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Teyah Nichole Jan 2023
The water on the ground
Is no longer fake,
As I take a look in the rearview.

Huh, I’m crying.

And it’s in this moment
I take a second
To accept the fact

                  I miss you.

Oh how I wish
I’d known,
Before driving
These backroads   alone
My heart and soul
Are objects of old,
And bigger

                          Then they appear.

That this pathway to heaven
Gripped by desert horizon
Was just escape for a women
Who cannot function
And is blinded
                          By fear.

Well, that’s life.

I tried.
I ride.
Until the end of time,

                          My dear.
A new poem, about the old country and a love past.
Ginn Mosxa Dec 2022
I fear,
Worry heavily over,
Realizing my dream
My passion, my drive
"Too late"
But, I must ask myself
When exactly
Is too late??
Ten years from now?
Or is too late tomorrow,
Or next week?
Because some days
It feels that way
And days like today
I wonder,
If there even is such a thing..

Maybe when I'm gone
Once my bones decay
It will be too late
Yet even then,
Someone might just
Remember it.
Maybe it's never too late to dream...
Rama Krsna Jan 2022
under the slanting rays
of the December sun,
silhouettes of this sin city
eke loneliness,
eating the timid
and spitting out carcasses.

its skies, ash gray
the refrigerated air moody
reminding wayfarers
that here is no place
to come seeking solace.

as apathy rains
sirens howl
and crime soars
the need to look over the shoulder
more pronounced than ever before.

the bottom line is
everyone’s looking to make money,
fast, furious and frenzied
in this,
my hometown- New York.
Brendann Nov 2021
If you don't find happiness in this life

It will find you in the next.
Free Verse
Omokeyede Nov 2021
Sometimes there are so many simple solutions to a problem, but your anxious state of mind prevents you from seeing them.

Take a seat, relax your head, and alter your thinking and perspective.

There's nothing wrong with you; it's simply a phase in your life.

Don't let current happenings make you feel less than who you are and what you are intended to be.

Nobody has life figured out yet; everyone is simply fighting their own battles.

Don't just be downcast and beat yourself up all the time; it will only cause more harm than good.

You deserve to be happy.

Every day of your life, live as though you had everything.

While you anticipate and wait for the big triumph, celebrate your tiny victories.

And, thank God, it could have been far worse.
selina Sep 2021
my friend called the other night
all tangled up in a thorny mess
but i found no words that helped

or reassured him as he drove down 95
the voice automated system, his sole companion
the gps signals, amplified his shaky breaths

the scene was so ******
they barely identified his body
is this guilt that sits on my chest?

lapping at my heart like a dog
who sits in silence, waits in silence
for a friend that will never come home
Jay M Aug 2021
Lover's drive
Knows no bounds
Not distance, nor rules
With the other they thrive
Running along like gleeful hounds
Eyes glittering like the most prized jewels

- Jay M
August 21st, 2021
Nothing is more powerful than that of a driven lover- let alone a driven pair of lovers.
Ylzm Aug 2021
The greater the revelation the deeper the mystery
The closer to the light the dimmer and further it is
But compelled and captive, propelled not by will
Accelerating into the void, a star amongst many
Each and all inexorably to be our very own Destiny
Jammit Janet Jul 2021
Someone call a person who makes things happen
I’ve got an idea that will make you go splat
From the warmth it will emit in your heart
You’ll feel like you’re under attack
Accompanied by the love that you'll ooze
From your lustrous lap 🔥✨
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