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Miss Clofullia Aug 2015
as far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a poet,
just didn’t have the words for it.

**** Facebook people are out to get me
I can’t crack any of my “yo’ momma” jokes
I cannot land any ***** **** pictures on my friends’ walls..
and right now they’re tryin’ to ******’ make me change my name!
the alternative would be for me to scram,
but i am not a fast runner.

like a big fat wizard of wOrdZ King Kong, I’ll climb
office buildings, with a ******* each arm,
only to scream out: “Made it, Ma! Top of the world!”.
not sure why I needed to get here.
you all can see me, right?

life should be as Robert put it: “Better to be king for a night, than schmuck for a lifetime!”
I’m still waiting for that special night.
I think everyone should live like this! For that “one night”.
that would certainly make the commies smile.
they’d form a queue, hoping they’ll have another chance to a fresh night of
I believe ****!

I hate to say this, but this race is getting to me.
I think I’m getting the fear.
yeah.. really! sometimes, I get the feeling that I’m gonna die right at the next curve,
and my fear pushes me to push the pedal to the metal.

you know what they say: “Death’s forty minutes away. I’ll be there in ten”.
or was it thirty?
never mind!.. I’ll be there in ten!

today, my space friend told me about the #FuckTheMan movement.
I found it to be very static..
despite the authority defying mumbo jumbo.
I told him that I’m gonna use it in one of my poems and
pretend that I’m smart.

I don’t think he believes (in) me anymore.
I’m lying right now.

Derrick Feinman Jul 2015
Power corrupts so
If you're God's agent on Earth
We must demand proof.

Everybody lies
But why's it inscrutable
When one "speaks for God?"

Write a science book,
With facts unknown if you have
Omniscient source.

If not, go away!
Why believe you; not others?
There's motive to lie.
Meg Howell Apr 2015
With every pressing question
my heart seems to leap out of the confined bounds of my body
So many things to ask,
So little courage to ask them,
I now see why curiosity killed the cat
Someone once told me that life is too short to refrain from asking questions. That inspired me. It's time to live life a little bit more adventurous and stop worrying about the what-ifs. Be straightforward, ask questions, challenge the normals of society, stand out.
Brittany Wynn Mar 2015
We scuffed across the wide sidewalks, 3 AM *****
persuading us the dim-lit bridge wouldn’t fall away beneath
our curiosity to see the university’s emptiness, content
in August’s stagnancy. I tried to picture thousands of strangers
walking different paths to reach their point B,
but soon we stepped off yellow-toned brick and I saw hippies
laying on the ground outside a pub, smoking joints.
One woman with hip-length dreads, her face as wrinkled
as crumpled love letters hidden behind my dresser, pointed
and said, You’ll forget yourself some day.

Months later, I blinked awake in the tank as dawn crept
through my cell bars, quietly, like the disappointment on my birthdays
or Mom’s sighs when she browsed the mail for child support checks
never sent by my train-wreck, truck deck loving old man
who ****** me off when I mistook him for that self-righteous cop
hell-bent on teaching me a lesson of respect.
He had that patronizing presence, and it blinded me with magma
rage I felt in my arms, through my knuckles, right to his rib cage.
I still don’t remember the way back to that dingy pub.
Lisa Neu Feb 2015
Jump when I say, “jump.”
Why not?
I’ll jump when I’m ready.
No, jump now. I said, “jump.”
I said, “jump.”
I know you did.
Then do it.
I said I’ll jump when I’m ready.
You’re fired.
I know.
Jump already.
When I’m ready.
The time had come, and she jumped.
You jumped.
I know.
You asked me to, and I was ready.
I don’t understand.
Oh, well.
Dhaye Margaux Jan 2015
You are a king and you have your own kingdom
I am a queen, and I have my own realm
We both have our own rules, our codes in time
I will never follow yours but mine
You have limitations...
Sophie Coleman Jan 2015
come on
let's leave this town behind
slip away into the night
we'll catch the first train
to anywhere
or at least
to the end of the line
let's leave all the traces
all the ghosts
of who we were
our bags on our shoulders
an adventure
late night diners
neon signs
loving ruthlessly and
not asking for forgiveness
let's question authority
question ourselves
question the universe
our minds in the clouds
searching for all the anwsers
we're young souls;
and the dark sky is calling
our names
Hi this is my first official poem!!!
Sam Knaus Dec 2014
I've written enough poems
about broken promises
shattered resolve, empty chances and
regrets beating at the back of my brain
with a baseball bat...
but not often have I written a poem
about my ability to speak
my ability to not shatter,
but sway resolve
with both a pen and a sword.
I am human,
and while my voice may not be heard
by the whole
I'm running it up the flagpole
to see who salutes
and if nobody does then I'll climb
to the top of this **** building
and scream.
Matt Nov 2014
Women Rising: Five Predictions for Women in the 2012 Workplace

In Society 3.0, Dr. Wilen-Daugenti presents a compelling case for how women’s prospects in business are on the rise. Based on her research at Apollo Research Institute, she predicts that in 2012, women in the workplace will reach the following milestones:

1. More women will become leaders in the workplace.

In 2012, 18 women will be running Fortune 500 companies—the highest number yet. This confirms a rising trend of women’s corporate leadership. The U.S. Government Accountability Office reported that in 2009, 40% of managers in the workforce were women. In 2010, women held 15.7% of board seats at Fortune 500 companies.

2. Women-owned firms will drive job creation and employment.

Women business owners employ 35% more people than all the Fortune 500 companies combined. Women own 10.1 million U.S. firms, employing more than 13 million people and generating $1.9 trillion in sales as of 2008.

3. Women will obtain higher education in greater numbers.

Women now earn more degrees than men, with graduates from all ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups racing past men in rates of completing programs of study. Women aged 25 to 34 are more likely to have a college degree and are more likely than men to go to graduate school. By 2012, women are expected to earn 60% of bachelor’s degrees, 63% of master’s degrees, and 54% of doctoral and professional degrees.
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
We* are all human
Why should we fight for power
when it kills us now?

© Matthew Harlovic
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