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Sarah Michelle Jan 2016
Study your hopes and
fails; you might find you will grow
weary of it all
high hopes
looking out
into the beyond
the future

big dreams
about life
what it could be
what it is
here and now

love bursts
faces smile
of yet to come

then comes
the stranger
closer now
hits you hard
knocks you down
life changes

smashed dreams
broken hearts
sweet dreams
Viseract Jan 2016
They say that your dreams are sky-high
That to reach them you gotta fly
Up past the clouds, further than the sky
Wait too long and the stars might die

For every star holds your hopes and dreams,
Don't mistake them for jets because stars don't scream.

They call

I feel myself drawn to those orbs of fire
Hanging up there, holding my every desire
But I don't wanna go up, I'm a resistance fighter,
I don't like going places higher and higher

I fall
And I am afraid of heights,
So I stall
And at ground level I still crawl

Teach me to forget my fears,
The clouds will pass and the sky will be clear

I look up into the sky with a sense of longing,
I'll stop being lonely and start belonging

I smile
It's genuine, it's been a while, but I smile
I am hoping to start a mini-series, and these poems will start off with Night Sky in the title, for that is what they will be about. Tell me what you think of the idea. Until then, happy holidays! (or what's left of them :( )
Damian Murphy Jan 2016
If wishes
Were fishes
That swam in the sea
Where on earth would we be?

Stood onshore
Ever more
Looking ruefully,
Longingly, out to sea?

Would we be
All at sea,
With nothing to do
To make wishes come true?

Or maybe
We could be
All out on the sea
Fishing furiously?

For wishes,
Like fishes,
Are within our reach,
If we work hard for each.
Every dream hoped for,
Is worth chasing after...
Damian Murphy Jan 2016
I may not have set the world on fire,
But neither have I gone down in flames
Within me remains a burning desire
To achieve every one of my aims.
I know it may be very hard indeed,
But I am determined I shall prevail;
Know if I persevere I will succeed,
That if I give up I will surely fail.
For dreams hopes wishes and aspirations
Will never amount to anything much;
Without hard work and determination
They will forever remain only such.
Life can be just as we want it to be
For we are masters of our destiny.
Minuscule Ego Feb 2016
"I found the paradox,
That if you love until it hurts,
That there can be no more hurts,
Only more and more love".
Sure enough! Ma'am Teresa had said that
And I so believed that, twice in a row!
Twice I've stood and watched you pierce me
The first, I'm sure I froze and the words left me
Words that I had preached, over and over
They melted on my tongue, like butter in an oven
Sweetness! I had so swear. Let's continue to the making
Let's lick even if the tongue feels the burning
You had me going with some everlasting fantasy
And it kept my heart beating rapidly for many years
I could almost hear it in my ears like everyday
You showered me peace and kept smiles to my lips
Day in, day out you kept feeding me those clips,
Oh! We had loved like nothing could change us
But through it all we became the foremost strangers
Beastly and gentling we stood apart in frost anger's
Till your mates became weighty, they became a consent
And I had to face those demons, for I had nothing to spare
My heart felt the trouble, so my thoughts became different
My dreams of love had turned hopeless, so I couldn't care
For we no longer care enough to even give a pretty face
You had always been my fantasy, until you had me replaced
So now that the dream's all gone, it's  now time to face the reality
That you made a fool of me, as I stood in a blanked drowse
A heartbreak after a vow.

For the second, I'm sure it begun with the text fling
You had devilishly hunted me from the shadows
Heartily laughing, while your eyes said the best things
My heart somehow fell, but my mind kept to the worst flings
For you were so PHAT, and I was so BALE, it felt awkward
But you just kept blinking, like cunningly coming forward
So I started flirting, hoping I can deceive the coming arrow
But you kept beeping, till you devilishly gamed the back row
For with those lips and em eyes, we all found it hard to resist,
Some had tried and failed, yet more and more still persist
And you quickly nixed their idea, told each you had a friend
For me....... I knew what to say to make it all come to an end
But my thoughts had its way, 'tis the same old sin' it had rang
"Good things don't come easy",  I proudly sang
You just laughed, said you still wish us the best things
Oh! That got my wow! so at night I begun with the texting
Between those whirling moments, within those poetic rhythm's
A new song started in my system, my heart begun dancing Only you,
However, the Platters failed to breach the speaker; I couldn't say I care,
For the past held me as a prisoner, and you solely trusted no one
You so thought of all 'as sinners, you felt better playing the lone
Within those tenderness and fears, I just wished for only you
My heart falls double, but the thoughts speaks different
My dreams for love still's hopeful, and I'm sure it goes low
Be you heartless or not, I still dream for that happy place
You will always be my fantasy, until you fill me till aglow
So now that the vision's all done, it's now time to ace the reality
That you made a good of me, as I stood with a furrowed brows
A heartbreak for a wow.
Love is all that matters, you ought not be alone
Caroline E Jan 2016
When we fall in love we believe that the other person is the one who you were meant to be with; your soulmate, your everything
And you believe that this person is what you have been looking for all this time and that it won't ever work with somone else...

All these beautiful hopes become nightmares when we realize that everything turns out the opposite of what you most wished for.
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