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Salmabanu Hatim May 2018
She was gone forever,
Never to return ever,
May her soul rest in peace,
I bade her a last goodbye kiss.
As I entered the door,
Glancing along the floor,
I saw her shoes standing side by side in rows,
Old shoes with broken toes,
Some with holes
through the soles,
Some torn,
Some barely worn.
Each shoe I knew so well,
Each had a story to tell.
Of her hopes,
Searching for new scopes,
Of her broken dreams,
Never to give up,ready with new schemes.
Of her love and strife,
Tears listened my eyes,
With courage she took each tread of life.
Till the end she never accepted defeat.Her shoes told her struggles.
Crystal Freda May 2018
Make a wish...
she blows
and watches
the delicate bristles
dance to the sky
where all her daring hopes
and prominent dreams
can become true...
Petrichor Apr 2018
It was funny how you said
that the thought of me
was draped around your head,
and turned to your friend the
next second to say,
"Wont she be amazing in bed?"
rmh Apr 2018
my thoughts are as ***** as my bedroom floor
and for a second i think about daring to touch
that bottle of apple flavored whiskey hidden in plain sights

but the serenity is prayer is etched into my mind
and i can't shake the image of your car rolled over
three times with you hanging out the side door

i've had to find different ways to cope with my pain
and writing poetry is one of them
when i write i see colors and hear symphonies
when i write words tumble out through my hands

and my hands have their own plan in place
so i am but a vessel for all of the things i cannot say
and my words, i hope that they echo and clang
much like church bells

if hopes and dreams come true were a common thing
then we'd all be fools in love with ourselves and each other
i wish on eyelashes and dandelions and birthday candles

though i wish on the stars most of all because i think
that they're the closest i'll ever come to my hopes and dreams
the stars are devastating in their beauty
and triumphant in their grace
that's what i want my hopes and dreams to be
and when i look at the stars i can see them clearly

c a n
      y o u
Umi Apr 2018
Eternity can change in a fleeting moment,
These are the hopes of a girl, bound to a chair, looking out of the window, seeping sadness with in a barage of frustration locked away,
Rejected by the other kids because she was different, she soon has stopped to bond anymore, friendships seemed like a happy illusion,
Too scared to go outside and be made fun of, or called out for her oddness which would unfold in special, yet fascinating, blissful ways,
Days pass by, which become months, with no range of change to be seen or gazed at, sealing her emotions away to stay sane, one option,
Reading to develop a further understanding of humans, as to develop greater, wonderous capabilities of imagination to simulate a world within her little, fragile, yes almost broken mind, in which she can grow strong and happy, alike her flowers she calls her own children,
After all, each time she desired to get close to one or another, a cold shoulder has been served, their backs turning at her in spite and hate,
But, this girl has lost the reason to mind it, after all, her loneliness is her shelter, her fantasy and her dreams a happy place to return to,
Left behind, like a one winged heron.

~ Umi
Danielle Mar 2018
To see the changes wrought by time
Plays sweet havoc upon my mind.
The twisting, folding, space of memories,
My only sanctuary,
from shattered dreams
and haunting hopes, that unleash from me a scream.
I sit and replay,
The reasons why I hoped you would stay.
I wrote this a long time ago, but the thoughts and feelings expressed here are so very applicable to my current situation.
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2018
The silence between us grows slightly larger
Every single time we talk
It's never uncomfortable for me
You are my dependable rock

Instead of awkward it's restful
A warm glow laced with unspoken words
We understand why hopes and dreams
Often fly away like little birds

Others think we can't keep the love
We have, look at us like we are crazy
Like we don't know the heartbreak ahead of us
We know. In our minds it is just sorta hazy

There won't be any hurt or heartache
As long as we unite together
There will always be doubters
Their opinions are all as light as a feather

Non-believers will scoff at our playful snow fights
The delight in my voice when I shriek
You always let me win even though
We both know I am unathletic and weak

They think they know about us
I assure you they don't have a clue what's within
This level of love is a mountain we climbed
They can't even begin to imagine
This is another super old one
Holding on to past Recollection  of happiness

Itching to gain back the people that we were

at Some point, no save  point , we lost where we were

We had dreams and made schemes for our future endeavors together

Like erosion our foundation became weathered

With time, Will we rebuild each other or will this ship perish and sink beneath the vision  of unforgotten finish line.
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