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Poetic T Feb 2019
When I breath your moment,
                       a reflection wonders on
the pools of my sight...

And I drown beautifully within you..

And as I sink,
                      I see every moment we
                      we have swam together..

And even though I hold no breath,

I hold every second of us and

as I sink,  I live a lifetime beneath the
creat of a wave

                 and we wash up on the shores of each other...
Uvuyo Feb 2019
Climbing those stairs to find you there, facing my fears with an inch of my insecurities. Pain doesn’t seem so bad when I’m with you, it’s sting lies beneath our skin like sweat from being at the third heaven. Dreams smell like colors of purple, red, & orange glazed over your body, the night isn’t as dark when you’re present because the moon is in the foreground of your face behind those pupils are memories of us I wish to relive not because we won’t share anymore but because love is too great a thought to forget. Mystery yielding.  Frightened, illuminated, reborn, strengthened, trust (My First) I hoped to be protected by you like my father would have or maybe cherished like my brother did. But you gave me something else, poetry that was for me. Not the girl in the corner that knows she’s loved but me the one who sometimes doesn’t believe that I am. I hold onto your words like she held the hem of His garment but in this case He makes us whole. I feared you not because I thought you would harm me but because I knew I could fall in your arms and you’d catch me here I am thinking you’re not capable but somehow the pain of the past life dwindles in your eyes as I tilt my head back to see that smile, it pours in me like water from a well, washing the hurt with a stare. that God formed in you as a child. I know you’ve been seen as less than by those who wish they had what you possess,
I don’t see you as less than or too much of, but just enough to quench this sojourner’s search for truth, kind to the eyes is your countenance pure is your beat. Shoulder to the heat, ear to the street frightened to become one of them. Pursuing me with fear that I’ll leave not believing the trees are green breath escapes the one who runs too far, let curiosity be your bed and drape your body with this nitted blanket of affirmations from me to you. That was created by pieces of your heart. No I have not seen what you have but I have lived my struggle to the fullest and now I’m ready to embrace lit rooms with echos of your voice contorting my body to it’s tone moving this dancers hips to a tune she’s not familiar with, but then again danger seems safe with you. So I am safe with you
We aren’t apples and oranges we are the seeds of Him to be watered by hurt, disappointment, rejection, and love because when we blossom we will be a manifestation of HIS creation not a product of their discrimination.
Broadsky Jan 2019
Accepting the fact that this isn't love just appreciation honestly kills me. You say I'm your sunset, but I'm really just your breath when it's cold out.
October 30, 2014
She is in my breath of words so often
That just to speak is to feel kissed by her,
To have my discontented voice soften,
As the gentle kiss of a whisperer.

She so inhabits each letter I write,
That I dwell in them as they are spoken,
So each poem is her inhaled delight,
Said aloud is her kiss for the broken.

The poems from her spirit emanate,
My pen is the instrument of her heart,
Each word is a moment to osculate,
Breathing in her kiss as the words depart.

I send out poetry with emphasis
On the words she breathed deep into my lungs,
Planted on my lips with her passion’s kiss,
Words she inspires play between our tongues.
Instagram @insightshurt
Buy "Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life" at
Tiger Striped Nov 2019
This existence is but a breath
vapor drifting past the lips of
a Secret kept obstructed,
eclipsed by perennial paradigms
mutinous Mobs snuffed
out by the wind
a broken Hourglass, the
Sand seeping through the
cracks in the door
the Dust on the floor,
flattened by footprints beyond
a Conflagration quenched as
soon as it catches
by the swelling tides of time.
Whether we're cursed or
self-destructive, our
affinity for chaos will
unravel our transcendent, twisted cataclysm before
we ever know our
beginnings and endings.
marianne Jan 2019
Sometimes I am ether.
Sometimes I am aria in full voice,
focussed breath from deep within, no, deeper—
from the centre of creation itself—
my truest self expressed,
I am full to bursting.
Then, transformed again,
as surely as night follows day
I am ether and together we are the breath
of everything, rolling through mighty lungs
in symphony with the stars.
Me, then we,
always breath.
not separate
I went to the canyon
To see the sights
To read the writes
To meet the heights
The heights were high
The lows were right
But something didn’t click

The tears didn’t run
The breath wasn’t taken
Yeah it was cool but I’m not mistaken
I wanted to be blown off that cliff
But the wind fell short, the air was stiff

Never have I met my sense of awe
I hope we’ll meet someday
I’m holding out hope that I find my strike
That I’ll be blown away
I was trying a new style with this one. It’s more rhyme oriented. This one might seem stiff but I’ll get more comfortable with it. I want to diversity my poetry a little bit.
Chris Jan 2019
Repeat, repeat, repeat, the river flows,
following the beat.
The drum, the drum the flesh of life,
The skin over it breath of light,
Repeat, repeat, repeat, the river flows still,
following the beat.
The crash the bass the rhythm calls,
It's beating still withing the walls.
Retreat, retreat , retreat, the river dries,
when you're beneath.
The gun, the sword the gleam of knife,
They call and yearn for beat of life.
Go down go down go down, the river flows over,
The child will drown.
The face the smell the pain of want,
The world comes close and comes undone
The heart will beat, bleed drop for drop,
The heart will die, the river stop.
Elizabeth Jan 2019
And I felt like running, running so far I lost sight of everyone in my life or soon to be. I couldn’t find anywhere to go, every place so full of memories, every place so full of the depression lingering in my life in moments where I should have been happy or something along those lines. I never knew a happiness where I didn’t feel a sadness along with it too. I sat on the roof only pondering what it meant to be alive. I was told there was a difference between living and being alive but does living mean sunsets and cherry trees? Or happiness on clouds of sunshine? I didn’t know. I didn’t know what it meant to want to get out of bed every morning or ride bicycles through summers filled with faint memorys of people no longer in my life. I wanted to live but I didn’t want to be alive...
What is living?
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