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Sam Shoyer Jan 2015
the dark navy hood of his jacket
stretches a few inches
past his forehead,
concealing his face

he pulls a wagon
full of blue salt
across the pavement
while a flurry of snow
falls around him

in a quick and deliberate rhythm
he tosses the salt
out like a serious flower girl
quietly ensuring
that it all goes
as planned
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
Oscillating between
The known and unknown
More unknown we have
Speculations and hypotheses
Trying to make it believable
Greater part of reality
Cloaked in anonymity
Wonder, when truth shall
Reveal it all
hada de mares Jan 2015
Sitting overwhelmed
In fear of my own mind
In fear of my silence
I could only see the truth
Fear is a wonderful state
Lingering on the surface
And when I face it
It walks away and laughs
From afar.

Painful body of mine
When did you become so tangible?
You are a limit
But also my best friend
I can bend you all that i want
And when i face the pain
It walks away and laughs
From afar

And you, inconvenient mind,
Your cooperation is erratic
But in between the moments
Of breath taking insights
And egoic annoyance,
You become silent , walk away
And laugh from afar

I sit here left with nothing
And in quiet peace, i awaken
The loving universe opens her arms
And hugs all that i am away
In purity i become everything
Consciousness, bliss,
perfection, Happiness
I am a child again.
I turn my back to suffering,
Walk away and laugh
From afar
Irate Watcher Jan 2015
Fingers make contact with hands,
                                             we can’t stand like,
tree branch

amidst a strange wind.

Fluttering above
trees rooted in sidewalks,
out of sight.

And it feels like
the texture of our shirts
is truth,
    the cat fur,
       the bed sheets,
           our clenched teeth,
Molly whispers in our head
a meditative melody,
and we’re rollin,'
our infinite eyes
hung together
in widened silence,
enjoying a good lie.
Indigo children
with no words, just hands,
applauding the feeling,
dreading the end.
Time past,
grown up,
we come down
to see that
sober is just
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
We are asking questions
In the ambit of falsity
Where we hear an echo
From the walls
That restricts us to venture
Into the world beyond
Leaving us with unanswered questions
Some replies from a trajectory
Not aligned to us
Creating a conflict
And warring minds
Cannot be at peace
Until we scale the challenges
Created by us
Egeria Litha Jan 2015
Armpits hate aluminum

and vaginas loathe razors

body parts voice themselves

through physical sensations

lymph nodes form pea *****

crying to sweat

vaginas irritated screaming

ingrown hairs and sores

Why can’t we be accepted as we are?

Avoid deodorant

and guarantee that someone

will say,


shave your ***** region

because every girl does it

without asking questions

groom for your man

do him a favor

wild and natural

under the assumption

that it must be tamed

so many women

never ******

but as long as the man

gets his fix

then the job is done

If a girl has ever stuffed her bra

with toilet paper

to make her chest fill out

some deep part of her

will understand what I’m writing about

Ladies... please as a collective,
wash your brain from brain wash
Many women have wrote about the ideal body image, make-up, and more obvious examples of societal brainwash. But there are some trends within women especially in America that most women overlook. Do you know ***** hair is vital for hygiene and most deodorants carry awful substances that cause cancer? Also, most men have no idea how to pleasure and from what I've seen a lot of women don't care about that. Not cool
Dear soul,

Sorry for all the junk I have fed you with, in all these laboring years, of our pilgrimage.

I want to be a better person; living within the blueprint of my life.
More importantly, I promise to treat you right, by taking the time off, from all that distracts, to be in a sacred moment of communion;
listening tending, nurturing, and planting new seeds of consciousness.

You desire the best out of  me - leading me through the path of life and light, discovering all of me. Help me soul divine, to be align  with the vast ocean of thy wisdom, and the infinite knowledge within
thy breath.

I seek total wholeness, purpose, true satisfaction, and how to live at peace, with all that is around me. I know the journey is long and rough. With you on the wheel, everything is effortless.

Yours sincerely,  
- A. G. McDaniels
Life is effortless when the voice of wisdom is heeded. .- A.G.M
Kaitlyn Jan 2015
i'd like to expand your consciousness
darling tell me how to accomplish this
dwelling in sheer confidence
where existence can't seem to conquer it
a look of pure astonishment
pronouncing every consonant
your words fail to reach my grip
as they melt off your tongue and lips.
Irate Watcher Jan 2015
Wake up vibrations,
stroke us kindly,
we’ll all be one someday,
singularity is just a timepiece.
Gotta sell the diamonds
to calibrate the cogs,
we’re digits livin in
clogged colons.
We cure MONOtony,
with medicinal MONOgamy,
mourning the cut cord of civility.

Oh, how I miss the vibrations
of those tribal jam sessions.
Maybe cause I didn’t record them
with voice memo boxes.
We’re living in boxes.
Driving in boxes.
Working in boxes.
Staring at boxes.
But beauty is roundness.
So help me measure the circumference of your face,
because I can’t tell where it begins and ends.
I will knit you a beenie come winter.
And we’ll skate upon this lake,
willing the ice to break.
Cause we are done being fake.
We are done telling people
where they should skate.
We are holding her hand
and his hand
and our own hand
when we hold hands.
Black Red White Yellow
they are all hands
with the power
to give and to take,
not just orate.
So give the politicians
the *******
and then join hands
break down rectangular gates.
Then, meditate.
We will wait for utopia,
but we won’t stand for things being the same.
And come spring when we re-awake,
we'll draw up a new constitution for
a consciousness revolution.
Let's start the year anew.
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