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Sarah Delaney Jan 2020
One day I hope you look back on your life and you're happy with the life you were given
The **** ups, the love, the madness of it all
I hope you are sitting on your front porch taking it all in with the love of your life
Your grandchildren playing in the front yard with not a care in the world
All the bad things that happened to you won't matter because you are here
You survived
All that's left at the end of the road is love
And you, my darling, made it
And one day it will all be worth it

Grace Jan 2020
So many things are buried there
My hopes
My outgoing nature
My old personality
All long dead and buried

But some good things are buried too
Things that needed to be laid to rest
My temper
My annoyingness
My pride

But with so many things
So many parts of me buried
What is left?
An empty shell of what I used to be

And when I finally take a walk
Through the dark shadows of my mind
I feel the same foreboding feeling
That one gets
When walking through a graveyard
I was finally letting myself feel the things I’ve been pushing down and this image came to mind. Somebody pray for me.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
Too many reasons why I love to list
I'll name a few with a flick of my wrist
You do not mind making me a plate
You insist on increasing my weight
You encourage dreams
And plans
Anything I want to do I can
Sacrifice valuable time
Make presents around Christmastime
It is the little things I love the most
Treat me the way grandparents are supposed!
To my grandma
me Dec 2019
i will not grow up, not ever! i will stay in my yellow house with my mummy and daddy and we will love each other forever. my sisters and me will play pretend all day and eat cookies if we feel sad. i will become a teacher like mrs. lewis but i will give all of my students extra playtime and let them know that i'm secretly a kid too. my daddy tells me that one day i will leave my house and go to college, and my granny tells me that she will die one day. when they say those things it scares me but it also feels too far away to matter! and i know if those things happen i will just eat ice lollies and reverse it with my secret witch powers. i want to be so many things, and i will be if i believe! i want to be a mermaid on a magical island and make friends with all the human children. i want to live in the jungle and have a huge tiger who will be my best friend and let me ride on his back. i want to be a ballerina quite a lot, but my daddy says all they eat is salad, and although i really love salad, i really really like burgers and ice cream too. my daddy knows so much. someday i will know as much as him but i will still be a kid. when i bring home good marks, my daddy says he is proud of me. i like it when he says he's proud of me. everything will stay exactly how it is, forever!
as a kid i had britney spears perfume and i genuinely believed that at night i would become britney and go about my day as her so i would tell my mom "don't wake britney up" and she thought i was seeing the ghost of one of her relatives who was also called britney

notice how absolutely contradictory and illogical almost everything i said is.... i really miss when i thought this way :,)
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
I raised my hopes amazed
From dust to package and ******
Blinded by charms into your arms
Forced to watch now without affecting the how
Twisting restlessly beneath sea
Doesn't matter if they scatter or drop and shatter
Heard them fall and not hurt at all
Crashing is nothing new in fact it's why I grew
Another crack won't cause a heart attack
If my hopes weigh too much that's okay
Let them go to be swept below
I will pick up the pieces and use glue to stick
Until every single hope I own is ready to once again fly
Day 18: a poem with no end rhyme scheme. Only internal.
Naomie Nov 2019
Take me back
To the lovely days

Days you didn't fuss
Over my reaction
To your reaction
Days you didn't over analyze
My words and my actions
Days you didn't expect anything
Days you gave without expecting
Days you called only when needed
Days you didn't agonize over missed calls
Days you didn't jump
On my name in your call screen
Days you didn't stress
over how you looked to me
Days you were confident in your dress
Days you didn't value my opinion
Over your own self worth
Days you didn't let me
Define your mood that day
Days you didn't let my reply
Dig a hole in your heart
Days you weren't obsessed
With the idea of me

Because if you really knew me well
You wouldn't want me.
If he were to write that letter...
Redaviel Nov 2019
The dream wasn't for me
Like a window shopper
Peeking through the glass
Six feet away, desperately
Even if I reach out,
I'll never be able to touch
There's nothing I can do
Nothing will ever come true

The dream wasn't for me
When I dreamt it, I doubted it
And when I thought I'll have it
It slipped past me
Now I'm left with beers
Some broken hopes scattered
And worries and fears

The dream wasn't for me
I won't ever dream about it
Again and again it would come
Again and again I'll wake up
Some things are meant for others
But definitely not for me
Don’t set your sights on easy marks
Or aim your goals too close at hand
But reach up high, and eagerly
Use every skill that you command

Fear not what others say or do
Pursue your truth and your desire
If others mock, they will not feel
The moving force of reaching higher

What you expect, you will receive
Your fervent hopes are self-fulfilled
So set your course for greater things
With confidence now deep instilled

Achieve by day - by week - by year
Enjoy your dreams, ignite your fire
And show the truth to others now
The fiery power of reaching higher
This is Prosperity Poem 54 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
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