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Josephine Dec 2014
I can hear the floor boards whispering my name
It's a soft lament of every sad thought my brains ever created
I give in
I can hear you screaming in the other room
Asking me why I always do this
You're yelling
Telling me we have 90$ to our name so you're gunna go out and buy me something strong that'll make me forget
But with every line I only feel more inclined
To go back to the bathroom
And rest my ear against that linoleum floor
And hear everything sweet they ever said to me right before they left
Because I know it doesn't lie
And I know it'll swallow me whole
And maybe if I do it enough I won't feel so awful
For I'll get used to them loving me then slamming on the breaks and unhinging my seat beat just to watch me fly through the glass and lose sight of myself in the floating ash
"My chest calls for you but the floor calls for me and I've never been strong enough to disobey"
Suzy Hazelwood Nov 2014
I would rather sleep
on a cold stone floor
than lay solitary
in the lie of luxury
loveless sheets
a bed full of wishes
where I need you to be
kailasha Oct 2014
Sleep holds no comfort
Burning eyes don't
soothe the soul

Broken and jagged
pieces of me
litter the floor

No poem, no song
no kisses or hug
can make me feel
Please excuse me if it doesn't make much sense.
Swetank Modi Oct 2014
Baby on the floor
Likes to play with potato
Potato is cooked
Poetic T Sep 2014
They were my angels
They flew to forgive their
That had been a burden
But as there wings spread
Screamed from their lungs
As there transgressions
Were wiped a soul clean,
Then their souls free
Let their bodies hit the floor,
The paper gave me a name
"Fallen Angel"
"As if I was a sin"
I had cleansed many before
So much to be done,
I knew of them
Planned it, souls freed
Some resisted,
"But all fall before me"
They will be cleansed,
A child Is pure,
There wings white from birth,
But those
Who transgress
Will fly,
***** before they fly
Wings open purified
Their bodies hit the floor
I cleanse sin
But they have found me
Called me by name
Fallen Angel,
I smile
As I jump
For I have cleansed the many
But I am a fallen angel,
I am now cleansed
As my body hits the floor  
I was the fallen angel now still on the ground below.
Inspired by Drowning Pool
(Let The Bodies Hit The floor)
Dean Eastmond Sep 2014
Hide underneath the stars with me
and peel back my skin layer by layer,
starting at the cold fingertips
missing the tenderness his touch caused,
twisting up damaged limbs and wounds of my woe,
past scars from childhood stories
- the ones not meant for campfires -
and around hairs that used to stand
when your breath danced like two ghosts
- you and I -
down my neck and into my bloodstream.

Peel me back until I am nothing,
but that little boy cowering on the bathroom floor,
with flickering lights, bruised elbows,
a lump in his throat and pain in his chest,
crying for something that no longer
Poetic T Jul 2014
I was on cloud 9 floating high
But in my excitement "I slipped" & fell
Clouds are funny that way up so high,
I hit cloud 8
Not as soft as nine, felt like feathers
The quills stabbed me, as I fell further this time
I hit cloud 7
With a thud, it was a mattress cloud
But no springs to soften the fall,
I hit cloud 6
I hit cloud 5
I was going faster,
Each cloud more painful than the last,
I hit cloud 4
It was soft, till I rested my head
A cactus pillow its spines sticking out of my head,
I screamed rolled off the cloud,
I fell once more,
Picking needles from my skull
Each more painful than the one before,
I hit Cloud 3
I fell right through, no pain that I could feel
But then the truth, white vinegar mist,
It cut in to the holes left from above
Then I was clear, I knew what was coming next.
I was gaining speed as I fell
Cloud 2,
Was coming up fast,
Shining off the light of the sun
A hundred rainbows  burst free
But where was the reds??
This cant be that bad
"I thought to my self"
But as I hit powdered glass shredding my flesh,
Colours I saw as well as blood,
The glass,
A prism reflecting light,
Rainbows born so many colours
Then my blood soaked on glass
Out shone the blood red,
The rainbows now so beautiful
As the glass shredded my flesh,
"I opened my eye"
The other soaked in red,
The floor I could see coming up fast
I awoke, bruised and cut,
I lay on the floor,
What a fall from Cloud 9
So far I had fallen, from up high
To the cold unforgiving floor below.
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