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Crucifix May 2015
Not everyone needs angels. But I know I need mine.
not everyone needs a savior. But all I have is mine.
Ill never force it on you. Or make you say its true.
Just don't ask me to explain myself. I owe nothing to you.
I believe in equal rights. I also go to church. I believe in contradiction or coincidence or faith.
I believe there are other ways to heaven then what's written on a page.
I have religious beliefs that explain how my brain works.
and personal beliefs that explain how my heart works.
Devin Ortiz May 2015
In my youth
I was quick to anger
and destroy anything,
everything that stood
before me.

The sickness followed me.
Convinced inside, slithered
an evil and cynical mind.
My twisted self was buried
in the depths of me.

Only to feel a lose,
of what was my whole being.
Years longing, craving
the madness.
Tossing and turning
willing to give up all that
I was or would be,
to free this fiendish friend.

No one wants to be
good by nature.
To say I'm human,
then simultaneously
I desire the other side
of the light.

One sided, we are not whole.
It is our duty to consult
both our angels,
and demons.
Lecia Alane May 2015
Who would have thought that hell could be beautiful?
Screams of the fellow ****** bleed into the devilish hymns of the choir,
creating an eerily evocative polyphony
from the lips of those who strip the flesh from our backs and revel in our misery.
The angels of hell smile,
with all the splendor of their former positions and more;
For they are more than angel.
They are imperfect,
and yet so hideously perfect that the mind splinters into shards of stained glass that fall from the cathedral into the pits of hell.
They are Hatred.
They are Anguish.
They are Lust.
They are Greed.
They are Lies.
They are the purest form of every wicked misfortune known to mankind.

They are ethereal; They are macabre;

They are fallen.
Jason Cole May 2015
the glass is half empty
my mind is too full
negativity is all that tempts me
with its downward pull

with broken feathers
i fall from the sky
when it's always cloudy weather
hope is sure to die

once i was lost
broken and dying
now i can be found
fearlessly flying

I'm a saint of the vapor
that's my God-given nature
I'm only here for a season
with my heart, pen, and paper
GaryL did the first two stanzas and I did the second two stanzas. Many thanks to GaryL!
Cat Fiske May 2015
I wrote words
To try and bandage
The broken things.
Things like the mind and soul and hearts,
Of angels that fell apart and wings have given out,
I let the broken wing do its thing,
You can't fix a Devil in disguise,
With words acting like tape and bandages,
And your devil commanded wings
Flew you down corridors of sorrow,
And classroom bullies of depression,
And those heart palpitations,
Was your chest trying to protect you from within,
Not telling you to let the devil in and steal your soul for a mere sanity,
Your not as insane as they come,
Devils and Angels all are one as the same hand,
They have bend dealt and handed out a loaded gun,
And what they chose to do with the gun,
To put it to your temple,
Or to there's over an over again,
Is all in the free will and mind a god from above gave man kind,
The freedom of free mind and thought,
But why are we blind?
We have the right to things other animals have there rights stripped from,
And we do that to other countries, people, and ourselves,
Like a god wrote a bible that is lines in the game telephone,
passed on like dropped calls that still got the message with the little details missing.
Because it was a story to teach you something,
To help you get through a hard time,
But instead we use gods gifts to oppress those around us,
And those around us,
Use it to oppress us,
So my words try to act like bandages,
Like gods did,
But even God couldn't fix the broken things,
because God made the world and left the broken things,
while he rested on the 7th day,
when he could of fixed things.
what would he of changed?
Poem about the bible and gid and stuff
Sa May 2015
your soul
be your own
guardian angel
let the watchful
spirits be free to fly~

After all,
they did good things
to deserve those wings,

not to be tied to you
to look after your sins.
He attacks my friend when he's at his lowest point
using his powers of manipulation
to make my friend play into his game

I'm not just gonna sit around and watch
as my friend gets taken over by his touch

He makes his move out of the blue
using evil superpowers to make my friend turn blue
then my friend, just as he wants it
finishes what he's doing
and steps in the closet

isolated and along
he tells my friend that he is low
lower than all the dogs and the rats and the plants
all in the name of his evil plans

"I will **** you"
he thinks as he whispers
" Perhaps no point in
" and " oh how you miss her "

I have to act fast
there's no time to lose
I put on my friend's favorite shoes
pull a mask for battle over my face
put on my superhero cape
dress in my cloth armor
and make
my way over to him
before it's too late
weapons at my side
in my super toyota I ride
but the parking by his place
is taken outside

So I park down the street

I see his apartment window, he was looking from it
with a frown on his face
he just up and closed it
though he tries to stay hidden to him
he attacks me,
with depressing vibes
that almost make me stop my feet
as I approach
he tries to use my mind
to snap me back into a normal human
he's strong this time

But I lift up the flowing vibes
and redirect them over me
and I fire back with my own
of love and poetry
He does not like that
he does something else inside
I can only imagine,
he took him to hide...

