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SeaChel Feb 2018
Aquarius Sun
Capricorn Rising
Scorpio Moon
This combination is antagonizing.

Detached all around,
yet intense emotions still rise.
Head and heart always fighting;
there's no compromise.

I can give zero *****
and care more than I should too.
Though ***** me over once and
I'll bid you adieu.

Although it is taxing
I wouldn't change anything at all
This is who I am,
I just have to endure the inner brawl.
Definitely a mixture I would not wish on anyone, but I still love it because it makes me who I am.
The seesawing sun of solipsy,
A satrapy of soliloquy,
Sol was once but now is she,
Sailed off into a darkened sea,
Sith some solitary soiree,
Goodbye my Sirius from Wi!

Oh solely solar solemn stigmata!
Sun’s sobriquet solitaire staccato!
And sonorous salute sonata!
Sing past swaddling clouds of terracotta!
A crucifying crescendo armada!
And endless stars in space of Satá!

Insatiable story of a Son’s redemption,
Who stole away the sins of man’s convention,
A cross and form at right ascension!
The astronomy and mythology of the aforementioned,
Whom but was pierced for our transgression,
The tale that lead to man’s discretion.
A riddle in poetic rhyme.
Cass Jan 2018
I danced with you and forgot all my regrets.
I remember when you cried for me. I remember when they made you cry, and then there was a short circuit, and the light bulb above us exploded.
Then I said, "I wonder how many light bulbs it takes to change a person," and we both laughed.
I still remember all the times you said you were ugly, and how hard I tried to make you believe otherwise.
I love you just the way you are, but you don't see you like I see you.
You shouldn't try so hard to be perfect, perfect should be trying to be you.

You never did believe me tho.
You planted seeds of love in the empty spaces of my well-worn heart,
and my heart told my head "let it grow,"
but my head told my heart "this time, no."
And in the end, we're nothing but space dust drifting across a pale blue dot, trying to find our way back to the stars.
And I saw those starry galaxies in your eyes, so what hope did I ever have?
I'm no astrologist, in fact I'm not much for academics at all,
But I would never tire of studying the chemistry of how you touched my skin
And set fire to my mind
And how
you sat down next to be and I forgot how to breathe,
In which case,
I am the most knowledgeable in my field
Garrett Burger Dec 2017
Provoking change.
The intuition of all of nature
Feeling its presence in the wind,
In the oddly hued shadows
Casting from a direction not yet seen

I could hear the bliss. The happiness in her eyes
As she caressed the passing clouds along her moment,
Caring for the moment like the first steps of her child
The first steps of change
I felt welcomed in her arms

She gave it her all, this was her breath,
Her essence, her meaning

Yearning so passionately for others to understand
And to welcome change
This was her cry for understanding
To open our eyes for possibilities
And to showcase the other side
Of life.

For us to not underestimate size, and ourselves

To question what we thought we knew
About the order of things
And what the power of change
And where it can take us

Live from our soul, live a pure life
True to yourself
And allow,
And inspire
Others to do the same.

Live with meaning. Live your purpose
Written the day of the eclipse, 2017.
This piece really does take me there again
simo Nov 2017
one day, buy art supplies instead of clothes

choose not to trust many of those around you, except for the stars and strangers
love them more than yourself
let yourself feel something else
just for a month

it does not take a year to rewind
only a mindset
it’s all temporary if you want it to be

look at what only you want so see
take your life back and listen
hear the wind
and go with it.
idk anything about astrology but i want you to feel something good for once
Infinity Nov 2017
You are
An astrological being
An astronomical being
A planet
The stars
The universe

You are
The quintessential muse
Confused and utterly beautiful
Utterly dysfunctional in your eternal solitary defense

Do you know?
How gravity gravitates towards you
You are the center
The core
The rock barricading my misery

You are
The Sun
Essential for life to flourish
For temperatures to warm
For flowers to grow to decorate the earth
For trees to grow to clean the air and shade us
From you
For living beings to survive

You are the Sun
Too dangerous to get close to
If we were closer than we were right now
We would burn
The trees would burn
The flowers would burn
The warmth would be heat, and the heat would be deadly

You are the Sun
Essential, as long as you're not close enough to burn

As long as you're not close enough to hurt me.
Heavy Hearted Nov 2017
I am of November's start,
wild woeful, stubborn smart-
fighting life with drugs & art
to withstand urges, here I impart:
As water signs, we all have a sting
Once felt, forward tears we'll bring
each drop a note- a full song to sing
the melody a beautiful & tragic thing,
Music, wisdom, wrath & beauty,
facets of a cosmic duty

drawn in the stars, until they show
all trials of us Scorpio
21 year old Scorpion
Logan Nov 2017
I frequently fall with infatuation
Facing assaults of accounts and allegations
Precursored by overwrought thoughts of the distraught
That they, the piqued and pained, were aware of my plot

Harm I intended, only fuelled by lust
Being insensitive and callous is but a must
For I, the brutish devil who led you astray
Have left you enveloped in utter dismay

I dismantled your faith and replaced it with doubt,
With this symbol of mine that carries much clout,
Leaving my victims mourning in tears
For I have give veracity to their fears
The tears of my prey fabricate a rivers flow
That only I, the acccursed Aquarius may know
Love is complex. You may feel intense passion for someone and confuse that with love. Once you've realized you were not truly in love, your lover may feel betrayed.
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