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Sam Jan 2018
We danced together in the starlight
Crickets serenading our sidewalk performance
The blocks began to run together
With each move, you grew more distant from my arms
Then, to my dismay, the darkness swept you away
I found myself alone under a flickering street light
The curtain finally fell on you and I
Leaving me to misery
Dj Jan 2018
Once apon a time it felt like I was chained to the floor; in a glass tank, with water slowly spilling in... But just as the water level reached the top; the glass shatters, leaving me cut and gasping for breath...when the entire building just collapsed all around me.... nowadays there's alot less hope in between the stages of doom... now it's like I'm freely standing in the middle of a room; that's compleatly engulfed in flame... faced befor me the trolly problem; with all my freinds and family and evreylast person I've ever known' s life endanger, I could save them all...but that would be saving the good with the instead semi morally knowing; I didn't put them there i watch and laugh as we all go up in flames, no misguided hope.... just allowing fate to play it's role..
nanda Jan 2018
i shall sweep the floor
shall draw the curtains
and water the plants

i shall smell the flowers
tug you in good night
shall read a book
or at least pretend to do so

because it is so sunny right now
the sun blinds my eyes
the warmth burns my skin
ripping it apart
but i shall not complain
for warmth is always good

and i shall tolerate your bickering
shall understand your shouts
and nodd at your wrongs,
close my mouth shut

because it is sunny here
so so sunny
or so you say
but how do i truly know
how can i know
if the sun is simply a lamp
if the flowers are plain plastic
if the dust is never to be gone
if the ivy is actually dead

how can i know
how can i think
when all i can see
is the horizon
tainted in black
making its way here
a threatening shadow
lurking in the distance
setting up a trap

how can i know
that i’m not falling
for the tricks of the unmask man
how can i do
to repay you may debts in time
to be useful
not a waste of space
not a waste of cash

tell me so i can make it better
so i can make the strike softer
because you know who is coming
and baby your arms are not strong enough
to hold back the storm
feeling hopeless lately... and terribly useless
Patrick Sporrer Jan 2018

In the mind

Is what he strives for-
Ushering sweet shushings
Destined to fall-



On deaf membranes-
Eardrums cluttered
And cloistered
By juggling run rampart-

The color of blood
Seeps down his forhead-
Sweatdrops glistening
Their crimson beauty-
Reminders that his sight
Is still unseen-

Cataracts unsheathed
Beneath Winter's chilling kiss
Of endless doubt and drought.

The frozen beauty captivates,
Encapsulates his mind,
And all his eyes roll back,

And his hands are useless.
Sam Jan 2018
Riddles fill the mind
Am I yours?
Or are you mine?
In the twilight, you drift away
Now I'm begging you to stay
As I cross the bridge
The distance between us grows
I can see you fading
Fleeting like my cries
Hoping you can hear
I know you're already gone
Now regret and turmoil fill my soul
Gnawing at my essence
I must find a way to cope
To navigate the darkness
Now that I'm alone
Nayana Nair Jan 2018
Our hearts are perpetually
in a time
that flows around us.
And our ghosts pin us to our sins,
while we yearn to be the person
we were a second ago.
Though our heart are
full of ashes and smoke
of loves we have burned with us.
We still hopelessly wish to be with the one
that we have destroyed.
We live in the distance
that no apologies can cover.
A distance
that many suffer
but only few endure.
A Jan 2018
It gets hard when I wake up, and the reality I've seemed to create in my head starts to vanish.
It gets hard for me to pull myself out of my bed, when sleep is the only comfort I find in life.
It gets hard to smile, it gets hard to breathe,
when your dreams get crushed and torn at the seams.
It gets hard to write words that explain, the turmoil in my heart, soul, and brain.
It gets hard to simply exist, when you become aware of your surroundings and all the hope you've managed to conjure up seeps outside your being. In helpless whimpers and cries of unfiltered despair.
It gets harder and harder and I'm tired of trying.
If this is my goodbye to you then please understand that I was dying.
i have nothing to share
Saint Audrey Jan 2018
The softest whispers of
Past ideas, and inclinations
Postulating long ignored dreams
Of long dried progenitors
Upon which we now look down

From the mouths that pour out banal well wishes
To the frozen digits, attached to architects and engineers

Most come to understand the past lies in fragments

Crucial details overlooked, time and time again
Lost amid a sea of bleak optimism
Futurism has its place, along side the winds
The ones that bring the same tired tides

I've drawn myself yet another line in the sand
The definition is as lucid as I could possibly be
Maybe a reflection of identity
It keeps shifting

Stepping forward, though unsure why
Commandeering tidal waves
Building bridges between figments in the skies
Attention drawn
To the edges of half way signs

"Onward and forward", the dead still proclaim
Long after the earth is packed
After death, so many still remain, if for the moment
Apparitions, spiritual possession of discourse
Tearing away from the pale, and digging deep into the fresh crop

You'll be gone soon enough
Into the standstill, though
The dead see it differently

Cosmic mistrust, a classic case
To free yourself from the very shackles
Blood had prepared you for, oxygen raised you for
Natural order now spurned
Floor to ceiling, ceiling to walls
Connected them seamlessly

What are you still fighting for, now?
a daydreamer Jan 2018
My sadness isn't beautiful
It doesn't invite a boy
With galaxies in his eyes
And flowers in his lips
Unlike the romance told me

My sadness isn't beautiful
It made the hole out of you
Sink by darkness
That won't let you go

My sadness isn't beautiful
The darkness inside me
Whispers death
But the tiny voice in me
Screams survival

My tragedy isn't beautiful
As Shakespeare and poetry told me
And when I screamed for heroes
No one came
So I had to
Become one
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