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Chloe Chapman Mar 2017
Do you think it hurts,
When fresh buds burst from dark earth?
What beautiful pain.
The Pain of New Life - part one
Haiku series
Kathleen Dec 2016
The pipes are knocking in the walls; groaning and dying.
You roll to the other side of the bed.
I roll out of bed and put a *** on.
The lights outside are strewn in no particular order and just on the door;
as if to say 'we tried'.
We try until the pipes burst.
We try until the coffee runs out.

I let skynet tell me the news brief and sit here.
I could be studying a way out of here.
But I don't go in until after noon.
I make another cup of coffee.
Listen to Teagan and Sara.
Look at ways to **** time...

The pipes haven't burst yet, but they're still knocking in the walls.
Rachel Sterling Oct 2016
I got butterflies hearing it
You got drunk and told me in a smokey bar
Earnestly, clumsily, but in the dearest way
You don't remember
You weren't quite ready
It wasn't how you wanted to do it

So we pretend you haven't told me yet.

I've wanted to tell you in so many smokey bars
On street corners when we're walking
In bed in the early morning
In the shower, suds covered, soaked and laughing
In my kitchen, dancing and spinning me around
On grocery trips and in speeding cars.

You haven't told me yet
But I'm bursting to tell you again
Elioinai Sep 2016
those who see the light most clearly
have seen the dark more dreary
than those who walk a middle road
But we all know this
Rachel Hanna Aug 2016
when  i a m alone-
i start to paint
with blacks and blues
gloomy greys.
i paint a  picture of
and when i a m done,
and the
is bursting
i cut it away-
cover it up.
and i stand
at the mineral white
slightly faint.
YieShawn Scutt Jun 2016
I hate how even when you walk away
When you tune it out
When you count black sheep all day
The pain is still there to stay
You try so hard not to let these voices lead you astray
Trying so hard You've lead yourself into a pit
You made this pit out of anger, frustration, sorrow, jealousy, and pain in their purest forms
Because in this hole that's all that seems to fit
Once inside this hole there's no way out
No instruction kit
You begin to hallucinate
As if dreaming your way out of it will change your fate
You'd die for a key to open that gate
but instead...
You're stuck here
in this pit
And nobody gives a ****
because your just another *******
antxthesis Feb 2016
I'm loaded
I've locked and stored everything inside.
But the walls are beginning to break:
Bang! against my mouth,
Bang!  against my heart
Bang! against my fists,
Bang! I'm falling apart.

I'm so heavy,
I've locked and stored it all inside,
My feet are heavy, and I'm playing tug and war
to keep these walls from falling apart,
but they're halfway down:
****! I'm getting weak
****! I can't lift my feet
****! I'm starting to fall
****! is this it?

I have been burdened
I've manufacturing bottles
and using my feelings as its fluid for too long
But the walls are shaking,
and they're finally down:
Boom! did you hear that sound?
Boom! that's the sound of anger, roaring
Boom! I've cause an explosion
Boom! I am scary now, I finally burst.
alvin guanlao Dec 2015
You just don't care who might get hurt
or be stained from all the blood and dirt
make way for your monster's birth
threshold limit was reached and so you burst

A new feeling, this is a first
too much energy but can't feel any thirst
you shot friendly fires and so you are cursed
by the people you love but still you burst
sometimes for no particular reason, you just want to burst.
Maxwell Oct 2015
Green-eyed demon telling me to burst
for it's not me and will never be
it's not me you will ever love
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