new and shiny.
I won't let your feelings of me get in my way;
I will always dream of a better day.
A day when we are close at last;
A day when all of this is in the past.

And if this day will never pass;
I'll always dream my dreams.
Full of fields with the softest grass;
A ray of sunshine that forever gleams.
Yes, I will always have my dreams.
I really want us to be friends. But I get the vibe you don't like me anymore. That won't keep me from hoping that I can overcome that and we can become close. I used to not like you so who knows? There's a good chance you'll see this. I don't know if it will make any difference or even mean anything to you. You know who you are and if you are reading this then, I love you. Please, let's be friends? We had come so far. Don't throw that away.
Brent Kincaid Feb 2016
The day we hoped to fix things
The day we would make it right.
The morning we would wake up
And teach the world to love the night.
Yesterday was not an enemy
And tomorrow was our friend.
We would build a world for everyone
And that world would never end.

Yesterday we woke up early
And got a jump start on the day.
We ran or jogged and exercised
And tried out life a different way.
We ate the food we thought healthy
And avoided those we called junk.
We chose to grab life with both hands
And drag it out of the bottom bunk.

Yesterday we started to insist
That people say what they mean
And talk with us about feelings
Not stuff from movie magazines.
We began to demand humanity
And ecologically-minded choices.
We took advantage of the strength
That could be had in our voices.

Yesterday we marched and yelled
To let our brothers and sisters be
Whatever they are and who they are
Without scorn and without penalty.
We joined our local groups and said
They needed to act accordingly
To the rights of every human being
And to implement total equality.

Yesterday we thought of tomorrow
And today we have to do the same.
Human rights and a peaceful planet
Must not be just a hopeful name.
Greed and lust will only prosper
If we back down when we are faced.
Freedom of choice and equal rights
A basic needs we can’t replace.
the Sandman Feb 2016
Our city
of forts and malls and cinema halls
is littered with the filth of our minds
and our mouths.
We are lost; we are broken;
we are muffled and soft-spoken.
Big city dreams
of art and changing the world
slip away every time we wake up
on grimy beds we’ve never seen before
with soot on our feet, and our hands
bound with ***** hair,
backs bent under the weight of all they’ve left us.
The mud in our fingernails leaves us a mess,
in the shapes of the night's sticky, grubbiness:
a twisted Rorscharch inkblot.
We see it all replaying,
—flickering, as we’re swaying—
on grimy ceilings, where the light bulb
seems askew, and dangling
in an effort to hypnotise us,
left, and right, and left.
Every day is a repeat of the same,
chai glasses, and cigarette butts
with redlipstickstains,
rickshaw rides (exactly thirty rupees steeper
than the rate on the meter),
cat calls that slap in one ear and slip spit out the other.
Our roads are lit by TV-light,
a muted glow that follows us everywhere.
Anonymous blankness follows blankness
and the dark dankness
of grocery stores and souls
that can’t recognise each other anymore.
Silly young things dreaming of bliss,
And new couches, and tiny feet
Instead hear only
"Scrub harder," "Needs more salt," and
"Turn over; come closer; be quiet."
Bare feet in splotchy grass
with brown and green ankles
are replaced by sore heels and push-up bras.
Pens scratching on paper
are replaced by knives slashing skin
and flesh and bones
hitting sharply so that the onomatopoeia
of the shlick-crack-crack
draws out delighted laughter
from blackened, smoky mouths
— and peals of screams that no one hears,
the afterthoughts of parking lots.
The fire of fingers leaves marks, scars;
and their tips grow spikes
into the goosebumps on our arms;
knuckles peel away skin,
everywhere they trace;
and fists clench
around our bodies,
that don’t belong to us.

But we know, one day,
our spring will come
and we will leave the heat on our backs
in dust.
We will go down with Persephone
and take our flowers with us.
We will swim upside down
so we feel like we can fly.
Every rock laying unturned, we know,
has a cosmic universe throbbing
patiently under it.
We will lie, resilient, awake at night,
dreaming cautiously, softly,
so no one hears,
but dreaming nonetheless.
Dreaming of our wings melting
over and over again,
when we get too close to the denied,
day after day, until
we can build wings strong enough
to hold the heat of the sun
inside them, and then propel further.
We’ll show them
— tell your sisters and daughters and friends!—
we’ll show them,
Because your sticks and stones
Can break only our bones
And not our minds. We are
Goddesses, even in a dimly lit bar
Or the back of a fast car,
Just as in temples. We are
Goddesses, whether we whisper in soft tones
Or shout it in the streets,
Whether we lie in strangers' sheets
Or break our backs bending
to ***** feet.
When we're beaten by a spouse,
Or changing tactic,
We'll be both your angels in the house,
And your madwomen in the attic.
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