I go upstairs,
cape fluttering behind me
my own vibes off the walls
almost overwhelms me
but I feed off the power
I put out that comes back to me
like a super boost
I know this will help me

I knock on the door.
No answer.
I open the door
to a dark apartment
the only light pouring in
is from a crack in the blinds
I call out his name
he says "I'm in here"
I go in his bedroom
and he's sitting there

"What have you been up to?"
my friend asked me
"Not much," I reply
I just came to see

My friend smiled,
the first punch had been thrown
but it faded fast
as my friend was told
"He's not a real friend
he only wants you around,
just so his world stays the same
no one cares for you
why would anyone care for you
you're just 1 in 6 billion
true love isn't for you
it's for the rich and in power

"Is something wrong" I said
"Oh, I just don't feel up to *****"
he said trying to play it off
He demanded
"Why don't we talk about it"
I said
"Well I don't know why but I'm just feeling down
I was just out there walking around
and now I'm blue"
"Does it feel like your life is through?
are you having thoughts that are down on you?"
I asked, I know well what he's going through
"I've been there bro, I can help you through"

"I don't know" he said and sighed
"I know you're where I was
I can see it in your eye"
"I bet that was a lie"
"Shut up" I snapped
my friend thought that was strange
"Why'd you say that?" he asked
strange and he now wondered what was going on
that was a little too weird to be chance he thought
He smiled,
but he didn't know why
he went into the kitchen to make coffee
I waited right there
I wanted him to know I care,
When he came back he had a cup for me too
I giggled as I sipped
he giggled back and stared
"You know I just thought you lied
right before you said shut up"
he said, sounding perplexed
I said "This might sound strange,
but I knew what was going on."
"So tell me about your depression"
he said
so I told him
and thrashed that evil while I did
cause now he understood it better
"so what do I need to do?"
he asked without a clue
"you need to reject that evil from your mind"
I said, "and you might find,
that I can help you
win this fight."

Suddenly, he thought he had a foreign thought
"That is foreign it is not you
psychology doesn't really have a clue
these things are kinda alive
"YOU WILL DIE" it thundered.
"***** you" he said,
"Get out of my head"
To think it'd be for you I would have bled"
he understood now,
and it departed from him.
But it did not leave.

Now floating in the room
between realities
it loomed
"You might be able to get me out of your head"
it lead, "But you'll never know how to hurt me or keep me away!"
My friend heard this and was dismayed.
it went over and knocked a photo of something he liked off it's place,
It was at that moment I projected myself
cape mask and utility belt
in mental space
at him full speed
but he summoned a ball of dark energy and hit me in the head,
for a moment i felt powerless and knocked back instead,
"I wil haunt your friend until he is dead,"
suddenly I saw him next to him, trying to get back in
"you see, it's really hopeless, this is your life from now on,"
then he made him think of suicide,
he looked at me, and said "this is your fault,"
"if you hadn't interfered, he wouldn't have killed himself,"
I had to act fast, because he had manifested a knife by his side
but the thoughts in that ball had me weakened,
dizzy and off aim I still sped,
one more moment he'd be in his head,
but he was distracted by the victory he was sure was his,
I threw my fists out,
and flew at him despite doubt
and knocked him back
he'd bleed if he'd bleed
My friend had the knife over his wrist
He didn't see me turn the fight around
"just one little slip" the spirit said
I told him not to be so drastic he was with a friend,
he put it down
but the spirit approached him again,
this time I punched him back with both fists at full speed,
He opened up a portal and said one last line
"I'll be back to torment you, you'll lose next time"
"Go ahead come back cause any time
I'll defeat you again, once, everytime"
I shouted with authority as he fled
Me and my friend went out and got ice cream



















While walking behind him at the cremee stand at the waterfront,
he turned to say something to me, and turned away,
when he turned away I saw on his back
for just a moment,
it was either wings or a cape
but either way I wondered
about my own
This details the experience of depression and the way to get rid of it, typically and especially spiritually developed depression, I know this involves in belief in things considered to be myth to understand but I wrote this for my own entertainment and yours and your understanding, as far as I know, this is the best understanding of the "condition" depression I know and treating it like this is actually the best method for dealing with depression I have seen demonstrated
Fayez May 2015

Some want to protect
Who they love
They aspire to greatness
Solely for another.

Remember that after a war
Shields are forgotten
And guardians
Are considered monsters.
Something I feel like should be said to myself personally.
Deon May 2015
Stories were told
Of aliens with wings
And how they flew
In chariots of fire
And how they dressed
Like warriors with swords

These aliens they say
Watch over us all
With strength of giants
And the sword of truth
And eyes that shone
As bright as the moon

These aliens they say
Will keep us from harm
When lost in the dark
They'll show us the way

Their homes I learnt
Is paradise above
And when I die
My zombie they say
To their homes will fly

Where O! where are they now
The aliens with wings
Where are they now
To save us from sin

Angels they say
But for all I know
These aliens with wings
Are nothing but tales
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