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Chaz Moore May 2015
Still as blank pages and a pencil
My mind runs like icicles
Drips splat the cold concrete of my heart
Beating beating
A broken clock
As she sways in the warm summer night
On the height of my long cold mirage
what a shame it is
i dont know a ******* thing
about you mama
a request from tali
Desiree Jackson Mar 2015
Love is just a word you can't feel love even tho u thing your in love but your not love is just something you think u feel or no it's what brings you together like.Okay you live your family but like not people that u date unless you are married.
No love
Kurt LaVacque Mar 2015
Next to nowhere
She lays
Still bitten with the rage
Of the still torn pages inside
The left look behind
She saw 12
Hundreds in gathering to see a masterpiece
To see a great feast take place
Inside the belly of the beast we embrace
We brace for
10 until later our velvet skin was torn
It was not a book she was reading
Life admits it to be true
Things only seem
as they seem to you
As they are
As we are
8 left
We read from the dead to find the meaning of life
Still hidden from
Foreign to the match tip burns
Rage to the night
Rage to all the ends of the strings tied to the ropes we bleed from
Free fall to the once forgotten song
We sing
We breathe in again
Within minutes of each other
The numbers fall
6 legs on this chair
Holding each one
Carefully in the air
Not the slightest ripple
From even the slow moving and inconvenient
We all crawl as one
A notebook drawn by the sun
With the letters as colors and pages as numbers
We will all learn to see when it's raining
We will learn to be forgiven
For what has happened
4 steps to the partially broken door hinge
Lay Waste to the less fortunate
For I have come without a hood to cover my ears
Up the elevator we climb
To the tip of the mountain we press
This is not a test
2 questions unanswered
We must learn to run before we crawl
the voices say
To follow your heart
From every beat
And from every start
There will be a finish
A tapered trip to an answer well lived to be heard
Hear all what you want to see like
And say all that you wish to breathe like
Hayley Feb 2015
I can hardly breathe
My eyes are wet
I'm breaking down
How bad can it get?

I've already cried this week
Honestly you can stop
Just shut up
I'm gonna lose it
Rae Harrison Feb 2015
I haven't been saying a whole lot of anything
and anything I have been saying is a whole lot of nothing
my words come out as symbols
and my thoughts pop up as rough drafts
its times like these I think I can't speak
and I cant speak or think at times like these
Isabella Feb 2015
I'm not one to wallow in the depths of my own despair.
What a waste of time,
I'd rather be jumping for joy in the paradise they call life,
such a blessing to live, to be alive
or so they say.
So when you display emotions of comfort or love towards me,
am I wrong in thinking that you are growing fond of me?
That perhaps we could be compatible, jump through life together,
or at least for the foreseeable future?
Was I wrong for mistaking your soft, heart-warming-now-heart-wrenching, messages as a sign that possibly, you were mine?
Then how so, is it, that I turn my back for a second and you're gone?
'There's nothing wrong with you, it's just she is something else'
Oh well, forgive me whilst I weep, forgive me whilst I sleep
the pain away, forgive me, for apparently, I have sinned.
I'm still not one to wallow in the depths of my own despair,
what a waste of time, but time is no longer of the essence, so I shall do as I please, turns out I was wrong.
I always am though.
Vlks Jan 2015
It started out huge
picking my tiny daughter up for school on the first
of many many too many days

She would hop on
sometimes begrudgingly
hopping off always joyfully

But as she has grown
that bus has begun to shrink
and become ever so small

That bus seemed plenty big enough
for her and her giant backpack
her crayons and papers

It seemed to be just right as she
continued to board with her novels
and friends

It seems too small now
Too small to hold her and all of her
dreams and ambitions

I no longer see her on that bus
but walking through some bucolic campus
sitting under shade trees sketching

Or stepping off of a busy curb
over puddles and around cars
on her way to a gallery or show

Yes, that bus has been shrinking
and I can't stop it
but I can marvel at how it has changed
Mohammad Skati Jan 2015
كل الناس اخوتي و اخواتي                                                                                                 اقدم لهم ما استطيع                                                                                                          و لا اترك احدا في الطريق                                                                                                    او جائعا على رصيف ...                                                                                                   ان تشعر بالآخرين                                                                                                           و تساعدهم و تقف معهم                                                                                                     وقت الشدة ...                                                                                                                 اياك ان تترك الناس                                                                                                         في وسط الطريق                                                                                                             فلربما كنت في يوم من الايام                                                                                          في هذا الطريق ...                                                                                                       كن انسانا بأخلاقك و لاتكن                                                                                            ايا كان ...                                                                                                                و سأظل انا فقط كأنسان                                                                                                    و هذا يكفي ....
jennifer ann Jan 2015
i wish i may, i wish i might,
get high as a kite tonight. ♥♡♥♪
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