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MisfitOfSociety Apr 2019
You said you would take me higher,
To a place where I don’t feel so low.
You promised me you would deliever
But you only take me lower.

You were my angel.
You bought me up to heaven,
Holding me by the hand.
Then you dropped me back down.
Sending me plummenting into the ground.
I fell into a new low,
From the highest place one could go.

I am digging below rock bottom,
Reaching a new low that I didn’t know I could go.
Lower than low.

This is my new low.
The grave I dug for myself to lie in.
I look more dead than these skeletons
It is too deep for light to enter,
There is no love down here,
Only hate.
Erian Rose Apr 2019
Catch me
If you can
But I'll still hit
Rock bottom
When it ends
Megan H Feb 2019
I looked at the world around me,
I could see the future clearly,
So perfectly laid out.
I would be successful,
I wouldn't be alone.

I knew I had to jump,
Had to fall.
So I picked the deepest ocean I could find,
And I dove in
Thinking it would be easy to swim back up.

When I hit the rock bottom,
The last thing I saw-
Millions of people just like me,
Drowning and clawing towards the sky
For just one more feeling of life.

And even though we were together,
I had never felt more alone.
Homer Custodio Feb 2019
I have already forgotten you.
I am a fool if I say that
I still love you,
You no longer matter to me
It's impossible that
I always remember our times together
I am already moving on;
It is a great lie when I say
I still miss you badly.
I must tell you what's in my heart.
Reverse Poem
mc ish Feb 2019
i will lay back and look up to see rock bottom
i will pretend it doesn't hurt to stay alive
i will be on time
i will not return myself to sender no matter how many times i address the envelope
i can't
i won't
i will pretend i feel the things i should
happiness to see my favorite heart
anger at the news
joy to eat what used to taste like anything
anxiety to look him in the eyes
and imagine the future i used to think id have
disgust at my dissection specimen
i will not wish to be lying there in its place
looking up to see rock bottom
She Writes Jan 2019
I welcome the familiarity of rock bottom
I have laid my head here many of night
Looking up from the depths feels safe
I cannot fall further
When I have already hit the bottom
Here I am safe, here I am home
Jason Drury Dec 2018
Make no mistake,
you reveal yourself at the bottom.
It's dark and cold,
your pale with black hair,
And **** yellow eyes.

You float,
in your prison.
Void of breath,
and golden rays.
Bringing life,
and color.  

You’ve hit bottom.

Below this,
you feel helpless.
As a trapped animal
waiting to die.

The weight I carry,
was all for you.
Now you left me,
at sea.
I’ve drowned,
months ago.

In 2018, I hit bottom.

Below this…
Glass like,
motivation shatters.
Further you fall,
into darkness.
Your voice,
no longer ripples.
Let it take you.

How much further?

With struggle,
I can’t sink like a stone.
There are souls,
who need me.
Your hand pulls,
me down, it's heavy.
I kick you,
I punch you,
I struggle,
to let you go.
Your grip is,
loose and careless.
Like the past three years.

With a swift kick,
I am free.




Riley Cartwright Dec 2018
I'm Scared Of Burning
I'm Scared Of Drowning
I'm Scared Of Soaring Too High
I'm Scared Of Hitting Rock Bottom
I'm Scared Of Life
Marya123 Nov 2018
Each time that I assume
I've reached life's rock bottom
I discover new depths
With each hopeless problem
I sink once more, further
With each soul-crushing blow
Can someone hear my voice?
I'm suffocating below.
When will it ever stop?
I'm so done with it all
When I try to stand still
I continue to fall.
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2018
When the night bottoms out
painting in a chiaroscuro.
See the world in the painted glow
before it’s toned down
back into the shadow!
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